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Thursday-Friday 7/27-28/2017: Icarus Falls and Other Wonders

The Virgo Moon went void at 2:31 AM ET, wandering without focus on its quest for perfection — for better or for worse. A Moon void suggests crises that crop up are likely much ado about nothing. Should I file this morning’s headline about the “Justice” Department’s argument that a federal civil rights law does not protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation in this category? Is this yet another distraction from Other Things the PTB Would Prefer We Not Know About?

At 11:37 AM ET, see if you notice the shift as the Moon engages in the next sign, Libra. A Libra Moon seeks balance, fairness and no small amount of people-pleasing. It cruises without interference for the rest of the day, pushing forward its agenda around 9PM ET, suggested by a boost to the Moon from  the Sun (leaders) and Mars (action) in “l’etat, c’est moi” Leo.

More of the same on Friday — smooth sailing for the Moon in the AM and early PM,  building to an expansive burst of optimism or excess around 6:35 PM ET, as the Moon meets up with Jupiter. A power play or emotional catharsis may soon follow, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with ruthless Pluto. Should be an interesting afternoon for end-of-the-workweek headlines.

And now, the news…a.k.a: “oh what fresh hell is this?”

Wednesday morning began with a face-off between the hypercritical/perfection-seeking Virgo Moon and delusional/bewildering Neptune, exact at 6:37AM ET. Add in the planetary pattern of the week — i.e, the meet-up of the Sun and militant Mars in rip roarin’ Leo, and you’ve got an apt backdrop for yet another boondoogle of a tweetstorm from five-time draft-dodger P45. Driving us to distraction this time was a royal proclamation that in order to form a more perfect military, transgendered persons will no longer be permitted to serve. It’s just more efficient, you see — and thrifty, too — especially in terms of health care costs — all  cherished Virgo buzzwords. And never mind that the health care cost of transgendered personnel pales in comparison to the amount spent on treating erectile dysfunction (blasted macho Mars in Leo fried to a crisp by its exact meet-up with the fireball Leo Sun) — $41.6 million on Viagra alone.   Delusional? Surreal? A tad dictatorial? The Defense Department was “blindsided” — never saw it coming, reflecting the potential of Mars (war, military) literally blinded by its exact proximity to the overpowering Sun.

Caitlyn Jenner, clutching her pearls as she processed the shock of realizing what havoc her Election Day vote has wreaked upon the nation, expressed outrage, just as her horoscope suggests she would at this time. Check out the chart and notice how the Sun-Mars meet-up is provoking her Scorpio Sun and Ascendant, while transiting Mercury in Virgo sits on her Mars; transiting Saturn squeezes the life out of her Venus (social expression; values) at 20 Sagittarius; transiting Pluto squaring her natal Mercury motivates her to transform her perspective and express herself persuasively; and finally, transiting Uranus squaring her natal Jupiter shakes up her values and self-worth. Isn’t astrology amazing? Just wait until 2018, when transiting Uranus zaps her Aquarius Moon and intensifies her need to be seen as a humanitarian of social significance. Watch her broaden her reach.

Late-night comics are having a field day, as is NYT columnist Gail Collins, whose usual cheerful demeanor is noticeably subdued once again by the influence of transiting Saturn (sobering) on her Mercury (mindset). Op-ed columnists liberal and conservative — including  Charles Blow ,  Jennifer Rubin and even Ken Starr are also reflecting the potential of the Sabian Symbol for the recent New Moon in Leo: a fit of apoplexy. Told you so.

Meanwhile, Orrin Hatch (R-UT)  surprised many when he stated last night, “Transgender people are people and deserve the best we can do for them.” I’m not surprised. When it was rumored months ago that exposure of corruption in the current Administration and on Capitol Hill would lead to Senator Hatch becoming president, I thought, “well, that seems like a really big stretch, but given the chaotic Mad Hatter Tea Party suggested by pertinent horoscopes, let’s check it out.” Do we see the potential  for exceptional recognition and reward in Orrin Hatch’s horoscope?  Yes — and we do have a birth time for him: 1PM on 3/22/1934 in Homestead Park, PA.

His pioneering Aries Sun at the Aries Point brings energy to lead and inspire, driven by a Moon in Gemini that needs to be the smartest kid in the room. It’s fronted by a Cancer Ascendant, needing to be seen as caring and sensitive, concerned with family and home(land) security.  And oh — looky, he has a Sun-Mars conjunction, too — only in Aries, champion of the underdog (on a really good day).  Those religious hymns he writes? Chalk that up to an opposition between Mercury (mindset. communication) and Neptune (faith, music) placed in the areas of his horoscope related to writing and publishing.

His horoscope has been hot this year — and will continue to be so into 2018.  Like P45, he’s been enjoying the expansive and rewarding potential of Jupiter’s return to its natal placement in the horoscope. It was exact on his March solar return and will hit again on August 23rd.   Transiting Uranus is squaring his Cancer Ascendant, suggesting a potential fresh start or upset; it’s also conjoining his natal Uranus, suggesting a need for independence and freedom, as in not having any more eff’s to give, as the saying goes. The potential for a change of status could apply in personal as well as professional affairs. The first hits of these two series of three emancipating/disruptive Uranus transits happened in May, when that wild presidential rumor hit the headlines. Let’s watch around October and next March, for hits two and three.

But the measurement that really intrigued me – after pondering how events in his life might reflect the potential in his horoscope — is between his Midheaven (career/honor/public status) and his prominent pioneering Aries Sun (technical term, for astrology pros and students, is “solar arc”).  It permeates all of 2017 and it is exact on August 2nd.  It suggests “professional fulfillment; getting what one deserves,” as expressed by astrologer Noel Tyl.  Point is, based on that transit, I’ve been anticipating an opportunity for Senator Hatch to shine in the spotlight right about now, and was thus pleased to see him making news yesterday on such a positive, caring and humanitarian note.

In early December transiting Saturn will oppose his Moon.  Hard aspects between Saturn-Moon aspects can suggest ambition/advance realized out of a sense of lack or loss.  The gravitas continues in January, as transiting Saturn squares his Aries Sun, suggesting heavy responsibility and/or streamlining —  with an extra dose of prominence in public and personal status. We shall see.

Meanwhile, yesterday’s Sun-Mars in Leo meet-up also involved the asteroid Icarus. In mythology, Icarus was given wings made of feathers and wax which were to be used to escape imprisonment in labyrinth.   Ignoring his father’s wise advice, Icarus flew high — way up to the Sun — where his wings of wax melted and he fell into the sea and died. Moral of the story: hubris will destroy you. Add that mythological element into your reading of yesterday’s news.

Meanwhile…Leo refers to entertainment and fun parks. Here’s a headline from WaPo — posted soon after that Sun-Mars-Icarus conjunction in Leo: “Aggressive Thrill Ride Snaps in Mid-Air, Killing One and Injuring Seven.” What’s the name of the “thrill ride”. THE FIREBALL. Still not convinced by the astonishing synchronicity of headline news and planetary patterns? I don’t know what to tell you then, because I can’t do any better than that! Feel free to chip in to my Cosmic Tip Jar — I’ve fixed the link — fingers crossed — if you tried it before and couldn’t follow through on your appreciative (and much appreciated) impulse. Gratitude.

Other Mars-Sun (and arguably Icarus, too) headlines:

Thank you for reading this forecast. To learn how current planetary patterns are being reflected in your own personal world, why not schedule a personal consultation — in plain English, with no astrological jargon.


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