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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/28/2014: New Moon in Taurus; Cardinal Grand Cross Fallout

Good Morning!

Apologies for the lapse in service. I’ve been preoccupied with that tooth/jaw issue I mentioned a few forecasts ago; it’s not over yet; I may need surgery, which means I may not be posting regularly this week, either. All things considered, I feel fortunate. Your thoughts and healing light will be accepted with much gratitude, as well as any contributions for serious drugs. ; )

After a loonnnng void of course Moon all day on Sunday, it finally gets into gear at 10:23AM ET on Monday. It’ll be in Taurus, which is an excellent placement for organizing, establishing and building on material security needs. These next few days are also good for indulging in creature comforts; whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Monday is best suited for wrapping up projects from last month, as the new lunar cycle does not really kick in until Tuesday.

The New Moon in Taurus happens at 2:14AM ET (Tuesday).  It is also an eclipse; the last time we had an eclipse at 9 degrees of Taurus was on April 29, 1995. If you’ve been on the planet long enough, think back to what was happening in your life at that time, especially if you have a planet or angle around 8-10 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. You may get an encore experience over the next few months.

Eclipses are supercharged New Moons.  They’re also like bottlenecks of energy. Light flowing from the Sun or Moon is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on the interrupted point and allowing something new and possible fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael the kindhearted policeman in Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden

A New Moon in Taurus suggests a focus on values, finance and other material concerns.  An interruption in the normal traffic flow allows for the birth of some new way of thinking — or being — about them.  This new way of thinking will likely require a release of something old — ready or not.  In the aftermath of last week’s fifth of seven exact squares between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto, which brought more and more revelations about resources (who has ’em; who doesn’t), the pressure for change is great.  Interesting to note that the New Moon in Taurus in 2013 was also an eclipse — and it happened just before the third exact Uranus-Pluto square.  Note also that Taurus is world-famous for its resistance to change. Though I happen to believe that current planetary patterns are setting us up for a major change in how we value money…

And now, the news:

Mars was the driving force for much of the action last week. On Tuesday it made a boisterous, physical challenge to expansive Jupiter; Wednesday it opposed rebel Uranus and then squared ruthless Pluto. This was a “make or break it” opportunity — a definite upside. On the downside, it suggested outbursts of aggression and war. In your own personal world, take a look at what was going on in your life in the last week of 2013, when Mars in Libra made its first contact with Uranus and Pluto. Are some of those issues up for a second look now? Mars will engage for the third time in mid-July, so you can expect a final wrap then.

Some of the stories reflecting these patterns include: physical efforts and triumph at last week’s Boston Marathon; the ongoing Ballad of the Rebel Rancher (a.k.a. Cliven Bundy); a startling power grab and disruption of the status quo regarding net neutrality; and the official announcement that the American middle class is no longer the world’s richest. Oh, and the continued unrest in the Ukraine….and North Korea.

In other news, George Clooney, whose natal Venus is 13 degrees of Aries and thus totally supercharged by last week’s Cardinal Grand Cross 1) got into a headline-making, profanity-laced spat and 2) is rumored to be engaged. Venus refers to social expression and love matters. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Meanwhile, a belated Earth Day musing I meant to post last week:

Down the road from my little rental cottage on Oahu, there’s a lovely little cafe/gift store called Sweet Home Waimanalo. Check out their website and I think you’ll agree it is the poster child for Earth Day organic sustainable recyclable local-grown eco-friendly composting fair trade vegan soy fresh juices veggies-grown-on-the-roof crunchy granola save-the-planet perfection.  Their kale-pineapple smoothies are to die for. And yet, on the azure-blue wall of its pristine restroom hangs a paper-towel dispenser with these words printed on it:


What’s wrong with this picture? Anybody know?

Georgia-Pacific is one of the companies owned by the second-largest privately-held corporation in the United States: Koch Industries, Inc.. a.k.a., the Koch brothers. Their products include (says Wikipedia): asphalt, chemicals, commodities trading, energy, fibers, fertilizers, finance, minerals, natural gas, plastics, petroleum, pulp and paper, ranching.

