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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Good Morning!
East Coasters, get it off your desk early. The Virgo Moon goes void at 10:45 AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Libra — until 6:26 PM ET. “Void” refers to the period of time between the last aspect the Moon makes to a planet in one sign and the time the Moon enters the next sign. The last aspect the Virgo Moon will make is a tense square to Saturn at 10:45 AM ET, suggesting a wet blanket on best-laid plans, or perhaps an ambitious advance. Then the Moon drifts — in the way the steel ball in a pinball machine drifts after bounces off its final bumper and then falls down to the bottom of the machine (the drain), ready to be loaded for a fresh round of play. Do you understand this analogy? When was the last time you played a game on a pinball machine?
Moon voids are good times to chill and take care of routine tasks. Roll with whatever twists and flakes disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Avoid impulse shopping. Things that happen during voids are often of little consequence. Give yourself a break if you’re running late.
It’s interesting to have a heavy Moon-Saturn square starting off the week, coming only several hours after an expansive meet-up between Venus and Jupiter. Did you happen to shop yesterday? I swear everyone in my neighborhood was at the local mall — I have never seen it so jammed. And that’s what I ended up indulging in on a day with the ruler of sugar (Venus) expanded by Jupiter: four decadent jars of jam. If I’m filling your Christmas stocking this year, that’s what you’re getting.
Take a minute this week to look up at the sky — Venus together with Jupiter are bright and beautiful. Entities born with Venus conjunct Jupiter include the United States and Louis C.K. The U.S. Venus-Jupiter conjunction is in Cancer, in which both planets function effectively. Cancer concerns include nourishment, home and emotional security. Check — though the U.S. arguably takes that sweetness to excess. That won’t be the case in 2018, when the U.S. Venus and Jupiter are opposed by mean old Saturn. Tighten your belt — and if you are a woman, watch your back.
In C.K.’s horoscope, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is in Leo and Venus is retrograde. Here the excess is on having a royally good time, with “good” defined as plenty of ego recognition. Look at me! Look at me! (let’s not and say we did). With Venus retrograde, however, we see the potential for crossed signals and short circuits in relationship. What Venus retrograde thinks is working just fine, often isn’t working at all for the other party. Note that C.K.’s Venus is at 28 Leo — the degree of August’s Big Fat Solar Eclipse. I’d say that eclipse hit his Venus bigtime.
Meanwhile, the snake oil salesmen have been out in force over the past couple of days, as Mercury (thoughts, communication) and Neptune (fantasy, drugs, escape) build to a challenge at 5:49 PM ET. Lies, lies and more lies…unless you’re an artist or a musician. For you, these past few days — and today — might be exceptionally inspiring for better or for worse. Here I would be thinking of the inspired artist/musician known as “the Lady Gaga of Vietnam,” who was evicted from her home after protesting P45’s visit to her country. Vietnam has had little tolerance for dissidents in recent months.
Still, this start of this week suggests a need for rose-colored aesthetic vision — possibly one with healing power — courtesy of a harmony between Neptune and Venus (art, money, social expression, women), exact on THURSDAY at 10:21 AM ET. More sweet talk about effective action and cooperation as the week progresses, suggested by a harmony between Mars (walking) and Mercury (talking), exact at 9:25 AM ET.
Wrap up projects this week. The New Moon happens on SATURDAY at 6:42 AM ET…at 26 Scorpio, exactly squaring P45’s 26 Leo Mars — and triggering anyone else’s horoscope with planets around 28 Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. On SUNDAY Mars (action) squares Pluto (power). Nothing sweet about that — and we’ll be seeing it the headlines a few days beforehand. Challenging Mars-Pluto patterns often coincide with explosive action of a stereotypical masculine expression.
And now, the news.
