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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
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Happy Monday!
A Libra Moon drives the day with a need for fairness and balance. Its weekly clash with Pluto at 12:57 PM, suggests an emotional catharsis or power play, energized by a harmony with action hero Mars at 9:43 PM ET. Moon goes void at 3:02 AM ET on TUESDAY, which is Election Day in the U.S. Its last aspect is a meet up with Venus (women, money, social expression).
Here’s the layout for Tuesday:
- First, we are in the balsamic phase of the lunar cycle, a time for wrapping up projects started on the New Moon of October 8th. Back room meetings and other covert activities reflect the potential of these days with no light reflected by the Moon from the Sun. A “dead” Moon suggests listlessness or restlessness, as we sense something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what.
- A harmony between the Sun and Neptune, exact at 1:41 AM ET, suggests oil poured on troubled waters, healing, pacifism and empathy. That’s the upside. Sample non-political headline: Spanking is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says. Downside: rose-colored glasses bordering on the delusional.
- Voting begins on the East Coast with a void-of-course Libra Moon, increasing the potential for flakes, twists and upsets favoring underdogs until 8:02 AM ET, when the Moon enters Scorpio. A Scorpio Moon is driven by a need for emotional depth, power, control and possibly payback. The disruptive potential is increased by Moon’s weekly clash with rebel technogeek Uranus one minute later, at 8:03 AM ET. What could go wrong? Tech snafus, perhaps. Meanwhile, are we surprised to learn that the weather forecast for Election Day includes thunderstorms and tornadoes on the East Coast? No, we are not. Here’s the forecast for the whole country — get out and vote anyway, as if your life depends on it.
- Uranus makes another dramatic shift at 1:50 PM ET, leaving comfort-seeking Taurus for me-me-me Aries. Uranus, as you know, is retrograde. It turns direct on January 6th, three days after the start of the 116th Congress. Between November 6th and March 6th, Uranus will retrace the steps it made at the last degrees of Aries in March and April 2018. A review of headlines in early spring offer clues to what we’ll see again over the next months; search the archives. In Aries, Uranus brought us the self-driving car, robot warfare, the gig economy, the selfie and any other revolutionary me-me-me idea about being first.
- The Scorpio Moon’s drive for control is aided by a cooperative alignment with Saturn, planet of structure and discipline. Whatever is on your plate for tomorrow, make it so.
Planetary patterns for the rest of the week:
- WEDNESDAY: Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune harmonizes with the Moon at 8:31 AM ET. The New Moon begins at 11:02 AM ET at 15 degrees of Scorpio. Pause; light a candle and make a list of intentions for the next cycle. I am intrigued by the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon: “A girl’s face breaking into a smile.” Sabian Symbol sage Blain Bovee calls it “an image of a sudden shattering of a rigid expression…” conveying many things, e.g., sudden joy, amusement or smug conceit. It suggests a release of tension, a lightening of the mood and a big exhale. Given all the press in the U.S. of how women are likely to decide — and how many are running in — this election, I find it encouraging. Meanwhile, did you know that in Ethiopia, half the cabinet ministers are women, and that last week, a woman was sworn as the first woman Supreme Court chief?
- THURSDAY: The Scorpio Moon goes void on a clash with Mars at 5:42 AM ET, as someone’s Twitter feed is sure to explode. Chill through the six-hour “crisis” and resume focus when Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:59 PM ET, lifting spirits everywhere.
- THURSDAY: Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius at 7:38 AM ET. Jupiter refers to expansion, for better (good fortune, abundance) or worse (bombast, excess). Jupiter rules Sagittarius, sign of righteous opinions and enthusiastic boundary-pushing. Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems (law, education, philosophy, dogma), mass media, horses, professional sports leagues, broad comedy, internationalism, the hip, the liver, the pancreas and more. These are areas in which we will see efforts to push the limits with exuberance or hubris.
- Issues of control that were hot when Saturn was in Sagittarius (December 2014 – December 2017) will be back in the spotlight, big time. Those issues included border control (Saturn refers to limits; Sagittarius refers to foreigners) and control of mass opinion (via mass media), with no small touch of the surreal. The “surreal” was suggested by three hits of Neptune (in Pisces) squaring Saturn. Here’s a recap of that, posted in 2015.
