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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/6/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Play As You Go; Roger Clinton, Right on Schedule

Good Morning!

A Cancer Moon drives the start of the work week with a need to focus on emotional, home and homeland security concerns. Think nourishing, nurturing: a home-cooked meal; hanging with your best gal pals or a phone call with Mom.  Moon is in its home sign in Cancer and it sails through the day without interference. It makes harmonious connections with Neptune at 7:47PM ET and Jupiter at 11:54PM ET, supporting your latest vision quest. A meet-up in pixie chatterbox Gemini between the Sun and Venus at 5:39PM ET adds a kaleidoscopic potential to your improv skills today. As you may recall from the New Moon forecast, one of the top rules of improv is “trust your instincts.” I was delighted to find an article yesterday affirming the benefits of doing just that. Take the quiz and see how you measure up.

The only other exact aspect between planetary patterns this week (other than aspects to the Moon) is a stubborn opposition between Mars in Scorpio and Mercury in Taurus, That happens at 1:01PM ET on THURSDAY. Mars is the energy of action; Mercury refers to mindset and communication. Somewhere, somebody will be digging in their heels and putting up a fight. Potential upside: the air will finally be cleared. Potential downside: with Mars retrograde, now is not the time to start a war. You are more affected by this potential outburst of energy if you have a planet or angle around 26 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo.

There is another aspect humming in the background, exact on June 17th. This is the second of three squares (challenging aspects) between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. The third one will occur on September 10. Your horoscope is more affected by this pattern if you have a planet or angle at 12 degrees of Virgo, Gemini and especially Sag and Pisces. Saturn is structure, ambition and reality. Neptune dissolves whatever it touches. It needs to be intangible. It can be bewildering. In touch with Saturn, it may reflect feelings of despair. Hopefully this will inform your perspective on whatever seemingly hopeless headlines hit the wires.  Here are a few thoughts about this pattern that I posted in January of 2015.

Your Moon voids for the week — natural breaks in the action which are excellent for focusing on routine concerns, chilling and going with the flow — Tuesday 8:18PM ET until Wednesday 2:47AM ET; Friday 3:14AM ET until 9:46AM ET. Thus you can see that your work week is relatively free and clear of twists and flakes that disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Onward!

I am posting this forecast now — at 9AM ET — but still writing the news portion.  It takes a few hours to put each forecast together.  If you’d like to schedule a personal consultation, I would be delighted to help you understand why you are the way you are, why you attract Certain Kinds of People and why things happen when they do.

UPDATE — with the news, as promised.

My mission today was to write about Bill Clinton’s horoscope. It’s been on my mind all morning. I pulled it out a couple of weeks ago to see what it might have to suggest about a new job or a move over the next several months. We can use an individual’s horoscope to anticipate significant events impacting a spouse, parent or child. Here’s what jumped out at me: transiting Uranus opposing Jupiter.

Uranus refers to a sudden upset — for better or for worse. Jupiter refers to reward and expansion — for better or for worse. Uranus acting on Jupiter often occurs when someone has a lucky break, a sudden windfall. The effects can be spectacular.

Transiting Uranus opposes Bill Clinton’s Jupiter three times:  June 1st — a few days ago, this September 27th and March 23rd of 2017. So that could be really good, right? Well…maybe.

Uranus rules Bill Clinton’s 5th house. Jupiter rules his 3rd house. Not the 10th house — career/reputation. Or the 7th — his spouse; the public. Or the 4th — his home – maybe suggesting a move. Or even his 1st house/Ascendant — how he is seen; his personal projection.  The 5th house refers to children, creative self-expression, partying, speculation, love affairs. The 3rd house refers to neighbors, communication, writing, thinking, short journeys and …..siblings.

So I’ve been pondering for two weeks how this Uranus-Jupiter opposition might be experienced by Bill Clinton — an upset/windfall potential for sure — but the areas of life involved aren’t screaming with certainty, “spouse elected to highest office in the land!” Meanwhile, here’s what just hit the news:

“Hillary Clinton’s Brother-in-Law Busted for DUI Two Days Before the California Primary”

That would be Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton’s brother — symbolized by the 3rd house. Siblings.

Isn’t that fascinating? Astrology is amazing.

What’s going on in your horoscope?

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 6/4-5/2016: New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon in Gemini — exact at 10:59PM ET. Moon entered Gemini on Friday at 11:01PM ET. If you’ve been feeling listless or restless in the past 24 hours, you’re tuning in to the Moon being at the end of the lunar cycle, literally in the dark about what the next new cycle will bring. Now that it’s after 11PM ET, you can light a candle and re-set your intentions for the next thirty days.

A Gemini Moon seeks  to be the smartest, most entertaining kid in the room. How much fun can you stand to have? A lot of serious fun, if planetary patterns are reliable guideposts. Which in fact they are.