Alabama is all over the headlines. Last year, the governor resigned in disgrace (sex scandal). One senator — Jeff Sessions — became the first in Congress to endorse P45’s campaign and is now the U.S. Attorney General with a dubious relationship to truth. He is regularly lampooned on Saturday Night Live, as portrayed by comedienne Kate McKinnon. His appointed replacement in the Senate is Strange — literally — as his name is Luther Strange. But Senator Strange lost a bid to keep his seat, as you may have heard. Republican voters dumped Strange for Roy Moore, an Alabama state supreme court judge who was elected and removed from the bench — twice. Moore is the founder and president of the Foundation for Moral Law, and is currently making headlines for allegedly sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl when he was a district attorney.
I know you must be thinking, “how are these bizarre disruptions reflected in Alabama’s horoscope?” Alabama’s birthdate is December 14, 1819 at 2:14 PM in Huntsville, says Astrotheme. OK, let’s run with it. That makes Alabama a Sagittarius — but not just any Sagittarius. It’s a Sagittarius with the Sun at the infamous 22 degrees — and thus feeling the squeeze of transiting Saturn all this year — as if it needs any more stress than it already has in its horoscope.
We’d expect Alabama to be fiercely independent in ways some might find eccentric (its Sun is conjunct rebel Uranus). We’d expect it to be deeply sensitive — perhaps unsure of itself — and that lack of clarity would likely be baffling to outsiders (Sun is also conjunct nebulous Neptune). Those three planets — Sun, Uranus and Neptune — are all in a tense aspect with a heavy-handed — potentially anguishing meet-up of Saturn (patriarchy; authority) and Pluto (power). How might an entity with these planetary patterns cope with stress? Last year Alabama was called “ground zero” in the national epidemic of prescription drug addiction, where doctors write more scripts for pain killers than in any other state.
We see a need for idealism about social status and structure, suggested by a tight meet-up between Mercury and Venus in Establishment Capricorn. Dreamy, rebellious, suppressed, resilient, brutal; Alabama may be pushing boundaries with that Sagittarius Sun…but minds its manners with that Mercury-Venus in Capricorn.
What drives this complicated state? A need to be seen as an entity of depth and substance, gathering knowledge for the sake of power and control, courtesy of its Scorpio Moon in a charged pattern with expansive Jupiter. There’s a lot in this horoscope that reminds me of patterns in the horoscope of Chelsea Manning. It’s complicated. And assertive, as we see with Alabama’s natal Mars square its 8 degrees Taurus Ascendant. Oh, how Alabama needs to be seen as earthy, practical, comfortable and secure — as a sweet home, indeed. Infrastructure is Alabama’s strongest suit, coming in at #31 compared to the other 50 states. In all other categories, Alabama is #40 or lower.
So. Right this minute today’s Venus-Jupiter meet-up is sitting on Alabama’s Scorpio Descendant. The potential wretched excess of sexual secrets is right in the public’s face. Transiting Saturn is moving away from Alabama’s Sagittarius Sun, but hasn’t finished with Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto. This is tough. This is weird. Transiting Uranus made a disruptive square to Alabama’s 24 Capricorn Midheaven in April, when Robert “luv guv” Bentley finally resigned. A second square happened just days ago; the third will happen in February. So the upsets aren’t over yet for Alabama.
What about your horoscope? Are you having a Saturn squeeze? A disruptive hit from Uranus that has you yearning to break free? Wandering around in a fog? That’s probably a Neptune thing. When will it be over? How can you make a plan for what’s around the corner? That’s how astrologers can be of service. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Cue Lynyrd Skynrd now, please (and check those lyrics).
Big wheels keep on turning
Carry me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the south-land
I miss ‘ole’ ‘bamy once again and I think it’s a sin
Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
Well I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I’m coming home to you
In Birmingham they love the Gov’nor, boo-hoo-hoo
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you, tell the truth
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I’m coming home to you, here I come
Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
And they’ve been known to pick a song or two (yes they do)
Lord they get me off so much
They pick me up when I’m feeling blue, now how bout you?
