Note a potential challenge to your New Moon agenda which may be presented by the Third Quarter Moon at 10:09AM ET and think about spending the next week wrapping that agenda up. On the East Coast, get it off your desk by 2:06PM ET, if you can. On the West Coast, you may be in for a long, spacey lunch hour. Moon goes void at 2:06PM ET and enters Virgo at 5:19PM ET, suggesting a weekend vibe that craves organization and perfection against a backdrop of fantasy, rarefied art and other rose-tinted, intangible escapes.
If you don’t know what that means, you’re not alone. Yesterday CNBC’s Jim Cramer, a stock market guy who freely admits he is supposed to know things, confessed he had no explanation for why the markets are behaving the way they are, because apparently they are not behaving the way many experts think they should. “Confused” was the word he used, if memory serves.
Allegations and revelations of fraud, bewilderment and deception litter the front pages. “(New York City Comptroller) John Liu’s Credibility” Courts that are supposed to be open to the public mysteriously are not Yet another investment manager is charged with fraud — as is an ex-President of the Philippines Meanwhile, in my own personal world, I have trouble remembering how to spell “Philippines”.
Enjoy the next few days of this potential magical mystery tour with patience and extra-awareness. Mercury is slowing down, about to turn retrograde early Thursday morning. Our minds may need extra time to process information. Moon goes void on Sunday at 5:21PM ET, entering Libra at 8:16PM ET. That’s a rest period, with no holiday impulse shopping, if you please. Chill.
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