….and how did you survive the weekend’s total lunar eclipse? I don’t know about you, but I was grateful for Sunday’s all-day Moon void, suggesting an apt time to chill, process and try not to bite someone’s head off. If you have a planet or angle in your horoscope around 4 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aquarius, my money says you’ve been feeling a bit piqued, for better or for worse. That energy can be productively channeled into a Mercury/Mars retrograde REorganization or REsearch project. Onward! — as they say, even with so many planets appearing to move backwards above.
The work week began with the Moon in Pisces. An empathetic flow was exuberantly supported by a harmony from Jupiter in depth-seeking Scorpio. My day was booked to the gills with clients taking advantage of all this retrograde energy to review their lives and plan ahead for the next six months to a year. Astrologers are like dentists. If you’re going to work with one, check in once or twice a year. I guarantee that patterns in your horoscope have changed since the last time we spoke. Knowledge is power!
Moon continues in Pisces today (Tuesday), seeking to work with impressions and ideals. Did you note your dreams this morning? Moon met up with Neptune in the wee hours, perhaps taking you on an especially sublime trip. Depth of feeling is supported this morning, courtesy of a harmony with Pluto. Moon goes void on at 6:42 PM ET, on an opposition with hypercritical Venus in Virgo. Your feelings vs. someone’s else critical analysis?
Chill during the 12-hour void. The pace picks up noticeably when the Moon charges into me-me-me Aries at 6:54 AM ET on WEDNESDAY. It gathers steam on an harmony with Mars around 12 PM ET…then crashes through or into a brick wall around 1:45 PM ET, suggested by a square to authoritarian Saturn. It’s all prep work for this week’s BIG FAT ASPECT: the second of three squares between action/assertion Mars in Aquarius and rebel Uranus in Taurus, exact at 10:41 PM ET. The first Mars-Uranus square happened on May 16th, and here’s what was written back then:
The really big buzz is as follows:
- … rebel Uranus ditches Aries for Taurus. Over the next seven years, look for innovation, liberation and disruption is all Taurus-ruled concerns: banking, currency, food, pleasures of the senses, agriculture, the whole concept of possession (vs. renting or vs. community ownership). Perhaps we’ll see innovation and advances in the treatment of thyroid and throat disorders, too. Taurus is an Earth sign, so I would not be surprised if earth-shaking incidents demand our attention.
- Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. I hope you like the idea of Mars being in Aquarius, because except for a few weeks starting on August 13th (when Mars returns to Capricorn), we’re stuck with Mars in Aquarius until November 16th. One of my teachers calls Mars in Aquarius the “rebel with a cause.” So we can expect action in the headlines involving rebellious and/or humanitarian concerns, some of which will have a technogeeky (Aquarius) or “on the fringe” flavor. Think aviation, circuitry, freedom, astrology, outer space, uranium, what’s allegedly “best for everyone”. Those sorts of things.
- These two planets changing signs starts off with a likely bang. Why? Because two hours after Mars enters Aquarius, it makes the first of three squares to Uranus, suggesting a release of tension. What kind of tension? Possibly explosive, seismic, disruptive, ground-breaking, seismic, innovative, genius or mutating. When do the other two squares happen? On August 1st and September 18th. So let’s see how events happening this week are reported in the news around those two dates.
There are no other exact aspects among the planets — except to the Moon — between Thursday and Sunday. Moon will be void in Aries at 10:52 PM ET on THURSDAY — entering Taurus on FRIDAY at 3:51 PM ET. Sounds like a three-day weekend to me. We’ll have a Third Quarter Moon on SATURDAY between the Taurus Moon and the Leo Sun, suggesting a stubborn insistence on keeping things as they are supposed to be, according to whoever is doing the supposing.
You are more personally affected by the buzz/outburst potential of the Mars-Uranus square if you have a planet or angle around 2 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. The “Uranus component” of this second square is intensified by the fact that Uranus is slowing down, about to turn retrograde on August 7th. Avid Readers know that planets about to change direction bring the issues symbolized by that planet into focus. Horoscopes of famous people affected include: Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Elisabeth Moss. Mrs. Clinton has been making a lot of news this week, breaking out and taking action. Monica Lewinsky was belting it out at a gay bar last week.
Meanwhile, today WaPo ran an interview with Linda Tripp a.k.a. Grandiose Ambitious Blabbermouth, a.k.a. Sun-Ascendant in Sagittarius, driven by Moon-Jupiter exactly conjunct at 28 Capricorn. Ms. Tripp may be on quite as assertive tear at the end of August/early September, when transiting Mars stations exactly on that Moon-Jupiter conjunction. What’s bringing her into focus now is reflected by transiting Pluto on her Venus (empowering/transforming social expression) and transiting Saturn square her Midheaven (ambitious effort involving public status).
And now, more news.
Headlines have been plastered with almost nothing but reflections of Mars, Uranus and the Leo Sun. Translation: a focus on shocking news about leaders, guns, automobiles, violence, gender-benders, aviation, testosterone, #MeToo, the planet Mars, technology, fires, rebels. Well, last week there were a few beautiful love stories reflecting last week’s deep and mystical alignments among Venus, Neptune and Pluto — my favorite being this one from WaPo about a female crane in love with her human keeper.
Otherwise it’s been:
- Mars closer to Earth now than it’s been in 15 years
- Underground lake discovered on Mars (shocking)
- Prizes announced in Mars habitat competition
- Gay couple separated on Alaska Airlines so adjacent seats could be given to straight couple
- Malaysian Airlines chief resigns as MH370 investigation concludes someone piloted the plane off-course
- More Americans forced to “reside” in their vehicles
- Facebook stock plunges, wiping out $119 billion in value (file under: “I told you in March there would be disruptions to FB this summer”)
- Twitter stock plunges 21%; trading still volatile
- Raging wildfires in California, reflecting volatile patterns noted months ago in California’s horoscope
- Speaking of volatile state horoscopes: “Outrage after (Chicago-based) Aloha Poke Company tells Hawaiians to stop using ‘Aloha” in their business names”
- “New activity” detected at North Korean missile site…hahaha…so much for it being “no longer a threat”
- P45’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed by pickax-wielding critic
- Georgia state rep Jason Spencer resigns after embarrassing himself in mock anti-terrorism training video, courtesy of Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Who Is America?” I almost feel sorry for Mr. Spencer, who served as a a physician’s assistant before turning to politics. We see that healing potential in his natal Jupiter-Neptune square. Downside potential: delusional beliefs.
- Not so fast on those 3D-printed handguns, says Mars retrograde. States are racing to block the plans from being downloadable online…and they have until August 1st, the exact day of the Mars-Uranus square — to do it. Coincidence or conspiracy?
- Also not so fast: the new guy at the EPA is rolling back Scott Pruitt’s final act of environmental destruction. It will now enforce Obama-era rules limiting diesel truck emissions
- Military/aviation themes in the obituaries include Mary Ellis (British pilot in WWII) and Alene Duerk (the U.S. Navy’s first female rear admiral)
- As predicted, more startling news about Amelia Earhart: “New Distress Call Provides Intimate Portrait of Her Final Week.”
- “From a Space Station in Argentina, China Expands Global Reach”
- Tariff wars disrupting jobs and creating bailouts
- File under #MeToo: FEMA personnel chief Corey Coleman; CBS head honcho Les “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS” Moonves — and let CBS’s Stephen Colbert tell you all about it; yet another cardinal...
- This just in: “Facebook Identifies Ongoing Political Influence Campaign” (re: upcoming midterm elections).
Have you checked your voter registration status recently? Do it NOW!
More news as it happens in sync with planetary patterns. Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading this forecast and thank you for the client referrals. Your friends are amazing. You?
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