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New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/4/2012 & The Weekend: Moon Waxing Full

The pleasantries suggested by last night’s easy connection between loving Venus in smooth-talking Gemini and mental Mercury in impassioned Aries continue into the morning, supported by another easy connection to Venus from the people-pleasing Moon in Libra. You got something you want to talk about? Go for it…but be aware of a more serious, focused, possibly authoritarian tone likely to present itself around 2:02PM ET, as Moon hooks up with controlling and/or ambitious Saturn.

Perhaps you will be able to skip out of work early today; Moon goes void at 2:02PM ET, not to enter Scorpio until 10:20PM ET. No harm, no foul during the void…but the mood likely intensifies late tonight and  for the rest of the weekend. Moon is waxing full in watery Scorpio, seeking substance…as well as knowledge for the sake of power and control.  It’s a SuperMoon, too — suggesting weird, wacky weather in unexpected places…maybe someplace near you.

Inspiration, initiation and transformation flow easily on Saturday and there is no Moon void to thwart your shopping plans. Challenges may arrive by evening, suggested by an opposition to mental Mercury from “wet blanket” Saturn. This could manifest as outright rejection or more serious conversations in search of a common ground.

More on the Full Moon, exact at 11:35PM ET on Saturday — in a separate forecast. Note that on Sunday, Moon will be void from 8:14AM to 9:39PM ET. Like I said, do your major shopping on Saturday….


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/3/2012

Will your morning be greeted with a little jolt, surprise or other disruption of the status quo. Moon in people-pleasing Libra, challenged by rebel Uranus at 8:58AM ET would suggest that potential…followed by a power play, an emotional confrontation or catharsis or news from underground as Moon is challenged by ruthless Pluto at 1:27PM ET. In your own personal world, these patterns offer a dynamic, proactive energy for you to use in your quest for fairness, justice and the ideal as (possibly) expressed in relationship, which can be especially rewarding today.

Speaking of ideals, idealism is running higher than usual, as reflected in a sextile between Mercury (mindset) and Venus (social expression, art, love, beauty, money, women). So much of everything can seem so beautiful right now…

Follow up story: “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, did set records yesterday, selling to someone for a staggering 119.9 million dollars  More of the wretched excess suggested by expansive Jupiter, running wild in the sensual, material world of Taurus? Yes…and there would have to be something in Edvard Munch’s horoscope to reflect this cycle of prominence in the headlines. Even though Munch is no longer among us, I’d argue his horoscope continues to respond to planetary patterns.

Munch was born on December 12, 1863 in Loten, Norway — birth time unknown, but through a technique known as rectification, an astrologer can determine a birth time, by lining up patterns in a horoscope with the timing of life events. If I were to take the time to test Munch’s horoscope, instinct tells me that the square between Pluto and Uranus would likely be active right now — the horoscope would be hot! When I have time, I may explore this horoscope further….gotta fly right now!

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/2/2012: Don’t Worry; Be Happy

A day that begins on a note of exuberance, expansion and idealistic pleasure, perhaps of the self-indulgent kind. Moon in perfectionist Virgo makes a smooth connection with Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy and challenges Venus (love, art, money, beauty) — all before breakfast, before going void-of-course at 6:58AM ET….not to enter Libra until 10:04PM ET. Chill, baby, chill.

Be prepared for curious twists in your quest for perfect organization — and roll with them w/out freaking out or having some other neurotic meltdown (Moon in Virgo can be quite the worrywart). And there’s no need to worry, because everything may flow perfectly fine for you today — but if it doesn’t, you now have the 411 on how to handle it, suggested by planetary patterns.

Creative potential continues to be high. Relationships — perhaps some with a “fated” quality — may also be a strong focus. You may find yourself more open to opportunities to mix and mingle — that includes old friends, new contacts and people you may have always taken for granted….until now.

Social interaction and appreciation continues with Moon’s ingress into Libra at 10:04PM ET — 7:04PM PT — or dinnertime on the West Coast. You could have a lot to talk about…

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/1/2012: A More Perfect Union

Super early risers on the East Coast may be all fired up in the morning, courtesy of an intense hook-up between aggressive Mars and Moon in perfectionist Virgo. Could we be more perfectly organized if we tried? Yes, and there will likely be plenty of critics (including the one inside your head) who could show just how precisely resourceful they can be.  Other planetary patterns today suggest considerable creative potential and an intriguing obsession with establishing new connections — which could be quite positive. You can network yourself silly or hang with a group, especially if an idealistic viewpoint is part of the mix. For some, this may be a day of reckoning, as a driving ambition faces a test. Are you on the right track? Interesting to observe these planetary patterns on a day when demonstrations have been planned nationwide by the folks that brought you Occupy Wall Street

Just a reminder to get it off your desk today if you can; the Moon will be void of course from 6:58AM ET to 10:04PM ET on Wednesday. Moon voids suggest that moving in a direct, focused straight line could be challenged by unexpected twists, flakes and crises that turn out to be much ado about naught.

Meanwhile, a couple of news items caught my eye over the weekend. Jupiter, sometimes the planet of wretched excess, has been running wild in Taurus, which seeks to preserve material security and keep things “the way they should be”. One of the most popular stories on the New York Times home page is about a 102 year-old woman who has lived her entire life in New York — on the same street!

Add to Jupiter’s tendency toward excess a few other planetary patterns noted in recent posts, and we end up with a front-page headline about how Apple has managed to avoid billions in taxes, apparently paying just under 10% last year — amazing