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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 7/8-9/2015: Saturn Goes to the Movies; Mercury in Cancer; Mars Trine Neptune

Headlines….headlines…and more headlines…on a day when the Moon continues its charge through headstrong Aries. Well, I told you on Monday that you would not be bored today.

At 4:16AM ET the me-me-me Aries Moon was challenged by Mars, infusing the morning with an extra dose of caffeine.  It was a bumpy ride for passengers on United Airlines, which grounded flights this morning thanks to a computer (Mercury) glitch. Fiery power plays and/or catharses are possible around 12:44PM ET, when the Moon is squared by Pluto.  Ditto those potential challenges when the history, heritage and family loving Cancer Sun squares the warrior Aries Moon at 4:24PM ET. A shock or other upset to the status quo is likely when the Moon meets up with rebel Uranus at 11:17PM ET.

Meanwhile, mental Mercury is at the Aries Point, about to leave Gemini for Cancer at 2:52PM ET. What is said and thought today has extra prominence. The oil on today’s potentially choppy waters is an easy alignment between Mars and Neptune. The harmony between them offers the potential for peace, spiritual pursuits, charisma and actions based on rose-colored ideals.

Given these planetary patterns, we can expect that when the NYT, writing about today’s debate in the South Carolina House of Representatives on the fate of the Confederate flag says it is “expected to be contentious and emotional,” rest assured that the NYT’s prediction will prove to correct.  It’s fascinating that the debate is happening on the same day that a U.S. court put the final nail in the coffin of the Washington Redskins trademark protection. It’s officially history.

Tomorrow the Moon will be void of course between 9:47AM and 3:49PM ET, facilitating self-absorbed howls of indignation that are likely much ado about nothing. Take care of routine matters during that time and chill if you can. After the void, Moon enters material security-seeking Taurus, slowing down the pace and tempting us to indulge in simple pleasures of the senses…and why not?

And now, the news.

With Saturn now back in Scorpio until September 18th, we expect heavy themes of sex, death and money to return with a vengeance. Following up on yesterday’s revelation about the stunning gender and racial imbalance among  prosecutors in certain states, consider this headline: “Louisiana Prosecutor’s Proud Goal: ‘Kill More People'”.  Did you know that only 1% of all counties in the U.S. were responsible for 50% of all death sentences meted out between 2010 and 2014? I didn’t.  In the linked article you’ll learn about Dale Cox, the prosecutor whose efforts have resulted in more death sentences in his Louisiana parrish per capita than any other county in the U.S. Vengeance is his middle name. And here’s a detailed account of one of his “success” stories, despite the controversy over the evidence presented. If we don’t become aware of these cases, how can we change the system?

Couldn’t find a birth date for Mr. Cox — looks like it might be January of 1948, where we might see in a horoscope a hard and detached social expression suggested by Venus opposing a tortured Saturn-Pluto conjunction in regal Leo.

Contraceptives — another consequence of sexual energy, as well as a battleground topic over the past couple of Saturn in Scorpio years — also made the front page. Women are spending less — a lot less — since the Affordable Care Act required insurers to cover contraception. But as you know from Monday’s forecast, that savings will now likely be charged back to consumers in the form of higher premiums. So women will pay in other ways. Which is awesome news if you happen to own stock in a health insurance company. Meanwhile, Colorado is reporting enormous success as a result of its decision six years ago to offer free contraception to teens and other economically-challenged women. Birth rates and abortion rates have plummeted.

In other news, stories of the past week’s alignments between the Sun and Mars with dreamy/escapist Neptune are reflected in these stories. First, your kids are addicted to those virtual realities they stare at on their screens. What are you going to do about it?

(A pause, while your astrologer considers whether she is going to re-type the rest of today’s lovingly and carefully-crafted forecast, which went into a WordPress black hole when she pressed “Publish” minutes before annihilating Pluto squared the Moon.)

(Still thinking about it, as the me-me-me Aries Moon demands to know what’s in it for her.)

(Concludes that she is too much of a professional to not persevere with her passion,  believing that what needs to be re-typed will be so much fun and enlightening for others to read. How can she not share?)

(Resolves that out of this temporary loss, a plan for advance will be formulated that will allow her to receive as much support from the Universe as she gives. Recognizes that this is the challenge — and gift —  of a heavy Saturn transit in a horoscope.)


Second, in what we might think is intuitively obvious, new research suggests that babies are born spiritual.   How might this impact parents and caretakers whose efforts are more focused on supporting a child’s physical and emotional development? Cue The Police now, please…preceded by a brief, silly bit embodying the seductive allure of a Mars-Neptune alignment.