Much has been written about the Koch brothers (Charles & David) and their political influence and presumed political agenda. Filmmaker Robert Greenwald made a documentary about them, with an updated version to be released next month.

Isn’t it fascinating that Sweet Home Waimanalo would spend its hard-earned capital on a product manufactured by a corporation whose owners appear to be passionately and powerfully against everything Sweet Home Waimanalo holds dear? Waaaaaaake upppppp — suggests, nay — demands — this never-ending Uranus-Pluto square!

And isn’t it fascinating to see this NYT editorial about the latest crusade of the Koch brothers, entitled The Koch Attack on Solar Energy. People are waking up. Hopefully before it’s too late.

Oh — Moon voids for the week: Wednesday, 12-5pm ET; Thursday, 7:32PM ET until Saturday 2:13AM ET — looks like a three-day weekend to me.

Thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/21/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

The Moon in enterprising Capricorn today (where it has been since 9:28PM ET on Saturday) continues on its quest to make things happen, aided and abetted by a supportive connection from disciplined Saturn at 9:48AM ET. Take care of important tasks early, as the afternoon is marked by challenging patterns. First, the 5th of 7 exact squares between rebel technogeek Uranus and ruthless Pluto happens at 2:38PM ET. Then Moon makes a jarring connection with mental Mercury, suggesting a disruptive communication to process this evening. Note that the Moon goes void of course at 7:21PM ET…not to enter the next sign, Aquarius, until 12:18AM ET. So get it off your desk before the void — West Coasters, this especially applies to you.

For those just tuning in, here’s some info on the Uranus-Pluto square a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About. As many of you know, this week this highly volatile pattern is augmented by contact with two other planets: expansive Jupiter and action and accident-prone Mars. It all adds up to something astrologers call a Cardinal Grand Cross or Cardinal Grand Square.

Now by “Cardinal” I am not talking about birds or baseball teams or men in pointy hats and red robes. In astrology, “cardinal” refers to the signs of the zodiac that NEED to take ACTION and thus effect CHANGE. So whatever fallout occurs as a result of the dynamic “resistance is futile” breakthroughs and shifts in consciousness suggested by this pattern is sure to change the world, period.

How so? Well, the conceit of this forecast is that planetary patterns are reflected in the headlines. And what’s on the home page of the New York Times is one of those shifts in consciousness we might expect, in the form of an urgent wake-up call entitled “Running Out of Time”. And yesterday, the big story in the NYT Sunday Magazine was entitled “It’s the End of the World As We Know It…And He Feels Fine” — a sobering but inspiring story about an environmental activist making peace with the inevitable destruction of things he holds dear. Coincidence or conspiracy?

On Tuesday and Wednesday warrior Mars takes center stage, as it makes contact with expansive Jupiter (Tuesday) and then Uranus & Pluto. I expect bold actions — some heroic; others gratuitously violent; others just accidental. Be extra-mindful on the roads and working with sharp objects, especially knives. Robust physical activity is recommended. If you are personally impacted by this pattern, you can make some amazing breakthroughs over the next couple of days.

Here are some cool cosmic breakthrough stories to offset the depressing items about US taxpayer-funded drones in Yemen  and how many members of Congress think climate change is a bunch of hooey.  Consider this spectacular crash on the surface of the Moon; a new telescope in Chile looking for alien life; and the discovery of a planet 500 light years away that is “the closest match of our home world discovered so far”.  Also check out this 16-year-old kid who survived a 5 1/2 hour flight to Maui on Sunday — stowed away in the wheel well of a Hawaiian Airlines jet. This high-flying adventure happened on expansive (and lucky) Jupiter’s exact contact with the Uranus-Pluto square.

Last, but not least, thanks to Annie, an avid reader of this forecast, who sent me this article entitled, Is It Time for Us to Take Astrology Seriously? Now that’s a cosmic breakthrough to warm my heart…

Your Moon voids for the week, other than today: Wednesday 12:10PM ET until 2:55AM ET on Thursday; Friday at 4:03PM ET until 6:01AM ET on Saturday. Sunday the Moon will be void form 7:02AM ET until 10:23AM ET on Monday. I have a feeling we will be happy to have these long rest periods to process the intensity of the next few days….