In the last forecast I wrote about the rare planetary pattern dominating last week and this New Moon. It’s called a Mutable Grand Cross involving the Sun (vitality), Moon (reigning need), Venus (women, money, art, social expression), Saturn (ambition, patriarchy, cuts, control), Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (illusion, fantasy, surreal, spirits, music, vision, oil).  Here is the chart for the New Moon, included here expressly for Avid Reader Deborah, a highly educated and awesome woman who is intrigued by the idea that planetary patterns are accurate guideposts for events in the world, the headlines and in the lives of individuals.

Deborah is awesome because she took the time to tell me that she’s having trouble understanding the technical jargon. Since I now know this, I can actually do something about it. Deborah — the big red square with the red X in it is the Grand Cross. It jumps out at you, doesn’t it? It is a dynamic energy pattern. That’s all you need to know for now — I hope it helps. And now we’ll talk about its potential — in plain English — no jargon.


New Moon in Gemini

Ever watched an improvisational comedy sketch? Or better yet, taken an improv comedy class? I spent a year doing almost nothing but studying improv comedy. This is one of the best things you can study to prepare yourself for the “real world.”

You’re on a stage with your scene partner. Your mission is to get a life. You do this by creating a story that has action, tension and resolution. There are no limits as to person, place, thing or time. There are, however, some rules that will make a scene more successful than others:

  • Trust your instincts.
  • Stay in the moment.
  • Make it up as you go along.
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Accept what your partner says/does and add to it. This is called YES…AND.
  • Saying YES…BUT…keeps things from moving forward.
  • Saying NO — or otherwise blocking your partner goes nowhere. You must work together!
  • Taking action makes a better scene than just standing there talking about it.
  • Mistakes are gifts.
  • Players having the most fun on stage will likely have the most successful scenes.

A Gemini New Moon needs to be clever and entertaining. This month, why not you, too — in whatever area of your horoscope where this New Moon falls. Go outside and play. Have some fun. If you do not know where this New Moon falls in your horoscope, you need to schedule an appointment with your local astrologer. Don’t you want to know how all this stuff applies to YOU?

The inspiration for these marching orders on this New Moon came to me when a friend posted a status on Facebook earlier this week that was perfectly in tune with planetary patterns. So I made it my Facebook status and added the astrological perspective:

PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THESE INSTRUCTIONS: I would like my Facebook Friends to comment on this status, sharing how we met. But I want you to LIE. That’s right, just make it up. And after you comment, Copy this to your status, so I can do the same, I bet HALF of you won’t read the instructions right!  This is just for fun — to celebrate this week’s Sun-Neptune square — among other planetary patterns that make all things possible at once, even if it’s not real. Also, I haven’t heard or seen from most of you in ages — and I miss you.

Suffice it to say that I have wildly imaginative and entertaining friends.

The other inspiration for how to maximize the potential of this New Moon comes from a quote from Illusions, a wonderful little guidebook by Richard Bach:

If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats.

Here’s another perspective. A Grand Cross pattern has four squares and two oppositions. Oppositions suggest polarity — that’s easy to see, right? A friend of mine who actually has a Grand Cross in his horoscope once told me that one of his big life challenges has been to find the center among opposing extremes within himself. If you were born a few days before or after the 4th of June, September, December or March, you are especially affected by this New Moon. Perhaps you have a number of  opposing forces on your plate, all claiming to be equally valid. How will you find the center?

Finding the center among opposing extremes could apply to  all of us this month. The rules of improv (listed above) can help you create the best scene for all. On a more Big Picture, political level, you could also consider this book: The Reunited States of America: How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide. I just happened to cross paths with the author this week. Coincidence or conspiracy?

And now, the news.

Who doesn’t love Schrodinger’s cat?

The theory imagines a cat inside a box along with a radioactive source and a poison. The cat can be both dead and alive at the same time inside the box until some outside force changes the box’s state.

Reflecting the dualism bordering on the surreal of this week’s Mutable Grand Cross, a story in the IB Times reports that physicists at Yale have made the Schrodinger’s cat scenario even more bewildering:

A team of researchers has now come up with a new twist to the experiment — one that proves that not only is the fickle feline both alive and dead until someone observes it, it is also in two places at once.

As Alice said in Wonderland, “Curiouser and curiouser…” And by the way, the universe is expanding faster than anyone previously thought. This is out there, too — a dagger found in King Tut’s tomb was made from a meteorite. Thanks to Avid Reader Annie for making sure I didn’t miss that story.

Here’s another fun one. Reflecting the long arm of the law (Saturn) square Neptune (music) square Venus-Sun in Gemini (intensely clever entertainment) square Jupiter (exuberance and excess), the NYT reports:“Police Dancing Videos Have It All: an Explosion, a Unicycle and Bagpipes” Police departments around the world have challenged each other to the Running Man Challenge — grooving to a hit from the ’90s. Best police PR campaign ever. Excellent application of Mars retrograde energy. Serious fun!

