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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
--Marc Attorney, NY I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
A Scorpio Moon drives this day with a need for emotional intensity, secrets, power and control. More of the same from yesterday, with extra bonus militant discipline suggested by the 11:49 AM ET opposition between Mars and Saturn, as well as Mars and the toxic South Node. Unlike the trine, the opposition is a challenging aspect. Two planets are literally opposed to one another; how will they integrate? Mars is the energy of action and heat. Saturn is the energy of structure and cold. Thus Mars and Saturn can run hot and cold, suggesting that a project running merrily along is suddenly blocked — or attacked. Avid Readers may recall that last month, when Mars (weapons) was in Gemini (words), we cited headlines where words did in fact become weapons, or the PTB was engaged in a war of words. With Mars in Cancer, the weapon can become whatever Cancer symbolizes: motherhood, homeland security, family security, food/nourishment; emotional response. Next week — on June 19th — Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto, which can be even more ruthless in thought and action. On the plus side, it can be quite helpful for investigative reporting.
Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon goes void at 3;45 PM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until Saturday. If you can start the weekend early, please do. If you can’t, don’t freak out over a perceived crisis that may crop up overnight, as it is likely to be much ado about nothing.
- SATURDAY: Moon enters Sagittarius at 5:03 AM ET, offering a break from the emotional intensity and an outlet for its righteously optimistic opinion. A Sag Moon needs to be enthusiastic and push boundaries. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; consider something outside your usual comfort zone because it will be fun! Note that the Moon is waxing, thus the fiery Sag emotions are running high. The Full Moon won’t be exact until early MONDAY, but before we get to that release, we must process three other patterns in effect this week and exact on…
- SUNDAY. Mercury trines Neptune at 7:43 AM ET. Note your dreams today. That dreamy vision gets a reality check or a structural advance around 10 AM ET, as Mercury is opposed by Saturn. At 11:18 AM, Jupiter officially squares Neptune for the second time this year. The first square was on January 13th — here’s what was going on back then. Meanwhile, the Sag Moon makes contact with both Jupiter and Neptune at 3:08 PM and 3:11 PM ET, respectively. More dreamy indulgence…or flat-out lies. Watch the headlines.
If you were born around the 10th of June, September, December and March or have a planet around 18 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces or Sagittarius, your need for vision and/or a dreamy escape is likely to be felt more keenly than others. If you were born around the 10-13th of January, April, July or October or have a planet around 18-22 degrees of Cancer, Aries, Libra or Capricorn, you are more likely to be feeling provoked, for better or for worse. And you should also be checking in with your astrologer to discuss all of the happenings in your horoscope now — and into early 2020.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius will be exact on MONDAY at 4:31 AM ET. It goes void — not to enter Capricorn until 12:13 PM ET. East Coasters, if you sleep in or sneak into to the office late, you won’t be missing anything of consequence.
And now, the news.
Uranus is a disruptor; Taurus refers to money, bulls and cows, ownership, material security, food, earth. We know we’re in for shocks and innovations in all Taurus concerns.
With Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, we expect boats, oil, toxins, refugees, lies, religion, foreign affairs, belief, horses, publishing, press, spies, scandal, drugs, big, big — and did I mention BIG?
And, on the lighter side: “Kim Jong Un’s murdered half brother (and casino playboy) accused of being CIA informant”
UPDATE: on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who hasn’t held a press briefing in almost 100 days. Last year, with transiting Uranus disrupting her sense of aesthetics and values, she was kicked out of a restaurant. This year, with Uranus moving on to her Jupiter and Mars, she’s making a big break: returning to Arkansas at the end of June (where it is rumored she may run for governor). Bye, Felicia!
UPDATE: on Kellyanne Conway, whose natal Mars is being activated by transiting Pluto — as noted here. The second exact hit is June 15th (tomorrow); Pluto on Mars can be ruthless. Yesterday, an independent federal ethics group recommended she be fired for consistently mixing political speech in with her federal office worker job. Not bloody likely to be fired in 2019, with transiting Jupiter facilitating an aura of protection in her career sector. Plus she has a stubborn Taurus Moon, which isn’t going anywhere, thank you very much. We’ll have to wait until 2020, when transiting Saturn will put the squeeze on her 29 Capricorn Sun and ramp up the stress on her conflict-avoiding 22 Libra Mars. She may yet stay put, but it’s likely to be tough.
