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Los Angeles

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Tuesday 7/24/2018: Sneak Peek at a Volatile Week; Full Moon/Eclipse; Mercury Retrograde; the Bottom Line

Today is driven by a righteously opinionated Sagittarius Moon. It went void at 4:22 AM ET and won’t enter the next sign — Capricorn — until 5:49 PM ET. Roll with any twists or flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Consider how you may implement the rose-colored potential of this afternoon’s opposition between Venus (money, women, art, social expression) and Neptune (music, surrender, faith, vision) into your wandering.  Double check everything thrice. Why? Because any day with a strong Neptune increases the potential for confusion, not to mention the other patterns happening this week, as I outlined in the forecast last Friday:

  • On WEDNESDAY at 7:34 AM ET, we’ll have a  square between the Leo Sun (leaders, life force, willpower) and Uranus (disruption, technology, seismic activity, aviation, etc.). Already we are feeling the buzz.
  • On THURSDAY at 1:03 AM ET, Mercury goes retrograde at 23 Leo,  suggesting a review of how we need to think about play, showmanship, creative self-expression, regal pronouncements and entitlements. Watch the headlines over the next few weeks for stubborn and grandiose miscommunication. Don’t believe everything you hear! Mercury turns direct on August 19th at 11 Leo. If you have planets between 11 and 23 Leo — and especially on those exact degrees, you are especially affected by this  Mercury retrograde. Regardless of your own unique horoscope, everyone should BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW! Other general guidelines for surviving Mercury retrogrades may be found here.
  • On FRIDAY, an especially assertive/courageous or simply combative opposition between Mars in rebel Aquarius and the regal Leo Sun, exact at 1:14 AM ET
  • On FRIDAY at 4:20 PM ET, a Full Moon/total lunar eclipse at 4 degrees of Aquarius — opposing the Leo Sun. How will we balance the eclectic needs of the collective vs. the birthright of the individual, hmm?
  • The next exact aspect after the eclipse is a harmony between Venus (money, women, art, social expression and value) and Pluto (power, resources) on FRIDAY at 9:22 PM ET. Venus is in Virgo; Pluto is in  Capricorn. These are Earth Signs — concerned with the material world. Virgo seeks discernment, perfection, cooperation, service, process; Capricorn seeks status, achievement, establishment. I zeroed in on this Venus-Pluto trine when reading Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always in sync Tarot Card of the Week. It challenges us to take serious stock of what we value and how we use it. With Uranus now in Taurus (material comfort and security), we see strong potential for disruption in matters we believed were rock solid. When will that start? I am not certain, but I suspect we will have taken notice by mid-2021, with a whiff of things to come around June 2019.

The Sabian Symbols for Thursday’s eclipse echo a need for focus on the material. For the Sun: “rock formations at the edge of a precipice.” Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee notes that these “large, hard stones…may be teetering…on the brink of a deep fall.” For the Moon: “a council of ancestors called to guide.”  Bovee offers a curious interpretation: “Where do you go when you fall asleep? Into the arms of our ancestors.” Lynda Hill, another Sabian Symbol expert, notes the dichotomy here between the material (rocks) and the spiritual (wisdom of the ancestors/those who have gone before). Hmm. So in order to get out of this material predicament  — i.e., of teetering on the brink  — I reckon we need to tune in to the spiritual, which is exactly what is suggested by so many planets — especially Mars and now Mercury — being retrograde at this time.  This notion was reinforced this morning via the musings of another intuitive friend — sound healer Norma Gentile.   On the subject of abundance, she writes:

My guides have shared with me that we are many, many years away from the unity of consciousness that many people seek. They suggest that what we must first do is enter into the sacred versions of male and female within our polarized reality. Then we will take some time to understand the full spectrum of expressive energies that exist between them as well. The Divine Feminine has been awakening throughout our world for many centuries, and it is only now joined by a consciousness awakening of the Sacred Masculine. Spirit can now begin to flow through all aspects of our world that lie within polarity.

The first motion of this Spiritual flow is to reveal the non-sacred versions of masculine and feminine energies in our world to which we have become accustomed. Then as we sense and see the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine, we choose which to interact with. This choice is made by each of us as individuals, and our choices influence the percentage of sacred and non-sacred energies continue to express out into our shared world.

And, as we are learning, a simple majority does not make the choice go one way or the other. Only when a Golden Mean (3/5ths) of our world’s population chooses the sacred over the profane version of something can we as a planet move fully past that particular choice point. And so it seems we are in the process of endlessly taking a step forward, and then back. Repeating it over and over again until 3/5ths of all the souls within our world agree on that step forward. Then we begin to tackle the next step.

