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"She brings more to it than just doing the chart: depth, intuition, as well as tremendous research."
- M.T. Los Angeles I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Up and at ’em. The drive of the day is brought to you by the Moon in enterprising Capricorn, looking to make things happen. It is beautifully supported by three planets — Venus, Mars & Jupiter — which are closely aligned in detail-conscious Virgo. Around 3PM we may notice an emotional intensity or focused, resourceful power play, as the Moon meets up with Pluto. A disruption to the status quo may be noted around midnight, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 12:25AM ET early Tuesday morning.
This focused drive continues until 4:31PM ET on Tuesday. Moon goes void at that time on a challenge between the Sun and the Moon. The First Quarter Moon often brings challenges to the seeds that were planted on projects initiated on the New Moon. Make the required adjustments and then chill until 9:38PM ET Tuesday, when the Moon will be void of course. Regular readers of this forecast understand that Moon voids suggest a higher than average potential for flakes, twists and other upsets in efforts to move forward in a straight line. Avoid making mountains out of molehills. That crisis on your plate is likely much ado about nothing.
Planetary patterns are relatively light this week. On Thursday, just in time for Hillary Clinton to be grilled by Congress on the Benghazi Committee, mental Mercury will make the third in a series of muckraking, take-no-prisoners, mince-no-words squares to potent Pluto. Pass the popcorn, because the only other non-lunar pattern exact this week is on Friday — and it is an easy alignment between Venus (women, money, art, social expression) and empowering Pluto.
On Friday, the Sun leaves Libra for Scorpio, because when else would we celebrate Halloween? Bwahahahahahaha! By Friday we should be feeling the buzz and expansive bliss of Sunday’s double-header: 1) a Mercury-Uranus opposition, suggesting revelations in communication and technology; and 2) the third in a series of meet-ups between Venus and Jupiter, a.k.a. Sugar Baby and Cosmic Sugar Daddy. The first two meet-ups happened over the summer in rip roarin’ Leo; this one happens in Virgo and is thus less inclined towards drama and indulgence, more inclined towards refinement. Venus and Jupiter in contact with each other can also refer to diabetes. I wonder if we’ll see a breakthrough on that subject, or any other Venus-ruled health matter, e.g., kidneys and thyroid…or Jupiter-ruled matter, e.g., the liver.
And now, the news.
But first, a reminder about my world-famous 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks, and this quote from Avid Reader Bonnie:
That bookmark was awesome. I kept it in my datebook and referred to it many, many times during the retrogrades :)
Or this one, from Avid Reader Jane:
I would like to find out how much it would cost to get 10 Mercury retrograde bookmarks – I am so tired of my idiot friends who don’t get it, they just know something is off. To have your bookmark on hand to give them is the best idea ever.
Jane, I couldn’t agree more. And yes, I changed your name, in case your friends are reading this. Your bookmarks are in the mail, along with a handwritten note of thanks. If anyone else would like one or more, I will happily send one for $2.88 or three for $4.99 — just click this link and trust that they are beautifully designed and Really Useful. Make sure you include your snail mail address when you make your bookmark donation, as opposed to relying on telepathy.
And now, really the news.
There’s a big election happening today in Canada. I last wrote about our neighbor to the north here. Its horoscope is under pressure for a fresh start and/or a empowered change of identity now and through 2016, as Uranus and Pluto make contact with Canada’s Ascendant. Current Prime Minister Stephen Harper is running for an unprecedented fourth term, and here is his horoscope — birth time unknown. The lean, mean thinking machine of his Mercury (mindset)-Saturn in Capricorn (conservative)-Mars (action, aggression) T-square is fast-losing the supercharge it’s enjoyed by transiting Uranus and Pluto. Interesting to see Mr. Harper has a Grand Trine among his Taurus Sun, Saturn and Pluto, suggesting a need to project a materially self-sufficient stance that, in politics, could favor the Powers That Be (Saturn in Capricorn – Pluto in Virgo). Interesting also to see his empire-building Taurus Sun opposed natally by dreamy Neptune.
Justin Trudeau, son of former PM Pierre Trudeau, is hoping to upset the Canadian status quo. He’s a Capricorn whose pioneering, me-first Aries Moon is just getting started with supercharges from Uranus and Pluto. His 3 degree Capricorn Sun was supercharged from 2008 – 2011, and this is when his political career really revved up. With his Moon opposed by Uranus, we would expect him to be a natural-born firebrand, even though he needs to project an image of refined detail and correctness. Yep, Virgo Ascendant, with transiting Venus, Mars and Jupiter now sitting in his 1st House, suggesting opportunities for personal expansion.