UPDATE: on Jon Stewart, written about several times back in 2015. That’s when we could see why he’d be feeling a need to leave The Daily Show behind, even though he is a notorious skeptic when it comes to astrology. Maybe he has a Capricorn Ascendant. Who knows. We don’t have a birth time for Mr. Stewart, but the influence of wiggy Neptune is well behind him. He has Moon and Sun in frankly-speaking Sagittarius, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his Moon was around 18-19 degrees Sagittarius, which is where Jupiter is right now. Thus his need to express his opinion is likely to be EXPANSIVE. This week Jon Stewart went to Washington to tell Congress how shameful it was that they hadn’t renewed funding to cover medical care for 9/11 first responders. Did I mention that Jon Stewart has Mars in regal Leo? Yea verily, no planet does indignant drama more effectively than Mars in Leo — it needs needs needs to put on a compelling show, and right now it’s well-supported by Jupiter’s expansion. After Stewart’s impassioned presentation, the House voted unanimously to renew the funds. We’ll see what the Senate does.
UPDATE: on P45, who was born on this day in 1946. That means his solar return — the chart for the moment the sun returns to where it was on the day he was born — includes all of the challenging patterns we are seeing in the headlines now: the reality-challenge of Jupiter square Neptune; the militant discipline of Mars opposing Saturn; the combative mindset of Mars conjunct Mercury, ruthlessly pushing the authoritarian Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn agenda. Add in a Grand Trine among Mercury-Mars, Neptune and the controlling/secretive Scorpio Moon, and we have another year suggesting emotional self-sufficiency, with no need to ask anyone for input whatsoever. We also see rebel Uranus in the First House of the solar return chart, echoing a go it alone potential.
I remember looking at this chart last year and mentioning in an astrological discussion forum that regardless of P45’s personal fate, this week and next week looked seriously tense for world affairs, as if it were on the brink of a major conflict. So it is no surprise to see the news from the Straits of Hormuz about oil tankers attacked, with the US (and now the UK) blaming Iran.
I love this innovative approach to forestry (Uranus in Taurus), combined with practical composting in matters of life and death (Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn). Add in the visionary potential of Jupiter square Neptune and you get “Could trees be the new gravestones? Forests as the answer to “eternity management.” Sign me up!
NYT columnist David Brooks penned a Jupiter-Neptune themed op-ed this week, “The Age of Aquarius All Over Again! Belief in astrology and the occult is surging.” The op-ed contained this statistic:
This surge in belief is primarily among the young. According to a National Science Foundation survey, 44 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds say that astrology is somewhat or very “scientific…”
Well…DUH…DUH…and DOUBLE DUH! You wanna know why? Because those 18-24 years old were born with Uranus in Aquarius…and most of them have Neptune in Aquarius, too. Aquarius refers to innovation, technology and astrology. Uranus is innovation and astrology. Neptune is faith and a dissolving of boundaries. So this generation needs to have an innovative perspective on science and astrology…perhaps even blurring the lines between pure science and art. Not only that, but this generation is experiencing transiting Uranus in early Taurus activating their collective Uranus and Neptune in early Aquarius. So their affinity for astrology (Uranus) and the occult (Neptune) is being outed at this time.
Oh, these highly-paid pundits. They can tell us so much…without really knowing WHY. Thank goodness for astrology!
I wrote a lot about David Brooks in 2014 and 2015 when he started writing more and more about spirituality and morality. That need was so clearly articulated in his horoscope. I wonder if he’s ever consulted with an astrologer….have you? Why or why not?
Thank you for reading this forecast.
P.S. — Here’s the title reference for the weekend forecast, performed by The Fifth Dimension.
….and how did you survive the weekend’s total lunar eclipse? I don’t know about you, but I was grateful for Sunday’s all-day Moon void, suggesting an apt time to chill, process and try not to bite someone’s head off. If you have a planet or angle in your horoscope around 4 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aquarius, my money says you’ve been feeling a bit piqued, for better or for worse. That energy can be productively channeled into a Mercury/Mars retrograde REorganization or REsearch project. Onward! — as they say, even with so many planets appearing to move backwards above.