I have the coolest friends.

Other Moon voids this week: THURSDAY 9:41 AM ET until FRIDAY 6:41 AM ET. Well, that’ll make for an interesting first day of Mercury being retrograde.

And now, the news.

UPDATE: Stormy Daniels was served with divorce papers with transiting Mars exactly squaring her 4 Scorpio Moon. Her Moon co-rules her 7th house of partnership and will be affected by this week’s lunar eclipse. We can see the potential for a change in domestic/relationship status. Here is her horoscope.

UPDATE: Geologists are now saying that lava will likely continue to flow from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii “for months to years.” File that under “I told you so,” based on patterns in Hawaii’s horoscope.

RANDOM FUN FACT: in May and June, the NYT and WaPo quoted twice as many Republicans compared to Democrats. Surprised? Perhaps this explains why Democrats are faulted for not having a clear message.

RANDOM USEFUL ANALYSIS: James Hohmann of WaPo’s Daily 202 breaks down the facts about Carter Page and the recently released FISA warrant.

OBLIGATORY CLOSE ON A POSITIVE, LIFE-AFFIRMING TOPIC: “You Should Actually Send That Thank-You Note You’ve Been Meaning to Write,” says the NYT, reflecting the perfect Miss Manners’ potential of today’s Venus in Virgo opposition to blissful Neptune.  The reason people do not follow through on the impulse to express gratitude, says the article, is that “they undervalue  the positive impact they can have on others for a tiny investment of time.”

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all these retrogrades and eclipses mean to you personally, here’s the 411 on scheduling a consultation. To support my tireless efforts to report on the astonishing synchronicity of daily news and planetary patterns, here is the link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. With gratitude.

Which reminds me: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?  is a must-see film — and a beautiful reflection of the potential in Mister Rogers’ horoscope — discussed on Friday. Hope you make time to see it.

Friday 3/30/2018 & the Weekend: Blue Full Moon in Libra; Pope Francis, Roseanne, Sean Penn & Me


The Virgo Moon was void  today until 1:52 PM ET.  Chill, focus on routine and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Once the Moon enters Libra, people-pleasing, fairness and diplomacy in relationship drive the agenda. There are no tough aspects to the Moon today, suggesting an easy flow of action.

Meanwhile, Venus, which refers to social expression, aesthetics and finance, leaves fiery Aries at 12:54 AM ET on SATURDAY. Destination: earthy Taurus, one of the signs Venus rules. For the next few weeks, note how a need for tangible value, comfort and security manifests in the news.  Note that any planet in Taurus can be stubborn and resistant to change. It’s interesting to see how Venus will be in harmony with Mars and Saturn through mid-April. Mars and Saturn in Capricorn are reflecting the heavy militant action potential we’re seeing in the headlines, for better or for worse.

We’ll see some bumps starting in the wee hours on  SATURDAY.  At 3:12 AM ET and 5:22 AM ET, Moon clashes with Mars (action/anger/assertion) and Saturn (control/patriarchy). Emotions will be on the rise and by the time the Moon waxes to its fullness at  8:37 AM ET, the mood may be cranky. What’s it going to be: war or peace?  Guns or butter? Me or us? Action or discussion? These are a few polarities a Libra Full Moon opposing an Aries Sun bring to mind.

With Mercury retrograde meeting up with the Aries Sun on SUNDAY at 1:53 PM ET, the mind may be blinded by a crusading, pioneering, idealistic light. The action potential in the aftermath of this Full Moon is exceptional. We’ll see some of it around the weekly clash between the Moon and heavy hitters Pluto and Uranus, exact early Sunday AM and mid-afternoon, respectively.

Chill during the Moon void on Sunday between 2:29 PM ET and 6:57 PM.

Absolutely no sleeping in on MONDAY. The Moon will be in Scorpio, moving ahead with ruthless depth on its quest for world domination.  The Mars-Saturn meet-up that’s been a galvanizing force for the past couple of weeks will be exact at 11:44 AM ET. Make the most of it in your own personal world.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are “the president of the country” (for the Sun in me-me-me Aries) and “a professor peering over his glasses” (for the Moon in we-we-we Libra). I dunno, what do you think? Brute executive willpower vs.  refined studied knowledge? The links in the last sentence will take you to thoughts from Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee.

Fun fact: when we set the Full Moon chart in Washington DC, most all of the action is happening behind the scenes. Neptune is running wild, as it has been for weeks, suggesting continued fog, scandal and things not being as they seem. The heavy Mars-Saturn meet-up is in the 9th House, suggesting militant action in publishing, foreign affairs, education and higher courts — just to name a few.

