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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/26/2012: A Heart Makes Headlines

You can toddle on off to work, fueled by today’s reigning need: to keep things as they are or otherwise preserve and/or establish material security. That is the prime directive of the Moon in Taurus. “Toddle” is a great work for Taurus, too — as the toddler phase of our own development corresponds to this sign. When we are toddlers, we become aware of that we are separate from other things and people. We become aware of possessions — and we cling to them stubbornly, as in “MINE!!!”  or “NO!!!” Have you ever tried to take a toy away from a two-year-old? Taurus is the toddler of the zodiac. Give them something good to eat, a nice warm blanket and a hug and they’re happy. Right?

No exact planetary aspects today, save for a happy connection between that Moooooon and Venus, planet of  love, beauty, women and money. Enjoy the relative quiet today, as it will get busier.  The headline act happens on Thursday and features a power play, corruption exposed and/or other news from underground (volcanoes & other seismic activity, for instance), suggested by ruthless Pluto squaring the Sun. As with aspects involving the outer planets (Pluto, Neptune and Uranus), we may see manifestations a few days before they are exact.

Your Moon void alerts for the week: Tuesday 12:35AM – 6:43AM ET; Thursday 2:05PM – 7:07PM ET. If you don’t know what a Moon void is — also known as a void-of-course Moon — you’ll find a link to a helpful explanation in the forecast that was posted last Friday.

And now, the news. You may recall from Friday’s forecast that Sun’s annual hook-up with rebel Uranus, disruptor of the status quo, was likely to present “volatility and a few surprises”. Certainly that’s what happened in the world I was watching, which happened to be the stock market. Ready for this? A high-frequency stock exchange called BATS (gotta love the name) launched its IPO Friday morning, clearly without the input of an astrologer. At 10:57AM, with nebulous Neptune casting a fog in charts cast for both New York and Kansas City (where BATS is based), the stock of Apple, “the highest-profile company in the world”,  suddenly plunged 9% — and trading on Apple was halted. What the heck happened? Minutes later it was learned that one trade of 100 shares made on the BATS stock exchange — erroneously — was the culprit. And it  just got worse for BATS as the day progressed, as a technical glitch was ultimately blamed.  At the end of the day  — in an epic FAIL — BATS canceled its IPO —  We can all profit from the moral of the story: there are certain risks when launching a sophisticated tech operation with technical glitch-prone Mercury retrograde, trigger-happy Mars retrograde, and a general backdrop of surprises, volatility and information overload suggested by an intense hook-up among Mercury (retrograde in Pisces, at the prominence-seeking Aries Point), and  Sun-Uranus in impulsive Aries

Speaking of sophisticated tech operations, another reflection of Sun-Uranus hook-up, exact at 2:21 PM ET on the 24th, was Dick Cheney’s heart transplant making front page news. Why? Because in the language of astrology, the Sun refers to life force and also the heart. Uranus refers to technology, technological breakthroughs, innovation, invention. In Dick Cheney’s horoscope (Jan 30 1941 at 7:30 PM in Lincoln, NE), we can see that the heart could be a potential health concern, as astrological symbols referring to the heart and critical illness are under high tension. We can also see that right now, Dick Cheney is experiencing an upheaval in areas related to physical health and his foundation, augmented by the good fortune and expansion suggested by the return of Jupiter to its natal placement in Cheney’s chart. And on March 25th, Cheney’s horoscope featured technogeek Uranus exactly opposing the North Node, suggesting “meetings with unusual people pay off; sudden relationship”. Receiving a new heart from a stranger does sound like the beginning of a sudden relationship. Coincidence or conspiracy?