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Thursday 12/21/2017: Winter Solstice

Moon entered humanitarian Aquarius yesterday at 9:29 PM ET, bringing a bit of humanitarian relief to the status and strategy-focused Capricorn Moon that was wandering through the day yesterday. Arise, go forth and mingle with your friends, the more unconventional, the better.

Here’s a fun real-life example of a Moon void twist. Yesterday I received an “urgent” email from a journalist looking for input on a story about astrology. I called the reporter and we’re having a scintillating discussion about potentials — made more delightful because the reporter is especially sharp. But in the back of my mind I am thinking…Moon void…Mercury retrograde…this isn’t going to fly. And sure enough minutes after we end our conversation, she emails to say her editor gave the topic to another reporter. I wish I’d told her at the start of the conversation that this “urgent crisis” was likely much ado about nothing! So then we talked about another piece she’d been assigned…and I do hope there will be more to come. Fun! How was your all-day Moon void?

Today at 11:29AM ET, we say goodbye to the Sun in Sagittarius and hello to the Sun in Capricorn. Happy Winter Solstice! In the Northern Hemisphere, days will be getting longer and nights will be getting shorter. If you live in South Africa or anywhere else south of the equator, you are celebrating the first day of summer. What’s it like having a serious sign like Capricorn associated with bikini weather, I wonder? Somebody please write and tell me. In any case, with Capricorn, we move from big-picture thinking (Sagittarius) to practical application. What will we build that will materially define our collective philosophy? Think corporations, governments and maybe The Junior League. Think status and ambition.

Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season  — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called cardinal signs of the zodiac. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the Aries Point, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers.

Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. I’ll give you a detailed example of someone famous who was born around the Aries Point in a minute. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep (a Cancer) and William Shatner (an Aries) were both born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think?

A chart for a new season suggests the gameplan for the next three months. Today is not the worst day in the world this year, and its darn disappointing that some people who know enough about astrology to be dangerous would be telling journalists these horrible things. Yes, the Capricorn Sun is exactly conjunct Saturn in Capricorn, suggesting a need for gravitas and responsibility for one’s actions. That’s not necessarily horrible. There are upsides to limitation and focus…and the pendulum will eventually swing the other way. Of greater concern as a gameplan for the next few months is Mercury — about to turn direct on FRIDAY at 8:51 PM ET. It’s still in sloppy Sagittarius and it is in a challenging pattern with foggy Neptune. Translation: it’s looking for a vision that likely may not materialize, and what does materialize is likely to have holes you could drive a starship through. For the next three months, you are advised to take the visions presented by outside influences with a grain of — nah, make it a full Himalayan salt lamp the size of Brazil. Like this Exhibit A, left here without further comment. Trigger warning: that’s not a link to a Himalayan salt lamp. It’s about politics and may be skipped if you’re not in the mood. Enjoy your eggnog!

Another challenging pattern on this solstice is an stubborn square between the Aquarius Moon and Mars, planet of action, in ruthless — but oh-so-effective Scorpio. This suggests emotional clashes of will between those on the cutting edge…for better or for worse. Yes, could be innovative. Yes, could also be inclined to slash and burn. If your lunch today felt like a bit of a stubborn clash around 1:13 PM ET, that’s when the Moon-Mars clash happened. The headline on the WaPo homepage read “After success on taxes, GOP returns to infighting ahead of deadline to avoid shutdown.

Work on planning and strategy in your own personal world. Do your best to create supportive structure. Capricorn may start out heavy and serious at first, but the older it gets, the lighter it becomes. Wry humor is one of its most effective coping strategies — and proven best medicines.

And now, the news.