Like Mr. Harper, Mr. Trudeau also has a T-square — a pattern of high developmental tension — among Mars (action), Pluto (perspective; resources) and his Capricorn Sun. The planets in this configuration are all at the Aries Point, suggesting he needs to — and is likely to — be noticed! Mr. Trudeau has a Grand Trine, too — in Air Signs — among Venus (values, social expression)…and Saturn and Pluto. The Air element suggests a self-sufficiency in matters of intellect. He doesn’t need your opinion. He’s got everything figured out fine, thanks very much.
Mr. Trudeau’s 0 degree Gemini Saturn sits at the top of his horoscope, transmitting (potentially) the public status of executive authority. It’s being challenged by transiting Saturn sitting at the bottom of his horoscope at 1 Sagittarius. We could imagine that initiatives taken 14 and 7 years ago would be up for serious review…and that last year, domestic concerns may have been foremost on his agenda. It is a fascinating horoscope — I could write much more, but there’s no time…no time!
No idea who will win the election, but I am rooting for an upset…
UPDATE: …and apparently so is John Oliver. It’s against the law in Canada for an outsider to tell a Canadian how to vote, but Mr. Oliver did it anyway. I wish I’d seen his informative and highly entertaining take on the three — yes, there are three — contenders in the Canadian election, before I posted today. Watch and laugh uproariously…and experience the bewildering fog so notable in Canada’s horoscope (Neptune conjunct Ascendant), Stephen Harper’s(Sun opposite Neptune) and Justin Trudeau’s (Neptune opposing Saturn — both square Ascendant). What a weird (Neptune), wacky (Canada’s Sun is conjunct Uranus). fiercely independent country it is, astro-logically speaking…
John Oliver will also tell you about whatshisname, the other candidate in today’s election.
In other news…
The current trio of planets in Virgo suggests an energetic focus on systems and processes in detail. Venus opposing Neptune — which happened over the weekend — suggests a need for beauty, peace, healing and artsy idealism. I was fascinated to see these themes explored in a lengthy NYT piece that took over a year to write. The reporter’s quest began last summer, when Saturn was smack dab in the middle of its Scorpionic obsession with matters of life and death. The reporter wondered what happens to people who die alone in New York. The result was this: “The Lonely Death of George Bell” — I highly recommend it.
Here’s another NYT piece about systems and processes, this one with a Venusian (feminine) spin: “Supers Who Break the Glass Ceiling”. Systems and processes include diet and other issues involving metabolism. Oprah Winfrey just bought a big stake in Weight Watchers; the stock is soaring. Meanwhile, probiotics are making news in a positive way.
Venus-Neptune aspects can suggest selflessness and charity, as well as ideal love. In California, a couple called off their $35,000 wedding — and the bride’s parents invited almost 100 homeless people to enjoy what would have been the couple’s wedding feast. What random acts of kindness and senseless beauty have you committed lately? Have you shared this warm and fuzzy video of Koko the Gorilla getting a box of kittens for her 44th birthday (July 4th — supercharged by transiting Pluto)?
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s that link again to order your Mercury retrograde bookmarks….and here is the 411 on personal consultations. After I’ve posted that bookmark link five times, I will share with you the most valuable piece of information I ever received as a student at Wellesley College.
Moon will leave the intensity of Scorpio as of 5:18AM ET Friday — with a fiery sigh of relief. In high-flying Sagittarius, it’s looking to push boundaries and express its righteous opinion — whether you asked for it or not. What hits the wires around 10AM ET may be weightier than usual, courtesy of a Moon-Saturn meet-up, with plenty to talk about around 3:15PM ET, as the Moon makes an easy connection to mental Mercury.
Your Friday night happy hour looks good for indulgence and escape, as the Moon square Venus and Neptune. The whole evening is dominated by a dreamy face-off between Venus (money, women, aesthetics, social expression) in Virgo and visionary/delusional Neptune at 10:54PM ET. Think big, think beauty, think perfect…down to the last detail. Why big? Because of a meet-up between expansive Jupiter and assertive Mars in Virgo at 6:40PM ET on Saturday, perhaps pushing physical boundaries even further than the usual exuberance that accompanies a weekend with Moon in Sagittarius. Go for a good gamble or gambol. Broaden your mind. Get out in nature. Treat yourself to a foreign movie or some other culture that is not your own.
There’s no Moon void to discourage your purchasing power on Saturday. On Sunday the Moon will be void between 4:48AM ET and 2:52PM ET, perfect for sleeping in, chilling out — or experiencing an upset victory or twist in a sports match. After that, the Moon gets down to business when it enters Capricorn, looking for an empire to build. The enterprising Capricorn energy continues through all of Monday and much of Tuesday, so no sleeping in.
And now, the news.