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I’m coming home to you
Sweet home Alabama, oh sweet home
Where the skies are so blue and the governor’s true
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I’m coming home to you
Written by Edward C. King, Gary Robert Rossington, Ronnie Van Zant • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group
Trick or treat!
How fitting to have a Scorpio Moon on Halloween, daring us to disguise ourselves in our deepest desires. What are you wearing to the office today? The Moon travels without interference all through the day, facilitating your need to consolidate knowledge for the sake of substance, power and control.
Moon goes void at 10:44PM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until 10:43 AM ET on TUESDAY. Use the long void to chill, take care of routine concerns and not freak out over twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
Once in Sagittarius, may we all breathe a sigh of relief after the emotional squeeze of Scorpio. A Sag Moon pushes boundaries with its need for righteous opinion, sometimes comedic and sloppy. On the plus side, it encourages us to broaden our horizons. It also cruises without interference on Tuesday, basking in the lingering rosy glow of a 4:17AM ET alignment between the Sun and Neptune (oil, healing, drugs, scandal, illusion — that’s a partial list) that we’ll see reflected in the news today.
Note your dreams on WEDNESDAY, as the Moon also makes an early AM contact with Neptune. I’ll be looking for a reach of ambition or a wet blanket to hit the headlines around 4PM ET, as the Moon meets up with sobering Saturn, aided and abetted by a dirt-digging alignment between Mercury (information) and Pluto (perspective; power; news from underground) at 1:08AM ET on THURSDAY.
Whatever dirt does emerge, it may well run away with Thursday, given that the Sagittarius Moon will be void between 6:35AM ET and 11:05PM ET. No shopping or signing on the dotted line, unless it is something you view as routine. A proactive, take care of business Capricorn Moon to drive the action on FRIDAY and SATURDAY. By then we should be seeing the reflection of Saturday’s alignment between Venus (women, money, social expression) and Uranus, suggesting unconventional attractions and a humanitarian focus.
If you’d like to know what all this means for your own unique horoscope, considering booking a personal consultation. Special shout-out to Avid Reader Emily, whose feedback prompted me to make it much easier to order the written reports described on this page.
And now, the news.
I saw the controlling and structuring (upside) and mean-spirited, miserly (downside) potential of Saturday’s meet-up between Venus and Saturn all over the NYT on Sunday. “3 TVs and No Food: Growing Up Poor in America;” and “Poverty in Unexpected Places.” “Nudges that Help Struggling Students Succeed” (makes sense, with Venus and Saturn together in Sagittarius, which refers to higher education). “Medicaid Finds Opportune Time to Offer Birth Control: Right After Birth.” “Merciless End for a Cop Killer.” This last one — a story of reckless violence (reflecting Mars square Uranus), drugs and failed redemption (Sun-Mercury trine Neptune) added to the Venus-Saturn mix may be a heart-breaker.
Meanwhile the WaPo offers this — about a man who has Venus conjunct Saturn in his own horoscope: “Trump Boasts About His Philanthropy, but His Giving Falls Short of His Words.” Reality check.
Here are a few more reflecting Mars-Uranus themes of men, unconventional, surprise, accidents, aviation, technology and seismic activity: “Why Pop Culture Just Can’t Deal with Black Male Sexuality;” this stunner exonerating “Patient Zero,” the French male flight attendant alleged to have brought the AIDS epidemic to the U.S.; an American Airlines jet caught fire on a Chicago runway; earthquakes in Italy.
And then there is James Comey — the FBI Director whose vague letter many see as reckless also embodies the current mash-up of planetary patterns. What’s going on in his horoscope? We don’t have a birth time, but he was born December 14, 1960 in Yonkers, NY. First thing that jumps out is his Sun at 22 Sagittarius, exactly square to Hillary Clinton’s 22 Pisces Moon and conjunct her opponent’s Moon at 21 Sag. Yup, there’s a connection.