UPDATE: Meryl Streep, whose horoscope we’ve been covering over the years. She is a Summer Solstice baby, which means that transiting Saturn at 0 Capricorn is putting the squeeze on her 0 Cancer Sun (same goes for her astro twin, Elizabeth Warren). Ms. Streep is being trashed in a  street art campaign calling her out for her work with Vernal Equinox baby Harvey Weinstein (who is also obviously due for a streamlining reality check):

The poster campaign caps a torrid week for Streep who was already on the defensive after fellow actor Rose McGowan, who says she was raped by Weinstein, accused the grand dame of Hollywood of silence and hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, the snafus and sloppy Mercury Rx in Sagittarius thinking of the tax bill passed yesterday just keep on manifesting. It won’t be signed by Christmas — and likely not until early January because of….wait for it…technical difficulties. 

Meanwhile, I noted a few headlines yesterday expressing the potential of Saturn’s controlling efforts in matters related to Capricorn. Facebook, Amazon, T-Mobile, others sued over age discrimination in Facebook job ads. Yep. Ageism and other squeezes placed on People of a Certain Age. We’ll be seeing more reality checks on that in the next couple of years. Capricorn refers to what is old. 

Capricorn and Saturn refer to time — and mortality. What a coincidence to see this headline now: U.S. Mortality Rate Falls for Second Year in a Row (the cause: drug overdoses, reflected by Neptune in Pisces in a tough aspect with the horoscope of the U.S.).

Hmm…also a coincidence. Time is what I am running out of, in an effort to post this forecast before the close of the business day. More news to come in the next forecast…thank you for reading…thank you for your Mercury retrograde bookmark orders…and thank you for purchasing gift certificates for reports and consultations for your friends, family and colleagues. It is a joy to be of service!

I leave you with this album that always makes me think of the Winter Solstice: “December” by George Winston. Cheers.




Astro-logical Forecast For Tuesday 11/5/2013: Venus in Capricorn & Other Matters of Importance

Waking up with a buzz of righteousness that requires proactive expression, perhaps — with the Moon in opinionated Sagittarius, and it’s New Moon energy to boot. Have an innovative thought with your morning coffee, won’t you?

Be aware that the Moon goes void of course at 11:48AM ET — not to enter the next sign, Capricorn, until 4:44PM ET on Wednesday. That’s long time to feel like you’re herding cats, treading water or encountering delays and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Try to spend some time turning inward, especially since the Moon void begins on a potentially hypercritical and argumentative challenge from action-hero Mars in prissy Virgo. Unless you’re really up for a heated and righteous debate.

Last week was intensely supercharged; take advantage of this natural planetary rest period to let the dust settle. Not that the intensity has disappeared, mind you. On Wednesday AM  we’ll have the annual conjunction of the Sun (life force) with stern Saturn in penetrating Scorpio. That can be super-heavy — but it also offers us an opportunity to get real. Here’s how this hook-up was reflected in the headlines last year — sixth paragraph, please.

Meanwhile, Venus (referring to women, money, aesthetics and social expression), entered Capricorn this morning at 3:43AM ET, demanding decorum and a pedigree in these areas. Venus in Capricorn knows exactly how to use its connections to climb up a ladder (preferably corporate), and until March 5th, so could you.Why such a long stay in Capricorn? Because Venus will be turning retrograde in Capricorn on December 22nd, not to turn direct until January 31st. You can search the archives for thoughts on Venus retrograde — or wait for me to write a post about it as we get closer to December 22nd.

On the 14th and 15th, Venus will make contact with the Uranus-Pluto square (a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About, thus shaking things up in Venus-ruled arenas. At that time, you may find yourself mingling with all kinds of unconventional, yet credentialed types who instantly become your new best friend. These “sudden attractions” are typical under Venus-Uranus transits, when an open-minded, humanitarian, freedom-loving buzz permeates the air. Add Pluto’s intensity to the mix, and some of your social encounters may be quite cathartic.

Mind the void — remember — no impulse shopping sprees or signing of contracts. If you’re looking for ideas on what to do, here’s one possibility, especially with artistic expression so ripe for prominence in the cosmos over the next couple of days…enjoy!