- FRIDAY: Venus trines (harmonizes) with Mars, in effect all week and exact at 10:12 AM ET. We have an opportunity to soften the cranky edginess of Venus being retrograde (the shock of realizing that our social circles and investments may not reflect our true values) through effective action (Mars). In the news, look for harmony between the yin and the yang.
- NEXT FRIDAY: Venus turns direct on the same day that Mercury turns retrograde. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW.
And now, the news.
“Vote your values.” That’s a quote from Oprah Winfrey that made headlines over the weekend, as she went door-to-door in Georgia, campaigning for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. But if you Google “vote your values” you’ll find a slew of organizations — blue and red — using that call to action. Reviewing values — how very Venus retrograde.
It’s a dead Moon. The Sun is trine Neptune. I can’t bear to write another word about a political campaign. I am holding my breath and cautiously optimistic. Tomorrow I’ll be at the polls at 5 AM, serving as a pollworker. It’s something I have within my power to do: help others exercise their right to have a say in how things get done.
Neptune refers to music and idealism. It’s quite prominent in the horoscope of Barbra Streisand, squaring Mars at the Aries Point. That’s one suggestion of enigmatic charisma. It’s a key component in her professional status, as it trines Uranus and Saturn, ruler of her Capricorn Midheaven (career point). Saturn with Uranus suggests a need to reinvent the wheel, blending the best of the old guard with the avant garde. With Saturn at the top of her horoscope and squaring her me-me-me pioneering Aries Ascendant all this year, it’s no surprise to see her back in the public eye, and at the top of her game.
Ms. Streisand is a Taurus with the Sun conjunct Mercury, both of which square the Moon and Pluto in drama queen Leo. Idealism and more star power potential! Those four planets were activated by this summer’s Mars retrograde, Venus retrograde and the July 26th eclipse. Humming in the background is the breakout potential of transiting Uranus on her Sun and Pluto — exact in 2019. That would be an apt time to finish her memoirs, now four years in the writing.
Last week she was a guest on James Corden’s Car Pool Karaoke, belting out tunes and talking up her new album, Walls. That’s the link to the segment, along with other stories from the Good News Network, which is all I’d like to read under current planetary patterns.
Finally, here’s Beth Owls Daughter’s Tarot card for this potent week.
Hopefully there will be more good news in the next forecast. Whatever happens, there is sure to be good news in some part of your life. What’s penciled in to your cosmic calendar? I’d be delighted to give you the 411 in a personal consultation. Here’s how to contact me.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with your friends.
And now, a message from our sponsor:
I actually got into a heated discussion last week with two usually informed adults who insisted that all 435 seats in the House were NOT up for re-election. Wrong! Here’s how to find your polling place and confirm that you are registered to vote.
Good morning from 35,000 feet!
My seat belt is fastened — literally and figuratively speaking. These next couple of weeks should be interesting, as the Chinese might say. As in “interesting times,” and all that.
The work week (Monday) began with the Moon in enterprising Capricorn, facilitating efforts to take care of business — and no whinging, if you please. The earthy, practical drive continues through today (Tuesday), going void on WEDNESDAY at 1:10 PM ET. Moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday at 7:52 PM ET, driving the rest of the week with a need for social significance and networking. You can start the weekend early on FRIDAY, when the Moon goes void….not to enter Pisces until 8:27 AM ET on SATURDAY. Focus on routine concerns during these long voids. Roll with whatever twists and flakes disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, as crises which crop up during voids have a weird way of dissipating once the Moon changes gears into the next sign. Chill!
Notable planetary patterns this week:
- TUESDAY (today): Mars (action, courage, machismo, aggression) squares Uranus (aviation, rebels, technology, innovation, seismic activity) for the third time since May 15th; the second time was August 6th. This third square happens at 7 PM ET. Upside: technological breakthroughs and gender-benders seen in a positive light, e.g. news about Cuba contemplating a new Constitution which would prohibit discrimination based on gender and/or sexual identity. Downside: accidents and other forms of spontaneous combustion; rash/reckless actions; men behaving badly. The potential for “badly” is amplified by Mars about to meet up with the South Node, a point of destruction and toxic release. That happens on Saturday. Meanwhile, note the potential for a power play or emotional catharsis around 9:03 PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto.