Comey’s need to think righteously with ruthless perspicacity has been under great stress all year — both controlling and expansive, especially in June and July. With those stresses in the rear view mirror, it is unfortunate that his mindset is now only under the influence of nebulous Neptune, which can be idealistic, bewildering, duplicitous or delusional. Let the record show that Jason Chaffetz, whose horoscope was covered in a prior post, is under a similar Neptune-Mercury transit.
Comey will have his last Neptune-Mercury hit at the end of January 2017; from now until the end of December he’ll be in the building crescendo of a measurement between Pluto and Venus suggesting emotional overkill; of taking a sledgehammer approach to a situation better served by finer instruments.
In his horoscope we also see a potentially militant and disciplined application of energy, particularly in emotional and home(land) security concerns, evidenced by an opposition between Mars and Saturn. The “militant application” part has been under pressure from transiting Pluto for many months. Next year, it will move on to his Saturn, just as transiting Saturn meets up with his Sagittarius Sun. The first hits will happen mid-January 2017; with more to come in July/August and Oct/Nov. These patterns suggest themes of anguished effort, a squeeze or focused ambition. We shall see.
Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the rest of the Free World. Here is the Cosmic Tip Jar, where you can support my efforts to keep you informed and entertained. Trick or treat!
Arise, go forth and be deep. The day is driven by the Moon in Scorpio, seeking emotional control and substance. It gets a lift from potential brooding/moodiness by Venus at 10:43AM ET, encouraging efforts to be sweet and kind. A need for vision (and more kindness) colors the late evening hours, as the Moon harmonizes with Neptune in empathetic Pisces.
As it slows to a standstill this week, getting ready to turn direct on Saturday, we can expect Saturn in Sagittarius to pull focus. Remember that Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun will be making contact with Saturn all month — as I explained in a post last week.
First, let’s be clear that when a planet is stationary retrograde or stationary direct, it’s not actually standing still. It just appears to be at a dead stop from our perspective on Planet Earth. Here’s a review of what we can expect as Saturn travels through Sagittarius — from a post I wrote in December 2014:
Saturn refers to control, discipline and structure. Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems, including: the law, religion, philosophy and academia. Hmm…how about mind control? Or tests of faith? It also refers to publishing and other mass communication media, as well as sports and entertainment. Expect efforts involving restrictions and/or restructuring. Sagittarius refers to that which is foreign, so issues of border control will likely become hotter. It refers to travel. So we can expect headlines involving controls in these areas, too.
Righteousness is another Sagittarius buzzword, as is blunt honesty. As its best, the Saturnine restructuring of Sagittarius concerns will stem from righteousness, much as the restructuring of the institution of marriage (Libra) to include same-sex couples evolved when Saturn was in Libra. Fairness is a big Libra buzzword. Got that?
For those born in December 1985- December 1988 and February 1956 – January 1959, congratulations, you were likely born with Saturn in Sagittarius. You’re about to embark on your first or second Saturn return, which suggests a critical time in your life, rich with developmental potential. Many of my clients book their first astrological consultations on a Saturn return.
For those born 10-15 days into Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius, this year is a critical time in your life development, too. You may need to cut your losses and focus on what’s really important. Saturn transits can inspire your ambition, but they can also be experienced as limiting, isolating and sad. Know that this, too, shall pass. Be brave enough to ask for support if you need it. You are worth it. A consultation about happenings in your horoscope would help you sort things out. Here’s the 411.
And now, the news.
How has Saturn in Sagittarius been reflected in restrictions and restructuring of the media? John Oliver is here to tell you all about it, in a brilliant and painfully hilarious bit that aired on Sunday when Mercury (mindset, communication) was under the influence of tough contact with Saturn and bewildering Neptune. Really, this is a must-see.
Elsewhere, yesterday I noted how a news story that is hot when a planet turns retrograde may become hot again months later, when it returns to where it began its retrograde phase. Here’s another example. In December, with Jupiter stationing at 23 Virgo (it turned retrograde in January), scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider thought they might have discovered a brand new particle. Last week, with Jupiter back at 23 Virgo, it was announced that what might have been, simply wasn’t.