Apologies to those of you whose emails I have not answered in the past few days…Saturn (ruler of teeth & bones) and Mars (ruler of the head & inflammation) have been active in my horoscope, and I’m sorry to say it’s been very distracting. I will be back on track by the end of today…with gratitude for your kind understanding and patience…


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/17/2014: Moon Void; Supercharged Planets; Ending on a High Note

Chill, chill, chill. The depth-seeking Scorpio Moon is void of course as of 3:09AM ET, suggesting twists and delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The flake factor is high, as wandering lunar energy can feel like herding lots of unruly cats. Go with the flow — take care of routine tasks — don’t make a mountain out of a molehill – avoid impulse purchases. The latter is especially relevant because the key planetary aspect today is pleasure-loving Venus in harmony with expansive Jupiter at 9:19PM ET. Sweet — but potentially expensive and indulgent.

After 5:44pm ET, Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius, ready for a gambol or a gamble. Buy some lottery tickets, why don’t you, especially if you have a planet or angle around 13 degrees of just about any sign. No, that is not a guarantee that you will win big…but ya never know. Find a pleasant diversion this evening — preferably one that broadens your mind.

And now, the news.

Venus can be ultra-compassionate and forgiving in soulful Pisces, sign of salvation. Jupiter can be quite bountiful in nurturing Cancer. Together,  they offer the potential for extreme good fortune.  Like this 20-something Iranian man who was about to be executed for a murder he committed in his teens…until the mother of the boy he killed approached him, slapped him in the face…and forgave him. Which set him free. Wait ’til you see what his mother did…

In other news, illumination on one of the themes suggested by the New Moon on March 30th; i.e., resources: who’s got ’em; who doesn’t. According to a Serious Academic Study just released , the United States is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy, not that anyone who’s been paying attention needs the serious academic folks at Princeton and Northwestern to tell them this. But now it is official…with footnotes and everything….so maybe the folks who have not been paying attention will finally get around to doing so. Mid-term elections are in November, and planetary patterns with respect to the United States strongly suggest we are at a turning point. Which way will we go?

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter knows something about turning points, as he and nine other Nobel Peace Prize winners wrote in a letter to President Obama, a fellow Laureate:

“You stand on the brink of making a choice that will define your legacy on one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced — climate change”

The “choice” is whether to greenlight the Keystone Pipeline, which Carter and the other Laureates oppose. Turning point!

Jimmy Carter has been getting a lot of press these days — so much that you might conclude his horoscope was being supercharged by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square…and in fact, it is. Carter has his natal Pluto –referring to power and perspective at 13 degrees of Cancer. It will be directly impacted by next week’s exact Cardinal Grand Cross, which adds Jupiter and Mars to the Uranus-Pluto dynamic.

The horoscope of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is also being supercharged: his Sun is at 13 Libra. He’s calling for a boycott and divestment campaign against fossil fuel companies, as 100 Harvard professors are petitioning for their university to divest itself of its stake in the gas, oil and coal industries…just in time for this sobering op-ed noting the fourth anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. You do remember that, don’t you?

Can you tell I’m writing this forecast on a heavy hook-up between the Moon and stern Saturn in Scorpio? I promise the day will feel much lighter as the day progresses — and definitely once the Moon enters Sagittarius later this evening…enjoy.  And if you want to know how your horoscope will be affected by next week’s Cardinal Grand Cross a.k.a. the Cardinal Grand Square, I’m offering a special mini-consultation through the end of April — check it out.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/16/2014: Accentuate the Positive

This full day of Moon in emotionally intense Scorpio starts off with a feisty and potentially confrontational challenge between mental Mercury and action hero Mars. Watch for outbursts if you’re getting up around 7:15AM ET. Like the crazy cold weather much of the United States is having today, this too shall pass. A couple of hours later, emotional needs for depth and substance are supported and expanded by harmonious connections from loving Venus and jolly Jupiter. By lunchtime you may be feeling quite regenerated.