- WEDNESDAY: harmony among the Capricorn Moon and the Sun and Mercury in Virgo at 10:20 AM ET and 1:10 PM ET facilitates willful communications of executive authority, possibly blinded by their own idealistic light. Moon clashes with Uranus at 11:35 PM ET — note the potential for shocks and other upsets.
- THURSDAY: A feisty assertion of independence is suggested by a Moon-Mars meet-up at 12:23 AM ET, followed by a stubbornly self-indulgent expression of values around 9:46 AM ET, as the Moon squares Venus in scorekeeper Scorpio. At 9:52 PM ET, idealism crests with prominence, as the Sun and Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) meet up in the last degrees of Virgo, close enough to trigger the Aries Point.
- FRIDAY: Note the potential for an exuberant or excessive surge around 1:13 PM ET, as the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter. In the ensuing Moon void, Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra at 11:40 PM ET. The quest for perfection and exacting detail in thought and communication is replaced with a quest for fairness and balance — at least in theory.
- SATURDAY: Happy Autumnal Equinox! With the start of a new season, the Sun enters the cardinal sign of Libra at 9:55 PM ET. Avid Readers will recall that cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are turning points (that’s what “cardinal” means). And this is why any planet around 0 degrees (the beginning) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn is reflected with prominence. Just to confuse everyone, these four points are collectively known as the Aries Point. We pay attention to the start of a season, as things are about to change, right? Is that why the Wheel of Fortune is Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the week? Well, her cards are always in sync with planetary patterns, doncha’ know. In the news, watch for especially prominent news involving leaders; e.g., CEOs and heads of state.
- SATURDAY: Some of what we read about our dear leaders may be toxic, as Mars meets up with the South Node. And there will be more to come next week, as Mars returns to 4 degrees of Aquarius on September 27th, triggering the total lunar eclipse we had on July 27th. I expect headlines involving a bottleneck of energy released. If you have planets or angles around 4 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you are more affected than most.
- SUNDAY: Emotions are on the rise as the Moon waxes to fullness in Aries on MONDAY at 10:52 PM ET. Meanwhile, gravitas and streamlining in communication and leadership are likely hot topics in the headlines. Why? Because on Sunday at 12:46 PM ET, Mercury will square Saturn (authority, control, patriarchy); next Tuesday the Sun will square the cosmic karma cop. If you have planets or angles around 2-3 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you’re likely to be feeling the squeeze more than most.
Bottom line: at least two weeks of disruptive breakthroughs and revelations, for better or for worse, involving action, aggression and way-too-macho men.
And now, the news.
Hurricane Florence did make landfall 10 miles east of Wilmington, NC — as intuited — and during last Friday’s Moon void. It hit the coastline as a Cat 2, with much less force than feared, though record-breaking rain is doing plenty of damage. Wilmington became an island, completely cut off from access by land. Wow. Meanwhile, another monster storm — Typhoon Mangkhut — landed in the Philippines before heading towards Hong Kong.
Storms, storms and more storms:
- Dianne Feinstein continues to reflect her Moon-in-Gemini’s need to be the smartest kid in the room. For the third time in four years, we’re writing about her making headlines for making sure people know about Certain Information. Here’s a post from 2014 (with a link to her horoscope); here’s one from January of this year. Her Cancer Sun is at the Aries Point, suggesting she is born to prominence. This year she’s been feeling the squeeze of transiting Saturn opposing her Sun, along with the pressure to “change or die,” suggested by a measurement between Pluto (transformation) and her pioneering Aries Ascendant. In February, the Democratic Party declined to support her bid to stay on as the senior senator from California (ouch!), but California voters handed her a victory in the primary anyway. I expect we will see plenty of courage and initiative from DiFi through the year, sparked by a measurement between her Mars and Sun.
