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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/24/2011: Pink Floyd Again

A potentially slow start to the morning, especially on the East Coast, suggested by the Moon being void of course in the perfectionist sign of Virgo (4:47PM ET Sunday until 11:49AM ET today). If you’ve been chillin’ since Sunday evening, good for you. As I write, Game 4 of the World Series is underway, and given that the Moon is void, chances of an upset by the underdog team are increased. I haven’t been following the Series, but I believe the underdog team might be the Rangers. Right now they are ahead. We’ll see what happens…

Speaking of Moon voids, here they are for the rest of the work week:  8:19 – 11:08AM ET on Wednesday; 7:49-10:45AM ET on Friday.

Today Moon enters the people-pleasing sign of Libra at 11:49AM ET, though a few jolts, flashes of insights and/or power plays may well materialize in the afternoon and early evening, suggested by challenges to the Moon from our favorite planetary heavies, ruthless Pluto and disruptive Uranus. What’s really important to note about today’s Moon is that we are now in the dark side of the lunar cycle. The New Moon in Scorpio happens at 3:56PM ET on Wednesday…so until then, it’s appropriate to wrap up your agenda from the current cycle and be patient with whatever feelings of restlessness or listlessness you have, knowing that something new is just around the corner. You could also listen to this

Other news to catch up on: wasn’t it interesting that Barack Obama’s announcement on Friday that all troops would be brought home from Iraq coincided with a glorious trine from “rose-tint my world” Neptune and the Sun in conflict-avoiding Libra? Peace out!