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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.
When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.
What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!
She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."
--Bill W. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Good Morning!
Note your dreams upon waking, as the boundary-pushing Moon in Sagittarius squares off with visionary Neptune at 7:27AM ET. This is the first of three contacts the Moon will make today to a loose T-square among Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn — the last two at 11:42AM ET and 3:47PM ET, respectively. The Jupiter-Saturn square — which will be exact for the third time on May 26th — suggests the last charge in a 20-year business cycle which began with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in material security-seeking Taurus at the end of May 2000.
Let the record show that the chart for that Great Conjunction had an info-junkie Gemini Sun opposing power & resources Pluto, driven by a me-me-me Moon in pioneering Aries. Jupiter & Saturn were squared by technogeek Uranus, and it’s fascinating to see how that pie-in-the-sky pattern has been reflected in the explosion of tech-driven businesses that seemingly allow us to be so free and independent. We’re in the back half of the cycle until 2020, and the current square suggests the challenges created in the expansive first half of the cycle will pull focus. From the weekend’s headlines: “In An Age of Privilege, Not Everyone Is in the Same Boat” and “The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans” — truly a must-read. Neptune added to the mix suggests themes of spirits and other escapes; empathy and suffering — along with a dose of the surreal, as in “how can this be happening?”
That being said, there are no exact planetary patterns — other than to the Moon this week. This does not suggest that the week will be meh, as I’ve noticed in weeks with a similar lull before. In your own personal world, be aware that mental Mercury will turn retrograde on Thursday at 1:20PM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW.
Another shift this week is Venus, heading into Taurus on Friday at 8:36PM ET, just before the Third Quarter Moon. Venus in Taurus is a sensual placement, which may help you slow down and take time to smell the roses in May — so apt with so many planets retrograde.
Your Moon voids for the week: Tuesday 11:51AM ET until 7:54PM ET. I shudder to think of the potential twists and flakes that may lie in store for people trying to vote in tomorrow’s primaries, starting with Rhode Island, which is closing two-thirds of its polling places as a “cost-saving measure,” just as Arizona did in its primary fiasco. Let the righteous opinions of the Moon in Sag begin! That’s the only Moon void you’ll have to consider during business hours; the only other one is on Friday between 3:07AM and 4:47AM ET.
OMG…I just realized that yesterday marked the seventh anniversary of this forecast. Seven years — and no Pulitzer yet? I can’t even…
And now, the news.
Plenty to report in the aftermath of Friday’s emotionally intense Scorpio Moon, along with its surprisingly unconventional Venus conjunct Uranus attractions. You may recall Hillary Clinton’s Scorpio Sun (likely in her 12th House) was directly affected. Things the 12th House refers to include that which is behind the scenes, self-undoing, big giant institutions. Surprise, surprise — guess who thinks she might be a better president than the Republican challengers? None other than Charles Koch. Mrs. Clinton rejected the flirtatious endorsement via Twitter — but not for reasons some might prefer. FYI, in the past, Mr. Koch has personally contributed to these political campaigns.
Another surprise in the NYT, in which former U.S. Senator Harris Wofford writes of his upcoming second marriage. He was with his wife for 48 years until she passed away in 1996. On April 30th, he will wed his partner of the past 15 years — a younger man he met on a beach at age 75.
Meanwhile, Beyonce surprised fans with the unexpected release of an album, “Lemonade,” right after the airing of her HBO special on Saturday. Not surprisingly, Beyonce is currently experiencing transiting Uranus opposing her natal Venus-Pluto conjunction in Libra. We’d expect an emancipated expression involving over-the-top emotion and partnership right about now. Isn’t astrology amazing?
What’s going on in your horoscope? I’d love to share insights with you in a personal consultation. Here’s the 411 — we will have an excellent discussion together.
Many clients have found me because a friend posted my forecast on Facebook or some other public forum. To those of you who have shared my musings, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Moon entered Scorpio as of 8:17PM ET last night and may have already waxed to its fullness by the time you read this, assuming you’re reading this after 1:24AM ET. A Scorpio Moon seeks to fulfill its need for emotional depth and substance — people-pleasing be damned. Scorpio represents resources and values that are ours-ours-ours, as opposed to resources and values which are mine-mine-mine, symbolized by the Taurus Sun. Therein lies the potential for conflict, as Taurus and Scorpio are known to be a wee bit fixed in their respective positions. Where do 3 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio fall in your horoscope? That’s where you may find a bit of illumination in matters of mine vs. ours.
The fallout of this Full Moon includes the exact meet-up between Venus and Uranus in me-me-me Aries at 5PM ET — noted earlier this week. Possible reflections include a demand for independence; an attraction to the unconventional; a leveling of the playing field in gender issues and feisty warrior women, among others. Watch the headlines.
In Hillary Clinton’s horoscope, this Full Moon falls exactly on her Scorpio Sun, so we might expect a bit of illumination on her essential being in the immediate future. That’s what I was thinking a few days ago when prepping to write this forecast. If we use the proposed yet unconfirmed 8:02AM ET birth time, we note that the Sun is the 12th house — of the unconscious, the self-undoing and institutions — ruling the 9th house — of publishing and international concerns, to name a few. How interesting to see an in-depth profile of Mrs. Clinton in the NYT Sunday magazine entitled, “How Hillary Clinton Became A Hawk.” Also interesting is the fact that the NYT did not publish this article until after the New York primary.
On Saturday, you can wish John Oliver a happy birthday. You’re free to shop until 5:46PM ET, when the Moon goes void until 8:46AM ET on Sunday. There are no exact aspects to any planet on Sunday, including the Moon, which will have moved on to Sagittarius with a sigh of relief. Take a gambol or gamble; express your righteous opinion; broaden your horizons; get out in nature or some other expansive space. No sleeping in on Monday; the next void won’t kick in until Tuesday.
So much news to cover. Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 90th birthday on Thursday. Transiting Uranus makes the first of three squares to her obviously Capricorn Ascendant on the 26th; the third happens in early 2017. That suggests a significant move or fresh start for Her Majesty. What will happen?
Prince passed away. His Gemini Sun was about to be opposed by Saturn, just before Saturn turned retrograde last month. We talked about Saturn-Sun transits in the last forecast. It’s fascinating that he passed away just before Venus met up with Uranus, as Prince has a Venus-Uranus square in his horoscope. He needs to be unconventional in his values and social expression, likely focused on material/sensual comforts, with Venus in Taurus. His Mars is at 0 Aries — running wild and ruling the 5th house of creative self-expression/sexuality. Was he hot or what? You bet — and he makes a powerful impact, too – with Pluto sitting atop his chart, opposed by a sensitive Moon in Pisces.
Meanwhile, Kelly Ripa is making disruptive waves at the office — as in not showing up for work this week. Does she want to keep her job? Her 19 degree Virgo Ascendant, along with her Mars and Mercury will be hit again by Jupiter (expansion) this summer. Well, that’s certainly an expansive hit to a feisty front — just ask Donald Trump. But Saturn will square that trio later in the year, while also opposing her 17 degree Gemini Midheaven. An advance or a separation — and a need to focus on shoring up family and core foundation concerns.
I wish I had time to post links and more details, but I just can’t do it today. Today is Earth Day. Do something nice for the planet. And if you’re really feel like making a dramatic Venus-Uranus change, a new environmental study suggests you consider this. It’s a mine-mine-mine vs. ours-ours-ours kinda thing. And Venus refers to food, doncha’ know…
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here is the 411 on consultations. We will have a fine discussion together.