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Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday and Sunday 12/25-26 2010

And a very merry Christmas, Jewish Christmas, Kwanzaa, leftover Solstice or whatever else you may be celebrating this weekend. Did I say Jewish Christmas? Yes — and you can listen to this funny song a friend wrote right here: — it’s my last post about it until December 2011.  And now, back to our regularly scheduled program….

As anticipated in my last forecast, last-minute Christmas shoppers are sparing no expense: “Christmas Eve Shoppers Poised to Set Spending Record”, reports AP  Hooray! This generous spirit, along with Moon in Cancer’s love of country and caring was apparently also reflected in Wednesday’s passage of the 9/11 First Responders Health Care Bill — a health care initiative which did not garner enough votes in Congress on two earlier attempts.

On Christmas Eve, Santa may attempt some surprising magic overnight, and midnight gatherings in churches everywhere may be especially soulful — particularly the music. But Christmas morning dawns with Moon in discerning, perfecting Virgo. Did Santa get it right? Don’t be offended if your gift does not appear to meet the standards demanded by the recipient ; )  There’s a mental, analytical vibe to the day, suggesting a temptation to indulge in conversations about how order can best be made from chaos. If you come from a family whose members have divergent views, you are hereby put on notice that such conversations may raise the hackles of the usual suspects.  If you’re not at a holiday gathering, you can spend the weekend applying analytical skills to a creative project designed to further your empowerment.

Empowerment is a key word all weekend, suggested by the Sun’s annual meet-up with ruthless, transformational Pluto, which builds all the way up to Heaven or all the way down to Hell. Look for the usual news from underground, possible power struggles and explosions…or something really cool related to energy resources, like this fascinating piece: Israeli Scientists Discover Solar-Powered Hornet  As for that unsettling bit about the US putting us on yet another terror watch over the holidays, I can only say that with the power of the Sun-Pluto connection combined with a potentially militaristic challenge from aggressive Mars from controlling Saturn on Wednesday, I am glad to hear law enforcement is being particularly vigilant. Keep calm and carry on — all will likely be well in your neck of the woods — though weather and traffic patterns may not be so cooperative.

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