Other news on Friday was more serious, less fun. Saturn opposed the Sun at 2:38AM; it opposed Venus at 8:47PM ET.  The Sun refers to vitality. Venus refers to art, money, women, social expression. Saturn refers to cuts, controls and ambition. The May jobs report released that morning was a major downer. While the unemployment rate dipped to 4.7% (huzzah!),  only 38,000 new jobs were created — the lowest number since 2010. I love this headline: “Weak Jobs Report Leaves Wall Street Feeling Bipolar.” So in tune with planetary patterns of expansion, contraction and bewilderment — all at once.

But about that weak jobs report. Mars has been retrograde since April 17th — we could expect a dip in hiring. We had the third Jupiter-Saturn square in May, too — a downturn would not be surprising. Mercury’s retrograde all through May suggests the potential for a data glitch that may revise the count to the upside. Let’s see where see are with the report that comes out in August (for July), when Mars will be direct (as of June 30th).

This one is polarizing, too: “Aloha and Welcome to Paradise: Unless You’re Homeless.” Honolulu has the highest per capita of homeless people in the nation. And the city has been implementing serious controls.

Also on Friday: Venus was squared by rose-colored Neptune. One of Neptune’s keywords: water water water, as in floods. All this week Paris, known for rose-colored romance and art, was making headlines because of rising water in the Seine. Art treasures in the Louvre and the Musee D’Orsay were moved to higher ground; the museums were closed to visitors. There are serious floods in Texas, too. No word of any artistic value at stake; however it may be argued that Texas is one of the most idealistic, expansive-yet-controlling states in the Union.

OK, enough, enough. I know there’s more: Johnny Depp, Roman Polanski, Muhammed Ali and Hillary Clinton performing brilliantly as a “Woman of Steel” (Venus opposed by Saturn) with a killer speech (as reported by the always cheerful Gail Collins).

There will be another forecast on Monday. Meanwhile, on Sunday the Gemini Moon goes void at 12:47PM ET until 11:41PM ET. Really, a day of play — rolling with the twists and flakes that derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Chill, chill, chill — no sleeping in on Monday.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Share it with everyone!




Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 6/1-2/2016: Setting Up for the New Moon; Teenage Mutable Ninja Turtles

A me-me-me Moon in Aries drives the morning with intensity, going void with a potential jolt or revelation at 11:42AM ET. Roll with whatever twists or flakes that  may crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Remember that crises which crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing. This void will last until 10:46PM ET, when Moon enters Taurus, seeking comfort and stability. Will there be a “me-centric much ado about nothing” story that pulls focus like so many  squirrels running through a dog park?

We are in the dark side of the Moon — the balsamic phase — a time to wrap up projects initiated at last month’s New Moon. The next cycle begins with a New Moon in Gemini on Saturday at 10:59PM ET, and the patterns in that configuration are in effect now and through the next week. What are those patterns?

So glad you asked. First, a quick tutorial on the difference between cardinal, fixed and mutable zodiac signs. Yes, you will learn something useful today, if my Gemini Moon has anything to say about it, and gratuities are accepted. With gratitude. Really.

OK, cardinal signs. That’s Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are turning points. They initiate, lead, plant seeds, etc. for the Next Big Thing.  Fixed signs include Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Already you’re thinking that something “fixed” might be stubbornly or doggedly attached to a tangible form, right? Exactly — and that’s how fixed signs operate — they give form to the cardinal sign’s idea, turning it into an actual functioning widget. So then what?

Mutable signs get the word out about the widget.  Your Gemini marketing guru sells it;  your Virgo research wiz  analyzes it. Your Sagittarius publicist spins your widget righteously and gets the press to publish it.  Pisces channels a way to have the whole world believe in the widget — so much so that the widget and the world are one. Which is why we mourn the last episode of a favorite TV show, the closing of an independent book store or the passing of some other cultural icon or cherished widget. We feel connected; we feel a part of ourselves has passed, too.

Note that a widget is a widget. It is fixed in form.  But selling points and research data and editorial opinions and public sentiments about widgets are subject to change. So is the energy symbolized by planets in mutable signs. That is what “mutable” means: subject or prone to change. Hot pants are hot — until they’re not. Cigarettes are cool — until the data proves otherwise. It’s illegal to sell marijuana — but not in Colorado and Oregon. Dude, things change! Mutable is related to genetic “mutation,” which can be an evolution to a higher state of being. We can only hope. As opposed to “mutant.”

