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“Here’s How to Bring Luck for [Any Year]…

...Because Experts Say It Doesn’t Always Just Find You.”

In which I say a few words about how an astrologer can help you increase your odds of success by improving your timing.

Timing is everything, doncha’ know. As seen in…


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Tuesday 4/13-14/2015: Hillary’s Big Announcement; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good afternoon!

The work week begins with the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, cruising without too much interference until 3:45PM ET on Tuesday, when it goes void for barely 30 minutes. At 4:12PM ET, Moon shifts gears from the cerebral Air Sign to the emotional Water Sign of Pisces, suggesting a need to go with the intuitive flow.

Mixed messages may crop up on Tuesday night. On the one hand, there’s an ego-indulgent alignment between the Moon and Venus at 10:51PM ET.  Ooh — cake! On the other hand, there’s an ambitious and/or restrictive alignment between Moon and Saturn at 10:59PM ET. Didn’t you say you were dieting? You’ll feel this push-pull more personally if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces. Collectively, we may all see stern headlines about strong women, streamlined finances, serious social graces and other values, as Venus is subsequently opposed by Saturn at 12:25AM ET on Wednesday. Here are some headlines from a prior harsh alignment between Venus and Saturn — last paragraph.

Other planetary shifts this week include mental Mercury, which leaves zippy Aries for steady Taurus at 6:52PM ET on Tuesday. That should slow down the pace of collective thought and communication for a few weeks. On Thursday, Pluto turns retrograde, mostly affecting people with planets and angles at 15 Capricorn. On Saturday, we’ll have a New Moon starting at 2:57PM ET, so use the rest of this week to wrap up your projects started at the New Moon — gawd how time flies — on March 20th.

And now, the news.

To no one’s surprise, Hillary Clinton announced on Sunday that she was running for president, and is now on her way to Iowa. Here was the forecast for Sunday:

Sunday morning is lovely for sleeping in, as the Moon will be void between 4:15AM and 1:44PM ET. There’s pixie dust in the air, helpful for artistry and healing, suggested by a cooperative connection between Mars and Neptune. This patterns also supports fantasy and showbiz types, including those who might want to sell you a bill of goods. Don’t buy it during the Moon void.

After the void, the Moon enters Aquarius, favoring gatherings of friends, especially with such an easy connection to the aforementioned chatty Venus in Gemini at 4:08PM ET. The menu might be quite exotic, as well as your guests.

So what do you think? Did Hillary Clinton pick a good day to launch a campaign? There was some debate among astrologers as to what event should mark its official start, and I’m going with 3:27PM ET, which is when her intention to run was announced on her Twitter feed. Also, if you had picked that time in a contest held by The Washington Post, you would have won. Alas, I did not see that contest until today.

Looking at the chart for 3:27PM  in Chappaqua, NY, a few things stand out. First, the Moon is not void and it is in Aquarius, which aims to be everyone’s best friend. Take a look at the diversity showcased in this introductory campaign video. Lovely pixie dust, right? Second, the Moon is in a fine alignment with Venus, which is beautifully placed at the top of the chart. Third, ambitious Saturn is actively engaged with  Ascendant and the Midheaven. This suggests a serious effort, driven by Saturn in righteous Sagittarius ideals. opposed by Venus in eloquent Gemini.

With Virgo rising, we’d expect an image of perfect organization — definitely no drama, despite the drama potential of the candidate herself (she has Mars and Pluto conjunct in Leo). Interesting that the chart ruler — Mercury in pioneering Aries — is not applying to any other planet in the chart. It’s forging ahead on its own.

Nebulous Neptune in this chart has pluses and minuses, as it is also making contact with the Ascendant and Midheaven. On the plus side: vision, charisma, glamor and the aura of a savior. On the down side: potential fog in presentation and interpretation.

If you like learning about Fixed Stars, you may find it fun to know that Mars, planet of action in the chart, is conjunct the Fixed Star Schedir, which refers to “the Queen; female power” (with a certain caveat). Isn’t that interesting? Mars is in an energetic relationship with Jupiter and in easy alignment with Pluto, suggesting stamina and resources (albeit with a potential for overexertion).

We’ll look at Hillary Clinton’s personal horoscope in another forecast. Meanwhile, I am compelled to call attention to NYT columnist David Brooks and his latest Sunday op-ed, because it is getting so much attention on social media — at least here in NY.

