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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 8/2/2012: Full Moon Fallout

…with apologies for the delayed forecast, which is: process whatever illumination hit you during the past 24 hours and enjoy the continued buzz of the fallout from the electric Full Moon in Aquarius. Said buzz is buoyed by the optimistic and expansive connection between Jupiter in “information junkie” Gemini and the Sun in creative, playful, recognition-seeking Leo. What big ideas have you been expounding on lately?

In other news, a reader wanted to know why I neglected to mention India’s stupendous power outage that left 600 million people in the dark.  To which I responded that the power outage was mentioned in yesterday’s link highlighting the words “breakdowns of infrastructure“.  Mercury retrograde making headlines? Yes…and much more.

Traffic snarls and mechanical failures (especially if they are related to frazzled circuits) are typical reflections of Mercury (mind, communication, travel) retrograde. India’s system crash appears to have been caused by a crisis of resources. Specifically, parts of the country were demanding — and taking — more power than others. And corruption in the infrstructure was allowing those parts to get away with it. Unfortunately, the demand was not sustainable and the infrastructure crashed. Crises in infrastructure are what we can expect again and again during the next few years of rebel Uranus in Aries challenging Pluto in Capricorn. And a quick glance at the chart for India’s creation of a republic on January 26, 1950 at 10:15AM in Delhi shows Mars, North Node, Ascendant and Midheaven all under pressure to change by Uranus and Pluto.

Meanwhile, a technical glitch apparently did cause the havoc wreaked in the markets yesterday, to the tune of $440 million dollars in losses — that’s $10 million a minute in losses for this hapless trading firm.

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