This week we have planets in all four mutable signs. They are in a cross configuration. You could draw a square on a piece of paper and put a planet on each corner: Sun and Venus together in  Gemini; Jupiter in Virgo; Saturn in Sagittarius; Neptune in Pisces. Draw a diagonal line between the Sun-Venus meet-up and Sagittarius. They are opposite each other. Draw another diagonal line between Jupiter and Neptune. They are also opposite each other. Meanwhile, Sun and Venus are square Jupiter and square Neptune. Saturn is square Jupiter and square Neptune. Got that?

There is a technical term for this cross configuration: Mutable Grand Cross. Translation: a buzz of highly charged energy involving sales pitches, data, opinions and sentiments — all subject to change — and existing in seemingly opposing sides all at once. It’s enough to make your head spin, especially if you were born halfway through any of the mutable signs…or if you have any other planet or angle at the halfway point (13-17 degrees) of said signs. You may be feeling a bit like Alice in Wonderland — ten feet tall one minute, and tiny as a dormouse the next. Wheee!

The first exact hit — and subsequent release of energy — in this Mutable Grand Cross pattern happens tonight at 10:43PM ET, when the Gemini Sun is squared by Neptune. In the news we may expect themes of bewilderment, rose-colored glasses, vision, healing, spaciness, delusion, spirits, drugs, oil, toxins, magic, forgiveness, empathy and refugees. Ooh looky — an article about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new play opening in London on June 7th — what perfect timing for the NYT home page – like magic! Ooh — and there will be a sequel to Mary Poppins — yay!

The Sun refers to vitality. Saturn refers to endings. Jupiter refers to expansion. What else is on the NYT home page? “American Death Rate Rises for First Time in a Decade,” because of — cue Neptune, please — “drug overdoses, suicide and Alzheimer’s.” Saturn and Jupiter refer to higher education, business and the law. “Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony.” Of course they do.

Mr. Trump, by the way is a Gemini with his Sun conjunct erratic, eccentric Uranus.  Driven by an opinionated Moon in Sagittarius no doubt desperately seeking respect.  Mutable signs. Subject to change. On a moment’s notice. His Mercury (mindset)is square to Neptune, an awesome aspect to have if you are a visionary or a snake oil salesman. Inspiring or bewildering, no?

Getting back to the forecast…

On Thursday, the Taurus Moon pushes forward without interference, bolstered by vision and expansion in the evening hours, courtesy of input from Neptune and Jupiter. It’s the Gemini Sun and Venus that are under pressure, as Venus will square Neptune at 12:15AM ET on Friday, followed by the Sun’s exact opposition to Saturn at 2:38AM ET. Venus will be exactly opposite Saturn on Friday at 8:47PM ET. What can we expect?

In the news, watch for cuts, controls and reality checks in matters of information and opinion. We can also expect cuts and controls in matters related to Venus — e.g., women, money, aesthetics, social expression and values. “Women of steel” are likely to pull focus — here’s an example from 2014.  If your horoscope is personally affected, relationships with women may be testy. That covers the Saturn portion of the week. Meanwhile, Neptune’s contact with Venus suggests idealism — for better or for worse — in the aforementioned Venus arenas, along with opportunities for the sublime, healing and empathy.

Speaking of empathy, it is apparently the Official Antidote for any and all Mars retrograde-induced feelings of anger and resentment, as I learned on page 85 of my most recent night table reading, You Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty,”by Drs. Michael  F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz:

Research has found that “letting it rip” with anger actually escalates anger and aggression and does nothing to help you or the person you’re angry with) resolve the situation. In general, to cope with an emotion, you have to do the opposite.  The opposite of anger isn’t to withdraw or lash out, but to develop empathy. So instead of swearing at the guy who cut you off, think that maybe there’s a reason he did so — like, he just got a call that his wife is in labor or his mom tripped over his child’s toy and can’t get up. It helps to remind yourself that few people are jerks on purpose. Getting angry just forces you to justify your actions, so you act out to make sense of how crazily you just acted.

So add that to your arsenal of tools for mastering your inner demons during this Mars retrograde, as suggested in Tuesday’s forecast.

One final thought about Mars, as it backed up into Scorpio on Friday. As it travels through 29-23 degrees of Scorpio this summer, it may be triggering whatever nitty-gritty matters of sex, death and money you were dealing with when Saturn went over those degrees last summer. We had to get real in those areas, and we saw it all over the headlines — here’s an example. That’s my take on any especially nasty news of Humans At Their Worst we may see. Oh — and here’s another thought. We expected to see action in Mr. Trump’s horoscope as Mars squared his regal Leo Ascendant and natal Mars. He has now amassed enough delegates to be the Official Republican Nominee for president; he fired his campaign manager and he continues to spout off angrily all over the front page. Poor Mr. Trump. Sad.

Thank you for reading this forecast. To schedule a personal consultation, here’s how to contact me. We will have an excellent discussion together.

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