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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/4/2013: Sneak Peek at the Week

Happy Monday!

The Scorpio Moon went void-of-course at  11:23PM ET on Sunday, offering us a chill period in which to ponder your New Moon agenda you set yesterday before taking action. Sleeping in late or experiencing any twist or delay in your efforts to move forward in a straight line can be anticipated — especially with mental Mercury still retrograde.

Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius at 3:14PM ET, lightening the heretofore heavy Scorpio lunar energy — and presumably lifting spirits, too. Feel like a gamble or a gambol? A walk in the park, the woods or on the wild side? Consider how you can broaden your horizons — in philosophical and opinionated debate, perhaps. The only exact aspect today is a dreamy connection to the Moon from nebulous Neptune at 7:33PM ET. Music and dancing — or some rarefied spiritual or aesthetic escape? Why not. Push the boundaries of social expression while you can; tomorrow Venus leaves Sagittarius for strategy-oriented Capricorn.

Other planetary patterns we’ll see this week: a heavy hook-up between the Sun and stern Saturn on Wednesday that may land with a thud in the headlines. Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, turns retrograde on Thursday, suggesting a need to turn inward for whatever emotional and home security rewards you seek. Get out your rose-colored glasses for the weekend when mental Mercury and loving Venus align harmoniously with nebulous Neptune….and be very flexible in your travel and communication plans on Sunday, when Mercury will turn direct.

Your void-of-course Moon calendar for the week — other than Monday: Tuesday 11:48AM ET until 4:44PM ET on WEDNESDAY; Friday 2:39AM ET until 6:30PM ET. These are looooong natural chill-out periods where signing contracts and making impulsive purchases are generally not advised. A lot of “go with the flow” this week — and after last week’s intense build-up to the fourth Uranus-Pluto square, that might be a relief.

Speaking of the Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting we’d see a stunning disruption of the status quo instigated by a would-be rebel who dominated the headlines on Friday, that would be this disturbing shooting at LAX. And how long did it take to find an outrageous/righteous headline involving rarefied art, suggested by Venus (art) running wild in Sagittarius (righteous) at the Aries Point (guaranteed to pull focus)? How about this: 1500 modernist masterpieces allegedly “looted by the Nazis” recovered in Germany. File that story under Scorpio/Pluto news from underground, too.

Meanwhile, a follow-up to the note about Edward Snowden’s anticipated ambitious reach that was reported on Friday. Yes, he has a new job. He also asked for clemency from the United States — a request that was apparently rejected, according to this report. Snowden has transiting Saturn to the Moon now; this can spark ambition — and it can also feel painfully isolating.

Last, but not least — from — this meteor shower alert for tonight:

In 2013, the thin waxing crescent moon will set at early evening on November 4, leaving dark skies for the peak night of the South Taurid meteor shower. The South Taurids should produce their greatest number of meteors in the wee hours – between midnight and dawn – on November 5. Remember, even a single bright meteor can make your night!



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