Good Morning!
The work week begins with Moon in Aquarius as of 1:46 AM ET. Who’s yer buddy and what’s your humanitarian crusade? Arise, go forth and network, in your quest to be recognized for your unique individuality and social significance. The Moon cruises without road bumps today and into WEDNESDAY.
Meanwhile, here’s to the huge sigh of relief that started this morning at 6:19 AM ET, with Venus finally finally finally completed its months-long journey through Scorpio for Sagittarius. Social expression and matters of women, finance and aesthetics can now receive an optimistic lift. A planet in Sagittarius can be playful and boundary-pushing, compared to Scorpio’s desire for control. While Sagittarius is known for pushing boundaries in matters of opinion, its motive is to express the truth — without intending to strategically wound or destroy.
And having just said that, please note that on TUESDAY at 5:05 AM ET, a tense pattern between Mercury (how we need to think) and Mars (how we need to act) will release. This square between Mercury and Mars suggests conflict and other verbal provocations, possibly related to a yang/patriarchal concern (because Mars is in warrior Aries and Mercury is in hard-headed, patriarchal Capricorn). You’ll feel the burn more personally if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer. Be careful in traffic and around sharp objects.
Other planetary shifts and patterns of the week:
- WEDNESDAY: The Aquarius Moon goes void at 11:53 AM ET until 2:44 PM ET. Chill and roll with whatever flakes and twists may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Once in Pisces (the next sign), the Moon drives the rest of the work week with a need for vision, ideals, empathy and accommodation.
- Keep on truckin’ through THURSDAY; Moon is traveling mostly free and clear. There’s an expansive expression around 7 PM ET, as Moon squares Jupiter, El Cosmic Sugar Daddy…followed by the visionary delights of a meet-up with Neptune around 8 PM ET.
- Sometime before 6:36 AM ET on FRIDAY (possibly the day before), the Sun makes its annual meet-up with Pluto, which has occurred in Capricorn since 2009, when I started writing this forecast. Wow. The Sun refers to heads of state and CEOs; Pluto suggests breakdown, news from underground and a reach for power. Pluto also refers to nuclear issues, mines, volcanoes, things coming to the surface after being long-buried. Watch the headlines. You are more personally affected if you have a planet around 20 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn — and if you haven’t booked an appointment to discuss this with your astrologer, you really should. Why? Because Pluto transits are life-altering. Resistance is futile — and that can be challenging.
- The Pisces Moon goes void on FRIDAY at 9:25 AM ET for the rest of the day — giving you plenty of time to chill and process whatever transformation the Sun-Pluto meet-up presents.
- SATURDAY: Moon enters Aries at 3:18 AM ET, needing to get where it’s going before anyone else, meaning not now, but RIGHT NOW. Note the potential for courage, assertion or aggression around 7:12 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with warrior Mars.
- SUNDAY: A day of action and release, as two patterns in effect all week will be exact. Mercury (how we need to think) meets up with Saturn (necessary control) at 8:31 AM ET, facilitating practical, no-nonsense ideas and communication that some may find heavy-handed or downright depressing. Countering that sobriety is the first Jupiter-Neptune square of 2019, exact at 2:01 PM ET. This is likely to be a week for big news involving the press, oceans, legal matters, foreigners, refugees, scandals, churches, faith, oil, drugs (including CBD), film, spirits of all kinds, etc., etc., etc. Also countering the Mercury-Saturn sobriety: a harmony between Mercury and Neptune, suggesting no small amount of idealism. So either the big idea is either a heavy-handed approach to an imaginary concern…or it is a practical solution, applied with actual vision. If it’s coming out of P45’s head, I reckon it would be the former.
And now, the news.
I really wanted to watch the Golden Globes last night, and not just because I would have been happy to see a few people I’ve met take the stage. I know you know how that feels, because I’m sure you’ve crossed paths with one or two celebrities in your life, too. This concludes the Jupiter (big) square Neptune (glamour, film, charisma) portion of this forecast.
Anyhoo….what did the critics have to say about the show? That it “wasn’t any fun” — as if anything would be FUN with 27 planets including the Moon in “let’s get down to business” CAPRICORN with Venus at the last degree of SCORPIO. Sheesh! (Actually there was some fun, but apparently it was all off-camera — though how interesting that most in these pix are wearing standard-issue Capricorn black). With Uranus just turning direct, and the Moon squaring Uranus late last night, we’d expect upsets, and there were plenty. Bohemian Rhapsody (how very Uranus direct meets Jupiter square Neptune) won Best Drama; Green Book won for Best Comedy. Freddie Mercury, though now deceased, has transiting Uranus (surprise!) exactly opposing his Venus at 28 Libra. We can appreciate his disruptive social expression, even though he’s no longer among us. The horoscope lives forever, doncha’ know.
But what really stole the show — say the critics — was host Sandra Oh’s touching tribute to her parents, who were there to see her win the night in so many ways. Yep, honor and respect for parents definitely would rule on a night dominated by so many planets in Capricorn. We don’t have a birth time for Ms. Oh, but she is a Cancer with Moon perhaps in Cancer. What jumps out at me is her Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (Jupiter at 27 Scorpio; Neptune at 0 Sagittarius), which transiting Venus activated over these past few days. We can see how this would be an apt time for her to shine. Interesting to note that Jupiter and Neptune are in a strong relationship in her horoscope…and also in current planetary patterns. I see this all the time. Astrology is amazing — and it turns out that the Jupiter-Neptune square is such big news that it took over the whole forecast.
Now is the time to book your consultation to plan 2019 — especially if you haven’t seen your astrologer in over a year. You’re due for a check-up — and I can’t wait to see you in person or connect with you by phone.
Thank you for reading this forecast. No time to proof it before hitting “post,” so apologies for any typos.
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