The work week began with the Moon in Pisces. An empathetic flow was exuberantly supported by a harmony from Jupiter in depth-seeking Scorpio. My day was booked to the gills with clients taking advantage of all this retrograde energy to review their lives and plan ahead for the next six months to a year. Astrologers are like dentists. If you’re going to work with one, check in once or twice a year. I guarantee that patterns in your horoscope have changed since the last time we spoke. Knowledge is power!
Moon continues in Pisces today (Tuesday), seeking to work with impressions and ideals. Did you note your dreams this morning? Moon met up with Neptune in the wee hours, perhaps taking you on an especially sublime trip. Depth of feeling is supported this morning, courtesy of a harmony with Pluto. Moon goes void on at 6:42 PM ET, on an opposition with hypercritical Venus in Virgo. Your feelings vs. someone’s else critical analysis?
Chill during the 12-hour void. The pace picks up noticeably when the Moon charges into me-me-me Aries at 6:54 AM ET on WEDNESDAY. It gathers steam on an harmony with Mars around 12 PM ET…then crashes through or into a brick wall around 1:45 PM ET, suggested by a square to authoritarian Saturn. It’s all prep work for this week’s BIG FAT ASPECT: the second of three squares between action/assertion Mars in Aquarius and rebel Uranus in Taurus, exact at 10:41 PM ET. The first Mars-Uranus square happened on May 16th, and here’s what was written back then:
The really big buzz is as follows:
- … rebel Uranus ditches Aries for Taurus. Over the next seven years, look for innovation, liberation and disruption is all Taurus-ruled concerns: banking, currency, food, pleasures of the senses, agriculture, the whole concept of possession (vs. renting or vs. community ownership). Perhaps we’ll see innovation and advances in the treatment of thyroid and throat disorders, too. Taurus is an Earth sign, so I would not be surprised if earth-shaking incidents demand our attention.
- Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. I hope you like the idea of Mars being in Aquarius, because except for a few weeks starting on August 13th (when Mars returns to Capricorn), we’re stuck with Mars in Aquarius until November 16th. One of my teachers calls Mars in Aquarius the “rebel with a cause.” So we can expect action in the headlines involving rebellious and/or humanitarian concerns, some of which will have a technogeeky (Aquarius) or “on the fringe” flavor. Think aviation, circuitry, freedom, astrology, outer space, uranium, what’s allegedly “best for everyone”. Those sorts of things.
- These two planets changing signs starts off with a likely bang. Why? Because two hours after Mars enters Aquarius, it makes the first of three squares to Uranus, suggesting a release of tension. What kind of tension? Possibly explosive, seismic, disruptive, ground-breaking, seismic, innovative, genius or mutating. When do the other two squares happen? On August 1st and September 18th. So let’s see how events happening this week are reported in the news around those two dates.
There are no other exact aspects among the planets — except to the Moon — between Thursday and Sunday. Moon will be void in Aries at 10:52 PM ET on THURSDAY — entering Taurus on FRIDAY at 3:51 PM ET. Sounds like a three-day weekend to me. We’ll have a Third Quarter Moon on SATURDAY between the Taurus Moon and the Leo Sun, suggesting a stubborn insistence on keeping things as they are supposed to be, according to whoever is doing the supposing.
You are more personally affected by the buzz/outburst potential of the Mars-Uranus square if you have a planet or angle around 2 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. The “Uranus component” of this second square is intensified by the fact that Uranus is slowing down, about to turn retrograde on August 7th. Avid Readers know that planets about to change direction bring the issues symbolized by that planet into focus. Horoscopes of famous people affected include: Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Elisabeth Moss. Mrs. Clinton has been making a lot of news this week, breaking out and taking action. Monica Lewinsky was belting it out at a gay bar last week.
