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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/7/2012: Monday, Monday

Generally speaking, Moon in Sagittarius…where it moved last night at 9:39PM ET (after a loooong 13 hour void)…tends to lift the spirits, even when its fueled by philosophical debates that can get a wee bit rowdy (Sagittarius is not the most perfectly groomed sign of the zodiac…and you wouldn’t be either if you were half-human and half-beast, as all Centaur-Archers are). Today, however, the opinions that need to be expressed may ruffle a few feathers, suggested by a challenge to Moon from aggressive Mars in hypercritical Virgo at 8:18AM ET. The emotional outburst that may follow could be over the top, suggested by an obsessive connection between ruthless Pluto and Venus. Put your Big Girl Panties on and use a bit of charm and objective strategy to acquire the resources you need. We’ve got one more day of mental Mercury in impulsive, quick-tempered Aries; by Wednesday cooler heads will likely prevail (though they may not be nearly as inspiring or exciting).

As the day progresses, any storm clouds in your world are likely to dissipate. Take advantage of opportunities to broaden your mind and sense of physical space — or just enjoy a gambol/gamble or two.

Moon voids this week (to help you plan your agenda): Tuesday 9:34 – 10PM ET; Thursday 3:11PM – 1:03AM Friday ET.

Coming up later this week: what to expect when Venus turns retrograde at 10:33AM ET on the 15th. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, I hope you’ve picked your colors out already….


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 2/17-18/2012: Practical Idealism

Well the markets certainly took the enthusiasm suggested by yesterday’s  Moon in Sagittarius, along with expansive Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius in happy contact with mental Mercury, to heart. Good news on the job front sent markets soaring — were you soaring, too?

Moon enters make-it-happen Capricorn at 12:03AM ET on Friday, needing tangible structure and results from all that optimism. So if you haven’t already taken off early for the holiday weekend (it’s Presidents Day in the US), you can anticipate a proactive day at the office, even with Mars retrograde and the Moon at the end of its monthly cycle. At the end of a busy day, an indulgent celebration is suggested by a challenge from loving Venus to that make-it-happen Moon.

The Capricorn energy continues on Saturday, making it a great day for taking care of business. Our need for practicality is augmented by an even more practical connection between disciplined Saturn and the life-giving Sun, exact at 11:02AM ET. More headlines about fairness, justice and equality will likely show up beforehand. Note the potential for rich rewards as a result of investigations, suggested by an easy connection between ruthless Pluto and mental Mercury, exact 4:23PM ET. Go ahead and dig deep; you won’t be the only one talking about life, the universe, everything — and what you found swept under that rug.

Saturday is the last day of  the Sun in humanitarian Aquarius. It’s also the day that cardinal-in-waiting Timothy Dolan (currently Archbishop of New York and also an Aquarius) gets to drop the “in-waiting” from his job title. And what a fitting day to contemplate structure and authority (suggested by strong Saturn patterns and the Capricorn Moon), along with spirit. Nebulous Neptune makes its once-a-year hook-up with the Sun on Sunday at 3:42PM ET; regular readers of this forecast know the keywords for Neptune: fantasy, transcendence, spirit, drugs, alcohol, rarefied art, music, photography, soul union, illusion, confusion — and all sorts of other intangibles. In your own personal world, the mix of Neptune’s rose-colored glasses and Saturn’s realism can make for an elevated  experience for you, too.

Timothy Dolan was born on February 6, 1950 in St. Louis, Missouri — birth time unknown. But even without a birth time, we see that horoscope has the potential to be quite a powerhouse. Dolan has the Sun in Aquarius in close connection with expansive, lucky Jupiter, also in Aquarius — and wow! that dynamic duo is challenged by ruthless Pluto, suggesting great resources and empowerment. When he enters the room, he makes his presence known (Dolan is reportedly 6’3″ and described as “a bear of a man”).  A need to be concerned with matters of spirit is no doubt suggested by nebulous Neptune (spirit) in strong contact with that Sun, Jupiter  and Pluto.

There’s also a challenge from Neptune to mental Mercury in practical, authoritative Capricorn, echoed by an easy contact to Mercury from practical, authoritative Saturn. Mercury-Saturn contacts suggest a conservative mindset, and Dolan does describe himself as a conservative. On the flip side, however, Neptune-Mercury contacts, while inspired, also suggest the need for idealism. Isn’t that interesting? A combination of the practical and the idealistic…Saturn and Neptune…the two planets pulling focus this weekend.

Dolan has Moon in Libra, suggesting a strong need to be appreciated (which he is) and a preference for peace over conflict. It’s likely that Mars is conjunct that Libra Moon, adding great energy and drive to cerebral matters — a need to talk and debate…probably a quick temper (despite the desire for peace) that had to be managed…and also a need to be cerebral about emotions. In fact, there is likely a disconnect with personal relationships, suggested by Venus (social expression) in stubborn,  “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius…which is also retrograde. Venus retrograde is rare…and it’s a reliable signal that  relationships (especially intimate relationships with other humans) are going to be a challenge.  There’s much more that could be discussed, but suffice it to say that Timothy Dolan’s need to take a vow of celibacy, devote his life to matters of spirit and ideals, become a powerhouse within a structured organization and connect with the collective so effectively that parishioners gush, “he makes everyone feel like he’s their best friend” (an Aquarian’s dream come true  is a fascinating and awesome series of choices of playing the hand suggested by the horoscope. It would be interesting to see how a few of Dolan’s astrological twins played theirs.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/14/2010