Oh wait — but first, this. I received the nicest email today about my world-famous Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks! Much gratitude to Avid Reader Bonnie, who says:
That bookmark was awesome. I kept it in my datebook and referred to it many, many times during the retrogrades :)
Bonnie’s three 2016 bookmarks are now in the mail, and yours can be, too. Last year I mailed out a zillion gratis. This year I’m asking for your help to cover costs. I will happily send you one for $2.88 or three for $4.99, along with a personalized note of thanks for your interest in this forecast. Huzzah!
OK, now the news.
Did you watch the debates on Tuesday? What did you think? Hillary did well, and now op-ed columnists for the New York Times are being paid to comment on what you already anticipated would happen. How can I get one of those gigs? Not that I do not love Gail Collins (here’s her take), but geez…
Bernie Sanders also did well, as anticipated — and bigger than Mrs. Clinton, according to seemingly every source that was not the mainstream media. What’s up with that? Here’s the theory.
Martin O’Malley had that Moon in Scorpio stare — very intense. He sparked, as we’d expect he would with that Sun-Uranus thing going on in his horoscope. He’ll spark again in a couple of years, when his Capricorn Sun has another hit from rebel Uranus.
Jim Webb. He has a natal meet-up between Mars (action) and Saturn (discipline) in Cancer, potentially expressing homeland security needs in a militant/military manner. That pattern is currently being supercharged by Uranus (to his Saturn) and Pluto (to his Mars), and I was waiting to see how it would manifest. The moment came when he answered the question about enemies he had made, and he cited an encounter with a North Vietnamese soldier (Webb fought in the Vietnam War), noting that the soldier was no longer around. You can imagine why…and Mr. Webb’s remark did not go unnoticed. Here’s how the Washington Post covered it. Fascinating, isn’t it?
Planetary patterns this week — detailed in Monday’s forecast — suggest athletics and fantasy. We’ve seen some wild play-off games in major league baseball, including one that is going on now, in a long and intense Moon void in Scorpio. Will there be an upset to report tomorrow in tonight’s battle between the “upstart Mets” and the “star-driven Dodgers”?
Fantasy sports are still making headlines — now banned in Nevada. Even former Lakers’ forward Lamar Odom’s tragic story reflects the bewildering downside of current patterns. Mr. Odom was found unconsciousness in a Nevada brothel and is still in a coma; drugs were reportedly involved. You may recall he was married briefly to one of the Kardashians. Here is his noon horoscope. You can see how strong Neptune is in his natal chart and by transit over the past several years. Right now we note transiting Saturn — a big reality check — making contact with other planets — and in contrast with other transits involving expansive, potentially wretchedly excessive Jupiter. Very sobering and sad.
Health care is making big news this week, too. With Mars (action) and Jupiter (expansion) in Virgo (healthcare) — both in touch with Pluto (resources) — Medicare premiums are set to “surge”. Unless Congress decides to be more generous. Which it may, as Venus meets up with Jupiter on October 25th.
Finally, an update on former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who made scandalous headlines during another heavy Neptune period back in May. You may remember he was accused of paying hush money to quash allegations of sexual misconduct involving one of his students when he was a high school teacher and coach. Now he will apparently plead guilty to at least some of the charges. In May it was noted in this forecast (see preceding link), that Mr. Hastert has Mercury at 18 Capricorn, recently squared by transiting Uranus at 18 Aries. Uranus transits often coincide with sudden revelations.
You may recall that almost-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy also has Mercury (and Venus) at 18 Capricorn. His bid to become Speaker was derailed last week — suddenly — by certain revelations, too — remember? Isn’t astrology amazing?
Now don’t forget to order your Really Useful Mercury Rx Survival Guide Bookmarks here: $2.88 for 1; $4.99 for 3 — and please don’t forget to email me your snail mail address. These are not virtual bookmarks — they are REAL!
Thank you for reading this forecast. Wishing you an exuberantly righteous Moon in Sagittarius weekend!
Posting Wednesday’s forecast earlier than usual so as to share a few thoughts about Tuesday’s Democratic debate. Right now the Libra Moon is void. It enters Scorpio at 5:38PM ET.
First, for Wednesday. Put the Scorpio Moon to good use. It’s strategically-minded, and is interested in more than the usual fluffy cocktail party chit-chat. Use its need for depth, along with the cooperative support from detail-focused Mars (assertion), Pluto (power; perspective) and Jupiter (expansion), to carry you through the business day. All of those supportive connections are boosted even more by an easy flow between action hero Mars and Pluto, exact Thursday at 11:31PM ET. Perhaps you have more energy and resources than you thought. Access them. What have you got to lose?