Speaking of emotional development and Saturn transits, much gratitude to avid reader Diane, whose Facebook rave about Inside Out inspired me to see it over the weekend. The film opened last month, though it seemed like it wasn’t until last weekend that I noticed other raves about it in the mainstream media and on blogs. Makes sense, given certain planetary patterns, but the point I’d rather make is this:  the film is FABULOUS. You MUST see it.

Without giving too much away, it’s about an 11-year-old girl whose mind is run by five emotions: Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. It’s the latter emotion that is most challenging, and it got me thinking that in the language of astrology, Sadness is equated with Saturn. When I tell clients who know just enough about astrology to be dangerous that they’ve got a Saturn transit on the horizon, they are not happy. They would prefer to avoid Saturn at all costs, much as some of the characters in Inside Out want to avoid Sadness. Is this a productive strategy?

Go see this movie. It’s in 3-D, and there’s an equally fabulous animated short about a lonely volcano that precedes the feature attraction.  Bring Kleenex. Then read this piece on how the storyline was developed. Then read this op-ed written by two of the psychologists who served as consultants on the film.  What you learn about Sadness can be applied to your understanding of Saturn in the horoscope.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I’d be delighted if you shared it with your friends.  Meanwhile, if you’re curious to know what Saturn is doing in your own unique horoscope, here’s the 411 on consultations.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 6/29-30/2015: July Fireworks After Busting-Out June

Alllll righty then!

A lot of news to digest today, the start of a holiday week. Today’s Moon is in Sagittarius, potentially lifting spirits and encouraging the expansion of horizons everywhere. Sagittarius is a fire sign, adding to the spark already suggested by Uranus (in Aries) and Venus-Jupiter (in Leo). Plus the Moon is waxing to its fullness on Wednesday, so emotions are likely running high and righteously so. We can expect boundaries to be pushed in opinions, as well as a mood that’s up for a gambol or a gamble until the Moon enters earthy Capricorn on Wednesday at 5:11AM ET. We can also expect a bit of bewilderment or need for an escape as the Moon is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 5:12PM ET.

Meanwhile, get it off your desk today or by 2:18PM ET on Tuesday, which is when the Moon goes void for 15 hours. That is the only void (natural rest period) of note, for those of you who are not on vacation. Friday is a holiday in the U.S., and many have already left the building.

Actually, tomorrow morning features one of those rare patterns often associated with luck and timing: a grand trine. Picture an equilateral triangle involving these three planets: Uranus in Aries, Venus-Jupiter in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius. If you have a planet around 20 degrees of those signs, you are more affected than most.

Other than this Wednesday’s Full Moon, notable planetary patterns include Wednesday morning’s meet-up between Venus and Jupiter, which was discussed last week. Nebulous Neptune is also active, as it makes an easy alignment to the Sun on Wednesday afternoon. This inspired connection can enhance the innovative and expansive ideas I expect to see as the week progresses, as mental Mercury makes easy alignments with Uranus and Jupiter on Thursday and Friday, followed by an idealistic connection with Venus on Saturday.

As we roll into the weekend, I expect power plays, resources and news from the underground to pull focus, as “resistance is futile” Pluto opposes the homeland and security-oriented Cancer Sun. That’s the day Greece reopens its banks. More on Greece in a minute.

This concludes the sneak peek for the week, to be followed by more weeks of dynamic action in the cosmos as we move through July. Stay tuned to this forecast for updates.

And now, the news.

“Boundaries pushed in opinions” and “bewilderment” describe my thoughts as the Supreme Court issues its rulings today. One 5-4 opinion held that a controversial drug (Neptune) used in executions (Saturn now back in Scorpio) was A-OK, despite its horrific malfunction in botched executions last year. When I got to the last paragraph of this article describing a proposed alternative, I nearly spit my coffee all over my keyboard. I wonder if you’ll do the same.

In another 5-4 decision, the Court tossed out the EPA’s recent efforts to limit the amount of pollution generated by coal-fired power plants. Why? Follow the money. But while I may be bewildered by this ruling, consider that over at the Washington Times, this is very good news indeed. Right now, it’s the lead story, replacing an earlier top headline about how the Brady Center — a non-profit advocate for gun control — has been ordered to  pay the legal fees of an ammunition dealer who sells his stock online. The dealer’s name? Lucky Gunner. Seriously.