- Right now, DiFi is moving heaven and earth to stop Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the new kid on the SCOTUS block. Ever the information junkie, of course she would have a letter from a woman — Christine Blasey Ford — alleging that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her back when they were teens. And now they will both be testifying about it before the Senate — on Monday, during an almost-full Moon in Pisces…void. Hmm. And now there are report that Ms. Ford’s appearance is not confirmed. Well, there is sure to be some empathy, in between the hard-nosed heaviness of aforementioned patterns among Mercury, Sun and Saturn. In Kavanaugh’s horoscope (birth time unknown), we note that transiting Jupiter has moved on to his natal Neptune (as I type!), suggesting an expansion of ideals, faith, spirits of all kinds and scandal.
- Monday’s testimony is just one chapter of the encyclopedia we’re reading for the next few weeks on Men Behaving Badly. Some say boys will be boys and we should forgive them their youthful transgressions. On the other hand, it’s difficult to forgive what has not been acknowledged and owned. Let this compelling essay — “I Believe Her” — spark your next water cooler conversation.
- UPDATE: Paul Manafort continues to feel Saturn’s squeeze all over his horoscope, as anticipated. Last week he copped a plea rather than face a second trial. Not only that, but he’s agreed to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller. Even better: the millions of dollars in assets he will forfeit more than covers the cost of Mueller’s investigation. Now that’s what I call draining the swamp.
- UPDATE: As you know from a recent post, P45’s horoscope suggests that now is the time for close and formerly close associates to tell us what he’s really like — in gory detail. As if Omarosa, Anonymous White House Op-Ed Guy/Gal and Bob Woodward haven’t given us enough disruptive revelations about P45 and his (lack of) administration, here comes Stormy Daniels with the naked truth about his lackluster performance and penchant for cheating. Her book, “Full Disclosure,” will be published next month, further realizing the potential noted in her horoscope earlier this year for hard-nosed thinking, publishing and a potential windfall. Note that her Moon is at 4 degrees of Scorpio and will be affected by transits from Mars and the South Node. Last time this happened (over the summer), she was served with divorce papers.
- In other news, McDonalds’ employees in ten cities are on strike today, protesting the company’s culture of “sexual harassment.”
- Meanwhile, a small town in Missouri will soon have a new newspaper — The Uranus Examiner. The town thinks it’s pretty funny — and it is, in a provocative Mars-square-Uranus way. Though if they spelled Uranus correctly, i.e. “Ouranos” — pronounced Oo–RAH-nos” — perhaps it wouldn’t be the butt of so many jokes. Thanks to Avid Reader Katya for making sure I didn’t miss that one!
- This just in…“Russia Blames Israel After Reconnaissance Plane Downed by Syrian Air Defense.” Also Mars (aggression) square Uranus (aviation, accidents).
- Keep an eye on this reckless act of aggression involving prominent communication: “P45 Orders Russia Investigation Documents Declassified.”
- UPDATE: Hillary Clinton’s Scorpio Sun is being squared by Uranus, suggested a need for greater independence and a potential for disruptive actions and experiences. Last week The Atlantic published her gripping essay, “American Democracy is in Crisis.” Meanwhile, the Texas Board of Education voted to drop Mrs. Clinton from school curriculums, along with Helen Keller. Moses, however, was voted in.
- UPDATE: California continues to live up to this year’s revolutionary potential, noted in prior forecasts. Supercharged by transiting Uranus, it has recently announced plans to launch its own satellite to monitor climate change; ban for-profit charter schools; eliminate cash bail for suspects awaiting trial; and defy the FCC’s anti-net neutrality ruling. We’ll see more more more of that pioneering spirit in the months ahead.
Couldn’t watch the Emmys last night — too busy packing. Did notice that neither Elisabeth Moss nor The Handmaid’s Tale won this year. Ms. Moss’s Leo Sun was eclipsed last month. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all of these planetary patterns mean for you, consider booking a personal consultation. But don’t just take it from me. Take it from Avid Reader Meg, who writes:
“Take a leap and get a reading with Elisabeth. She’s bright, articulate, funny, and sensitive. She knows her stuff. I’ve worked with a good number of astrologers over the past 40 years. I like variety and new perspectives. This was a fresh start for me and right on time. Thank you!” — Meg R.
I am delighted to be of service.
Happy Oscar ™ Sunday!