At 8:58PM ET on Wednesday, the Moon goes void until 5:18AM ET on FRIDAY. So if you want to hit your target on the first try, Wednesday’s patterns are more focused than Thursday, when the Moon void suggests a higher probability of twists, flakes and upsets in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. During Moon voids you may need an extra push to get you going anywhere…and there is an higher than average potential for crises which turn out to be much ado about nothing. Keep that in mind if a house on fire lands on your desk. Chill and go with the flow.
Tuesday’s debate.
Before I get to that, I’m pleased to report that the 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmarks are in! Get one and you’ll always know when Mercury is retrograde, along with key Important Safety Tips. Last year I mailed out a zillion of these, and I so enjoyed connecting with you. This year I’m asking for your help to cover costs. I will happily send you one for $2.88 or three for $4.99, along with a personalized note of thanks for your interest in this forecast.
OK, now the debate.
It’s interesting that CNN changed the start time from 9PM to 8:30PM ET — or rather, from 6PM PT to 5:30PM PT (this debate is happening in Las Vegas — ?!?). Perhaps that accounts for the flashing neon alert of Neptune opposing Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the event chart, suggesting more than a little razzle-dazzle vision and pixie-dusted fog. It’s politics and it’s showbiz.
With Aries rising, Mars in Virgo rules the debate chart — and we’ve already discussed how resourceful and empowered the energy of assertion is this week, down to the last Mars in Virgo perfect detail. Mars also refers to guns. Perhaps that will be one of the hot topics. Just before and after 6PM PT — 9PM ET, rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto will cross the angles of the chart, so I’ll be looking for an especially impactful zinger or two around then.
Sun and Moon are in the 7th — looking to connect with the public. The Scorpio Moon might prefer uncompromising intensity, based on emotional depth. The Libra Sun might prefer a more rational, diplomatic approach, seeking to find a balance. How will the performers in this event work those preferences out?
Jupiter, Mars and Venus are together in Virgo in the 6th House, facilitating discussion of work, labor unions, health care, ecology and food production. Crushing debt — related to education: Saturn in Sagittarius in the 8th. Help those less fortunate, including those who were not born here: Neptune in Pisces in the 12th square Saturn in Sagittarius. Change the power structure of corporations and the government: Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th. Free to be….you and me: Uranus in Aries in the 1st.
Many astrologers use 8:02AM as Hillary Clinton’s birth time, which gives her a Scorpio Ascendant to match her Scorpio Sun. Her Moon is in Pisces, suggesting intuition, compassion and a profound understanding of human suffering. Transiting Venus is just about to hit her Virgo Midheaven, suggesting an uptick in popularity. Jupiter is in her 10th house, along with assertive Mars — all good for poll numbers, though ’tis a pity the esact Jupiter transit to her Midheaven has already passed. Her Scorpio Sun is comfortable with the intensity of the debate’s Scorpio Moon; in fact the Moon will be conjoining her Sun tonight, suggesting a potential fresh start.
We don’t have a verified birth time for Bernie Sanders, either. I did see one rectification effort proposing a Scorpio Ascendant, like Mrs. Clinton. Thus he’d benefit from having Jupiter, Mars and Venus at the top of his chart, too. Even better — and longer lasting than a quick hit to the Midheaven by Venus: 1) transiting Jupiter meeting up with his 15 Virgo Sun and transiting Uranus likely meeting up with his pioneering me-me-me Aries Moon…AND his Venus in Libra-Mars in Aries opposition. This is a horoscope on fire with initiating drive, passion and social expression. It’s why I opined a few months ago that he is likely to be a significant player in this presidential race. These transits will continue well into 2016.
To me it seems that Mrs. Clinton will do well, and that Mr. Sanders will do well, too…but bigger.
You know who else has a career-boosting transit continuing into 2016? Joe Biden, whose horoscope has been discussed several times before: here in 2012; here in 2014; here several weeks ago. The Vice President’s Midheaven is 19 Virgo, and Jupiter will be sitting on it for the first of three passes on November 21 — and again in February and July. Before that happens, transiting Saturn will conjoin Mr. Biden’s 3 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant on October 23, just days before Mars (action!) conjoins his Midheaven (career) on October 27th. That’s a time period to watch. Does he really want to toss his hat into the ring? I don’t know. I am not a psychic; I’m an astrologer. Does Rep. Paul Ryan really want to run for House Speaker? These two men are experiencing similar Saturn-Jupiter transits — as noted in yesterday’s forecast. This suggests a certain opportunity. Isn’t that interesting?
Other candidates: Lincoln Chafee — noted here earlier — Aries Sun; Moon in Leo — ambition perhaps sparked by transiting Saturn earlier this year — we don’t have a birth time. Aries Sun long past potential for being supercharged by Uranus-Pluto, despite fighting spirit likely to kick in around December. Said Sun is at 5 Aries, like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (discussed last week), and was recently eclipsed. Hmmm.
