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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/4/2010

Contact between nebulous Neptune and Moon in playful Leo can produce fanciful, ungrounded results, especially when the Moon is void-of-course. How else to explain pouring cold water over coffee grounds on a rainy Monday morning  : )  Moon-Neptune contact also suggests noting your dreams upon waking and letting your imagination run wild; you’ve got six hours (9:53AM – 4PM NY) before the Moon enters Virgo and demands an accounting, with t’s crossed and i’s dotted, if you please.

At 2AM Tuesday NY/11PM tonight in LA, investigative Pluto challenges Mercury (mind, communication, travel), revealing more news from the underground…likely in these veins: 1) thousands of foreclosures are halted because it is revealed that the paperwork is faulty; 2) hope arises that the trapped miners in Chile may soon be rescued — this came across the wires as I was typing; 3) and this one — a Wellesley College professor uncovers an unsavory medical experiment that happened over 60 years ago, loaded with the symbolism of the weekend’s sexual Mars-Venus hook-up in Scorpio.

Back to Pluto challenging Mercury today and what it means for you: temper your words; pause before you unleash, lest you do damage with sharp insights expressed in cutting remarks. Positive manifestation: a sharp focus that enables you to get to heart of what’s on your plate, especially when the Moon moves into analytical Virgo later today.

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