Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy first day of Spring! Happy International Astrology Day! As of 7:02AM ET, Sun entered Aries, marking the beginning of a new astrological year. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology), it is a time of renewal and rebirth — a chance to let go of old patterns and make a fresh start.
More on the equinox, but first let’s talk about the rest of this day, which is driven by the Moon in Cancer. This is a happy place for the Moon (it rules Cancer), as it seeks to express or find emotional security and sensitivity. The energy it provides is quite challenged today, however, which you may have noticed the minute you got out of bed. A provocative square between the sensitive Moon and willful Mars dominated the wee hours, followed by another square from rebel Uranus, the cosmic cattle prod. Electric!
This afternoon, stern Saturn seeks to stabilize all the buzz flying around, but at 2:01PM, potent Pluto opposes the Moon, suggesting an emotional catharsis or a power play. And on that note, the Moon goes void-of-course for a lonnnnnnnnnng drift, not to enter Leo (the next sign) until 2:50AM on FRIDAY. Regular readers of this forecast know that Moon voids are natural rest/brainstorming periods where creative endeavors can take odd, sometimes magical, twists. Moving forward purposefully in a straight line is often challenged by sudden detours, flakes and cancellations. Crises that crop up tend to be much ado about nothing — but that may not stop people from behaving as if the house is on fire. Roll with the twists and go with the flow and double check everything if you absolutely must hit “send”. I find that voids can feel like mini Mercury retrogrades, accompanied by communication snafus and lack of mental focus. I say this because I can’t tell you how many times someone will ask me if Mercury is retrograde when in fact the Moon is void of course. If you are free to wander, you can accomplish a lot.
OK, about the vernal equinox. Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?
The first day of a season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?
Mars was at the Aries Point last week, bringing pioneering initiatives and aggression to the forefront. Now we have Sun at the AP. Late tomorrow night, Venus will be at the Aries Point, too, bringing relationship issues (as I wrote last week), and also issues involving money, art and women to the top of your inbox. If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.
Lots of news to cover — and since we will have a day with no exact planetary patterns tomorrow, I will devote that forecast to the headlines….stay tuned….