Happy Monday!
The Moon was void in Gemini this morning until 2 PM ET, suggesting actions initiated may be of little consequence and crises which crop up may be much ado about nothing. It was during this long void that Canada, Mexico and the United States reached an agreement on a new trade deal, now called USMCA instead of NAFTA. So what, big deal? Now that the Moon is fully engaged in Cancer, the next few days are driven by a need for emotional/homeland/family security, so expect those themes to be front and center in the news.
Moon will be void on Wednesday between 4:33 AM ET and 5:12 PM ET. Then it enters Leo, driving most of the rest of the work week with a need for drama and ego recognition. Friday is another mostly all-day void. Chill and skip out early if you can, as actions initiated may well be a bust between 7:34 AM ET and 7:19 PM ET. After that, Moon enters Virgo to put things back in order, in preparation for the New Moon on Monday. Note that Sunday is another all-day Moon void, so do your shopping on Saturday.
Notable planetary patterns this week:
- TUESDAY: Mercury squares Pluto at 8:01 PM ET, suggesting investigative dirt hitting the fan. You’re personally affected if you have a planet around 18 Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. Perhaps your words will be more empowered than usual. One can only hope.
- TUESDAY: Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 10:10 PM ET, setting the stage for a catharsis or power play.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon makes its weekly clash with Uranus at 7:29 PM ET, suggesting an upset or other disruptions of the status quo.
The biggest shift this week happens on FRIDAY at 3:05 PM ET. That’s when Venus turns retrograde, not to turn direct until November 16th. What does this suggest? Avid Readers will recall that when a planet turns retrograde, it is an apt time for review and/or turning inward in matters related to that planet.
Venus turns retrograde every 18 months for about 40 days. Last time it was retrograde was back in March of 2017 — and here are a few headlines from that time period. Last year’s retrograde was in Aries; this one is in Scorpio. Frankly, Venus is not at her accommodating best in either of those signs — but judging from the headlines, perhaps now is not the time for all that is feminine to be so accommodating.
Keywords for Venus include: love, money, values, beauty and women — issues related to all of these are now up for review. What are your values? Does the company you keep accurately reflect those values? Whom, what and how do you need to love? Venus also refers to charm, appreciation and social graces — and it’s fascinating how quickly these qualities fly out the window during Venus retrograde. The image I share with students for Venus retrograde is the lid on a can of sardines being rolled back, revealing all the smelly fish.
Money concerns may come up; questions about what you are really worth may arise. If money is not your concern, still be advised that the general rule is to avoid major purchases of art, beauty or luxury during this time; our sense of aesthetics is often “off,” and what we find attractive now may not be so satisfying later. This especially applies to relationships.
So what’s the up side of this potentially witchy, bitchy Venus? By getting in touch with our baser instincts, we have an opportunity for clarity in our existing relationships. Those that are based on superficial charm are not likely to stand, especially during this Venus retrograde in Scorpio, a sign which demands depth and substance. Maybe you don’t need that dead wood in your life. Time for a purge! And by the way, when was the last time you reviewed your finances and made a plan? And speaking of baser instincts, political debates are likely to become even more heated and barbed as we head towards Election Day. If you don’t know which candidates are nasty or nice, you will soon enough.
This Venus retrograde is especially fascinating because it is tied to this summer’s Mars retrograde. How so? Remember that Mars turned retrograde at 9 degrees of Aquarius, meaning that anyone with a planet around 9-10 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio would be affected. Venus is turning retrograde at 10 degrees of Scorpio! So if you do have a planet around 9-10 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio, your summer project is far from over. That means you, Brett Kavanaugh — and you, Jeff Flake and Ted Cruz. Ooh — and Larry Flynt, too. Wonder what he’s been up to? Keep an eye on October 10th, when retrograde Venus squares Mars. Could be quite an outburst.
The Sabian Symbol for this Venus retrograde is “an embassy ball,” which Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes is an “exclusive gathering of the elite, gathered mostly for their mutual benefit. When positive, integrity and excellence shine; when not so positive, elitism, disdain and specious superiority show forth.” Wow. We last saw this Symbol activated back in February 2013, when Saturn turned retrograde at the same degree of Scorpio. Check out what and who were making headlines back then.
Venus will remain in Scorpio until Halloween. On that day, Venus is opposed by Uranus (expect a jolt) and then backs into Libra, where Venus functions with exceptional grace. Venus will remain in Libra for all of November, including — obviously — Election Day, November 6th. I find this encouraging for the unprecedented number of women who are running for office this year. If they win, it is likely to be by an unprecedented number of women voters.
And now, the news.
UPDATE: at the time Jeff Flake was ambushed by two women in an elevator last week, the horoscope for that moment: 9:31 AM ET on 9/28/2018 in Washington, DC, Venus (women), Mars (men) and Uranus (upset) were all on angles of the horoscope, giving them in-your-face impact. Fascinating.
UPDATE: on Michael Moore, whose horoscope I’ve covered here — and also in an article published in Dell Horoscope. In that article, I argued that 2018 was likely to be challenging — and downright frustrating. A couple of weeks ago — on the third rebellious Mars-Uranus square, his latest film premiered. It’s called Fahrenheit 11/9, and even though some critics are calling it “his best film in years,”, it’s not doing as well as expected at the box office; in fact, some are calling it a bomb. Ouch. Why did I think 2018 would be a squeeze for Mr. Moore? Transiting Saturn is sitting on his Capricorn Moon and Mars. Focus and ambition, yes. Expansion — not so much.
I can’t bring myself to write anything today about Brett Kavanaugh, other than to note that the potential for expansion suggested by transiting Jupiter squaring his Aquarius Sun is exact on October 9th, which is about when I expect we’ll see a power play — for better or worse — in the life of P45. For me, it’s too close to call. I can say, however, that SNL’s take on the whole hot mess of a hearing was an excellent catharsis — here it is, if you missed it. And if you’re wondering if Matt Damon — who portrayed Kavanaugh in the cold open — has a planet around 9 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, he does: Jupiter at 9 Scorpio. And look how he expanded his reach. Coincidence or conspiracy?
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