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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/13/13 & the Weekend: Steady As She Goes

No exact aspects today, save for a harmonious alignment between potent Pluto and the Moon in earthy, material security-seeking Taurus. Add that drive to the lingering effects of yesterday’s Jupiter-Saturn alignment and continue building your empire. More of the same on Saturday — with no void-of-course Moon to throw a wrench into your holiday shopping sprees until 9:54PM ET. A pleasant connection between the Moon and loving Venus makes for an indulgent Saturday night.

Moon enters chatty Gemini at 1:41AM ET on Sunday, needing clever conversation and other forms of entertainment. Note your dreams upon waking, as the Moon makes a challenge to nebulous Neptune in the early morning.  Thoughts and actions should enjoy a fine synergy that carries through the whole day. If that all sounds terribly quiet and boring, just wait until next week and the week after.

No Moon void on Monday means no sleeping in. Meanwhile, have a lovely weekend…I’ll post a news round-up on or before Monday….except for this: the 4th and 5th chapters of Dasani’s poignant story –see earlier posts this week for the set-up —  I promise you it ends on a hopeful note….

A personal astro-logical consultation would make a lovely gift — for yourself or a special someone on your holiday shopping list. I have  festive gift certificates to email or snail mail — here’s the 411.