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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 7/22/2013: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon in Aquarius

A week of wobbles, fits and starts, with increased volatility as we get closer to the weekend…carrying over to next week. Ready? Here goes:

Driving the energy of the day is an enterprising Capricorn Moon, just dying to get down to business, as it was likely able to do as of 2:39PM Saturday through 11:53AM Sunday. But then…with a sigh…all that drive may have felt like it went into neutral, as the Moon went void of course, where it will continue to drift until 2:07PM ET. And yet…

…the need for exuberant action reaches a crest at 3:35AM ET on Monday, reflected by aggressive Mars and expansive Jupiter meeting up. How will you blow off steam? Adding to the need for release is the Moon waxing full (exact at 2:15PM ET) — and yes, as you may have heard, it is a SuperMoon (the last one of 2013), suggesting an increased likelihood of seismic shifts and intense weather patterns. And over the weekend we’ve seen crazy storms in Michigan and earthquakes making headlines — in China and New Zealand —  just for starters. Coincidence or conspiracy?

But before we get to this afternoon’s Full Moon, we must also contend with three planetary shifts that challenge our sense of equilibrium. First, Mercury is now direct, as of 2:22PM ET Saturday. Huzzah! As Mercury retraces its steps, until August 5th we’ll have plenty of opportunities to discover errors in thinking and communication made during the June 26th-July 20th retrograde. Be patient — especially with today’s Moon void — in all matters of communication and transportation.

Second, as of 8:41AM ET, loving Venus leaves sunny Leo for prissy Virgo. In matters of love, art, women, gone is the regal drama queen; enter the prissy school marm, demanding we have our I’s dotted and our T’s crossed. Form may become more important than content in social expression — something to consider in overtures and negotiations. And all this week, this perfection-seeking social energy is challenged by the rose-colored fog of nebulous Neptune, suggesting that the beauty we seek may be an ideal (don’t worry, reality will likely hit by Saturday).

Third, the Sun leaves watery Cancer for fiery Leo, where it is very much at home. The Sun in Leo is born to shine — and help others shine, too. But before you mail the party invitations, consider that stern Saturn is poised to fling a wet blanket on the festivities when it squares the Sun on Saturday the 27th — but not without howls of stubborn protest between now and then. Demands for cuts and discipline on the one hand; outrage expressed on the other, with the howling protestors screaming bloody murder. Or at the very least, putting on tremendous displays of persuasive effort. You’ll feel the pinch or ambitious push of Saturn squaring the Sun more than most if you have a planet or angle at 4-6 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius — or if you were born around the 27th of July, October, January or April.

OK, so: Mercury direct; Venus and Sun changing signs — all in effect today. Things may feel wobbly, exacerbated by waxing emotions of the Full Moon. Meanwhile, the volatility I’m seeing for later this week and into next is suggested by aggressive Mars and expansive Jupiter engaging with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square. Somewhere, somehow we’re likely to see more than the usual power struggles and “if it bleeds, it leads” headlines, including accidents. Watch for news from underground and tech breakthroughs, too (See? There’s always an upside). In your own personal world you are advised to count to ten before you fly off the handle, especially if you have a planet or angle between 8 and 13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn; or if you were born up to five days after the 29th of March, June, September and December. Even if you’re not throwing your toys out of the pram, others around you might be. Choose your battles with care. Consult the previous link for helpful strategies.  On the plus side? If you are grounded and clear about your plan to achieve greater emotional/homeland security, you’ll likely find the energy to push through boundaries successfully.

With the Full Moon in Aquarius we see the potential for illumination and/or conflict between the  for personal recognition/glory (Leo Sun) vs. the need of the collective (Aquarius Moon). The Sabian Symbols are: for the Sun at 1 degree of Leo — “a case of apoplexy”; for the Moon at 1 Aquarius — “an old adobe mission”.  And once again, Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee’s wonderful book offers a meaningful interpretation. Given the strong volatility suggested by this week’s planetary patterns, the “case of apoplexy” is remarkable. “To be apoplectic refers to any effusion of blood into an organ or tissue…sudden fits of rage or embarrassment”. Sounds pretty Mars-Uranus-Pluto to me. What about “the adobe mission”? Bovee describes it as “a sun-baked building erected for a specific purpose or cause in a foreign territory…imagine the fervor of someone whose deep beliefs motivate a journey to foreign, even hostile places”. Fascinating.

In the aftermath of this Full Moon, we are advised to watch for “focused enthusiasm eager to broadcast self-evident, universal truths…an intense desire to burst out of the mold; dramatic outsets of fever, feverish expression or fervent belief…watch especially for creating circumstances in which the unexpected can strike”.  It’s as if the germinating seed (the Sabian Symbol for this lunar cycle’s New Moon on July 8th) has taken root; now we can watch as the message is disseminated. You’ll see this theme manifest on more personally for you if you have a planet or angle around 1 degree of Leo or Aquarius…or if you were born around the 22nd of July or January.

At 10:02PM ET we can expect a dose of reality or ambitious reach to hit as the stubborn Aquarius Moon, seeking social significance, is challenged by the equally stubborn Saturn in “pay what you owe” Scorpio.

Your Moon voids for the week — and there are a lot of them. All this planetary activity…and plenty of rest time so we can assimilate the action without our circuits blowing…we hope. Avoid initiating projects, important meetings, signing contracts and major purchases during these times…and roll with the twists that are sure to crop up. Chill, chill, chill!

Monday until 2:07PM ET;

Tuesday 10:01AM ET until WEDNESDAY 2:22PM ET;

Thursday 2:43PM ET until FRIDAY at 5:29PM ET;

Saturday at 10:19PM ET until 12:43AM ET on MONDAY the 29th

For those of you keeping track of Angel Numbers, this is the third time since July 4th that we’ve had a cosmic event at 2:22 — the meaning of which can be found here — reassuring, isn’t it?

Will do a news re-cap in the next forecast — meanwhile, here’s an item that will be excellent fodder at the water-cooler. It’s called “Why Men Need Women” — and it’s currently the most emailed story on the NYT website. Keep it in mind when I post the next batch of headlines — mostly about resources and/or the lack thereof. Stay tuned…