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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/4/2012: It’s Debatable

The Moon is void-of-course in Taurus as I type, but by the time most of you wake up, Moon will be in Gemini (as of 7:47AM ET), putting the focus of the day on information spun at lightning speed and probably in all directions at once. Clarity may still be a challenge (as it has been all week), but that rose-colored fog may enhance your dreams or your love life, given nebulous Neptune squaring the Moon at 9:17AM ET.

Meditation may also be exceptionally sublime, as turning inward for the knowledge you seek is suggested by Jupiter turning retrograde at 9:18AM ET (this was discussed in yesterday’s forecast). A profound realization may be yours for the asking today and tomorrow, as mental Mercury (mind, communication) teams up with disciplined Saturn tomorrow at the very last degree of rational, non-confrontational Libra (5:44AM ET). That’s right, folks, this is the last full day of Saturn’s 28 month trek through Libra, which suggested that the structure of relationship — especially fairness and equality therein — would be a major focus. So I’m delighted to note this poll from Omaha noting that a majority of Nebraskans now favor legal recognition of same-sex unions, which is a huge shift from 12 years ago, and is consistent with an “evolution that is nationwide”. See? We can evolve. How cool is that?

What can we expect when Saturn moves into Scorpio? Tune in tomorrow.

And now, a follow-up to yesterday’s predictions for last night’s debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Had I been sitting down, I would have fallen out of my chair when Obama opened the debate by saying he became “the luckiest man on Earth” when he married his wife 20 years ago. Is that “wearing his heart on his sleeve” or what? Was Obama’s performance as “the smartest kid in the room” bewildering and/or inspiring? Certainly bewildering for many who felt the President lacked passion and did not aggressively combat many of the assertions made by Romney. Personally, I noted plenty of aggression,  albeit diffused — as one could expect with nebulous Neptune challenging Obama’s Moon. What aggression, you may ask. On several occasions, I observed that when Mr. Romney went on an attack, Obama did this.

Neptune, which dissolves whatever it touches, was startlingly visible in Romney’s physicality, as we would expect from its current challenging square to his Gemini Ascendant (thus dissolving/confusing Romney’s personal projection). Am I the only one who noticed that Romney could not stop blinking his eyes throughout the debate? I found it distracting, and it is an apparent manifestation of a pattern first observed by astrologer Noel Tyl. From pages 634-635 of his masterful text, Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, we find:

There is what I call the “Neptune eye-flutter,” when Neptune is prominent…the person will rapidly flutter the eyes in near closure every time he or she uses the first person singular in speech. …the suggestion is that Neptune is way “up front” in the horoscope and that some process of censorship, refinement, amassing of security in the face of challenge or threat, or lack of conviction is going on  under the surface of what is being said. When the self is exposed through opinion, the insecurity threatens to the surface, and the eye-flutter filters the feeling.

Isn’t that interesting? I call it the “Neptune I-flutter”, and here’s where we’ve seen it before — in the last two paragraphs of the post. In Mr. Romney’s case it was striking to see him blinking — not just on the word “I” — but on nearly everything he said. What does that suggest?

Have a fabulous day, in whatever reality you’re choosing to live in. Based on the Twitter feeds during and after last night’s debate, we must conclude that the possibilities are endless…

Peace out! : )





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