Get it off your desk today, as the Scorpio Moon will be void of course as of 3:09AM ET on Thursday….not to enter high-flying Sagittarius until 5:44PM ET. For those who are not working on Good Friday, consider taking Thursday off to count your blessings. Or, if you took yesterday’s post about the Tarot Card of the Week to heart, use some of the self-reliant Aries energy that’s in abundance right now…and create some abundance for yourself. Here are 30 nifty suggestions — if you’re short on ideas.

Man, is there a lot of upheaval in the headlines. How many times we will see the word “fiery” on the front page? Plenty, suggested by planetary patterns — so I’ll leave you with a positive application of a ginormous ball of fire. This just in: solar power is getting cheaper and cheaper by the day…and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes “a dominant force in the energy markets”. One can only hope…

…and now, here to sing the subheading of today’s forecast — please give a warm welcome to Miss Bette Midler & Mr. Bing Crosby…or if you prefer your optimism to be sung by an Aries — here’s Miss Aretha Franklin. Have a fabulous day!

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/15/2014: Full Moon Fallout; Venus Trine Jupiter

Writing this forecast in the aftermath of the Full Moon/Eclipse; the Libra Moon went void-of-course after reaching its exact fullness at 3:42AM ET. Who stayed up to watch it?  It was a lovely sight here on the beach in Hawaii: a red Moon with the extra bonus of Mars, the Red Planet right up above.

For most of the Americas, the void of course Moon suggests a slow start or twist to your morning routine. Sleeping in late, to process the fallout from the release suggested by the eclipse, would not be unreasonable. File your taxes and take it easy until 12:20PM ET, when the Moon sinks into the emotional depths of Scorpio, demanding substance and control. There are no exact aspects to the Moon for the rest of the day, though the rose-colored glow of a harmonious connection between the Moon and nebulous Neptune just after midnight can soften whatever upsets arose during the intensity of the past 48 hours.

I meant to note in yesterday’s forecast that a harmonious connection between loving Venus and Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy will be exact on Thursday night.  It’s a pattern that in synch with Tarot reader extraordinaire Beth Owlsdaughter’s Card of the Week. Her latest post is filled with wise words for managing challenging times — and this week’s card is perfectly in synch with the potential of the Venus-Jupiter alignment. Check it out and plan accordingly.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/14/2014: Full Moon in Libra — Eclipsed; Mercury Meets the Big, Bad T-Square

Ready for another rollicking week? Here we go!

As I type, the relationship-oriented, people-pleasing Libra Moon is waxing Full — exact at 3:42AM ET on Tuesday. And as you may have heard, this Full Moon will also be a total lunar eclipse, suggesting a push for a release of old patterns in relationship. But before we get to the Full Moon/Eclipse, we need to get through this business day, so let’s see what’s cooking.

Well, the Moon is cooking — even without the eclipse — as it makes its weekly contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which it will do between 5:20AM ant 6:08AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking (wild?) and check the headlines for the usual upsets and power plays.

What’s also cooking is Mercury, referring to mind, communication and travel — charging through the impulsive, brash, inspiring and impatient sign of Aries. And while it’s charging forward, it’s crashing into the people-pleasing Libra Moon (3:01AM ET), then expansive Jupiter (2:32PM ET), then rebel genius Uranus (7:15PM ET) and finally, with ruthless, corruption-exposing, power-mongering Pluto (12:12AM ET on Tuesday). Wow — there could be soooo much hyped-talk today — or actual, mind-blowing revelations.

Call it a sneak preview of next week’s much-ballyhooed (and rightfully so) Cardinal Grand Cross, though with less testosterone (action hero Mars). Call it information overload…and that will explain your frayed nerves and aching head, as you cope with those around you who are not hip to the potential of supercharged planetary patterns and are therefore “acting out”. Or call it an opportunity to absolutely, positively, finally acknowledge What Must Be Done to make this planet a Sustainable World…as suggested by the latest UN report announcing that “catastrophic climate change can be averted without sacrificing living standards”.  Zounds! This report even includes a zippy marketing campaign — way to condense the message into a pithy slogan, Mercury in Aries! Ready?

“It doesn’t cost the world to save the planet,” said economist Professor Ottmar Edenhofer, who led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) team.

Brilliant! Can we act on this right away, implores the Other Latest UN Report on Climate Change…Or Else.