The Moon has been in Scorpio since early Friday morning, ruthlessly seeking emotional depths, intellectual substance and — no doubt — control. No voids over the weekend suggest you are free to shop without worrying that your impulse purchase will later prove of little use.
The dominant pattern over the past few days is the Sun’s annual meet-up with Neptune, both currently floating through dreamy Pisces. It’s been an excellent weekend for vision, healing, music, spirit, art…as well as rose-colored escapes, delusion, fantasy, drugs and deception. It’s also been grand for catching up on all those movies you’ve been meaning to see in preparation for tonight’s Oscars ™.
Here are some stories from my archives that hit the wires on the Sun-Neptune meet-up in 2014. This batch is from 2015, and includes my all-time favorite, “In Overturning Conviction, Supreme Court Says Fish Are Not Always Tangible”. Coincidence or conspiracy? Neptune refers to fish. And intangibles.
Speaking of the Oscars (c)….
No void tonight suggests diminished prospects of surprise upsets by underdogs. A communicative connection between sober Saturn in righteous Sagittarius and Venus in humanitarian Aquarius suggests minimal fluff. So perhaps The Revenant will win Best Picture, given its Scorpionic theme of retribution. Or Spotlight, for daring to dig up the dirt on a suppressed scandal (Neptune) in the Catholic Church. I appreciated Spotlight much more than The Revenant, which I’m pretty sure ran close to five hours. Dialogue is a big plus in movies, especially if the viewer has Moon in Gemini. But that’s no reason to deprive Leonardo DiCaprio of his Oscar (R), given the current state of his horoscope, which was noted here back in 2014 and again in 2015.
The Big Short also reflects Neptune themes of scandal, smoke and mirrors. Room reflects Neptune themes of victimization and healing. Neptune also reflects rose-colored romance and the American Dream. Brooklyn certainly captured those themes ever-so poignantly — and may be my favorite of this year’s nominees. I hope you get a chance to see it. Yes, I know there are other contenders for Best Picture. No slight intended by not talking about them here.
We do not have birth times for all of the nominated actors and actresses. We do have one for Charlotte Rampling, and it’s no surprise to see transiting Saturn at the top of her horoscope, along with another Saturn measurement at the Aries Point. She needs to be taken seriously as an authority among her peers, and her nomination reflects it. We could see this potential honor coming a mile away — or years ago. Transiting Uranus and Pluto have been supercharging Ms. Rampling’s natal Mars, and this lights up areas in her life relating to performance, personal identity and self worth, with a broad international reach.
We have a birth time for Sylvester Stallone, too. He also has significant measurements happening now at the Aries Point, suggesting significant opportunities for recognition. His 14 degree Cancer Sun was supercharged by Uranus and Pluto in 2014 and 2015.
We do not have a birth time for Jennifer Lawrence, but we can still see that she has an Earth Grand Trine among Mercury, Saturn and Mars. This suggests material self-sufficiency — and some might argue no small amount of luck. Transiting Jupiter has been in contact with this pattern for some months now. Jupiter suggest expansion. Isn’t it interesting that what’s being written about Ms. Lawrence now is how much money she made last year — more than any other actress in Hollywood?
But enough about those Oscar (c) contenders. I’d much rather talk about what’s going on in your horoscope. We will have an excellent discussion about whether you’re at right now and how you can maximize opportunities for growth. If you happen to be in a crisis situation, we’ll be able to put it in perspective by assessing 1) when you were in a similar pattern and how it was resolved and 2) when it is likely to be resolved. This offers much peace of mind! Here’s how to contact me.
No sleeping in on Monday. The Scorpio Moon won’t go void until 2:55PM ET. You can chill out until 6:56PM ET, then lighten up and push boundaries when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Thank you for all the referrals, too — the highest compliment an astrologer can receive, if you ask me.
Today the Moon is in Taurus — as of 5:02AM ET, no doubt ready to methodically organize and consolidate the impassioned idealism or bewilderment that may have captured your attention during yesterday’s long Moon void. Whatever it takes to maintain a sense of comfort and security, have at it, as this sensual Taurus energy is well-supported by expansive Jupiter at 1:01PM ET (a luxurious lunch?), visionary Neptune at 6:54PM ET (catch a concert or a show?) and by the Sun at 10:06PM ET (a snuggle with your sweetie?). Works for me.
