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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Why You Keep Getting Back Together With Your Ex, According to Astrology

I’m pleased with this article, as there are only a couple of misquotes — and Mercury retrograde is given far more weight than it deserves. Otherwise, it’s pretty much what I said — word for word. Kudos to Bustle’s smart reporter, who was genuinely interested in how astrology works, as opposed to writing a fluffy what piece about kind of sandwich you should eat, according to your zodiac sign. Here’s the link:

Why You Keep Getting Back Together With Your Ex, According to Astrology

Charts in the News: Leanna Wen, Kamala Harris, Laura Dern & More

This commentary was written in June 2019 and originally published in the August/September issue of The Mountain Astrologer.  It was fascinating to see how the disruptive patterns seen in Leanna Wen’s horoscope manifested in her sudden departure from Planned Parenthood in mid-July. 

Aug/Sept 2019 Charts in the News -TMA

Well + Good: Capricorn in 2020

…in which Susan Miller waxes rhapsodic about Capricorn’s prospects for 2020. I am mentioned at the end of the article — a delightful surprise, and perfectly in sync with planetary patterns. I do believe 2020 will be a significant year for most Capricorns, but not all will experience it at the same level of streamlined intensity and empowerment. Consult your local astrologer for details about your unique horoscope.

Well + Good: Capricorn in 2020



“Here’s How to Bring Luck for [Any Year]…

...Because Experts Say It Doesn’t Always Just Find You.”

In which I say a few words about how an astrologer can help you increase your odds of success by improving your timing.

Timing is everything, doncha’ know. As seen in…


Well + Good: Everything to know about what makes an uber-ambitious Capricorn tick

I was happy to answer Well + Good writer Jessica Estrada’s questions about those born with the Sun in Capricorn. As I have a Capricorn Ascendant, I certainly look the part.

But seriously, Capricorn is arguably the hottest sign in the zodiac now and through 2020. Early Capricorns will soon feel an expansion and/or reward potential when Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2, 2019. Capricorns born between January 5th through 14th — and especially January 12th are feeling the streamlining squeeze of Saturn, along with the transformation and breakdown potential of Pluto. Saturn refers to authority and control; Pluto is power and resources. Both are in Capricorn (along with Jupiter) for most of 2020.

Caveat: if you’re a Capricorn and really want to know what makes you tick, get to know the rest of your horoscope. Your Sun Sign is one of many significant moving parts. That’s true for all Sun Signs.

Well + Good: Everything to know about what makes an uber Capricorn tick


Charts in the News: Justin Trudeau

This commentary was written in May 2019 and originally published in the Jun/Jul issue of The Mountain Astrologer.  It was fun to re-read now (on October 21, 2019), the day Canada went to the polls. The election results: “Canada’s Trudeau retains power but will have a minority government”. Saved by the referenced Jupiter return (in the commentary linked below), but the streamlining squeeze of transiting Saturn is still in effect through November.  Astrology is amazing.

TMA Charts in the News Jun-Jul 2019

Charts in the News: Nancy Pelosi, the 116th Congress, California & More

I’m thrilled to be writing this column for The Mountain Astrologer. Look for it in the student section of each issue. This column went to press in early March 2019 and was published in the April/May 2019 issue.

419-TMA-Charts in the News — Commentary by Elisabeth Grace


luxury lessons: what you need to know about astrology

What fun to be interviewed for this thoughtful article penned by Julie Murphy for the online publication dandelion chandelier. Enjoy!


Chatting with Cynthia Rose on OmTimes Radio: Vernal Equinox Edition

Cynthia Rose and I spent the penultimate hour of the astrological year talking about why the first day of a season is so significant. Listen and learn all about the March 2019 Full Moon in Libra on the Aries Point, the Vernal Equinox, Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus.  Thank you, Cynthia for having me on your show again :)



Chiron in Aries: Chatting with Chris Flisher on “Turning of the Wheel”

Dear Avid Readers,

Chiron, the Wounded Healer will be in Aries until April of 2027, perhaps offering us an opportunity to repair some of the most disruptive effects that happened during rebel Uranus’s seven-year stay in Aries. Uranus in Aries brought you me-me-me to its shockingly self-reliant max: the gig economy, selfies, cars without drivers and drones come to mind. But what does it mean to be self-reliant in  a world that feels like it’s falling apart? What’s our connection? Who are we, anyway?

Chiron was last in Aries from 1968 – 1977. Remember the 70s? They called it “the Me Generation.” In Aries, Chiron suggests the pain of self-denial and inaction. The challenge of Chiron in Aries is to heal the “wounded warrior” (a warrior is what Aries needs to be), through acts of courage and positive self-assertion.  And that’s what Chris Flisher and I were talking about in February — here is the link — let me know what you think.