…and we’re off to the races again.
Driving the action today is the Moon in Libra, where it has been since 8:33PM ET on Sunday. Social graces, rational discourse, fairness, harmony in relationships — along with an abhorrence of conflict — these are a few Libran needs. There are no exact aspects to the Moon during business hours, and that’s generally good for business. The upsets and powers plays suggested by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus do not hit until 6:26AM ET and 8:32PM ET on TUESDAY, respectively.
We have a few planetary wobbles to process this week — i.e., planets that are changing sign or direction. One is Mercury’s ingress into Gemini last night (Sunday) at 7:22PM ET. That may pick up the pace of ideas and communication, as Gemini is a speedy sign, usually engaged in several conversations at once. Mercury in Gemini has a better knack for juggling information than Mercury in other signs.
The second wobble is Neptune, turning retrograde today at 4:43PM ET…not to turn direct until November 19th. When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self. Neptune refers to vision, intuition, healing and other intangibles. With Neptune retrograde, look within for the vision you seek. Yes you can save yourself!
In the mundane world, Neptune refers to water, oceans, oil, toxins, snake oil, fantasy and fanatics and spirits of all kinds. News along those lines are likely to pull focus over the next few days. Here are some headlines from past Neptune stationary retrogrades.
The third wobble is Venus, leaving Gemini on Friday and entering Cancer at 3:39PM ET, seeking nurturing and emotional security in social expression. At 0 degrees of Cancer (the Aries Point), we thus expect Venusian concerns, (e.g., women, art, money, social expression) to be prominent. Venus will be meeting up with the Suns of Edward Snowden, Meryl Streep and Elizabeth Warren — let’s see what happens — and let the record show that Elizabeth Warren continues to attract serious attention, as anticipated here several times over the past couple of years.
Also on Friday, we’ll have the second of a series of three challenging aspects between realist Saturn and surrealist Neptune, exact at 11:23PM ET. Last week I mistakenly wrote that this would be the third, but that doesn’t happen until September 10th. Apologies. Meanwhile, I accurately wrote that the headlines in the days leading up to June 17th were likely to be laced with a sense of despair and bewilderment, fortified by the volatile ruthlessness of Mars retrograde in Scorpio. More on that in a minute.
We have two other planetary patterns of note this week. Yesterday Venus was in an easy alliance with rebel Uranus, facilitating innovative and unconventional social expression; on Tuesday the Gemini Sun makes the same easy connection. Reach across the aisle in your networking today and tomorrow — you may find you have more in common than you think.
Your Moon voids — natural breaks in the action which favor taking care of routine matters, while rolling with twists and flakes that may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line — are: Wednesday 3:01AM ET – 9:18AM ET; Friday 9:52AM ET until 9:34PM ET. That’s four days of productivity and a potential early start to the weekend. Just mind the potential wigginess of Saturn’s reality-bending challenge from nebulous Neptune and you should do just fine…unless there’s something afoot that’s specific to your unique horoscope. Consult your local astrologer for details.
And now, the news.
The headlines out of Florida are just absolutely awful, starting with Saturday’s senseless murder of singer Christina Grimmie. This was followed on Sunday by “the worst mass shooting in U.S. history,” in which a very angry man with a handgun and an assault rifle murdered 49 people and wounded dozens of others. How angry was he? Let his ex-wife tell you — and let the record show that her words are clearly suggested by patterns on the day he was born: November 16, 1986. We see Scorpio Sun in an idealistic meet-up with Mercury retrograde, squared by Mars in Aquarius — there’s your potential hot-temper, and that pattern is currently being intensified by rebel Uranus.
Reinforcing that potential is another measurement between Mars and Pluto, suggesting he is likely to be known for a connection with brute force. Over-the-top emotions are suggested by Venus retrograde in Scorpio together with Pluto — this is a challenging aspect for relationships. Transiting Neptune has been squaring his natal Saturn this year — a potential personal reality meltdown and/or feeling victimized….sigh. Enough.
Feels like an apt time to refer back to a post from 2014:
Astrology can identify the potential for great good or evil suggested by a planetary pattern. We can surmise reasons why someone with a disconnected consciousness might choose evil over good. What astrology doesn’t do is answer the bewildering question of WHY anyone who allegedly has a soul and consciousness, as all humans presumably do, has the option of inflicting such damage and pain. Why is there evil in the world?
As it turns out, over the weekend I happened to read Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander. Dr. Alexander was in a coma for seven days and had an amazing out-of-body experience that transformed his life — and just might transform yours, should you read the book. And in the book the question of why there is evil in the world was addressed. And the answer was something like this. Evil exists in places where beings with souls and consciousness are learning the lessons of free will. Earth is one such place. If evil were not an option, we would not be able to make choices and thus learn the lessons required in the laboratory called Planet Earth. There is relatively little evil in the Universe compared to the amount of good, and this is very, very good. And there is probably far more good on this planet than evil — though there have been times when one wonders.
Finally, a tip of the hat to Frank Langella, who won his 4th Tony Award last night. He said this in his acceptance speech, reported by Playbill.
“When I first came to New York in 1960 from school, I consulted an astrologer, who told me my greatest successes would come late in my career. I thought she meant 30. The fact of the matter is there really is no late in an actor’s career, there’s just the journey, and there’s just now.”
Although Frank Langella took a jab at his age when accepting the award for Best Performance – Actor in a Leading Role in a Play for The Father, it is his fourth Tony, having won his first in 1975.”
Patterns in his horoscope in 1973 through 1975 were stellar. Clearly Mr. Langella has experienced other periods of stellar measurements in his horoscope, including now. What’s going on in your horoscope? How is the wiggy Saturn-Neptune square at play in your life? Find out in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411. We will have an excellent discussion together.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with your friends.