Senator Susan Collins is making headlines this week. The Republican from Maine joined other decent and intelligent members of her party who are not supporting their party’s nominee. She wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post explaining her difficult decision to make this break. She’s one of the “women of steel” I expect to see in the news as Venus in Virgo is squared by Saturn. And guess what? In her horoscope, she has Venus square Saturn — and Venus in a tough aspect with Neptune, too — similar to current patterns! I often see this synchronicity between current patterns and the horoscopes of people making news. Astrology is amazing!!
Susan Collins’ Venus-Saturn square can be steely, but her Venus-Neptune square suggests a softer side. And by softer I mean idealistic, in sharp contrast to an otherwise hard-nosed, strategic stance her Venus in Capricorn might take. One can imagine the intense pressure she’s been under all through June and July, with her natal Pluto at 23 Leo being squared by Mars at 23-24 Scorpio. This suggests a power struggle, perhaps pitting her own desires and standards against those of a group.
Her op-ed to the world is being published with transiting Mars now sitting right on top of her opinionated Mercury in Sagittarius. Her Mercury — the way she needs to think — is retrograde. She needs to turn things over and over and over internally before she lets it fly. Transiting Mars (action!) would be the trigger for the timing of her op-ed. It’s perfect!
Also under pressure in her horoscope: transiting Uranus opposing her natal Saturn-Neptune conjunction, shaking up structure in her life with no small amount of accompanying wigginess. Next year transiting Uranus will square her Venus and I anticipate her social expression will become even more independent. First she’ll need to experience the necessary streamlining and focus demanded as transiting Saturn meets up with her Sun this November, recalling whatever limiting forces or ambitious reach she was wrestling with in March and April. Birth date: December 7th, 1952 in Caribou, Maine. She’s a Sagittarius with Moon either in Leo or Virgo. She has never, ever missed a vote — over 6000 of them in nearly 20 years of service — an exceptional accomplishment for any Congressperson or Senator.
Here’s the link to that John Oliver video again. Happy Saturn stationing direct in Sagittarius. And happy Perseid meteor watching. The annual show is back this week.
Another day of the drama queen Leo Moon, getting deader by the hour. We are at the end of the lunar cycle, a time to wrap up projects and contemplate the new agenda you can initiate on the next New Moon, which happens Sunday at 2:41AM ET. Yes, it’s an eclipse. No, there is no reason to panic. Just take note — and find out how that eclipse might highlight a particular area of your horoscope. That is what astrologers are here to do, along with serving as clear-headed crisis counselors offering a grounding perspective when you call them because life has dumped so many challenges on your plate that you’re starting wonder if the whole world is conspiring against you.
Come to find out, your life events are simply reflecting the challenges we’d expect you to have in a particular planetary cycle. Yes, a CYCLE…meaning that you’ve been here before and may well be here again, so let’s look at how you navigated those rapids in the past — with apparent success, since you’re still here to talk about it, right? And now you feel so much better, because in a matter of minutes, the astrologer has validated your reality and helped you plan a strategy to navigate the rapids this time.
Where was I?
Ah yes, the Moon. At 1:20PM ET it makes an easy connection with Uranus, ruler of astrology, putting a potentially innovative, humanitarian spin on your approach to problem-solving this morning. Tensions may build to dramatic action or outburst around 3:59PM, when the Moon meets up with action hero Mars, “getting away with murder” in Leo. After that and into the night, find some fun, a party or a stage. Leo Moons are grand for that, as well as grandstanding.
And now, the news.
Words as weaponry — with slice and dice edges. That’s was the potential of yesterday’s square between mental Mercury and Pluto, planet of annihilation. Donald Trump was only too happy to serve as poster child for this pattern, making headlines by trashing Carly Fiorina’s face. Yes, this is actually headline news. As you will read, Mr. Trump (and all other political types who routinely trash the copyright laws protecting songwriters), was subsequently eviscerated in a Tweet from R.E.M’s Michael Stipe for using “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” without permission.
