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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/4/2012 & The Weekend: Moon Waxing Full

The pleasantries suggested by last night’s easy connection between loving Venus in smooth-talking Gemini and mental Mercury in impassioned Aries continue into the morning, supported by another easy connection to Venus from the people-pleasing Moon in Libra. You got something you want to talk about? Go for it…but be aware of a more serious, focused, possibly authoritarian tone likely to present itself around 2:02PM ET, as Moon hooks up with controlling and/or ambitious Saturn.

Perhaps you will be able to skip out of work early today; Moon goes void at 2:02PM ET, not to enter Scorpio until 10:20PM ET. No harm, no foul during the void…but the mood likely intensifies late tonight and  for the rest of the weekend. Moon is waxing full in watery Scorpio, seeking substance…as well as knowledge for the sake of power and control.  It’s a SuperMoon, too — suggesting weird, wacky weather in unexpected places…maybe someplace near you.

Inspiration, initiation and transformation flow easily on Saturday and there is no Moon void to thwart your shopping plans. Challenges may arrive by evening, suggested by an opposition to mental Mercury from “wet blanket” Saturn. This could manifest as outright rejection or more serious conversations in search of a common ground.

More on the Full Moon, exact at 11:35PM ET on Saturday — in a separate forecast. Note that on Sunday, Moon will be void from 8:14AM to 9:39PM ET. Like I said, do your major shopping on Saturday….


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