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/30/2013: The Impossible Dream

Moon continues its sojourn in humanitarian, cerebral and quirky Aquarius, seeking to be seen as socially significant, even as it comfortably operates within the group. Most of that energy is delightfully supported by easy connections from that lovely pile-up of planets — mental Mercury, loving Venus, jolly Jupiter — in Gemini (if you have a planet or angle between 23 -28 degrees of any Fire or Air sign, you’re feeling this sense of ease more than most). As we get closer to 7:57PM ET, when the Moon’s need to be unique is challenged by assertive Mars in stubborn Taurus, then we have the potential for a feisty clash of wills or display of intractable resolve.

After a Moon void so brief you’ll hardly notice it, Moon enters the dreamy sign of Pisces, shifting the focus from the cerebral Air realm to watery depths of intuition and feeling. Music, faith, dreams and other beautiful escapes may be on your agenda.

And speaking of dreams, there is another planetary pattern going on — exact on June 11th — that we really need to talk about.  It addresses a question raised by my Pisces (intuitive, sensitive) friend Lisa, who asked me yesterday what was going on in the stars that felt so weird — and the dynamics of the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square did not fit the bill. What’s going on is another relatively rare pattern: a trine betwteen stern Saturn, which structures and limits reality and nebulous Neptune, which dissolves whatever it touches. Immediately you see the potential for bewilderment when structures are dissolving beneath your feet, yes? And yet you can also appreciate the potential for the sublime to materialize when dreams are backed by enough substance. Which will it be for you? Maybe a little of both, and you are feeling it more than most if you were born around the 23rd of just about any month — or have a planet or angle around 5 degrees of any sign.

This dance between Saturn and Neptune has been going off and on since the middle of October, and the exact hit on June 11th will be the 3rd in the cycle, and thus especially potent. FYI, the last time we experienced this pattern (prior to 2012) was after the Summer Solstice of 2001 — and didn’t the world seem dreamy back then, in comparison to the rude awakening we experienced on September 11th? Hmmmm.

What does the trine between Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces hold for us as individuals and collectively? I have no idea. One headline that seems to reflect this unfamiliar pattern, combined with the disruption of Uranus and Pluto jumped out at me this morning. It’s a story about glaciers melting in Switzerland, affecting other structures that were once reliable. How are we supposed to navigate in a situation like this? Where is the map? That’s the point. There isn’t a map. We’ve never been here before — or so it feels. We will muddle through as best we can, and presumably intuition and creativity will be the best tools to help us on the way. Left-brained thinking may be overwhelmed by nebulous Neptunian fog. Right-brained approaches — as well as your dreams — may provide more clarity and guidance during this period.

To be continued….


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 7/19/2011

Another day for creative spirits? Moon in soulful Pisces suggests a need to work with intangibles, as in a vision pulled out of the ether, to later be given form. A lovely link to Venus (love, art, money) definitely starts the day off on the right foot; note, however, a potentially challenging clash to the Moon (feelings) from aggressive Mars in verbally-inclined Gemini. Even though Moon in Pisces prefers the nearest escape hatch over conflict, it might not move fast enough to escape a verbal assault, colored with excessive emotion, around 2:45PM ET.

When the Moon enters feisty Aries tomorrow at 12:25PM ET, the pace will likely pick up noticeably.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/12/11

Yet another potentially highly charged full business day of action on both coasts — can you stand it? Moon is still zipping through Aries, a sign that sometimes falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. With Mars, ruler of Aries in an easy, communicative connection between innovative Uranus, I encourage you to take a fresh approach. Just hours ago, for example, I was at a networking gathering of media folks & I decided to stick that silly adhesive name tag they always ask you to wear right on my pint of Stella Artois. Who would have thought it would have attracted such a positive response? Today, try something new and inspired!

Read yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on the First Quarter Moon, exact this AM at 6:31AM. Patience may be called for later in the day — say around 6PM NY time — when that impulsive Moon squares offs against feisty Mars. Could be a few emotional spats in the air, so resist the urge to engage.

After a brief Moon void at 9:47PM NY,  Moon enters placid Taurus at 10:37PM NY, turning down the volume for a quiet night of sweet music and other delights in the safe, secure comfort of wherever you call home.