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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/23/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week; Woodrow Wilson, Right on Schedule

Good Morning!

Most of America will be waking up to an Aries Moon that is void of course, suggesting a twist or delay in your usual morning routine. Sleep through the alarm? Pour cold water over your coffee beans that you forgot to grind? Walk out of the house with your underwear on backwards? I have heard stories…

Any crisis that occurs before 11:26AM ET is likely much ado about nothing. After that, the Moon will be fully engaged in Taurus, driving the day with a need for material comfort and security. The Moon cruises without interference, colored with a bit of rose around 10:51PM ET as it makes a nice alignment with dreamy Neptune.

That being said, we may see more of the weekend’s  disruptive potential in areas of money (markets), women, love and aesthetics, as Venus and Uranus oppose each other at 5:13PM ET. Sudden attractions, the shock of recognition and/or a breakthrough or breakout in relationship matters are all possibilities, especially if you were born halfway through Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

Emotions are on the rise against the wiggy backdrop of this Thursday’s Saturn square Neptune (see last week’s forecasts for more on that pattern). The Full Moon in newsjunkie Gemini on Wednesday evening may create quite a buzz. Patterns leading up to Wednesday’s illumination and release feature Mercury (mindset, communication) in touch with Saturn, Neptune and Mars; i.e., structure/control, vision/delusion and action/aggression. Translation: heavy ambitious righteous opinion acted upon in connection with a vision or belief system, which may or may not be delusional.

A Moon void on Friday morning suggests no point in hitting those Black Friday sales, as impulse purchases made when the Moon is drifting suggests that what is purchased will be of little use. Moon enters Cancer at 2:27PM ET on Friday — OK, now you can shop. Its emotional homeland security needs will be challenged by Mars on Saturday, along with the Moon’s weekly supercharge from Pluto and Uranus. Hmmm.

And as if that weren’t enough action, on Sunday the Moon goes void for 12 hours, starting at 7:47AM ET. In that wandering void, the rowdy, high-flying, mind-expanding and opinionated Sagittarius Sun makes contact with Saturn and Neptune, echoing Mercury’s action on Wednesday’s Full Moon. More of what we see then, only hotter and brighter — after all, we’re talking about the Sun. I hope you experience more of the sublime potential than the surreal. You’ll feel it more personally if you were born around the 29th of November, February, June and August.

And now, the news.

Venus! Uranus! Pluto! Over the weekend that pattern suggested emancipated and empowered women pulling focus. Against the backdrop of Saturn (“but what I really want to do is direct…”) and Neptune (film, vision) how cool is it to see —  on the cover of the Sunday NYT magazine — a lengthy feature about women in Hollywood who are ready to run the show. And how about this homepage piece, “ISIS Women and Enforcers in Syria Recount Anguish, Collaboration & Escape”. Or “Girls in California Are Latest to Seek to Become Boy Scouts”. And “States Lead Effort to Allow Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control”

Neptune is drugs. Saturn is control.”Pfizer and Allergan Near $150 Billion Merger Deal”.  Of course they are. And that birth control article reflects Saturn and Neptune, too.

In my last forecast, I closed with this:

As we get closer to Thanksgiving and the intensifying wigginess of next Thursday’s exact Saturn-Neptune square and Full Moon, try this coping strategy. Express gratitude. Gratitude immediately makes you a “have,” not a “have-not”.  It can convey a feeling of empowerment that flies in the face of fear. Being able to choose how you react to people and events in your own personal world also conveys empowerment.

And what do we find splashed across the centerfold of the NYT Sunday’s Review? “Choose to Be Grateful. It Will Make You Happier”. I wonder how much the writer was paid — anybody know? I like “empowerment” better.  It implies a bit of intelligence…as opposed to “happy”, because the writer says that happiness can make you fat (and dumb?).

Today, I am grateful for cats….

Wanna hear something else that’s cool? In December of 2013, Woodrow Wilson was hot, as we’d expect, given his horoscope. Hot biography published, with film rights snapped up by Leonardo Di Caprio. I wrote about their magnetic attraction (doesn’t matter that one of ’em is dead), and anticipated as follows:

But Pluto and Uranus aren’t finished with Wilson’s horoscope yet. Wilson’s Ascendant is 15 degrees of Libra; his Midheaven (career status/reputation) is 17 Cancer; his Mercury is 18 Cancer…and all three points will be super-charged by Uranus-Pluto in 2015. If the film is made — and released in 2015, it should get quite a bit of attention.

Well, the film hasn’t been released yet — don’t know if it’s even in production. But Woodrow Wilson is getting a lot of attention — and much of it is disrupting his image (Ascendant) and public status (Midheaven) as the truth about how he thinks (Mercury at 18 Capricorn) comes to light. At Princeton, efforts are underway to remove his name from a building as he is now alleged to have been…oh, they are calling it “intolerance”.  Quite a change of status!

