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--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/11/2011: Mind the Void

Moon in enterprising Capricorn needs to make it happen. Fine, but be advised that the Moon is still void of course, suggesting challenges while attempting to move or shoot in a straight line. Unexpected twists are more likely; the flake factor is higher and that urgent crisis dumped on your desk may be sound and fury, signifying nothing.Taking care of routine tasks, brainstorming, chilling out — or perhaps even flaking out — could be a more productive strategy.

With Mercury retrograde, be especially alert for signs our brains are not functioning as efficiently, especially in combo with the void. And with the potentially combative, explosive energy of the challenge to aggressive Mars from ruthless Pluto released in the wee hours this AM, stay out of the line of fire & hold your tongue if you feel your temper rising. We’ll see plenty of action in the headlines, I’m sure. Find a more constructive use for all that energy with a creative project or a run around the block.