Good Morning! Afternoon, actually. Takes a few hours write these forecasts.
The next two days are driven by the Moon in regal Leo, seeking to shine and help others shine, too. — with little interference from other planets. The stage is set for drama, play and plenty of royal edicts. Whatever initiatives about home/family/emotional security that were pitched over the weekend, when the Moon was in Cancer, the Leo Moon facilitates efforts to organize them into a tangible form.
Notable planetary patterns this week: on WEDNESDAY at 8:46 PM ET, Venus (in warrior Aries) meets up with rebel Uranus. Venus refers to money, social expression, women and aesthetics. When in touch with Uranus, we see the potential for unconventional attractions, gender-benders and disruptions to the status quo in Venusian concerns. Watch the headlines. Hours later, on THURSDAY at 10:16 AM ET, the Aries Sun is squared by Saturn in Capricorn. Challenges between the Sun and Saturn are likely to be reflected in the headlines as an ambitious reach or a heavy cut, often involving political and corporate leaders. In your own personal world, if you have a planet or angle around 8 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, I’d want to ask you about the streamlining squeeze you’ve been feeling over the past few week, for better or worse. That squeeze isn’t going away anytime soon, and there’s plenty of positive things you can do with it — likely building on the revolutionary changes you experienced a few years ago.
Don’t know what degrees your planets and points are? Consider ordering one of my reports — or book a personal consultation. Astrology is a powerful planning tool.
Emotions are on the rise this week, building to a crest at 8:37 AM ET on SATURDAY, when we’ll have the Full Moon in Libra. A few hours earlier, Venus will leave firebrand Aries and settle into comfortable Taurus. I expect we’ll see headlines involving militant idealism and action over the weekend, reflecting 1) a meet-up between the Aries Sun and Mercury retrograde on SUNDAY at 1:53 PM ET, followed by 2) the high-functioning, make-things-happen meet up of Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, exact on MONDAY at 11:44 AM ET.
Take advantage of the proactive energy that will carry us through to next week. Tackle a project requiring focus and discipline. Use the potential suggested by Mercury retrograde to REview and REorganize. Get rid of what no longer serves, as you lay down the bones for a new structure. Onward!
Your Moon voids this week — times to chill over perceived crises and stick to routine concerns — happen on WEDNESDAY 5:54 AM ET – 10:30 AM ET, FRIDAY 12:59 AM ET – 1:52 PM ET. and SUNDAY 2:29 PM ET – 6:57 PM ET. Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so take the time to FOCUS and double check everything thrice before hitting “send.”
And now, the news.
With the weekend’s Cancer Moon needing to focus on home and family security, coupled with an energizing square between militant Mars (in Capricorn) and the pioneering, crusading Aries Sun, could there have been a more perfect day for Saturday’s March For Our Lives in Washington? As I was not able to join the rally in person, I channeled the physical energy of the Sun-Mars square into a thorough deep-clean of the oven while listening to the speeches. Here are some video highlights of these courageous young citizens. If you’ve been in despair over the state of our union, take heart, for they are our future. Extra kudos to Emma Gonzalez (still no birth date available), whose stirring words were made more mesmerizing by six minutes and twenty seconds of silence.
“When in doubt, be silent” is apt for times when Mercury is retrograde. When chatter ceases and the mind is quiet, notice how some people find it uncomfortable. You’ll see it in the video of Emma’s speech. Why is this so? What comes up in the silence that requires people to create a noisy distraction? Another example of the power of silence: the opening scene from Contact, starring Jodie Foster. From radio chatter to radio silence, as the camera pulls away from Earth and into the solar system. When I saw this movie in theaters years ago, the audience could not keep quiet. Again, one wonders why.
Kudos to WaPo’s James Hohmann for pointing out the similarity between the current student protests against out-of-control gun violence and the ’60s student protests against the Vietnam War. Remember that those Vietnam protests occurred in the aftermath of the disruptive Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66. These protests are happening in the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto squares of 2011-2016. We are just getting started. If you remember how volatile things were in the last ’60s and the early ’70s, that’s where we are again now, only the stakes are even higher.
But let’s get back to the pugilistic energy of Mars, which was reflected in headlines leading up to and through the weekend:
- Orange snow transforms Eastern Europe into Mars
- NASA’s Curiosity Rover Spends Its 2000th Day on Mars (!)
- Add the mishegas of Mercury stationary retrograde to this one: Breaking: Astronomer Announces Discovery of Mars (!!!)
- Rugged Mars energy on the cover of the NYT Sunday magazine: “Why Did This Man Kayak Across the Atlantic Ocean Three Times?” Plus: In Search of Mars on Earth. Coincidence or conspiracy? Seriously, NYT — why NOW? (Because astrology!)
- Massive fire kills 64 in a shopping mall in Russia.
- Joe Biden and P45 trade taunts over who would win in a fistfight. Mr. Biden will continue to be fired up this year, as transiting Uranus conjoins his 0 degree Taurus Moon, which — in his horoscope — needs to be keenly involved with helping others. I expect he’ll have a lot to say about that soon. Here is his horoscope , which has been updated many times here since 2012.
- The appointment of John Bolton as National Security Adviser is pretty darn militantly aggressive. “There are few people more likely than Bolton is to lead the country into war,” says the NYT — and it’s not the only national — or international — paper that is freaking out. It should not surprise you to learn that Bolton himself has Mars and Saturn conjunct — in perfectionist Virgo. Of course he is going to apply the militant REorganizationing energy of current planetary patterns and “clean house,” purging the White House of anyone hired by President Obama. Bolton was born on November 20th — same day as Joe Biden, but seven years later (1949). We don’t have a birth time, but we see enough to note the potential for a windfall opportunity to access tremendous power and resources this year, with added expansion this fall, when transiting Jupiter meets up with his Scorpio Sun.
- More housecleaning in the headlines: the U.S. joins other countries responding to the alleged poisoning by Russia of a Russian spy in London. Sixty Russian diplomats have been expelled.
- And again: P45 signs a ban against some transgender persons serving in the military. Not as total as the initial ban (which was struck down, as this one will be, too).
- Stormy Daniels reveals that she was threatened with physical harm if she refused to stay silent about her relationship with P45. Also, P45 enjoyed being spanked. The timing of last night’s 60 Minutes interview came as Venus in warrior woman Aries is being supercharged by potent Pluto and disruptive Uranus. It’s no coincidence that Stormy Daniels’ natal Venus is square to her natal Uranus and trine her natal Pluto. She is a reflection of current planetary patterns. Astrology is amazing.
One story I’m dying to tackle, but just can’t make the time today: Cambridge Analytica. Have you seen the Channel Four documentaries? Heard the latest on how CA has been accused of violating U.S. election laws? Minutes ago, Cook County filed suit against CA and Facebook on how it exploited Facebook users’ data, violating an Illinois state law. Stay tuned!
Finally, Congress passed a spending bill last week and P45 signed it. Good news for lovers of NPR, PBS and NEA — they were not cut — hooray! Find out why The Atlantic calls this bill “A Domestic Budget to Make Barack Obama Proud.” I admit I did not see that one coming.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for all the wonderful client referrals! I leave you with Jennifer Hudson singing “The Times They Are a Changin'” — performed at the March For Our Lives. Where have we heard this song before? In the mid-60s, duh — from Bob Dylan. The times were also a changing, then, but under patterns similar to ones we have not. Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Let astrology be our guide!
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