Since last fall, Mr. Brooks has been enjoying an expansive transit of Jupiter to his Mercury, Sun and Moon — all in Leo, which is where Jupiter is now. He’s also been experiencing a period in which spiritual concerns would likely become prominent — noted a couple of times before in this forecast — and especially this year, there is a strong suggestion of a need to take action on them. What is the title of this op-ed? “The Moral Bucket List”. Everyone is like “OMG…this is exactly what life should be about!” Check it out.

I wonder if David Brooks has ever consulted with an astrologer. Or Hillary Clinton, for that matter….


Astro-logical Forecast For Monday 1/9/2012: Full Moon in Cancer & Choosing the Right Time for an Event

With the Moon in Cancer all day Sunday — waxing full at 2:30AM this morning, of course I spent part of the day cooking up a storm. Moon in Cancer seeks emotional security and comforts of home, including food that nourishes the body and feeds the soul.

While the day begins on a positive connection between Moon (need for emotional security) and Mars at 8:48AM ET, suggesting an easy flow of organizing your beginning of the week agenda, as the day progresses, adjustments may have to be made — especially where women, social expression, money and beauty are concerned. At 9:25PM ET, a potentially chilly challenge to Moon by “wet blanket” Saturn could send West Coasters straight to the nearest happy hour. Go ahead and chill even further, as the Moon will be void until 11:35PM ET…and will move into Leo, looking for an excuse to party. How quickly moods can change!

Mercury — relating to mind, travel, communication and NEWS — continues to pull focus, just as it did in the days leading up to and during the weekend. Interesting to note on the front page of the New York Times this piece about how the three major broadcast networks are striving to present the news with their own unique spin  That’s right, today the news IS the news. Watch one network to the exclusion of the others, and you’ll get a version of reality that is different from the other two. Have your own unique thoughts and you’ll manifest another version of reality that other people don’t share. Hmmm….I’m sure there is a very deep thought in there somewhere. Suffice it to say that in this Full Moon is an opportunity to release thought patterns that manifest a version of reality you’d rather not watch. What will it take to change your channel?

Speaking of changing channels, you can now get the Astro-logical Forecast delivered directly to your emailbox. Sign up on my website, — and the wizards at Mail Chimp will email you the forecast at 6AM ET every day. If you’ve friended me on facebook, I’ll post a notice when the forecast is up — for those of you who like to read the forecast as soon as I’ve written it — but you’ll have to click the link to the site to see the actual text. Thanks to all who’ve sent comments on the new site  so far — feel free to send more, if you have them — because I do take all suggestions seriously!

Finally, a reader asked about the birthday of the new site — does it have a horoscope, he wanted to know. Absolutely — and the time of its “birth” was chosen deliberately. Choosing the appropriate time for an event — e.g., a marriage, a business launch, the signing of a contract, etc. , is one of astrology’s nifty tools.

The new website launched at 10:50AM on January 7, 2012 in Kingston, NY. The horoscope chosen needed to support what the entity is designed to do; in this case, we’ve got a website which needs to communicate astrological information to an international audience. This website has a practical Capricorn Sun…with Moon in Gemini (which needs to inform and entertain), in the 3rd house (many born with 3rd house Moons are natural salespeople, communicators, actors)…and this Gemini Moon makes a supportive connection to my Venus (in Aquarius), which rules my career. It was very important that the chosen time be compatible with my own horoscope — and wouldn’t you know it, I also have a Gemini Moon.

Other notable aspects in the website horoscope include rebel Uranus, which rules astrology, exactly on the pioneering and inspiring Aries Ascendant (I have a Capricorn Ascendant and an Aries Sun — another sign of compatibility between my own horoscope and the website.) Uranus makes a dynamic connection to the Moon in Gemini, and also Mercury (mind, travel, communication), which is in the 9th house of publishing, broadcasting and other “big picture” arenas….and also to the Midheaven, which rules career/public status. Not bad to have Uranus, ruler of astrology, making a connection to the part of the horoscope that relates to public status, right?  I’m also delighted that mental Mercury is superbly supported by expansive Jupiter, which rules that 9th house of travel, broadcasting, education, internationalism and publishing. Strong Mercury-Jupiter aspects in a horoscope are often a sure sign of a writer — another reason why I chose this particular date and time — and yes, I have strong Mercury-Jupiter aspects in my own natal horoscope.

There’s more, but you get the idea.  Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing this site with the entire free world.  Have a great Monday!