Oh, this next one is absolutely fantastic. This astrological correlation deserves to be published in every newspaper in the world. Where is my Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting? My star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? How’s that for Moon in Leo grandstanding? Do you have a clearer understanding of Moon in Leo needs — and its dramatic expression — now? Good. Have fun with it!
As you know, Saturn is now at the very end of Scorpio — at 29 degrees. Saturn refers to time, limits, control. Scorpio refers to those nitty-gritty matters of life — and death. If you have planets at 29 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, my money says you may be feeling that certain areas of your life are being mightily squeezed right now. Meanwhile, Neptune is at 8 degrees of Pisces. Whereas Saturn refers to the tangible and material world, Neptune refers to the intangible and the immaterial. Neptune dissolves whatever it touches, leaving those under a Neptune transit often feeling bewildered or wiped out. So if your horoscope has any planet at 8 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius, that planet is under the spell of a rose-colored fog, and is bound to be reflected in your life according to what that planet — its house, its rulership, etc. — symbolizes.
Take Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam. At 6:27PM PT on Sep 8, 2015, Variety published his obituary. Awful news. Except — guess what — he is absolutely, positively not dead. Cue classic “Bring Out Your Dead” Monty Python bit now, please.
How could this howling error happen? Why would it happen to Terry Gilliam? Was it a totally random, freak occurrence? My money says it is being viewed as such. But where is the investigative reporter to look a little deeper? To determine if there might be a coherent pattern that could answer the question, “Why?” Not in the lamestream media, that’s for sure. And it’s really too bad — because guess what? How this freaky thing could happen is SCREAMINGLY OBVIOUS!!!!!!! in Mr. Gilliam’s HOROSCOPE and in the event chart for the moment the obituary was published!!!
Mr. Gilliam’s Sun is at 29 degrees 49 minutes of Scorpio. Transiting Saturn is at 29 degrees 30 minutes of Scorpio! Mr. Gilliam’s Midheaven is 8 degrees 19 minutes of Gemini. The Midheaven (MC) refers to career and public status. Transiting Neptune is at 8 degrees 8 minutes of Pisces, in an almost EXACT TO THE MINUTE SQUARE (90 degree relationship) to that MC!! So we have two HUGE patterns that do not happen every day, suggesting: squeeze, limits, end of time — and also: wipe out, fog and ILLUSION. Mr. Gilliam is decidedly not dead!
Looking at the event chart for the time the obit was published, we see Neptune rising in the First House, conjunct the Ascendant and square the Midheaven. This moment in time suggests the potential for conspicuous bewilderment, illusion and/or wipe out! The Ascendant is 1 degree of Pisces, suggesting it may be happening “too soon” (!!!). Saturn is in the Ninth House, which refers to publishing and it is square the Ascendant! Fascinatingly, the Moon is at 29 degrees of Cancer, exactly trine Saturn, just about to go void (one minute later) until 7:36PM PT. One can imagine the crisis that occurred when this obit hit the wires, which then turned out to be much ado about nothing.
There is much more to say about this event chart, but you get the idea. Suffice it to say that if Mr. Gilliam does not consult with an astrologer, he may marvel and wonder for the rest of his life as to why this surreal experience happened to him at this time. Or he could shrug it off as mere coincidence, missing a valuable learning opportunity! However, if he does have a consulting astrologer on the payroll, he could benefit from the clarity of perspective and validation that astrology can provide. He could have a meaningful discussion about a need for vision — spiritually and/or creatively — or a feeling of wipe-out and/or bedazzlement in relationship and career that his current Neptune transit suggests.
