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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R. Los Angeles I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
A constructive day for achievement, without the edge of yesterday’s planetary patterns. Moon in Aries urges us to take the initiative, and disciplined Saturn in a harmonious aspect with the Sun offers the potential for constructive gravitas. The day is also marked by two obsessions: one with power and control; the other with reinventing the wheel, as in putting an avant garde spin on an “old guard” concept. Be mindful of the first one in your social interactions today, lest ye be tempted to display the ungracious behavior that can easily happen with Venus currently retrograde. And do get it off your desk today if you can on the East Coast, as Moon will be void from 11:09PM ET until 12:22PM ET Thursday. Folks reading this outside the United States (and it thrills me to no end that you are), take note of this long break period which will be happening during your business day.
Meanwhile, a story crossed my desk today that is an excellent illustration of the potential suggested by rebel Uranus in pioneering, fearless Aries, squaring “take no prisoners” Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the Establishment. As has been written in prior forecasts, the highest potential of this aspect, in effect now through 2015, is emancipation and empowerment, as corruption in outmoded systems is exposed, and the system is replaced with something new. With Uranus in Aries, one individual really can be a force for major change, and what is always fascinating — to me, anyway — is how the potential to be a force for change is reflected in the horoscope.
So here’s the story (which I encourage you to read in its entirety, because it’s so darned inspiring): when documentary filmmaker Michael Moore was in high school, he was assaulted by an authority figure. Mr. Moore responded by running for the school board, and at the age of eighteen, he became the youngest person ever elected to office in the state of Michigan. Eight months later, the man who assaulted Mr. Moore was no longer employed by the high school. How cool is that?
It’s totally cool, and what’s cooler is what we see in Moore’s horoscope clearly supports the choices and mirrors the events in his life at that time. Ready? Birth data: April 23, 1954 — 12:45PM in Flint, Michigan. Moore is a Taurus with Moon in Capricorn. He needs to make things happen, fueled by the energy to preserve stability and/or material security; i.e., the way things should be. The Moon is supercharged by a tight hook-up with Mars; both of these planets are in an obsessive relationship to rebel Uranus, which needs to shake up the system. A Leo Ascendant, ruled by the Sun at the top of the horoscope, allows him to project an aura of confidence.
Looking at the vocational profile of the horoscope, it’s clear Moore needs to be an artistic communicator (Venus rules the Midheaven and the third house of communications). With the Sun and business-oriented Saturn in contact with the Midheaven (career point in the horoscope), it’s also clear that Moore needs to work as a soloist, and that his concerns about homeland security need to be put into public service (Saturn in the 4th house, ruling the 6th). There’s more, but you get the idea.
Looking at what was going on in Moore’s horoscope in April of 1971, we note an empowering arc between the Midheaven and ruthless Pluto. In October, we see another arc between rebel Uranus and structured Saturn, suggesting ambition and a need to depart from the status quo. By March of 1972, which looks to be about when Moore decided to run for the school board, we see an arc to the Midheaven, suggesting recognition, and one between serious Saturn and Venus (ruler of the Midheaven/career point), suggesting serious focus in communication and public status. These measurements are sparked by a flash of brilliance from transiting Uranus to Moore’s natal Mercury (mindset) in impulsive, fearless — hello! — Aries. He took a daring idea and made things happen, as his Mars and Moon in Capricorn suggest he needs to do! Finally, a couple of weeks before the school board election (June 12), we see another extraordinary measurement: Midheaven to Venus, suggesting moving a career forward…just as Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy was about to hook up with Moore’s natal Moon and Mars. Every political candidate should be so lucky to have a chart like this just before an election.
And what was going on in Moore’s chart eight months later, when the designated authority figure who inspired Moore’s run for office was fired? Ruthless Pluto challenging both Moon and Mars (action), suggesting tremendous force of will and upheavals. Let the record show that JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who will be testifying before Congress today, explaining how $2 billion was allowed to vaporize on his watch, also has Pluto aspecting Mars (and perhaps Moon, too), through 2012. And Mr. Dimon’s trip to Washington is happening exactly three months after he surprised everyone by announcing a dividend would be paid to shareholders. That announcement came on his birthday, by the way — March 13th. Today the Sun is at 23 Gemini, squaring Dimon’s Sun at 23 Pisces. We expect a challenge. Let’s see where things are for him three months from now, on September 13th.