In other “limitless” rulings, the Supreme Court also ruled that independent panels may draw election district lines, and that states may not require prospective voters to provide proof of citizenship on voter applications, as Arizona and Kansas wished to do. So “limitless” seems to be the theme for the day.

Meanwhile, Greece. I’ve been writing about its horoscope since 2011, which is when disruptive Uranus and corruption-routing Pluto began hammering a number of planets: Venus, Moon, Pluto…and recently Mercury, Saturn (ouch) and the Ascendant. It’s the hits to the 13 Cancer Ascendant that are coinciding with the most dramatic shifts. The final hit of Uranus coincided with the stunning election of Alexis Tsipras, he of the “anti-austerity party”.  The last two hits of Pluto will happen on August 30th and October 20th — should be significant action around then. Pluto transiting the Ascendant usually reflect a transformation of perspective in one’s identity that can be empowering. What is no longer working is purged so that a new form can thrive. A phoenix rising from the ashes is a good Pluto metaphor. Ditching the Euro for the drachma? It would be no surprise at all.

Pride and joy is one potential of the exuberant meet-up between Venus and Jupiter in Leo, as noted last week and in the rainbow-colored photos beaming all over social media. Wretched excess is another, especially in matters of fire, fun, sugar and drama. Will we see a significant story on diabetes, I wonder?

Meanwhile, on Saturday, during a moody bastard Moon in Scorpio, over 400 people attending a music party in Taiwan were hospitalized when they were burned by an explosion of colored fireworks powder; one woman has died. Equally wretched were the comments of the Usual Suspects outraged by Friday’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage — too many to list here.

If I were writing this during a moody bastard Scorpio Moon, I might say something catty about Bristol Palin’s latest wretched excess. Ms. Palin, who is best known for being a single mom who scored an awesome gig as a highly-paid ambassador for abstinence, announced that she is pregnant again — weeks after breaking off yet another engagement. But rather than be catty, I’m linking  a thoughtful piece from Salon, while noting that over the next several years Ms. Palin could well become the mature spokesperson envisioned therein. Even without an exact birth time we can see that hits from Uranus and Pluto will afford her the opportunity for liberation and empowerment, after a likely period of austerity. Kinda like Greece.

Since I’ve been writing this forecast, I swear six ambulances and fire trucks have passed by my building, with sirens at full blast. Seven…make it eight…oh, and choppers, too. And now police yelling “get down on the ground!” as mothers push strollers on the sidewalk. Just another day in New York. It occurs to me now that both Saturn (control) and Pluto (power) are running wild in the cosmos, today. Add those to the rising fiery emotions and the bewilderment of Moon challenged by Neptune…be prudent in your otherwise exultant state today.

Aren’t you dying to know what all this planetary activity suggests in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. I guarantee you will find our discussion meaningful and enlightening.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the “busting-out June” reference, if you’re not up to speed on your Rodgers & Hammerstein repertoire.




Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/24/2013: A Dream Home with Moon in Cancer

OK, break’s over. The Moon is fully engaged in Cancer as of 11:36PM ET last night. This suggests a focus on building and maintaining emotional and home security needs: connecting with family, tending to your home and whatever else nurtures and nourishes. With Mercury retrograde, a REview of or REconnection with these needs may also be on the table. Dreams may have been especially vibrant upon waking,  courtesy of a lovely connection between the intuitive Moon and nebulous Neptune.

The morning and early afternoon have an easy flow, bathed in a rose-colored glow or fog, courtesy of the alignment between the Sun and Neptune discussed in yesterday’s forecast. By early evening on the East Coast, however, we can expect the weekly jolt, revelation and/or power plays that occurs when the Moon makes contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square. You’ll feel this more personally  if you were born 9-10 days into Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or if you have a planet or angle at 9 degrees of those signs.  Don’t know where your planets are? Well, for heaven’s sake, make an appointment for a personal consultation and find out! Really, there’s too much going on in the cosmos, reflected in world events, to remain clueless about how it is likely to impact YOU.

So…yesterday as you know, the Moon was void of course for 27 hours, and there was a major sports event last night, a.k.a. Game 1 of the World Series. The supposedly red-hot St. Louis Cardinals went up against the Boston Red Sox and the Sox trounced the Cardinals, 8-1. The general rule of Moon voids is that in sports matches, we can expect upsets, twists and outcomes that favor the underdog. Here’s how the game was written up by the New York Times:

BOSTON — Errors, missed pop ups and fat pitches hardly seemed like the Cardinal Way. The St. Louis Cardinals had stormed into the World Series while priding themselves on this ideal of professionalism and strong fundamentals.