Isn’t astrology amazing? Don’t you want to know what’s going on in your horoscope, so you can make sensible goals and seize opportunities? It will be awesomely validating and  I can’t imagine why you would not want to do it!!! So here’s the 411 on personal consultations — book one now, before November 29th, when my rates will reflect a well-deserved raise, huzzah! No, you do not have to schedule the appointment before the 29th — December is fine – or even January, after the 1st of the year, for your New Year’s resolutions — but it does need to be booked, with gratitude.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Can you tell I wrote while the Moon was in Aries? Have an awesome day!

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/9/2013: Woodrow Wilson & Leonardo DiCaprio’s Perfect Match

A sensitive, soulful Pisces Moon starts off the work week, along with First Quarter square from the gamboling/gambling Sagittarius Sun at 10:10AM ET. This suggests a challenge to whatever New Moon agenda you set last week, though there’s enough optimism offered by a harmonious connection from expansive Jupiter to give you hope of quashing whatever obnoxious fly lands in your ointment. Your brain could channel all sorts of innovation solutions today and tomorrow, courtesy of an inventive alignment between mental Mercury and rebel Uranus. Think outside the box!

Your Moon voids this week: Tuesday 1:41AM ET – 8:06AM ET; Thursday 10:37AM ET – 3:40PM ET — not bad for productivity and holiday gift shopping. Know anyone who might appreciate being gifted with a personal astro-logical consultation? I have a few gaily — yet tastefully — decorated gift certificates I would be delighted to send via snail mail or email. That “anyone” might even be you. Here’s the 411 on all the various consultations to choose from.

There’s plenty to report in the news, including ongoing upheaval in Thailand and the Ukraine — areas to watch for ever-escalating tensions at the end of the month.  More accidents and aggression pulled focus over the weekend, reflected by physical Mars at the prominent Aries Point (0 Libra, on Saturday). One accident led to a rare eruption of violence in Singapore; bad weather and careless driving led to another 50+ car pile-up — this time in Pennsylvania.  But the story I had to investigate further was Maureen Dowd’s Sunday NYT column entitled, “Woodrow Wilson, Stud Muffin”.

Really, Woodrow Wilson? Stud muffin? Yes, really — and a Pulitzer prize-winning author — A. Scott Berg — wrote a book about our 28th president that was published a few months ago. Not only that, but Leonardo DiCaprio has optioned the book. I had to investigate the planetary patterns behind these events. So here they are. Woodrow Wilson is a Capricorn — born Dec 29 1856 (here is the horoscope). If you’ve been paying any attention to my writings on the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, you know that Capricorns born at the end of December were super-charged in 2012 and 2013. Saturn, which rules Wilson’s Capricorn Sun, is at 11 Cancer — also under the influence of Uranus and Pluto.  We’d expect Wilson to become more prominent and empowered during this time.

But Pluto and Uranus aren’t finished with Wilson’s horoscope yet. Wilson’s Ascendant is 15 degrees of Libra; his Midheaven (career status/reputation) is 17 Cancer; his Mercury is 18 Cancer…and all three points will be super-charged by Uranus-Pluto in 2015. If the film is made — and released in 2015, it should get quite a bit of attention. Let the record also show that right now, transiting Jupiter (expansion, publishing) is on Wilson’s Midheaven, suggesting public recognition/honor — and it’s been there since mid-September, when the book and movie deal hit the headline. Makes sense!

As for the “stud muffin” part, that’s easy to see — with loving Venus and horny Mars exactly conjunct in Aquarius (and square to Uranus), we could expect Wilson to have a bit of a buzz about him, unconventional relationships and a strong appreciation for friendship. Other aspects to Pluto in his horoscope suggest intense emotional engagement — even with all that “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius/Uranus emphasis.

There are other intriguing measurements in Wilson’s horoscope that suggest a strong connection with the public right now, and any students of astrology should check out the current solar arcs. They are fun, but what is going on in Leonardo DiCaprio’s horoscope is even more fun, as it reflects perfectly his connection to Woodrow Wilson! DiCaprio is a Scorpio — born 11/11/74– here is the horoscope. He has Moon at 15 Libra — exactly on Wilson’s Ascendant — this is a compelling emotional connection. Not only that, DiCaprio’s has three planets — Sun, Venus and Saturn — making an easy connection with Wilson’s Midheaven. Sweet!

Solar arcs and transits in DiCaprio’s horoscope over the next 2-4 years suggest increased public prominence and acclaim. The synchronicity with Wilson’s horoscope is faaaaaascinating –I could write more — but for now,  I’m dashing this off — and we’ll see how this film project develops over the next two years. Di Caprio should do very well, regardless.

Glad to hear so many enjoyed my thoughts on Mars in Libra — posted Friday. Thank you for your kind emails of appreciation.