Chill and go with the expansive flow. Moon is void in dreamy Pisces until 5PM ET. You know the drill: be advised of a higher than average potential for flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. After 5PM ET, the pace and focus should pick up noticeably when Moon enters me-me-me Aries.
Meanwhile, the “expansive” part of today’s flow comes courtesy of an energized connection between Mars (action) and Jupiter in regal Leo — exact on Friday at 8:29PM ET, but in effect all this week. How big is beautiful? Size 24 apparently, as supersized model Tess Munster makes headlines by becoming the biggest ever to sign with a mainstream agency. Doubleplus good for her. Meanwhile, fat yoga, anyone?
Biggest news today is potent Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn just before midnight. Retrograde planets suggest a time to look inward for authority in whatever matters ruled by that planet. Pluto is power, control, regeneration, transformation, healing. So stop trying to control the world around you, already. Work on controlling (mastering) your own inner world — and then the world around you will start to reflect your newly-masterful self. Y’know? You’ll feel the potential for a change of perspective more personally if you have a planet or angle halfway through Aries, Libra, Cancer — and especially Capricorn.
Pluto will continue to hover around 13-15 degrees of Capricorn through the rest of the year. In June and July, it hits 13 degrees and triggers that Cardinal Grand Cross everyone and their dogs were talking about last April. 13-15 degrees Capricorn is in a obsessive-compulsive relationship with 0 degrees Cancer, a.k.a. the Aries Point, so we can expect continuing prominent power plays, changes of perspective and inner transformations in matters of hallowed government and corporate institutions, especially as related to Cancer concerns such as motherhood, nurturing (food), home and home security.
Take Monsanto, for example. In the summer of 2013, The Mountain Astrologer ran a fascinating cover story about Monsanto’s horoscope, concluding with the author’s opinion that Monsanto might well be affected by the status quo-disrupting potential of the Uranus-Pluto square. And when I looked at the horoscope (Nov 29, 1901 at 12p in Jefferson City, MO) for the filing of the initial incorporation papers, a potent conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at 14 degrees of corporate Capricorn pulled focus. Also of note: Neptune (toxins, ideals, chemicals, vision, deception, drugs, spirit) in Cancer at 0 degrees. Isn’t it interesting that Monsanto is perhaps best-known for GMO foods, pesticides and a certain lack of transparency? Neptune (ideals/deception/toxins) in Cancer (nourishment). Astrology is an amazing language.
So this Neptune in Monsanto’s horoscope is in an obsessive relationship with its Jupiter-Saturn meet-up, and also with Uranus (innovation, technogeek) in Sagittarius (sky’s the limit). Neptune with Jupiter suggests faith, healing and rose-colored legal eagles; Neptune with Saturn suggests a nebulous component to its structure (albeit with the potential for great compassion); Neptune with Uranus is a potentially freaky disruption of the ideal. Remember the Goth trend of the early 90s? That was Neptune conjunct Uranus in Capricorn. Freaky. In black (Capricorn, natch).
Around the time of 1) the 7th Uranus-Pluto square on March 16th (at 15 Aries-Capricorn); 2) the New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 29 Pisces on March 20th; and 3) the Vernal Equinox at the Aries Point, also on March 20th, I expected that we’d see something significant about Monsanto in the headlines. And in fact, we did. On March 20th, it was reported that a World Health Organization study had concluded that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up, the world’s most widely-used weed killer, “probably causes cancer in humans”. What timing! Not surprisingly, within days, Monsanto demanded a retraction, as papers such as the NYT published an op-ed calling for glyphosate to be pulled off the market until it could be proven safe beyond a doubt.
Let’s see how this story has developed by the end of June, when Mars will meet up with Monsanto’s Neptune, and Pluto will be close to an exact hit to Monsanto’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. It will also be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when transiting Saturn conjoins Monsanto’s 6-7 degree Sagittarius Sun and Midheaven, triggering a lunar eclipse that happened at 7 degrees of Sagittarius on May 25th of 2013. As the The Mountain Astrologer notes, that day coincided with the “first worldwide protest against one company: Monsanto,” followed by its “worst week ever”.
General Electric also made headlines this week when it announced plans to 1) sell its once hugely-profitable GE Capital division; and 2) partner with producers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard on a new techie television series called “Breakthrough”. So I looked at GE’s horoscope, too — April 15, 1892 at 12pm in New York. GE is a pioneering Aries with Moon at 3 Sagittarius, which is currently being conjoined by transiting Saturn. We could expect some separations and also structured ambition related to the empowered visionary needs of Neptune and Pluto opposing its Sagittarius Moon. GE’s innovative brilliance is suggested by a face-off between mental Mercury and technogeek/rocket scientist Uranus, prominently placed near the angles of the chart.
Interesting that these announcements were made when transiting Mars met up with its natal Mercury (the communicator, of course). We can expect more innovative risks this year and into next, as transiting Uranus fires up GE’s natal Mars in enterprising Capricorn. Monsanto has Mars in Capricorn, too.
Meanwhile, Uranian-Pluto upheavals continue to make headlines in the form of strikes, power plays and other disruptions. I love this story about a Seattle CEO who took to heart a study concluding that the key to happiness was about $70K a year. Less than that causes stress; anything more is just icing on the cake — but does not increase overall happiness. So he’s reducing his $1 million dollar/year salary and giving everyone else in the company a raise — to $70K. The company is called Gravity — a credit card processor — and if I can work with them instead of PayPal, I’ll switch.
News from underground is another trend when Pluto is active in the cosmos. Here’s a story about a woman who believes composting could be the wave of the future when it comes to burying your loved ones. Meanwhile, in Italy…you won’t believe what this man discovered under his home when he embarked on a quest to fix a toilet.
Remember that the Moon is void until 5PM ET today. If you have time on your hands to work on something of no consequence, put your brain to work on this logic problem from Singapore that went viral this week. Can you figure out when Cheryl’s birthday is? You missed mine.
If you’d rather focus on your birthday (and who would blame you), here’s how you can contact me to discuss the unique patterns at your birth that created the magical miracle that is you.
Thank you for reading this forecast.