Martin O’Malley — 12p horoscope here — unknown birth time — Capricorn Sun — Moon in substance-seeking Scorpio nowhere near Saturn’s push. What we do see is an intense Sun-Uranus measurement suggesting need to break out of the pack; to disrupt the status quo. It peaks this month, and there’s nothing much else to report unless he’s got something seriously exciting going on with the angles of his horoscope, which we do not know. With Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Pisces, this suggests compassion that needs to help. He has the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-60s in his horoscope — the spark of a revolution.
Jim Webb — Feb 9 1946 in St Joseph MO — no birth time. Idealistic Sun in humanitarian Aquarius; Moon in either late Taurus or early Gemini. Does he project material comfort and security or does he need to be the smartest kid in the room? That’ll be a clue. Late Taurus would have been pushed to act by transiting Saturn. Early Gemini might be under the visionary spell of transiting Neptune. Lots of Air — mental, verbal energy – in his horoscope, regardless. His Mars at 15 Cancer has been sparked by transiting Uranus (taking a risk; impulsive action) and will continue to be supercharged by transiting Pluto into next year.
In other news, on this verrrrrrrry slow Moon void news day, it was announced that Playboy magazine will no longer be publishing photos of naked women. How interesting to read this disruption of the status quo 1) days after the second hit of transiting Uranus to Mr. Hefner’s Aries Sun; and 2) hours after last night’s New Moon, which also conjoined Mr. Hefner’s Aries Sun. Not to mention current transits among Venus (women, aesthetics), Saturn (controls, business) and Neptune (ideals, photography), suggesting all of those themes in parentheses.
Elsewhere, beer is making big business news, reflecting so much Neptune (spirits) and Jupiter-Pluto (power & resources). So is music — also Neptune.
What is going on in your horoscope? Now is the time to find out. Here’s how to schedule a personal consultation, in which we will have an enlightening and useful discussion together.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Non-stop sirens and honking horns all day yesterday, as the Moon waxed to a lush, ripe fullness last night. What was going on in your neck of the woods? Did you note your dreams yesterday and this morning?
Moon continues its sojourn through soulful, empathic Pisces for most of the day. A positive application of energy is suggested for whatever task you’re on as the Moon makes a harmonious connection to an especially effective Mars in Scorpio around 3:09PM. Then it goes void for a few hours, offering the chance to focus on routine matters and/or chill. Get it off your desk before the void, as actions initiated during voids are more likely to be delayed or have no consequence. And don’t forget to VOTE!!!
Empowered revelations and news from underground are suggested in the headlines, as mental Mercury engages once more with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Today it makes contact with ruthless Pluto at 6:38PM ET; it opposes rebel technogeek Uranus on Saturday. Combined with other patterns in yesterday’s Full Moon, these stories seem especially relevant: first, a former portfolio manager at the notorious SAC Capital was sentenced to nine years in prison for insider trading.
Second, football player Ray Rice has finally been booted off the Baltimore Ravens’ roster, after a graphic video showing him punching his then-fiancee in the face and knocking her unconscious went viral. Is this one of the wounds to our collective psyche this Full Moon’s contact with wounded healer Chiron is seeking to release and cleanse? Do we really believe NFL bigwig Roger Goodell never saw this video until yesterday? Why was it OK for the Baltimore Ravens to Tweet several months ago that the fiancee in question took responsibility for her alleged role is having the living daylights knocked out of her? And why the heck is she defending her husband now? What’s up with those Venus-opposing-Neptune rose-colored glasses? And why do Americans love football so much? Don’t they know how dangerous and damaging it is? Astrologer Bill Herbst has written a compelling article about the Uranus-Pluto square and its impact on professional sports in the U.S. He’s written a lot of compelling articles, and I owe him a debt of gratitude — and also to astrologer Rockie Gardiner, who told me about Herbst so many years ago.
At 7:33PM ET, Moon shifts gears and charges into RAMbunctious Aries. That should carry us through a dynamic day of action and initiative tomorrow. Some of it may be bumpy, as the Moon makes contact with Uranus and Pluto, but overall, thoughts and communication will likely be flowing freely and spirits will be high. Moon goes void Wednesday at 8:58PM ET….not to enter the next sign, Taurus, until 9:17PM ET on Thursday. Rule #1 for coping with crises that crop up during Moon voids: consider that they may well be much ado about nothing. There’s a tendency to make mountains out of molehills during voids, and said mountains have a way of going “poof” once the Moon is back in gear. Case in point: CNN was in total alarm-freakout mode last Friday when the unfortunate pilots of a private plane lost touch with air traffic controllers and veered off course towards Cuba before crashing in the Caribbean. I saw it while standing in line at my credit union and thought, “Man, this is some mountain…”
Other news, in the wake of this Full Moon: weddings and impending births — the lush, ripe and dreamy potential of a Harvest Moon, combined with the romance of Venus opposed by Neptune. Neil Patrick Harris got married. So did two women in their 90s who have been together for over 70 years. The Duchess of Cambridge and the Prince of Wales are expecting another child. Hooray!