We would also discuss the pressure he may also be feeling about a need to focus on core family and home concerns. He’d be able to plan for a move along those lines in the last two months of this year and through February of 2016, when transiting Saturn and Neptune will exactly hit the Midheaven of his horoscope. We’d look ahead even further to June of 2016, when transiting Neptune will exactly oppose his Ascendant for the first of three passes going into 2017. No, I do not know how those needs are specifically manifesting in Mr. Gilliam’s life right now. I am not a psychic. I am an astrologer.
My best astrology teacher ever has a habit, after presenting a particularly compelling astrological case study, of summing it all up with, “I just can’t do any better than that”. He has Moon in Leo (so does Terry Gilliam), and has quite a dramatic stage presence. But on this Moon in Leo day, I can appreciate the sentiments behind my teacher’s closing statement, his grand finale.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Please share it with the rest of the Free World.
Weird weather aside, we can look forward to another day of information gathering and disseminating — hopefully with a focus that becomes ever clearer as the day progresses. And by “weird weather” (please see my forecast for yesterday), I mean floods in Wisconsin, 100+ degree heat in LA and a tornado watch (!!!) in New York, which fortunately was much ado about nothing But we’re not out of the woods yet, weather-wise — so be prepared, wherever you may be.
Meanwhile, the annual meet-up between controlling Saturn and Sun (our life energy) on Thursday will likely hit those celebrating birthdays between now and October 1st with greater impact. Add to this list Aries born around March 30, Cancers born around June 30 and Capricorns born around December 30. Maybe your energy is a little low; maybe you’re feeling a little pinched, restricted — it’s all in an effort by the Universe to get you focused on what really matters — so that you will get back on track with ease once this moment passes. Just ask Jimmy Carter, who was flying all over the place on a book tour and now finds himself spending the night in a hospital with an upset stomach. President Carter was born October 1st — this Sun-Saturn hook-up is happening in his 12th house — which often relates to illnesses. President Carter needs to slow down — and so might you, if you’re born on any of the dates mentioned above. This, too, shall pass.
Today marks the last day of summer — the Sun is at the end of Virgo and will move into Libra at 11:09 PM NY tonight and then…happy Autumnal Equinox…a perfect balance between day and night.
The first day of each season is especially powerful. We are immediately alerted to the likelihood of change and the beginning of a new cycle. These days are prominent, noticed and in some cultures even celebrated. The astrological signs that mark the seasons are Aries (spring), Cancer (summer), Libra (fall) and Capricorn (winter). Thus if you are born on or near the first day of those signs, or you have a planet or ascendant within the first two degrees of those signs, you will likely have a drive to be noticed in whatever areas of your life that planet signifies. For example, William Shatner, whom I wrote about a few weeks ago, has really been making headlines this year. His Aries Sun is right at the beginning of the sign and that Sun is — or recently was — being transited by Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter (all in the current Big T-Square Party) at the beginning of Capricorn, Libra and Aries, respectively. This man can’t help but be noticed, especially now!
Libra is a airy, mental sign, generally concerned with relationships, social graces and with promoting fairness, justice and balance. This does not mean Librans are balanced; it means they generally are seeking balance and are quite capable of swinging back and forth wildly as they search for it. As sweet as Libra can be, they are not marshmallows. The term “iron fist in a velvet glove” often applies. Jimmy Carter is a Libra — and yes, points in his chart are being triggered by that Big T-Square Party right now, pushing him back into the headlines, along with a heavy mantel of gravitas courtesy of an authoritative, tell-it-like-it-is Saturn transit about to hit Carter’s Libra Sun.
About today: with the Sun at the beginning of Libra, it is joining the current Big T-Square Party (see forecast for 7/27 if you don’t know what that is). Thus we can expect a lot of activity — especially pro-activity. Be mindful of the potential for overloads and short circuits in your system, including your technology. Keep your grounding cord down and move forward. Note we are warming up for a particularly active Full Moon early tomorrow AM — watch this space for details — and watch the headlines for grand statements on social policy over the next few days — fairness, justice and balance in relationships.