The markets were bewildered on Tuesday. Efforts to maintain material security would no doubt be appreciated today.
Overnight, a depth of senses is intensified by an alignment between the Moon and Pluto at 2:50AM ET. If you’re working out some power play or catharsis in your dreams, you may notice a bit of crankiness on Thursday morning, as the immovable Taurus Moon is challenged by the double drama queen potential of Venus and Mars in Leo, at 5:19AM and 8:24AM ET. Those born with planets around 14 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius are more likely to be subjected to that display. For the rest of Thursday, the Moon cruises without impediment in a sign especially designed for practical application of constructive energy. Use it well between now and Friday!
And now, the news.
From the sublime to the ridiculous — as expected, under the influence of Monday’s face-off between Neptune and the Virgo Sun. Neptune suggests bewilderment, rose-colored glasses, vision, healing, spaciness, delusion, refuge and refugees. Throw in yesterday’s hook-up between in-your-face Venus retrograde and Mars in regal Leo, and we could have some surreal drama. Or a major heart-centered (Leo) act of forgiveness (Neptune).
In the case of the latter, Pope Francis instructed priests to forgive women who expressed regret over having an abortion. With this story, we need to consider the added energy of karma cop Saturn, now at the last degree of Scorpio (sex, death, money) until September 17th.
In the case of the former, consider the impassioned woman of faith (Neptune) who has absolutely, positively refused to issue marriage licenses (Venus conjunct Mars) to same-sex couples in Kentucky, despite being expressly ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court to do so. This woman has been married four times — twice to the same man. It’s bewildering, isn’t it? She has been ordered to appear in court on Thursday, with her entire staff. All I know about her is that she is 49 — and thus was born with the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto conjunction in her horoscope. Well, she certainly is a rebel. This case may well be the first of many more challenges we’ll see over the next 12 months of getting real and/or surreal about faith and its role in the law, brought to you by Saturn in (opinionated dogma) Sagittarius (square Neptune and Jupiter).
Neptune refers to fish — including gefilte fish. An email about said stinky fish was one of the biggest highlights in a truckload of emails released this week from Hillary Clinton’s secret stash. Mrs. Clinton is such a Secret Squirrel that we do not even have a confirmed birth time so as to calculate her complete horoscope, but still we can see that the Venus-Mars conjunction at 14 Leo is sitting right on top of her Leo Mars-Pluto conjunction and square her Venus in Scorpio. So we could expect some action in areas related to social expression, provocation and perhaps the exposure of things previously kept under wraps.
Meanwhile, with transiting Saturn still at the top of his horoscope, President Obama is still at the top of his game, as anticipated years ago. Renaming a mountain, declaring climate change an urgent priority and moving in on the Arctic are just a few of the items on his To-Do List this week, as he builds his legacy. How fascinating that “Denali” means “The Great One”.
Elsewhere, Dick Cheney — who is currently experiencing transiting Saturn at the bottom of his chart — is getting press for his new book. Saturn at the bottom of the horoscope suggests a need to shore up one’s foundation. “Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America,” is the title of Mr. Cheney’s opus, in which he “makes the case for a strong national defense”. Or so the book is presented in The Washington Times, one of Justice Antonin Scalia’s two favorite newspapers (the other is the Wall Street Journal). But if you read The Guardian, you’ll be informed that the foundation being shored up is the justification for the use of torture. Which reality do you live in? Where do you get your news?
Let’s see…oh this headline is also in synch with Jupiter in Virgo (workers, union) opposing Neptune (betrayal) mixed with party-hearty Venus-Mars in Leo: Union Accused of Betraying Migrant Carnival Workers. Finally, a carnival of the musical and surreal kind will hit Broadway next year in Spongebob Squarepants: The Musical. With songs by David Bowie, Steven Tyler and Cyndi Lauper — just for starters. I like to end on stories that might make you smile.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Should you wish to express appreciation for the time and energy I put into to making this missive a delight to read, there is a big gold DONATE button on the left hand side of this page, the use of which will help me maintain my stock of midnight oil — yippee!