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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Friday 8/4/2017 & the Weekend: No Hygge for His Highness


An enterprising Capricorn Moon drives the day with a need to make things happen. What are you doing to take care of business today and all day Saturday? After a potentially self-indulgent morning (courtesy of a face-off between Moon and Venus at 5:22AM ET), Moon trines (harmonizes) with Mercury at 2:22 PM ET, suggesting an easy flow of communication on the details of your practical agenda.

Big planetary pattern of the week is the third and final  Jupiter (expansion, law, philosophy, fortune) square (challenging) Pluto at 2:29 PM ET. Pluto refers to power and resources, including the Powers That Be. Jupiter is simply to the max. Is that why the stock market hit another record high? Works for me. Will this bubble ever pop? I thought about this in 2015 — and after comparing patterns in 1999 and 2008, observed  one possibility happening — in 2021. This seemed astonishing — to be so far out — so much so that I did not share the observation with cherished Avid Readers back then. Well, we shall see. Though it’s hard to believe we won’t see some belt-tightening in the U.S. when Saturn enters Capricorn and opposes the U.S. Venus, Jupiter and Sun. Those oppositions begin in 2018 and continue through 2019, with late summer/fall 2019 looking especially svelte, as it were. Plus, Jupiter  leaves airy-fairy Libra for “get real” Scorpio (on October 10th), demanding depth and substance in order to claim your reward.

SATURDAY begins with a possible catharsis or power play around 7:37 AM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto — and for the moment, Jupiter, too. Then the day is free and clear for constructive projects — including shopping. We’ll have another jolt around 5:22 AM ET on SUNDAY, when the Moon clashes with Uranus. After a brief Moon void (chill!), Moon enters Aquarius at 8:22 AM ET and drives the rest of the weekend with a need for friendship, networking, humanitarian causes and being of social significance. Dinner with friends?

No sleeping in on Monday. Emotions will be running high with the Full Moon in Aquarius at 2:11 PM ET. This is the first of two eclipses this month — as you must have heard. More on that in the next post.

And now, the news.

Reflecting the expansion (Jupiter) of the law (Libra) into matters of fairness and balance (Libra) with respect to the Establishment (Pluto in Capricorn), I offer you this: Justice Dept. Will Look for Anti-White Bias in College Admissions.

It’s much more fun to write about Uranus turning retrograde in pioneering Aries on Thursday, suggesting we’d see stories of  rebellion, mutation innovation, disruption, shocks, surprises, aviation, technology and other “far-out” stuff:

Meanwhile, P45’s horoscope continues to function as designed and as predicted. Transiting Saturn is  now slowing down to a dead stop at 21 degrees of Sagittarius. It turns direct on August 25th. It hangs at 21 Sag until mid-September, exerting a bigly squeeze on P45’s  opinonated Sagittarius Moon. Down in the garden eating worms? It doesn’t take the pressure off of his Sun at blah blah blah 22 Gemini; Saturn will oppose P45’s Sun at 22 Sag from mid-September until October 4th. So what kind of headlines is P45 making this week? Blocks and other items that show him looking very, very small:

You know who else is feeling squeezed, isolated and small? Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark. At 83, he’s miffed that he’s never been named “King” Consort. If he were a she and married a king of Denmark, he would have been named Queen Consort. It’s just not fair! So today he announced that he wasn’t going to be buried next to his spouse, Queen Margrethe, whenever that time should come.  Here is Prince Henrik’s horoscope. Sun at 20 Gemini. His Saturn, ruler of his Capricorn Ascendant (how he needs to be seen, which is as an executive authority) will be eclipsed next February, suggesting a change of status, for better or for worse. His Saturn — at 28 Aquarius — will be exactly opposed by the total eclipse on August 21st. Let’s see what changes for him over the next six months.

And here’s what hygge means — if you didn’t get the reference in the headline for today’s post.

Oh! One more cool thing. At the end of October last year I wrote about a cooperative aspect between Jupiter and Saturn that was going to be closerthanthis around Inauguration Day, but then wouldn’t actually happen until August 27th. Jupiter refers to the Republican Party; Saturn to the Democratic. Isn’t it interesting that in recent days we are seeing a few instances of actual cooperation between these two parties? As in — a possible effort at a bipartisan health care bill? A unanimous effort to block P45 from making recess appointments? Let’s check back for further cooperation around August 27th….

What’s going on in your horoscope? If you’re near Santa Fe, we can chat in person next week. Otherwise I am available by phone. If you are not a professional astrologer and you haven’t checked in with an astrologer in the past 12 months, you’re due for a consultation. Astrologers are like dentists, doncha know…and perhaps you’ve never thought of us in quite that way before…

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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