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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/10/15 & The Weekend: Lincoln Chafee & Other Disruptors of the Status Quo

Arise, go forth and get down to business, driven by the Moon in enterprising Capricorn as of 8:47AM ET. There’s a heady idealism in mindset and communication, suggested by a meet-up between Mercury and the Sun in Aries which occurred just after midnight. This could be highly persuasive (Aries is indomitable), even if it does require a revision down the road (Mercury, when so close to the Sun, can be blinded by the light — unable to receive input from any other Source). Classical astrologers define planets conjunct the Sun as combust.

There’s no Moon void on Saturday to dissuade you from accomplishing your weekend chores. Have at it, being mindful of the potential for upsets and power plays in the hours between 11AM and 3PM ET, as the Moon makes contact with Uranus and Pluto.  Just before midnight ET on Saturday we’ll have the 3rd Quarter Moon, presenting another bit of light regarding the agenda you set on the New Moon a few weeks ago.

On Saturday we’ll also see Venus (arts, women, social expression, values and money) leave Taurus for Gemini at 11:29AM ET. In Gemini, Venus can be oh-so-charming, seeking social expression by being informed, intense and entertaining — and able to love both sides of the same coin — or several coins at once. Is that fickle?

Sunday morning is lovely for sleeping in, as the Moon will be void between 4:15AM and 1:44PM ET. There’s pixie dust in the air, helpful for artistry and healing, suggested by a cooperative connection between Mars and Neptune. This patterns also supports fantasy and showbiz types, including those who might want to sell you a bill of goods. Don’t buy it during the Moon void.

After the void, the Moon enters Aquarius, favoring gatherings of friends, especially with such an easy connection to the aforementioned chatty Venus in Gemini at 4:08PM ET. The menu might be quite exotic, as well as your guests.

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

Surprise, surprise — there may be a new presidential candidate in town, as the NYT reports that Lincoln Chafee, the former Republican senator from Rhode Island, who then was elected governor as an Independent, is exploring a run — as a Democrat. Mr. Chafee is a pioneering Aries with Moon in Leo — birth time unknown, though I do have a few ideas about why we are seeing this expansive/ambitious reach now.

What we can see clearly in his horoscope is unconventional Uranus running wild (Barack Obama has this pattern, too). No wonder he defies description — and the status quo. As a US Senator, he voted against invading Iraq. This need to buck the trend is being supercharged by Uranus, Pluto and last Saturday’s Full Moon/Eclipse. Assertive Mars is also active now, by transit and by solar arc — there’s the need for action now.

Elsewhere, more startling revelations in communication from Alex Millard, a woman who posed as a man on Twitter for just one week and found herself being retweeted and favorited for what she had to say, instead of being the recipient of rape threats and insults about her weight. Her opinions were even picked up by a media outlet, too — imagine that. Which reminds of comedian Hannibal Buress — a person with a Y chromosome. Funny how only after he called out the numerous rape allegations against Bill Cosby did people start taking seriously what dozens of women had said before. Ohhhhh if only that were funny.


In other news of breakouts and triumphs for equality no matter how unconventional you might be (Sun conjunct Mercury-Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, thanks very much), score one for Tamara Lusardi, a transgendered woman who just won a discrimination suit against her employer, the US military. As I’ve opined before, these suits reflect the opportunity to take the seeds of civil rights planted during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-60s to the next level. They also stretch and challenge whatever notions we may have about gender and identity, arguing for a paradigm shift that overturns the status quo…

Which reminds me of a conversation I had recently with a woman well-versed in Tarot who wanted to better understand the potential of Uranus square Pluto. Here’s what I showed her:

the tower

…and here’s what Tarot sage Beth Owlsdaughter has to say about this powerful card (I can’t wait for her to finish her book).

Have a wonderful weekend….and meanwhile, if you’re passionate about understanding why you are the way you are…what you need in order to live your life to your fullest potential…how you can better understand the significant others in your life…what opportunities are likely to present themselves this year…or even how you can use astrology to better manage your co-workers at the office, here’s how you can contact me to schedule a consultation.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/9/2015: Stan Freberg, One in a Billion….RIP

Take care of business in the early part of the day, assisted by an easy flow of mindset and initiative to the righteous, expansive drive of the Sagittarius Moon. At 1:42PM ET, give it a rest or focus on a routine project, if you’re at the office. Otherwise, chill out and indulge in a gambol or other wandering adventure. The Moon gets back into business mode Friday at 8:47AM ET — when it enters enterprising Capricorn.

I’ve been writing this forecast for almost six years (it’ll be six years on April 24th). I’ve observed a lot — as Yogi Berra would say — by watching. Even though I expect the headlines to manifest in sync with planetary patterns, I’m often astonished by just how in sync they can be.

Take, for example, the obituaries. So often it happens that the qualities and/or vocations of people who have passed (and made the NYT obits) reflect the symbolism of planetary patterns. Yesterday Mercury was in pioneering Aries, super-charged by perspicacious Pluto and quirky Uranus. When you have a horoscope with strong contact between Mercury (mindset), Venus (social expression) or Moon with Uranus, we expect that horoscope to have an off-beat sense of humor — and in Aries, an exceptionally quick wit. Yesterday the Sun and Uranus also met up in Aries, which is a strong statement of inspiring individualism. How fascinating, then,  that pioneering “madcap adman and satirist” Stan Freberg passed away yesterday at the age of 88.

Mr. Freberg has Sun and Mercury exactly conjunct at 14 degrees Leo, which is where expansive Jupiter was at the beginning of March. His Moon is in Leo, too — very independently placed in the 1st house. This suggests a strong need for drama and showmanship — a real king and entrepreneur.  Check out that showmanship in this commercial showing off the power of radio (and the imagination), as Lake Michigan is transformed into a ginormous mug of hot chocolate.