You are more personally affected by this Full Moon if you have a planet or angle around 11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Consult your local astrologer for details.

And now, the news.

In the category of disruptive, militant, streamlining in an effort to take control:

  • Any story about the Parkland shooting survivors, who are simply not going away. This week  companies pulled advertising from Fox host Laura Ingraham‘s show. She mocked student David Hogg after he was rejected by several colleges.  I share this story for Avid Readers who may have children receiving college rejection letters this week — it’s the season. Take heart! Your children have bright futures ahead of them, regardless.
  • The ouster of VA head David Shulkin, who responded by penning a scathing op-ed decrying a perceived threat to the agency: privatization. In thinking of a suitable  replacement to run one of the largest and challenged federal agencies, I’m sure the first name that popped into your head was Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, P45’s personal physician. No? You’re in good company. In another scathing op-ed co-penned by a former colleague, Dr. Jackson is criticized for a seemingly-stunning affability and lack of objectivity. And I thought to myself, I bet Dr. Jackson has Moon in Pisces, in touch with Neptune. And in fact, he does! The big windfall opportunity that just landed on his plate is suggested by a spark between transiting Uranus to  his natal Jupiter. Birth data: May 4, 1970 in Levelland, Texas. Fun fact: Stormy Daniels has one of those, too.
  • In Kentucky, lawmakers found a novel way to prevent coal miners with black lung disease  from claiming disability benefits: muzzle certain medical professionals
  • Add the unconventional attractions potential of Wednesday’s meet-up of Venus and Uranus to the streamlining mix and you might be “Scrubbed Clean: Why a Certain Kind of Sex is Disappearing From the Internet.”
  • More on the 2020 U.S. Census: “The Trump Administration’s Plan to Make People Disappear.”
  • In the UK, a man who moved there from Antigua 59 years ago received a letter from the Home Office saying he might be sent home. See? It’s not just the U.S.

UPDATE: Pope Francis. Even in the Afterlife, the population has been streamlined, according to His Holiness — in a recent meeting reported by The Guardian:

During the meeting…the pope [was asked] where “bad souls” go, to which he was quoted as responding: “They are not punished. Those who repent obtain God’s forgiveness and take their place among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. A hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of sinning souls exists.”

No Hell? Wow! That’s a shock — with likely more to come this year, as transiting Uranus hits the  pope’s 0 degree Taurus Midheaven multiple times. What other status quos will he overturn? In his horoscope, we can see that his  Cancer Ascendant and his Capricorn Mercury are being activated by the Mars-Saturn meet-up, as well as tomorrow’s illuminating Full Moon. Whatever he has to say on Easter Sunday should be equally illuminating.  For more on the Pope’s horoscope, click here.


Roseanne Barr is all over the news. The revival of her sitcom — Roseanne — has gotten rave reviews, with initial ratings to match.  What’s going on in her horoscope?  She’s a Scorpio, driven by the Moon in  Gemini, needing to be the cleverest, most intensely entertaining gal in the room, even if what comes out of her mouth is boundary-pushing and sloppy.  It needs to be with her Gemini Moon opposed by Mercury in Sagittarius. Her Scorpio Sun is currently under the expansive potential of Jupiter — soon to hit the top of  her horoscope this fall.  This adds to the bigness she needs to express in everything she is, suggested by her natal Jupiter (in comfort-seeking Taurus) opposing her natal Sun.  Her Ascendant is Aquarius, suggesting a need to be seen as a humanitarian — if perhaps in a somewhat eccentric, detached way.  Militant, explosive, innovative, fanatical and charismatic — an odd mix of the old guard and avant garde —  is suggested in a tense pattern among her Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. Those planets have been or will soon be supercharged by transiting Pluto.  We see the potential for persuasive action and disruption in the recent past, with a tremendous effort required now through 2019 that may be somewhat angst-driven.  We shall see.

UPDATE: Sean Penn, whose horoscope was last covered here in early 2016.  This renegade Leo king (his Leo Sun is conjunct Uranus) is driven by a home/family security-seeking Cancer Moon. The mask he wears is a righteously opinionated, boundary-pushing Sagittarius Ascendant. He needs to be seen that way — big time, with Jupiter sitting right on the Ascendant. His social expression is likely to be perfectionist and intensely empowering (on a good day); wasteful overkill (on a bad one) — suggested by a Venus-Pluto meet-up in Virgo, challenged by Mars. Control and authority is a constant adjustment in matters of walking and talking. Other patterns suggest visionary thinking — for better or for worse.

Why are we talking about his horoscope now? He’s just written a book — and critics agree it’s a mess! “Repellent and stupid on so many levels,” says one. “Sean Penn the novelist must be stopped!” Where do we see this train wreck potential in the horoscope? How about two patterns involving Neptune — one to his Midheaven (reputation/status) and the other to his Ascendant. He needs to be a visionary, but one potential of a heavy Neptune phase is delusion, bewilderment and ego-wipeout. Ouch! Plus, transiting Saturn is opposing his sensitive Cancer Moon.  That can be harsh and isolating. Double ouch!

Hope you’re having a better week than Sean Penn. And that you won’t be hit by debris from a falling Chinese space station. As for me, I’m spending my birthday with my right foot wrapped and on ice. Back in October 2016, on an exact hit to my Ascendant and other planets in my horoscope, I stepped in a pothole and twisted my ankle and knee. With transiting Mars back at the exact same place this week, the foot has flared up — and I’m just not in mood to consult a doctor to see if she thinks it’s a sprain, stress fracture, tight calf muscles or whatever.  Yes, astrology is amazing.

But y’know what would really make my day? Share this forecast with your friends. If they’re not news junkies, or may not be able to appreciate an astrology forecast written at this level of sophistication (see how smart you are?), then please tell them about my consulting services — which are always offered in plain English — none of the astrological jargon used here!  I bet you have at least a dozen friends who would love to understand themselves, their significant others and their children through the astonishingly accurate lens of astrology. I love referrals!  And invitations to teach, speak and/or write about astrology. Finally, consider supporting the work of this blog — about to enter its 10th year of service — by making a contribution to the Cosmic Tip Jar.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I had a blast writing it.

Monday 1/22/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Pulls Focus; Sun-Venus-Uranus in the News

Happy birthday to Aquarius! The Sun entered this airy (mental), fixed (organizing) sign on Friday at 10:10 PM ET.  Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too — and somewhat stubborn in your strategy. Friendships are essential, even if your motto might be “I love you, but don’t take it personally.” If you were born around January 19th – 21st, you’re about to embark on a dynamic period of development. How will you declare your independence — and never mind the disruption of the status quo? Book a consult with your favorite astrologer and make a plan for 2018. These marching orders apply to those born around the 19th -21st of April, August and October, too.

The Moon has been in Pisces since Friday at 3:26 PM ET, needing to go with the flow, possibly in sync with a shimmering ideal. Empathy and compassion reflect Pisces at its finest; escapism — perhaps not so much — especially when the escape route involves alcohol and drugs. FYI, the planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune, which has been traveling through Pisces non-stop since 2012.  It’s about to hit the halfway point of its journey — and perhaps then we will see some action taken on the awareness built over the past six years, e.g., the plethora of stories involving drugs, addiction and people eating Tide pods.

The Pisces Moon goes void with a sigh at 8:13 PM ET tonight (Sunday). Chill and get ready for the Moon to enter Aries at 1:27 AM ET on MONDAY, looking to fire things up. No sleeping in!

The first challenge to the work week kicks in at 8:41 AM ET, when the me-me-me Aries Moon is challenged by patriarchal Saturn in Capricorn. Rise to the occasion and try to put a humanitarian spin on the situation. The rest of the day has an easy flow; can’t say the same about TUESDAY, when the Aries Moon suggests a clash of thought around 10:29 AM ET, followed by a power play around 1:47 PM ET, when the Moon makes its weekly collision with Pluto. A disruption to the status quo is likely around 11:16 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with rebel Uranus (and then goes void until 8:39 AM ET on WEDNESDAY).

Mercury — the way we need to think and communicate — is pulling focus this week. It meets up with Pluto on Wednesday at 3:47 PM ET, an apt time to turn a pen into a sword. Or a word into a machete. Robin Williams was born with Mercury conjunct Pluto, and he was known for his razor-sharp wit. In the news, we can expect headlines involving sharp words, power plays and investigations revealing major dirt. Said dirt may involve publishing, academia and legal eagles, reflected by Mercury harmonizing with expansive Jupiter at 6:28 AM ET on THURSDAY.  On SUNDAY, what is revealed may be even more shocking, as Mercury is challenged by rebel Uranus. Look for themes involving gender benders, technology, astrology and aviation, too.

Also of note this week: Mars, planet of action and aggression leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on FRIDAY at 7:27 AM ET.  In Sagittarius, Mars suggests a need for high-flying and righteously opinionated action, pushing boundaries as it goes. Mars will be in Sagittarius until March 18th. The last time Mars entered Sag was in early March 2016. What will return to the headlines that was initiated back then? Stay tuned.

Other Moon voids this week: Thursday 10:17 PM ET until Friday 12:40 PM; Sunday 5:39 AM ET until 1:57 PM ET. No impulse shopping during those times.

And now, the news.

The Patriots won again — heading for another Superbowl.  Quarterback Tom Brady’s horoscope continues to be hot.


Look, Ma! No government! It’s shut down. Just like that, reflecting the potential for a structural collapse noted here last Wednesday (here is an actual physical reflection of that potential: “Watching A Ridge Slide in Slow Motion, A Town Braces for Disaster”). As I type, “moderates are racing to close a deal” before the start of the work week. And perhaps they will, given the harmony between the flexible Pisces Moon and the ruthlessly effective Scorpio Mars, exact tonight at 8:13 PM ET. I just wonder about that authoritarian advance/wet blanket likely to make headlines in the early morning. Meanwhile, it should surprise no one that the horoscope for the start of the shutdown (12:01 AM on Jan 20th  in Washington DC), had rebel Uranus in a tense aspect with the Midheaven. The shutdown took some media attention away from the hundreds of thousands of women who marched over the weekend, though without any hard aspects among the planets on either day, I have not seen any news of marchers being arrested and/or otherwise harassed.

Here is the official Womens’ March website. Next critical date: November 6th. Are you registered to vote? Do it right here right NOW. Because if you don’t vote, someone else will — and then you will be sorry.

Last week’s exciting and disruptive squares between Uranus to the Sun and Venus were certainly reflected in the story about P45 paying hush money to porn actress/writer/director Stormy Daniels. Surprise — but really, who is shocked?  I read with interest the detailed interview Ms. Daniels gave to In Touch magazine back in 2011. She comes across as friendly, open-minded — detached-yet-curious about the human condition, in a scientific way. “Hmmm,” I thought. “I bet she has Venus in Aquarius — or the Moon and Venus in touch with Uranus.” Guess what? All of the above! Ms. Daniels was born on March 17, 1979 in Baton Rouge, LA. Venus in Aquarius — square to Uranus and probably her Scorpio Moon, too. Her steamy Mars in Pisces is trine to Uranus. Astrology is amazing. Patterns in her horoscope suggest a potential windfall this year…and oh — look — she’s just gone on tour

In other news, have you seen the Google Arts & Culture app — the one that created such a buzz under those Uranus-Sun-Venus patterns? Take a selfie – and let Google match it with a work of art. Does it look like you? Me, neither:

Mrs. Robert Harrison 1886  by John Singer Sargent

Shocking, isn’t it? But here’s what I love about this story:

Though Google introduced the feature last December, it exploded over the weekend, as Twitter and Instagram users shared screen grabs of their best—and often worst—pairings.

Meanwhile, another compelling recent read: Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man’s Fight For Justice by Bill Browder.  He was the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act — perhaps you have heard of it? Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer/auditor who worked for Mr. Browder.  He is the victim in  the murder part of Browder’s book. A former hedge fund manager, Mr. Browder is now a “full-time human rights activist.” Born on April 23, 1964 in Chicago, he is a Taurus with Moon in either late Virgo or early Libra. He has Mars at 19 Aries, suggesting a need to be a crusading pioneer. Of course he’d be the first Westerner to invest in Russia when the opportunity arose.  A strong Aries statement needs to be fearless and courageous, often on the side of the underdog.

Mr. Browder’s  Mars-in-Aries was triggered by Uranus in 2015, right when Red Notice was published. Uranus with Mars suggests risky action — and one might argue that going on a book tour and matter-of-factly declaring yourself  Vladimir Putin’s #1 enemy carries a bit of risk. Last year and continuing through 2018, Mr. Browder’s Mars will be supercharged by transiting Pluto, suggesting a greater need for persuasive effort. Here he is on C-Span last December, after testifying before Congress. He’s currently working on a movie adaptation of his memoir, so more people will know what happened to Sergei Magnitsky.  Is there anything in the horoscope that would reflect why Mr. Browder is so focused on humanitarian action in Mr. Magnitsky’s name? Sure. Sergei Magnitsky was born on April 8, 1972 in Odessa. His Sun is at 18 Aries, right on Mr. Browder’s Mars.

What connection does your horoscope have with the horoscope of a significant other, child, friend or colleague? Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding the attraction — and how the two of you can function effectively together. Here’s the 411 on consultations designed to help improve relationships.

Hmm…the Moon is void, and still no deal to settle the shutdown…and it seems they have now tabled it until noon tomorrow. But this just ran across my newsfeed, and it’s apt for the ruthless dirt-digging potential of this week’s meet-up of Mercury and Pluto. From Politico“The 270 People Connected to the Russia Probes,”  — one for every electoral college vote needed to win the U.S presidency…

Thank you for reading this forecast.