It’s nice to end on a positive note, don’t you think? Yesterday the Senate passed what could be the beginning of a meaningful effort to overturn Citizens United with a constitutional amendment. Did I mention there may be a primary election in your state today? Don’t forget to vote!
If you feel like you’re in a crisis or a bit of a rut, rest assured you’re not alone. We are living in very interesting times! That being said, a personal astro-logical consultation can provide you with clarity and confidence. I look forward to a fine discussion with you about your horoscope.
Note your dreams upon waking, as the Pisces Moon conjoins visionary Neptune at 5:09AM ET. Intuition, feelings and other sensitivities are likely on the rise, in synch with the waxing Full Moon, exact at 9:38PM ET tonight. In between, around lunchtime ET, note the potential for a healing heart-to-heart or other deep revelation as the Moon makes a supportive contact to potent Pluto.
More on the Full Moon, as its patterns will ripple out through the rest of the week. This is the Harvest Moon and it’s a Supermoon — and you can find out why that’s so special here. Full Moons offer enlightenment and/or release of projects that started or landed on your desk two weeks ago. What will you learn? Planetary patterns suggest a startling blend of the mystical and the practical. First, there’s a sharp contact between mental Mercury and ruthless Pluto (exact Tuesday at 6:38PM ET), suggesting a power play or empowerment in thoughts and communication. You may find yourself making a bold pitch or laying it all on the table if you have a planet or point around 11-13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. You’d be feeling quite optimistic about it, too, given that Mercury is also supported by expansive Jupiter (exact on Wednesday at 2:37PM ET).
Second, there’s a face-off between Venus (art, women, money, social expression) in discerning Virgo and nebulous Neptune, exact on Wednesday at 6:51AM ET. This is the mystical element, suggesting a need for beauty in its most idealized form, preferably accompanied by a choir of angels. Or a sublime ile flottante (floating island). Look for idealized Venusian themes in the headlines. You may be feeling the bewildering, bewitching fog of Neptune more personally — and have been for some months now, with more to come — if you have a planet or important point around 5-7 degrees of Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo…or were born 5-6 days into any of those signs.
Third, there’s a communicative connection between taskmaster Saturn and the Sun (exact on Thursday at 11:04AM ET) which can be superbly applied to projects requiring discipline, detail and structure — and actually shipped the day before, when the Moon will not be void. Fourth, there’s an added flash of insight — electric and/or cosmic — suggested by another face-off between mental Mercury and rebel Uranus, exact on Saturday at 4:06AM ET. Here are a few stories that made headlines the last time Mercury made contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square at the end of July. And finally, action hero Mars is running wild in intensely focused — sometimes ruthless — Scorpio. Some may want to count to ten before lashing out.
The Sabian Symbols for tonight’s Full Moon at 16 degrees Pisces/Virgo are as follows. For the Moon in Pisces: “A Easter promenade.” For the Sun in Virgo: “A volcano in eruption.” Once again, astrology presents us with contradictory images and challenges us to figure out how they can be integrated. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee observes that we have an image of raw, uncontrollable creative power on the one hand, versus an image of a socially acceptable and contained mode of creative expression. If you love Sabian Symbols, get Bovee’s book for more details. What happens when one wild energy comes into contact with that which is controlled? Bovee suggests we be mindful of “social capacities of acceptance and tolerance being tested by new, raw social expressions…flare-ups of all kind…energies that flow with a mind of their own…ideas that take form only after a long period of cooling down, as opposed to the natural pace…of a promenade”.
There’s an added element to the heightened emotional rush of this Full Moon, and that is an exact conjunction between the Moon and Chiron, often called “the wounded healer”. So whatever is slated to erupt into the headlines over the next few days is likely to be rooted in a long-standing wound to the psyche. You may feel this in your own personal world if you have a planet or angle around 15-17 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius or Gemini. It’s always helpful to know in what area of the horoscope Full Moons and New Moons fall, as you can expect that area of your life to be stimulated soon thereafter. If you don’t know where your planets are, consult your local astrologer.
