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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for 3/29/2011: Historian William Cronon

A reader asked how yesterday’s challenging Pluto square at 7 degrees of Capricorn to the Sun at 7 degrees of Aries  (suggesting power plays, corruption revealed/exposed, explosive actions, news from underground) might be affecting Scorpios. The answer: while this aspect is definitely challenging all those born in the early days of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn (for better or for worse), the aspect is not challenging any planet in Scorpio, though those born around October 29 are likely getting a supportive power boost from Pluto to their Sun at 7 Scorpio.

Still, it’s possible for a Scorpio (or someone who isn’t an Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn) to be profoundly affected by this particular transit, but we need to look at a complete horoscope (there’s so much more to astrology than the Sun!). Here’s an example: William Cronon, a man who made headlines over the weekend, described in a NY Times editorial on 3/25/2011 as follows:

“William Cronon is the Frederick Jackson Turner and Vilas research professor of history, geography and environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin, and was recently elected president of the American Historical Association. Earlier this month, he was asked to write an Op-Ed article for The Times on the historical context of Gov. Scott Walker’s effort to strip public-employee unions of bargaining rights. While researching the subject, he posted on his blog several critical observations about the powerful network of conservatives working to undermine union rights and disenfranchise Democratic voters in many states.

In particular, he pointed to the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative group backed by business interests that circulates draft legislation in every state capital, much of it similar to the Wisconsin law, and all of it unmatched by the left. Two days later, the state Republican Party filed a freedom-of-information request with the university, demanding all of his e-mails containing the words “Republican,” “Scott Walker,” “union,” “rally,” and other such incendiary terms. (The Op-Ed article appeared five days after that.” 

Wow! Suddenly Mr. Cronon — and his blog — are being talked about all over the web — and his blog is a MUST-READ, with two million hits and counting last time I checked his home page:

What’s the astrological correlation? Something HAS to be going on in the horoscope! Cronon, born September 11, 1954 (time unknown) in New Haven, CT is a Virgo — that sign isn’t directly affected by that Sun-Pluto square — BUT — he has Mars, planet of action, at 7 degrees of Capricorn — where Pluto is right now! The potential effects of Pluto connecting with Mars are: extreme force, persuasion, control, brutality, excessive effort. Does that description fit current events in Mr. Cronon’s life?  (Yes!) He can expect this influence to continue through 2012, btw — the horoscope is clear. (Dear Scorpio reader, I hope this helps further your understanding of how astrology works — and if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask!)

Planetary activity today is fairly light — but there’s plenty to process from yesterday’s heavy patterns: explosions at a weapons factory in Yemen, the battle for oil — oops — freedom in Libya, ongoing efforts to control the damage in Japan and the Governor of Maine pulling a unilateral power play over the weekend by removing murals depicting Maine laborers from the lobby of Maine’s…Labor Department

In your own personal world, far from the madding crowds and world events, there’s a friendly Moon in Aquarius, free of jarring aspects from other planets, to keep you humming along through the work day — with one caveat: Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow afternoon. You may notice glitches and delays related to gizmos, travel and communication. Back up your computers now.