It made it all the more surprising when they figuratively tripped over their own feet Wednesday night, falling to the Red Sox, 8-1, in Game 1 of the World Series. Making matters worse, they also lost their star right fielder Carlos Beltran to injury…

Fascinating, isn’t it?

In other news, I’m seeing the disruptive and destructive potential of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, combined with the rarefied artsy-vibe of tomorrow’s Sun-Neptune alignment reflected perfectly in an art exhibition opening today at the Smithsonian called “Damage Control: Art and Destruction Since 1950.” What perfect timing! Meanwhile, Germany is quite upset over a recent report alleging that the U.S. tapped into Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone, and Germany is not alone in its outrage. Given the upsets to the status quo suggested in the U.S. horoscope in mid-2014, it will be interesting to see how stories like these develop over the next year.

Following up on Monday’s forecast, JPMorgan Chase is making headlines as it faces another penalty for “turning a blind eye” to the Ponzi scheme run by its customer, Bernie Madoff. Can we expect another bold action from Chairman & CEO Jamie Dimon, reflecting the high tension happening in his horoscope? His Mars (planet of action) is under pressure from rebel Uranus through February of 2014, along with pressure to his Mercury (mindset, communication) from other planetary patterns. Here’s one possible brilliant maneuver we might see — this one involving taxpayer dollars and the “record fine” allegedly levied against the bank for its mortgage practices leading up to the 2008 financial crisis.

As we approach the fourth exact hit of the Uranus-Pluto square on November 1st, we can expect significant news involving aviation, nuclear energy, seismic events, revolution, transformation and the cosmos, just to name a few keywords associated with Uranus and Pluto. Here’s a story that hit yesterday about the cosmos: the discovery of a galaxy far, far away…

Peace out.

Don’t know where your planets are? Well, for heaven’s sake, make an appointment for a personal consultation and find out! Really, there’s too much going on in the cosmos, reflected in world events, to remain clueless about how it is all likely to impact YOU.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/24/2012: More Real and Unreal

Interesting patterns today. Moon is in Pisces, as of 7AM ET, where it soon met up with nebulous Neptune, suggesting a morning tinged with themes of fantasy, illusion, delusion, spirit and other soulful escapes. The Sun and stern Saturn are together in Scorpio, suggesting a serious focus, reach for ambition, consolidation or loss (note that the markets have dropped in recent days). Mercury and Venus are linked in a pattern that suggests a need for idealism; aggressive Mars is in opinionated Sagittarius, challenging bombastic Jupiter in information-junkie Gemini, suggesting actions that may push boundaries.  Looks like a memorable day — and in your own personal world, much can be accomplished if you are working consciously to give tangible form to a dream, especially if you can focus on what is essential. Do not be distracted by tangents.

As I type, Donald Trump is 45 minutes away from making a “big announcement”, allegedly about Barack Obama.Let the record show that  Trump is a Gemini with  Moon in Sagittarius, who therefore needs to tell you his opinion, projected to the public with all the regal entitlement that a Leo Ascendant can muster. His horoscope is currently influenced by nebulous Neptune opposing the Ascendant, suggesting potential bewilderment, confusion, fantasy or a “savior-victim” complex in matters of relationship and public outreach.

Meanwhile, The Boston Globe is allegedly asking for papers in a certain nasty divorce case to be unsealed, so it can investigate reports that Mitt Romney lied under oath about the value of certain assets, which were reportedly sold at a profit. If you’ve been reading these forecasts for a couple of months, you may recall a post noting that planetary patterns in the last few days leading up to the election are potentially “witchy-bitchy”, with plenty of dirt and elevated emotions for all. Let’s see how these stories develop over the next week…

And now, a positive story of healing accomplished when a man diagnosed with lung cancer focused on essentials. Instead of undergoing chemotherapy, he leaves the United States and goes back to his ancestral home, which just happens to be a Greek island. He does not have chemotherapy. He is fully prepared to die. But he doesn’t. And that was in 1976. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Given the real/unreal potential of a day with heavy themes of control (Saturn) and vision (Neptune), let’s work on manifesting stories like this — and leave the guttersniping to someone else.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/21/2010