Moon voids for the week are as follows. First on Tuesday, Moon will be void from 3:09PM ET until 7:33PM ET. That means if there’s an election happening in your city, as there is in New York, cast your vote before the void. You’re more likely to flake out during the void, or some other thing is more likely to happen that makes your vote of no consequence. So vote early! Because if you don’t vote, somebody else will. One of these days I’ll put that on a T-shirt.
Moon will also be void from Wednesday at 8:58PM ET until 9:17PM ET on Thursday — that’s a long time to focus on routine and roll with whatever twists detour your efforts to move forward in a straight line, but roll with them and chill you must. Moon will also be void from 9:31AM ET Saturday until 2:26AM ET on Sunday. Here’s more on Moon voids, if you’re new to the forecast.
And now, a little bit of news.
First, my favorite practical, mystical headline today concerns scientists who have been able to devise an experiment that enabled them to “transmit the thoughts of one individual into the brain of another thousands of miles away.” Oh, these scientists — they’re finally catching on! Here’s a practical/mystical bit about hardcore data in the world of online dating, in which the CEO of OK Cupid notes the disconnect between what certain men say they are looking for in a mate vs. the prospects they actually contact. And speaking of hardcore, this week’s Modern Love column in the Sunday Times was written by a practical-minded woman who works in business that’s all about fantasy. She met her husband on the set of a porn movie; their marriage is rock solid, but not without a number of “strange realities”.
In other news, here’s a story the NYT has yet to cover — and I find this to be a strange reality, given the columns of ink devoted to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson last month. On August 5th, another young man was shot and killed by police while he was shopping at a Walmart. A panicked shopper (an alleged ex-Marine) called 911 to report that a man was waving a rifle around and pointing it at shoppers. This happened at 8:21PM ET in Beavercreek, Ohio. If you run that chart you will immediately notice the Moon in pie-in the-sky Sagittarius squared by nebulous Neptune, and also action hero Mars trining Neptune. And if any of the police officers responding to the call had been astrologers, they might have paused for a minute and thought, “Hmm….with Neptune so prominent, things may not be as they seem.” Or “Gosh, that Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Leo right on the 7th house cusp suggests the potential for exaggeration.” Alas, they were not astrologers, and two people died in the confusion. Now, a more accurate version of reality is beginning to take shape. I will be interested to see where this story is at in a couple of weeks.
Thank you for reading, sharing and supporting this forecast.
If you feel like you’re in a crisis or a bit of a rut, rest assured you’re not alone. We are living in very interesting times! That being said, a personal astro-logical consultation can provide you with clarity and confidence. I look forward to a fine discussion with you about your horoscope.
Ideas and communication in their airiest form — literally — are a likely focus today, given the Moon in (airy) Aquarius in harmonious aspect to Venus and Mars, in Gemini (air) and Libra (air), respectively. With Mercury (mindset/communication) at the Aries Point (a need for prominence), it’s a fine opportunity to “reach out and touch someone,” as this cornball commercial from 1979 suggests. Oh, were we really so innocent and sincere back then?
Get it done before 3:23PM ET, when the Moon goes void until 10:40PM ET. This is the only Moon void we’ll have during business hours in the Americas this week, suggesting fewer flakes and twists to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Other voids are Wednesday 8:57PM ET until 12:07AM ET Thursday and Friday 10:18PM ET until 4:43AM ET on Saturday.
Highlights of the week include Jupiter changing signs on Wednesday, leaving nurturing Cancer for regal drama queen Leo — which is great news for anyone with a planet in Leo — but especially the Sun, Jupiter, Ascendant or Midheaven. Jupiter transits often coincide with opportunities for expansion, recognition and sometimes a boost in material resources. Yippee! It takes 12 years for Jupiter to travel through the horoscope, and it’s helpful to know where Jupiter is in yours at any given time. Consult your local astrologer for details or consider ordering the Astro-Basics Report, available here.
Other highlights include Venus happily moving into Cancer on Friday; Saturn grinding to a virtual standstill as it prepares to fiinnnnnally turn direct on Sunday; and rebel Uranus also slowing down, as it prepares to turn retrograde on Monday. There’s a tense aspect happening all month between these two planets, suggesting an enhanced tension and uncomfortable adjustment between the old guard (Saturn) and the avant garde (Uranus). You’re feeling it more personally if you have a planet or angle at 16-17 degrees of just about any sign.
Lots of news to report, most of which I’ll cover in Tuesday’s forecast. For now, please enjoy one of the most surprising reflections of Sunday’s exact trine between Venus in charming, double-talking Gemini and Mars in sweet-talking Libra, suggesting a potential harmony between sexes: the love letters of US President Warren G. Harding. The general consensus is that he was a lousy President, perhaps the worst ever. And he may have been a lousy husband, too — as these letters, which were excerpted in the NYT Sunday magazine, were written to his mistress. Still, he had a remarkable way with words.
