Enjoy the last few days of impulsive thoughts and social expression. Mercury (mind, communication) and Venus (social expression) leave the sign of Aries on Sunday evening, so you can expect a “wobble” — a day or two to shift into the new gear. See? Mercury and Venus are STILL in Aries, and I’m getting ahead of myself. That’s what Aries does. Let’s talk about the forecast for today, Friday.
Moon went void at 10:52PM on Thursday…entering the people-pleasing sign of Libra at 11:56AM EST on Friday. Regular readers of this forecast know that the Moon void suggests a slow start to the morning or a twist to your routine: an unusual commute, a flaky AM meeting — or no meeting at all; or an alarm clock that does not function as designed.
No exact aspects among the planets until a little jolt from rebel Uranus at 5:20PM EST that launches happy hour on the East Coast. Perhaps some juicy revelations or jealousy will crop up later in the evening, thanks to a challenge to Moon, trying so hard to be thoughtful, from ruthless Pluto. Curb your inner control freak.
Saturday really is Saturn-day, featuring a potentially serious, focused hook-up between the planet of wet blanket control and Moon, again, trying to be thoughtful, fair and rational. Grab a buddy and get some chores done. On Sunday, especially in the early AM, you can relax. After a short void you likely won’t even notice, Moon enters Scorpio at 12:32PM EST, demanding depth, substance and…later in the evening, earthly pleasures.
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