If you are not in a position to make an earth-shattering presentation today, take note of the buzz in your head — it could be a brand-new Attention-Deficit Disorder — but resist the urge to rush and/or engage in thoughtless talk. Ground yourself in preparation for tonight’s eclipse (says an old wives’ tale) by eating some potatoes…and drink plenty of water.

But wait — not so fast. Before we get to the Full Moon/Eclipse, Pluto, Lord of the Underworld turns retrograde  at 7:44PM ET. Pluto will be at 13 degrees of Capricorn. Retrograde planets appear to be moving backward in the sky, as seen from Spaceship Earth. Here is a picture of retrograde motion, courtesy of someone at NASA:

During retrograde periods, areas in life that are ruled by the planet are held back and are up for review. For example, Pluto refers to power plays, resources, perspective, transformation and “news from underground”.  Wherever Pluto falls in your horoscope; i.e, wherever you have 13 degrees of Capricorn, is where issues of power, resources, perspective and transformation will come up. You will do a lot of learning in that area of your horoscope at this time. Try looking inward for power and resources first — before turning outward. Going within is an effective strategy for managing the energy of any planet that is retrograde. Pluto turns direct on September 22nd.

OK. Now for the eclipse. Most everyone in the United States will be able to see all of it, including people in Hawaii. Here is a nifty article from that explains much of the astronomical tech stuff, while cheerfully assuring us that this first of four so-called “Blood Moons” is not a sign of the Apocalypse. Agreed.

Eclipses interrupt the regular flow of light and whatever other energy flows from the Sun or the Moon, like a river meeting a dam. Eclipses act as “bottlenecks” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun or Moon is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on the interrupted point and allowing something new and possible fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Of course while traffic is stopped, it’s also backing up…and when it flows again, it’s possible that some drivers may hit the gas a little too hard — and wham! — there’s a sudden release of the bottlenecked energy.  If you have a planet or point at the degree of an exceptionally potent eclipse, you may feel the effects of the release of the bottleneck for months afterward — sometimes even years.

There are a number of astrologers who believe that eclipses may function as portals for groups of souls incarnating on Earth. What do you think of that, cherished ducklings?

This total eclipse happens at 26 degrees of Libra (Moon) and Aries (Sun), suggesting illumination on issues in relationship  — the “we” of Libra vs. the “me” of Aries. How do we find a balance?  In the chart for this eclipse, I am intrigued by the presence of four significant asteroids — all goddesses, mind you — around the Sun and the Moon. Ceres, Goddess of Grain and Agriculture and Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth is aligned with the Moon. Two Goddesses you really do not want to discount are aligned with the Aries (warrior) Sun: Juno, wife of Jupiter  and Eris, sister of Mars. If you agree that astrology is a symbolic language reflecting the consciousness of those who create/use/modify the language, what are we to make of this symbolism — expressed in the language of Western Astrology — for the Western World — at this particular time?

The Sabian Symbols for this eclipse are as follows. For the Aries Sun: “a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold”. For the Libra Moon: “an eagle and a large white dove turning one into the another.” Well, geez. Those two birds are diametrically opposed to each other, aren’t they — a bird of peace and a bird of prey — but in this symbol they are interchangeable. And a man with more gifts than he can possibly hold probably doesn’t know which one to apply first — or which way to turn.  Or so suggests Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee in his nifty book.

You are more personally affected by this lunar eclipse if you have a planet or angle at 26 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or if you were born around the 15th of April, July, October or January.  Consult your local astrologer for details.

Finally — your Moon voids for the week: Tuesday 3:42Am ET – 12:20PM ET (East Coasters take note); Thursday — a bust — as the Moon will be void from 3:09AM ET until 5:44PM ET…..we’ll need the time to rest and process the Full Moon…and prepare for the Cardinal Grand Cross-o-rama that happens early next week.