Meanwhile, today WaPo ran an interview with Linda Tripp a.k.a. Grandiose Ambitious Blabbermouth, a.k.a. Sun-Ascendant in Sagittarius, driven by Moon-Jupiter exactly conjunct at 28 Capricorn. Ms. Tripp may be on quite as assertive tear at the end of August/early September, when transiting Mars stations exactly on that Moon-Jupiter conjunction. What’s bringing her into focus now is reflected by transiting Pluto on her Venus (empowering/transforming social expression) and transiting Saturn square her Midheaven (ambitious effort involving public status).
And now, more news.
Headlines have been plastered with almost nothing but reflections of Mars, Uranus and the Leo Sun. Translation: a focus on shocking news about leaders, guns, automobiles, violence, gender-benders, aviation, testosterone, #MeToo, the planet Mars, technology, fires, rebels. Well, last week there were a few beautiful love stories reflecting last week’s deep and mystical alignments among Venus, Neptune and Pluto — my favorite being this one from WaPo about a female crane in love with her human keeper.
Otherwise it’s been:
Have you checked your voter registration status recently? Do it NOW!
More news as it happens in sync with planetary patterns. Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading this forecast and thank you for the client referrals. Your friends are amazing. You?
Big week in the cosmos — can you feel the buzz? How is traffic? Trains running smoothly and on time? Bwahahaha.
Here’s what’s happening:
The Moon is in Taurus, seeking material comfort and stability. It’s a dead Moon — the last day of the lunar cycle. So if you noticed the buzz but also felt restless or listless, feeling as if something new was just around the corner, that’s not uncommon under a dead Moon. What’s it good for? Wrapping up chores, plotting plots and other Secret Squirrel escapades you’d rather not be brought to light.
On TUESDAY at 7:48 AM ET we’ll have the New Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus, right on P45’s Midheaven. Yes, this next lunar cycle puts his public status in focus — and by extension, that of the United States. We’ll get to the New Moon in a moment.
The really big buzz is as follows:
- 11:23 AM ET on TUESDAY, rebel Uranus ditches Aries for Taurus. Over the next seven years, look for innovation, liberation and disruption is all Taurus-ruled concerns: banking, currency, food, pleasures of the senses, agriculture, the whole concept of possession (vs. renting or vs. community ownership). Perhaps we’ll see innovation and advances in the treatment of thyroid and throat disorders, too. Taurus is an Earth sign, so I would not be surprised if earth-shaking incidents demand our attention.
- Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on WEDNESDAY at 12:55 AM ET. I hope you like the idea of Mars being in Aquarius, because except for a few weeks starting on August 13th (when Mars returns to Capricorn), we’re stuck with Mars in Aquarius until November 16th. One of my teachers calls Mars in Aquarius the “rebel with a cause.” So we can expect action in the headlines involving rebellious and/or humanitarian concerns, some of which will have a technogeeky (Aquarius) or “on the fringe” flavor. Think aviation, circuitry, freedom, astrology, outer space, uranium, what’s allegedly “best for everyone”. Those sorts of things.
- These two planets changing signs starts off with a likely bang. Why? Because two hours after Mars enters Aquarius, it makes the first of three squares to Uranus, suggesting a release of tension. What kind of tension? Possibly explosive, seismic, disruptive, ground-breaking, seismic, innovative, genius or mutating. When do the other two squares happen? On August 6th and September 18th. So let’s see how events happening this week are reported in the news around those two dates.
After the mid-week excitement, we’ll be ready for serious contemplation, suggested by FRIDAY’s harmony between Mercury in ponderous Taurus and Saturn in PTB Capricorn. Couple that with a harmony between Venus and Uranus, exact on SATURDAY at 1:29 PM ET. Watch for prominent couplings involving unconventional attractions, as Venus will be at the Aries Point as it leaves Gemini for Cancer (also on SATURDAY). Avid Readers will recall that planets at the Aries Point (0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn need to attract attention).
Does this sound like an apt pattern to have at the royal wedding of Prince Harry with Meghan Markle? Do you think an astrologer helped them pick that date? I hope they’re starting the ceremony after 7:34 AM ET, when the sensitive Cancer Moon is opposed by patriarchal Saturn (not the easiest pattern for intimacy, though the sense of duty and responsibility suggested does fit). Still, we’re not past the disruptive Mars-Uranus square yet, and even the royal wedding was hit by an upset today. Meghan Markle’s father will not be attending — surprise, surprise.