Oh, that bewildering Neptune. And that witchy bitchy Venus retrograde in Scorpio dredging up the dreck in relationships — past and present! How else to explain Mrs. Clarence Thomas’s phone call to Professor Anita Hill on Oct 9th asking her to apologize to her husband, the alleged sexual harasser and current Supreme Court Justice. Quick glance at Mrs Thomas’s chart: immediately we see she may be prone to idealism (Sun in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, trine to Neptune), with likely obsessive tendencies resulting from stressful connections between aggressive Mars and delusional Neptune, and mental Mercury and ruthless Pluto (“sexuality, illusion, fantasy and deceit can be played out; may be driven to focus on the unknown, unconscious or subconscious; can be cunning persuasive and manipulative through use of communication and information”). Mrs. Thomas was driven (check her transits) to place a phone call to Professor Hill on a day marked by a stressful contact between Mercury (mind) and expansive Jupiter —  “grandiose thinking; opinionation and bias; driven by belief systems, religious concepts, philosophical ideology; idealism” — and Venus (women) had just gone retrograde EXACTLY on her husband’s Midheaven, which represents his public career status! Yes, nebulous Neptune is currently “hot” in all three charts: the Thomases and Professor Hill — and in the case of Clarence Thomas, we see his Sun (life force), Venus (women, social expression) and Mercury (mind) all under pressure from the Big T-Square Party, especially ruthless Pluto.  Fellow astrologers — birth data for all three posted below; we could talk for hours about these charts. Dear civilians, I’ll now move on to the moment you’ve been waiting for:

Moon is still in impulsive, start-it-yesterday Aries, inspiring you to push ahead. And push ahead you must, while the Moon is still waxing full. Note a possible clash between boundless enthusiasm and a lump of coal in the early part of the day — work through it, if you must. Note also that we are not out of the weirdness zone yet: Friday we’ll have a Full Moon and nebulous Neptune challenging aggressive Mars. Be mindful of what you put in your system over the next couple of days as your sensitivity to toxins may be higher than usual. This includes people selling snake oil. On the plus side — a charismatic performance might be within reach if it comes from an authentic source.

BIRTH DATA: Mrs. Clarence Thomas Feb 23, 1957, time unknown, likely Omaha, NE; Mr. Clarence Thomas Jun 23 1948, 9PM Pin Point, GA; Professor Anita Hill Jul 30, 1956, time unknown, Tulsa, OK  — acknowledging Ricki Reeves, author of THE QUINDECILE — all quotes above from her superb astrological text on a little-known, but extremely potent aspect

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/18/2010

Creative, inspirational, mystical, healing, transcendental…or bewildering, delusional, escapist, martyred? What will you encounter this week when a Neptunian fog rolls in? Looking at all the action from Neptune this week makes me think of movie CATFISH, which I saw over the weekend. Angela, one of the key players in the movie, seems to be an extraordinary expression of Neptunian energy (see first sentence of this paragraph). I don’t know when Angela was born (CATFISH is a documentary), but I would bet Neptune is very strong in her chart — and she embodies the very best and the very worst possible manifestations of Neptune in our daily lives. CATFISH is not a perfect film, but it’s one of those experiences that likely will stay with you after you leave the theater.

Neptune dissolves whatever it touches. Tangible boundaries vanish into the ether. Under the influence of a strong Neptune transit, we can sometimes feel lost or untethered. Making commitments becomes quite a challenge; going with the flow is often preferable (read the forecast for 10/13/2010 to see if you’re having a Neptune transit to your Sun Sign).When Neptune entered the mental, humanitarian, technology-oriented sign of Aquarius back in 1998, joining revolutionary Uranus, which had entered its home sign in 1995, I thought to myself, “the catch phrase for the next fifteen years is going to be ‘we are all connected'”. Unlike internet, cell phone and GPS tech pioneers like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, however, I never thought much about how to make a fortune exploiting that deductive intuition. We have one more year of Neptune in Aquarius — then we’ll be on to a new catch phrase — stay tuned for updates.

Today Moon is in the watery sign of Pisces, where it needs to work with the intangible: music, spirit, feeling, art. As I type this Mercury (mind, communication, travel) is approaching a lovely connection to — Neptune, which happens to rule Pisces. And Tuesday, the Sun will make that same easy connection. Look for sublime inspiration — in art, music and spirit today, including the spirit of service, faith, hope and charity — that’s the plus side. Even waspish Venus retrograde in Scorpio can be softened under these Neptunian vibes. On the downside — there’s the potential for delusional spin — lies, lies and more lies — watch the headlines, listen to the political debates oh-so-carefully and rely on your own efforts to double check the facts — the media, alas, is likely to be part of the spin.