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)




Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/11/2014 & the Weekend: The Rosy Buzz

Note your dreams upon waking, as visionary Neptune and indulgent Venus make contact with the analytical Virgo Moon around sunrise ET. How will this rosy glow color your quest to make things right — dare I say perfect — which is every Virgo Moon’s highest aspiration? The rosy glow intensifies at sunset ET, courtesy of a depth-seeking connection to the Moon from potent Pluto at 8:52PM ET —  followed by the meet-up noted yesterday between Venus and Neptune in soulful Pisces. What will be your escape: spirits or spirit?  Beauty and sweet music are also possibilities…

Saturday you’d better get up early if you want to hit yard sales and malls. Moon goes void at 1:12PM on a practical connection with disciplined Saturn & you just can’t shop productively during a void.  Work to put some order in your house; chill out and take care of what is routine in the afternoon and evening.

Moon enters people-pleasing Libra on Sunday at 4:33AM ET…and does absolutely nothing all day. Don’t be fooled;  mental Mercury will likely create quite a buzz all weekend as it prepares to make exact contact with expansive Jupiter and rebel Uranus on Monday. Technological breakthroughs, jarring communications and transportations (accidents),  news from the cosmos…oh…and underground, too, as Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) turns retrograde on Monday…hours before a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse.

So much news to report — I will do my best to post again over the weekend, with what we can expect from this next few weeks of planetary intensity that has not already been said (months ago) in this forecast.

Meanwhile, I’m thinking that if they don’t find that plane by Monday, the next opportunity would be around the 22nd…and then not again until the 10th of May…we shall see…

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/10/2014: Mind the Void


As noted in yesterday’s forecast, while those of you on the East Coast were sleeping, the royal drama king Leo Moon went void-of-course on a potentially stubborn challenge to stern Saturn in Scorpio, either releasing said challenge with a sigh or churning of a mountain of (more) drama out of a molehill. Chill, chill, chill…until the Moon enters discerning Virgo at 6:08pm ET and strives to sort everything out.

Meanwhile….in the bullpen there’s a lovely conjunction between loving Venus and nebulous Neptune in soulful Pisces — exact at 10:24PM ET on Friday. Let’s hope that takes the edge of whatever the work week dumped on your plate. Friday night could be divine…those born six days into Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius or with planets or angles at 6-7 degrees of those signs will feel the need for a beautiful vision more than most.

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/9/14: Shine, Shine, Shine

Not too shabby. Moon continues its reign in sunny Leo, seeking ways to shine and help others shine, too. Tell someone how fabulous they are today, won’t you? Seek out innovative forms of play and creative self-expression. You’ll be aided and abetted by a lovely connection to the Moon from inventive Uranus at 7:50AM ET…and that will carry you through the day until 7:12PM ET, when the Moon makes a cooperative connection to action-oriented Mars. The day ends on a balanced connection between masculine and feminine, as the Moon makes a trine to the Sun at 10:28PM ET.

Get it off your desk today if you can — or wait until Friday to ship or make that important pitch. If you’re sleeping at 2:26AM ET on Thursday, you’ll miss the potentially cranky challenge between the regal, playful Leo Moon and karma cop Saturn in moody bastard Scorpio….but that challenge may ripple throughout the day.  If a crisis ensues, it may well be blown out of proportion, given that the Moon will be void-of-course from then until 6:08PM ET on Thursday evening. Chill out and wander if you can; otherwise just go with the flow of whatever twists arise in your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

And now, the news.

By now the dust should have settled from yesterday’s face-off between warrior Mars and the Sun in Aries (ruled by Mars). How interesting to see Mars making headlines in the mainstream news as well as astrology forecasts. If you looked up at the heavens last night, you would have seen the Red Planet brighter than it’s been in six years. Meanwhile, some papers reported sightings of a mysterious “artificial light” captured on tape by Curiosity; Slate‘s resident astronomer is having none of this nonsense; here’s his take on what the light might be.