So why are these letters being published now? It should surprise no one that in his horoscope, his natal Venus in Libra is opposed by his natal Neptune. That strongly suggests a dreamy romanticism, and this opposition has been and continues to be supercharged by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Pluto is currently at 12 Capricorn, making the second of three hits to his Venus at 12 Libra. Looking at the solar arcs in the horoscope, we instantly see themes of empowered communication in a solar arc to Venus by Pluto, too, as well as a solar arc to Harding’s Ascendant by Venus, suggesting a need to be seen as especially pleasing — dare I say romantic — even though Harding has long since passed on! Also of note: transiting Saturn (gravitas) is right on Harding’s Mercury (communication) at 17 Scorpio.
I’m always fascinated to see how horoscopes continue to reflect “life events” for people who are no longer living. Margaret Thatcher made news over the weekend, and though it wasn’t pretty, it made sense in light of her horoscope. Ms. Thatcher was a Libra with a seriously controlling Saturn in Scorpio sitting right on her Scorpio Ascendant. Generally speaking, Libra detests conflict, and has been known to go to outrageous lengths to avoid it. Generally speaking, a Scorpio Ascendant needs to present an image of control…and this would include a need to maintain privacy more than other signs. So the news that came out was that she allegedly knew that one of her senior ministers had sexually abused young boys, and instead of holding him accountable, she covered it up. And right now transiting Saturn is sitting within one degree of Thatcher’s 15 degree Scorpio Ascendant, perhaps now holding her accountable for actions taken over thirty years ago. There are other significant transits in her horoscope now, but one in particular that coincides with the timing of this news report is Mars, planet of action, sitting right on top of Thatcher’s Mercury, triggering the release/outburst of communication published over the weekend.
Isn’t astrology amazing? Thank you for reading this forecast.
Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!
Note your waking thoughts this morning, as dreams and longings for beautiful escapes are suggested. Perhaps you will see a bit of that longing made real by the mid-afternoon.
We are still in the middle of a long rest period suggested by the soulful Pisces Moon being void-of-course; i.e., traveling through the cosmos with all of the energy and focus of a pinball that has made its last hit to a bumper and is now falling to the bottom of the pinball machine. When the Moon enters Aries at 5:29PM ET, we should notice an immediate boost in energy, speed and focus. Until then, roll with the twists and try to enjoy the unexpected detours in your journey from point A to point B. If you can’t enjoy them, at least have patience. Don’t turn molehills into mountains. If you work in an field with constant deadlines — such as television, and especially news — you’ll notice the effects of the void more than most.
Saturday is volatile. A fiery Moon in me-me-me Aries is prone to impulsive, headstrong warrior action. Be very mindful of the potential for angry outbursts as you go about your business. The Aries Moon will be sorely challenged all day by hard contacts with aggressive Mars, Pluto and rebel Uranus. Intense physical efforts and power plays that may turn violent are suggested by Mars opposing ruthless Pluto at 6:47PM ET. Keep an eye on any demonstrations that may happen this weekend. The Moon goes void again at 10:19AM ET…not to enter Taurus until 12:43AM ET on Monday.
Also exact Saturday: chilly Saturn (discipline, patriarchy, ambition) in Scorpio (debt, karma) squares the sunny regal Leo Sun (life force, will) at 9:06PM ET. This can be harsh; we’ve seen headlines reflecting cuts and restrictions all week. If you read yesterday’s forecast, you will remember that Huma Abedin is currently experiencing Saturn square Sun (and Saturn, too!) in her horoscope, and you are too, if you were born around July 28th or January 28th.
Should be an interesting weekend for sports matches, especially on Sunday during the all-day Moon void. Get to the gym if you need to blow off some steam.
I will post a news round-up later. There’s a lot to report. I’ll leave you with a beautiful escape that perfectly reflects the need for beauty suggested by today’s Venus (art, love, women, beauty) opposed by rose-colored Neptune..and the Moon in Pisces. A reader sent it in — thanks to Leila for sharing — here it is:
I just saw this in the metro newspaper today: – a social media site dedicated to allowing everyone to share a bit of their own happiness with the world… How’s that for being in line with today’s energy – compassion for humanity? :)
A productive day for organizing and giving form to your cherished vision, so get up, get going and make the most of it. Sure, the Moon is now in sensual Taurus, which is often inclined to linger or dawdle in whatever material security it has created. But you can also use this energy to lay down key building blocks and crystallize connections. Go for it. Venus, which rules Taurus and Libra (where the Sun is right now), is in a supportive connection with stabilizing Saturn, which is why I suggest you can make something real out of the rose-colored fog those who are less conscious may be in (see yesterday’s forecast for details suggesting that planetary pattern).