Humming in the background of it all is the harmony (trine) between retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. It’ll be exact on May 25th. Issues pulling focus between now and then include: blood, charity, refugees, drugs, oil, scandal, spirits of all kinds, faith. The contact with Jupiter suggests expansion.
Your Moon voids for the week — not many and not for long. Tuesday 4:30- 4:43 PM ET; Thursday 2:18 PM – 5:47 PM ET; Saturday 5:14 PM – 7:11 PM ET.
About Tuesday’s New Moon. When we set it in Washington DC (and most of the East Coast), it falls in the 12th House, suggesting a lot going on behind the scenes. At 24 Taurus, the Sun and Moon are conjunct the fixed star Capulus, which refers to male sexual/aggressive energy. Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? So there’s much seed-planting potential here that is driven by yang energy, as opposed to yin. P45, as noted above, has Capulus right on his Midheaven — his public status. Others with Capulus active in their horoscope include Roger Ailes, Reince Priebus, Gretchen Carlson, Mick Jagger and David Crosby. Hillary Clinton has her North Node at 24 Taurus.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a large well-kept public park.” Sabian Symbol Sage Blain Bovee describes this as “an image of the collective efforts of society that create a space for enjoyment well beyond the scope of any individual’s efforts.” We are advised to be mindful of the creative efforts that are behind a “well-groomed presentation,”– as opposed to the people who exist solely to grab the limelight. Hmmm.
You are more personally affected by the seed-planting potential of this New Moon if you have a planet or angle around 24 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and especially Taurus. Consult your local astrologer for details.
And now, the news.
- First, a big blood story — as in big blood donor. James Harrison — Australia’s ‘Man With The Golden Arm’ Retires After Saving 2.4 Million Babies. “I hope it’s a record that somebody breaks,” Harrison told the Blood Service. Harrison was born on December 27, 1936 — no birth time available. We see his generous spirit suggested by an exact conjunction of his Capricorn Sun with Jupiter. Lovely!
Not-so-lovely — but still reflecting planetary patterns. Avid Readers are well aware that current patterns in P45’s horoscope suggest a need for risky action in matters of foreign affairs. So sure, why not move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? On a Mars-Uranus square, it’s sure to be seen as an act inspiring peace and diplomacy, right? Ermm… no.
“Critics say the move, which broke from almost seven decades of United States policy, could risk peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, who both claim Jerusalem as their capital. Mass protests broke out along the border fence with Gaza…”
…resulting in this: “Israel Kills Dozens at Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem.” Or, as WaPo columnist Dana Milbank put it, “Nothing Says Peace Like 58 Dead Palestinians.” (Mars in a tense aspect with Uranus is born to shock). And how perfectly reflective of planetary patterns it is to have this: “Pastor Who Said Jews are Going to Hell Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy Opening.” Though to be fair, Robert Jeffress (the pastor in question) thinks almost everyone is doomed, so… Meanwhile, “An Evangelical Journalist Finds His Calling at the White House.”
Another foreign policy shocker: “In About-Face on Trade, Trump Vows to Protect Jobs….in China.” Meanwhile, we learn that China is contributing $500 million to a P45-related project in Indonesia.
In other news, “Maverick Cleric’s Election Upset Could Rattle U.S.-Iraq Relations”
Mars-Uranus refers to aviation disruptions. Exhibit A: Did anyone watch “60 Minutes” last night? They did a feature on MH370 — the Malaysian Airlines plane that was lost over the Indian Ocean four years ago. Apparently investigators are now convinced that the pilot deliberately downed the plane…a theory proposed in 2015 and supported in the horoscope for the plane’s departure. Exhibit B: “Airline dynasty crashes to earth in latest scandal to hit South Korean elite”
UPDATE: Monica Lewinsky. Told ya a week or so ago that her horoscope was hot. Sure enough, Town & Country invited her to an event. Then, because Bill Clinton was also invited, T&C withdrew the invitation. Now it’s all over the news. Astrology is amazing.
Thank you for reading this forecast.