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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/14/2012: Deep Thoughts & Mystical Revelations

…and what deep thoughts might be going through your mind, as mental Mercury in security-building Taurus makes an easy connection with resourceful, empowered, dirt-digging Pluto this morning at 4:09AM ET? Research and investigation; empowered (there’s that Pluto word again) communication — just download it from the ether, why don’t you — and give it form. Tremendous resources are available to you this week — both mental and physical ones — so make the most of it.

Moon in Pisces suggests going with the flow and getting everything off your desk of significant consequence that needs to move in a straight line today, rather than tomorrow. On Tuesday, Moon will be void of course in dreamy Pisces from 7:59AM ET until 5:454PM ET.  We’ve got another long void on Thursday at 5:44PM ET until Friday at 6:03AM ET. Moon voids suggest a higher probability of twists in even the simplest of tasks; the challenge is to roll with them. If your project is time-sensitive, get it done today.