Moon in Leo loves a drama, and a Sun-Mars face-off can refer to a violent confrontation or attack. Here’s the opening line from a story on the NYT homepage: “It was bold, splashy and theatrical, the kind of flourish more often seen in courtroom dramas than in real-life murder trials…”and the story in question would be Oscar Pistorius, charged with the murder of his girlfriend, taking the witness stand at his trial.  The drama continues, as Pistorius will be cross-examined today. Did you know that South Africa has the most “intimate partner violence deaths” in the world? Statistics for the United States are here.
As noted in Monday’s forecast, Mars retrograde suggests outbursts and attacks from the most unlikely suspects. Here’s a story about how hackers are using the most innocuous means (e.g., an online Chinese restaurant take-out menu) to breach network security measures. Another internet attack outed yesterday is the so-called “Heartbleed Bug,” — which is just one more reason why you need to change all of your passwords at your earliest convenience.  Another unlikely suspect showed up in court in Pakistan: this 9-month-old baby charged with murder.

Last but not least, it seems that Attorney General Eric Holder’s horoscope was personally affected by the Sun-Mars challenge. Specifically, retrograde Mars conjoined his natal Neptune; the Sun opposed it. As you know, triggers to Neptune can be a bit surreal. Still, it was definitely a jab at Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) when Mr. Holder said while testifying before Congress, “Good luck with your asparagus”. Yes, there is a story behind that…and you will find it here.

Mark your calendars for the National Asparagus Festival happening June 6-8 in Oceana County, Michigan. Or hop across the Pond and get a headstart on the fun that begins on April 23rd at the British Asparagus Festival in the Vale of Evesham. The latter has a cooler website…

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/8/2014: Boxing Day w/Moon in Leo

OK, break time is over. After yesterday’s looonnnnnng  (15 hour+) Moon void in emotional security-focused Cancer, the Moon finally gets into gear with a royal flourish and a ton of brass and tympani, entering rip-roarin’ Leo at 5:50AM ET. You know what often happens in sports matches played during Moon voids? Surprise upsets, which people who know way more than I do about basketball swore was the case when UConn beat Kentucky in the NCAA something-or-other. Coincidence or conspiracy?

A day with Sun in Aries and Moon is Leo is so wired to strut on center stage and play, and communication is easily facilitated today by a supportive connection to the Moon from mental Mercury at 8:56AM ET. Get up and do your important walking and talking in the early part of the day, because….

…at 5:04PM ET, the me-me-me Aries Sun (life force) is opposed by warrior Mars. Yeah, sure it’s in peace-seeking Libra and yeah, sure it may be retrograde and thus a bit held back. But believe me, if you’re anyone with a planet or angle at around 18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or you were born around the 8th of April, July, October or January, you are likely bouncing off the walls this week and especially yesterday and today. Exhibit A: a friend with her natal Mars at 19 Aries, whose radiator hose (!) sprung a leak, which resulted in tow trucks and other car repair drama at the start of her work week. Running a little hot, was she? Needed to blow off some steam? Exhibit B: your local astrologer, who really really really wanted to go for run today and was thwarted by a full day of rain in paradise…grrrrrr. Point is, if you’re personally affected by today’s provocative, RAMbunctious pattern, do the world a favor and work by yourself today — and then go to the gym. The good news is — you’ll have plenty of energy available to do the work you need to do with an extra dose of gusto.

How was this testosterone-heavy aspect reflected on the homepage of the New York Times, you might ask? Well, the aspect is still in effect, so there’s likely more to come, but here’s a video report called “The Super Predator Scare” — about fears of teen violence that surged in the mid-90s and whether those fears were warranted. And here’s a very interesting obituary that just hit the NYT, for the “fiery columnist”

Chuck Stone, whose columns for The Philadelphia Daily News denouncing racism, political corruption and police brutality inspired such trust that wanted criminals sometimes surrendered to him rather than to the police and the authorities called on him to mediate prison crises…

…and speaking of testosterone, a new report alleges that female White House staffers are making 88 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts….ughhh.

In other news, here’s another potentially game-changing power and resources story reflecting the awesome potential of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. The U.S. Navy may have discovered a way to convert seawater into fuel…now that could really be cool…

Finally, a reader had a follow-up question to yesterday’s post about George W. Bush: what about brother Jeb’s rumblings about possibly running for president in 2016? Will he do it — and what are the chances? Ooh that is such a good question — and I certainly have thoughts, after just a quick glance at his horoscope. But I’d rather share those thoughts when I have the leisure time to write something thoughtful and analytical, rather than a “first impression…”

An even more intriguing question is this: what’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast!