Happy Pi Day!
The Moon is in Aquarius, driving the day with a need to be appreciated for being unique and of social significance. Arise, go forth and network. I hope your life was relatively unscathed by any downside potential of the advances and cuts reflected by yesterday’s 8:39 AM ET square between Venus (aesthetics) and Saturn (control). For me, my day started with a ugly notice from the co-op board, instructing all residents to remove any decorative item they might have posted on their door, such as a wreath — or in my case, a sparkly plaque that says “Welcome.” Sure it’s a rule that been on the books for years, but it’s never been enforced — until now. Why now? Venus in ungracious Aries square Saturn. It helps to have an astrological perspective on the timing of life events, even the unpleasant ones. Fortunately, the day got better, reflecting the potential of abundance suggested by a harmony between the Sun and expansive Jupiter. Communication was also favored, courtesy of an easy flow among the Moon, Mercury and Venus. How did that go for you?
Today the Moon cruises without interference until 4:53 PM ET, when it connects with Jupiter. Maybe too much of a good thing for some — or an expression of bombast; otherwise Jupiter hits tend to feel good. Think outside the box around 11:34 PM ET, when the Moon will be in harmony with innovative Uranus. After a brief void between 3:32 AM ET and 6:12 AM ET on THURSDAY, Moon enters Pisces, seeking to connect with ideals and impressions. Go with the flow and wrap up your projects for the lunar cycle. We re-set on SATURDAY when the Moon will be new at 9:12 AM ET
Meanwhile, the results of Monday’s poll are in. Thanks to the Avid Readers who unanimously voted to keep covering the never-ending saga of P45. Requests were made for more frequent posts. The tribe has spoken. To support the work, your contributions to my Cosmic Tip Jar are much appreciated — and dare I say inspiring.
And now, the news.
Let’s start with the chart for the P45 Inauguration — first discussed here — and updated many times since. Its unaspected Aquarius Sun suggests an isolated leader — one making a lot of noise but not at all sure how to fit in. Right. I think that’s turning out as expected. As is the continuing manifestation of the unkind cuts and controls against those who are most vulnerable. Yep — that’s Saturn square Venus we are talking about. It’s in the Inaug Chart, too. All driven by a Moon in Scorpio need for control and secrecy, clouded by a Neptune fog.
Transits to this chart suggested dramatic shake-ups last week — and especially around March 7th and March 12th. Why? Because on the 7th, transiting Pluto squared the chart’s Uranus — always a disruptive pattern. And more important, the chart had its third and final square from shockjock Uranus to the chart’s 26 Capricorn Midheaven. Transits to the angles of a chart are usually the most intense and immediate. So it was no surprise at all that the big surprise yesterday was the firing — by a tweet, no less — of Rex Tillerson, now former Secretary of State. Let the record show that one of the last things he said as Secretary of State was that Russia was clearly responsible for the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy and his daughter. BTW, Mr. Tillerson’s Aries Sun is at 3 degrees, meaning he’s been personally impacted by Mercury and Venus at the Aries Point (last week) and will be hit by transiting Mars when it get to 3 Capricorn next week. So add him to Monday’s list of people we’d expect see in the news. Maybe Mr. Tillerson will strike back next week.
P45 has named CIA Director and former Kansas Tea Party Congressman Mike Pompeo to replace Mr. Tillerson. The nomination does need to be approved by Congress — though no one in the press is thinking for one second that it won’t be approved. We have a horoscope with a birth time to review –huzzah. Instantly we can see why he gets along so well with P45. They are cut from similar cloth. Both are Full Moon babies — born after an eclipse. Pompeo’s enterprising Capricorn Sun is driven by a Cancer Moon, seeking emotional and home(land) security. It’s interesting to note Neptune exactly opposing his Taurus Ascendant. He needs to be seen as rock solid and secure. That Neptune placement suggests issues involving clarity in relationships, with a caveat against giving himself away to any significant other. Hmm. Currently, transiting Pluto has been sitting right on his Mercury and Mars, suggesting a need for persuasive communication and forceful action. That started last year and continues through 2018. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn is making the first of three conjunctions to his 8 Capricorn Sun (see how a Saturn transit can manifest as an advance?).
Meanwhile, P45 has nominated Gina Haspel to fill Pompeo’s shoes as the new CIA Director. Ms. Haspel is perhaps best known for overseeing a torture operation in a secret CIA prison in Thailand and then allegedly destroying evidence. Where do we see that potential in her horoscope? Wikipedia gives a birth date of October 1, 1956 — no place or time. If true, that gives her an 8 Libra Sun — exactly squared by transiting Saturn right now — similar to her former boss. (See? Another advance. Stop fearing Saturn!). She also has Mercury at the Aries Point — activated by transiting Mercury, Venus and Mars. See how this works? It should not surprise you to see Venus in regal Leo squared by Saturn in ruthless Scorpio. Venus is also tied to Pluto — and possibly the Moon (Leo or Virgo). This is a suggestion of potential emotional overkill. The most compelling pattern reflecting a life associated with torture/anguish is an exact square between Saturn at the very last degree of Scorpio and Pluto at the very end of Leo. Saturn-Pluto patterns suggest hard, hard work — against a threat of loss.
In other news, thanks to Avid Reader Ellen for bringing my attention to a tweet claiming to have received Stormy Daniels’ birth time — 1:10 AM. What does this add to the initial write-up posted here last month? A 26 Sagittarius Ascendant — with transiting Mars right on it over the weekend (and squaring her 26 Pisces Sun), reflected by her boundary-pushing actions against the NDA she signed in October of 2016. She’s taped an interview with “60 Minutes” which is likely to air. Add her horoscope to other newsmakers affected by transiting Saturn. It’s squaring her Mercury at 8 Aries. In her horoscope, Mercury rules the 7th and 9th houses, which refer to the public, significant others and lawsuits…and broadcasting/publishing, respectively. A serious squeeze and an advance in matters related to how she needs to think and communicate, expressed through these houses.
With respect to P45’s horoscope, we can see the attraction: her Neptune at 20 Sagittarius, entrancing his Gemini Sun and Sag Moon by opposition and conjunction. Plus her Neptune connects with his Nodes. She’s a fantasy to him. Her Uranus is close to the MC/IC axis, shaking up his professional and family status. Ya think? Her Mercury is exactly square his Mercury at 8 Cancer. Yes, I’d say that they are currently at odds in the way they need to think and communicate. And yes, that means his Mercury is also being squeezed by Saturn, only in his horoscope Mercury refers to matters of self-worth, money and love received from others. And that’s going on for him all year. I wish I could say there are bigger challenges in his horoscope, but I’m not quite convinced. Other big hits suggest continued personal recognition — he is who is is, and we’re all going to see it (in April) He is in a phase where I would anticipate risky action in foreign affairs, possibly overindulgent — yet satisfying — perhaps reaching a peak around June 14th, his birthday.
- Conor Lamb may well be the winner in a special election held in Pennsylvania’s 18th District. The Democrat — a former Marine and federal prosecutor — is leading by a razor-slim margin in a district that voted for P45 by 20 points. We won’t know the final tally for several days. He has Sun, Venus and Jupiter affected by transiting Saturn.
- More Saturn-Venus: P45 blocked a $117 billion merger between Qualcomm and Broadcom
- Fertility Clinic Says Failure May Have Damaged Thousands of Eggs and Embryos
- Viola Desmond — a.k.a. Canada’s Rosa Parks — will become the first black person — and the first woman other than a royal — to appear on Canadian currency.
- In China, a woman reporter rolled her eyes and set the internet on fire. Authorities have since ordered her to remove the “Welcome” sign from her front door.
- If you’re a student reading this in school, honor today’s Aquarius Moon; be of social significance and walk outside now.
Thank you for reading — and sharing this forecast. Thank you for supporting this work by contributing to the Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out how patterns involving Mars and Saturn are likely to push you to make an advance or cut, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.