Presumably you are putting the power of today’s Moon in Capricorn to work by making it happen. The urge to get others on board with your agenda might hit a bit of a snag this afternoon thanks to a challenge between Moon and Mercury (mind, communication, travel). Don’t forget that Venus is retrograde — you’ll have to be extra-conscious of your social interactions and remind yourself to sweeten your demands with a bit of sugar. That might be the additional challenge presented today via today’s First Quarter Moon. Whatever you’re putting out there, feedback may suggest a few adjustments to your Grand Plan.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/12/2010

Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette announced their split after 11 years of marriage, and I know the question on everyone’s mind has been — “Wow! Could this split be directly related to Venus turning retrograde and torpedoing their relationship?” If only it were so simple. A quick glance at Courteney’s chart (working without a known birth time, so my observations are limited),  two measurements leap out: 1) nebulous Neptune opposing Mars, planet of action, which runs wild in the horoscope, suggesting “change of course of action due to dissatisfaction; going to where the grass seems greener; losing focus” (source: astrologer Noel Tyl); and 2) Courteney’s Venus, planet of love/social expression, under extreme pressure from the heavies in the Big T-Square Party (see 7/27/2010 for details on Big T-Square Party) — all of this action has been in effect for a year. In David’s chart we see nebulous Neptune opposing Mercury (mind) and Jupiter-Neptune (Big Picture thinking; his need for reward), suggesting that his already active imagination is likely working overtime.  so bottom line, the only Venus retrograde that likely catalyzed this split is the retrograde Venus in Courteney’s own horoscope (very challenging position); the restless tension, bewilderment — perhaps feeling that there is something else better “out there” likely going on all year long.

Meanwhile, what’s up with this wacky weather? Thunder and lightning and HAIL in NYC as I type! Chalk this up to the third in a row of — get ready to learn a new astrological term — SUPER MOONS. A Super Moon is a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is 90% or greater of its mean closest approach to Earth — the term was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle a few decades ago (so he says — no reason to believe otherwise) — and experience has shown that these New and/or Full Moons coincide with stronger tides, leading to heavy storms and other weather extremes. I’ve been reading his research for over a year now — and he’s been remarkably accurate about this phenomenon, calling the 11th-13th and the 18th-26th of this month as time spans of potential heavy weather action — so now I am sharing it with you.  August and September were also Super Moons; the next one happens in February 2011 — with likely serious winter weather.

For today, the first day back to work for East Coasters — we’ve got Moon (emotional response) in high flying Sagittarius, tossed around in the late afternoon by expansive Jupiter (4:15PM NY) and erratic Uranus (8:07PM NY). Could be some big ideas making a pitch — or an unsettling emotional encounter. Moon goes void at 8:07PM NY — take the evening off and relax.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/08/2010

Here on the East Coast, we’re looking at a holiday weekend — any chance of making an early escape? The Moon is void of course from 9:38AM – 3:52PM — suggesting a day of letting things take care of themselves instead of rushing around trying to make things happen. Angelenos have until 1PM to let things settle while mulling over whatever heavy news or communication that came in overnight or early this AM  — East Coasters, if you didn’t escape early, you’ll be mulling it over, too.

The “heavy” is a hook-up between Mercury (mind, travel, transportation, communication) and restrictive Saturn at 7:35AM NY — you may recall that last week I anticipated jarring headlines as the Messenger Planet made contact with the Big T-Square Party this week, yes? This Mercury-Saturn connection is the last of it.  An example of a jarring headline: NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s abrupt decision yesterday to halt the construction of a tunnel linking NJ and NYC because NJ allegedly can not afford it. Two decades of planning and billions of dollars allocated — and then — sorry — the piggy bank is empty. Sign of the times (and the planetary patterns).

But wait — there’s more! Venus, the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus turned retrograde at 3:06AM NY — and it will stay retrograde until  November 18th. Keywords for Venus include: love, money, values, beauty and women — issues related to all of these are now up for review. Venus is also charm, appreciation and social graces — and it’s fascinating how quickly these qualities fly out the window during Venus retrograde. Therefore, be especially mindful of your interactions with others — you may find yourself forgetting words like “please” and “thank you” — and you won’t be alone.  You may also be unwilling to compromise or consider your partner’s point of view. Venus retrograde can be quite a bitch, especially in Scorpio. But now that you understand the pattern, you can consciously choose not to (over) react to it, right?

Money concerns may also come up; questions about what you are really worth may arise — as if we need any more of that in this economy. If money is not your concern, still be advised that the general rule is not to purchase items of art, beauty or luxury during this time; our sense of aesthetics is often “off”.  What you meet and fall in love with this week may not seem so attractive in two months — and that applies to people, too.

So what’s the up side of this potentially witchy, bitchy Venus? By getting in touch with our baser instincts, we have an opportunity for clarity in our existing relationships. Those that are based on fluff are not likely to stand; do you really need that dead wood in your life? And speaking of baser instincts, political debates are likely to become even more heated and barbed as we head towards Election Day. If you don’t know which candidates are nasty or nice, you will soon enough…