OK, break’s over. Moon entered me-me-me Aries at 12:21AM ET — with considerable enthusiasm, mind you, courtesy of a supportive connection to jolly Jupiter. What bold charge will you be leading today? A sudden disruption to the momentum, coupled with a power play or emotional catharsis may be in store around 4-6PM ET, when that headstrong Moon collides with rebel Uranus and transformational Pluto. There may be plenty more to talk about, especially if some insensitive type steps on more than one set of toes around 9:05PM ET.
Countering the intensity and likely volatility of the day is a stabilizing connection to the Sun by Saturn (structure, judgement) in rational Libra, exact at 8:14AM ET on Wednesday. Which influence will prevail in your own personal world?
More on Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini. Traditional astrology holds that Jupiter is in its detriment when in Gemini. Why? Because Jupiter symbolizes depth and expansion, as in deep thoughts that become belief systems embraced the world over. Gemini is more comfortable with the immediate news of the day, a story that generates buzz with titillating detail, often soon forgotten. Why? Because another “breaking news” story is sure to come along any minute, distracting us from efforts to explore an issue in-depth. If you have ever worked in a newsroom, you know what I’m talking about. Jupiter in Gemini can be great at coming up with tons of ideas, snippets of information and sides to a story — but it needs serious help when it comes to turning those ideas into workable solutions to serious problems.
Jupiter was last in Gemini on June 30, 2000 through July 13, 2001. If you have a key planet in Gemini, you would have likely experienced a period of expansion and reward in whatever area of life that planet represents in your horoscope. For example, if your Midheaven is Gemini, the reward would likely have been in your profession. Jupiter will be in Gemini until June 26, 2013. It turns retrograde on October 16, 2012 and direct on January 30, 2013. It will spend two months at 15 and 16 degrees of Gemini and another two months at 6 and 7 degrees of Gemini, so if you have a key point in your horoscope at those degrees, take note.
In 2012, you may also reap the rewards of transiting Jupiter more directly if you have major points or planets in the first half of Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. For everyone else, look to where Gemini falls in your horoscope for the area of life that’s up for a burst of optimism and expansion — or where you may find yourself overextended. If you don’t know your horoscope, consider giving me a call and booking a consultation — especially if you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn born in the first half of those signs. You’ve either been going through major life changes or you will any minute now. This applies to anyone with Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven in those signs.
From the headlines: on a day with transformational Pluto and technogeek Uranus squaring mental Mercury, Apple announced upgrades in it product line. In other news, a novel program to get drivers to avoid traffic jams (Mercury rules transportation) and an alleged breakthrough in battery technology, which could be good for electric cars.
Happy Monday! And how was your “perfectly lovely weekend”? Mine went as forecast, so much that I couldn’t even bring myself to focus on the first day of the work week until now — and wouldn’t you know it, the Moon is void of course all day in intuitive Pisces, not to enter fiery Aries until 12:21AM ET on Tuesday.
As regular readers of this forecast know, when the Moon is void, we may experience unexpected twists in our efforts to move in a straight line. Crises that crop up later turn out to be much ado about nothing. Your waitress may greet you with a cheerful “Good Morning!”, even though it’s 2PM in the afternoon. Or you may be in the middle of writing an astro-logical forecast, and someone who was supposed to show up on your doorstep at 11AM wants to know if he can be there in ten minutes (apologies for the delayed forecast — and presumably you’re all just going with the flow!).
Today’s dreamy Pisces Moon got off to a super-charged start this morning. While you were sleeping, Moon was opposed by aggressive Mars (3:16Am ET) and squared by the Sun (6:41AM ET), suggesting possible clashes of will that may have manifested in your dreams (mine sure did!) and another hit of whatever revolutionary/visionary communication and mindset you projected as part of your New Moon agenda three weeks ago.
Innovation and revelation in thought, communication and transportation are especially strong today, as mental Mercury is squared and energized by brilliant, status quo disrupting Uranus (1:42PM ET) and opposed by ruthless, corruption-exposing Pluto (9:04PM ET). This should make for truly offbeat headlines — like this one about the US Secretary of Commerce allegedly involved in a weird traffic accident, which the latest press release says may have been as a result of a “seizure” (which sounds very Mercury square Uranus to me).
But wait — there’s more! Geminis around the world are dancing for joy because Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy moves into Gemini at 1:22PM ET. I will write more on this in tomorrow’s forecast, because if I don’t ship this now, it won’t show up in your mailbox for another hour. I’ll only say this: Jupiter at 1 degree of Gemini will likely trigger the New Moon/solar eclipse we had at 1 Gemini on May 20th. I anticipate a release of a bottleneck of information that allows us to see more clearly into the murky depths.
Stay tuned…