Interesting to also see the Mr. Freberg’s Moon in a provocative square to combative Mars. Why? Because Mr. Freberg called himself called himself a “guerrilla satirist,” — according to his NYT obituary — “using humor as a barbed weapon to take on issues ranging from the commercialization of Christmas to the hypocrisy of liberals.” Here’s another famous spot (“John & Marcia”), in which he spoofs the (melo)drama of soap operas.

So how does Uranus factor in Mr. Freberg’s  horoscope, known for its wacky wit? Good question! How about Uranus at 29 degrees Pisces — the prominent Aries Point — in the 9th house (broadcasting), exactly trine his 29 degree Cancer Ascendant, and in touch with his Leo Moon, too.  We’d expect his quirkiness to easily flow forth in his personal projection. It would need to do this!

As for that Cancer Ascendant, we could expect Mr. Freberg to wear his emotions on his sleeve, along with perhaps an intense need to comment on matters related to the home(land) and security, suggested by Venus and Pluto together in Cancer, too.  Here’s a track from the classic LP “Stan Freberg Presents The United States of America.”. And here’s his PBS special from 1982, “The Federal Budget Review,” complete with a donkey, an elephant and David Ogden Stiers.

For more on Stan Freberg’s work in voiceover, television, advertising and radio, here’s his really long and impressive Wikipedia entry. You could spend more than a few happy hours listening to his fun songs and sketches….indulge yourself in this afternoon’s Moon in Sagittarius (broad comedy, righteous opinions) void.

RIP, Mr. Freberg, wherever you are…may your wit be loved forever….

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/8/2015: Rand Paul, Jupiter Turning Direct & More

A lighter, brighter day as of 1:08AM ET, when the Moon leaves intense Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius. Genius potential and quirkier than usual opinions may grace your morning, as mental Mercury conjoins rebel Uranus at 8:20AM ET. There’s also a aura of gravitas suggested by the Moon’s meet-up with taskmaster Saturn.

As noted on Monday, Jupiter turns direct at 12:58PM ET, finally moving projects forward that may have been delayed over the past four months. Those born with a planet or angle at 12 degrees of just about any sign are more personally affected, especially if that planet or angle is Leo.  A dreamy escape may be yours around 5:38PM ET, when the Moon is challenged by nebulous Neptune. Could be a miscommunication, too.

And now, the news.

Startling communications and revelations favoring rebels and other unconventional types is what we anticipated, given the Aries Sun’s annual meet-up with renegade Uranus yesterday. Not to mention Mercury’s dance with Pluto and Uranus. And with Tuesday’s Scorpio Moon, the revelations might be pretty darn deep.

Exhibit A: just 90 minutes after Saturday’s Full Moon/Eclipse, an unarmed black man was killed by a police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina. The man had been pulled over for a broken tail light — the officer said that there had been a struggle — and that the man had taken his Taser. Yeah? Well, guess what? As I am sure you know by now, just before Mercury (information) was challenged by Pluto yesterday,  headlines were ablaze with the news that a bystander captured the whole incident on a cellphone. It turns out that the officer’s Taser wasn’t taken, though it seems the officer did try to plant that Taser next to his target’s body. The officer — Michael Slaser — has been charged with murder.

Avid readers of this forecast will recall that the US horoscope is under considerable stress by transiting Pluto to its natal Saturn at 14 Libra. We are collectively being challenged to face the realities of law and authority in our homeland. Extraordinary effort may be required and our perspective is likely to be transformed — and not without some degree of anguish. If you have ever personally experienced a transit of Pluto to your natal Saturn, you know exactly what I’m talking about. FYI, this Pluto-Saturn transits will be around through 2015 and into 2016).

Exhibit B: Pluto refers to therapy, depth, perspective and transformation. Mercury refers to information and mindset. With the Moon in investigative Scorpio, of course it makes sense that we’d see an NYT op-ed about patients who Google their shrink.

Exhibit C: Rand Paul. We’d expect him to be feeling very independent and empowered these days, given that his 16 degrees Capricorn Sun is being exactly squared by rebel Uranus at 16 Aries…and conjoined by potent Pluto. When else would he declare his candidacy for president but on a day with Sun in Aries conjunct Uranus? This was a day to take “the road not taken”…and how cool that the NYT headline for Paul’s announcement reads: “Paul is Taking an Untested Route to the Nomination.” Of course he is.

Exhibit D: rebellion over the construction of a new telescope on the Big Island of Hawaii has temporarily halted the project. That’s one of the technogeek stories we’d expect with current planetary patterns. And I just love this NYT headline: “Who’s Coming to Dinner? Astronauts, Spelunkers and Explorers“. Yep — people who boldly go…etc. Or how about this one: “Fukushima Disaster Radiation Detected Off Canada’s Coast”.  Or another NYT piece that wonders if we might be better off if commercial airplanes were piloted by robots (because hey, we have the technology).

Meanwhile, although the UK elections aren’t until May 7th, yesterday was a great day to run a headline that read “Rise of Scottish and English Nationalists Threatens Old Order”.

Finally, a follow-up on yesterday’s bit about the statue of Edward Snowden that was taken down by authorities. Rebellious and innovative artists have put it back in a new form — a hologram. More of the appreciation we might expect to receive if we had transiting Jupiter conjunct a natal Venus in Leo, as Mr. Snowden has all month.

To find out why you are the way you are — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have a most excellent discussion together.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/7/2015: Edward Snowden Meets John Oliver & Other News From Underground

Keep digging deep for that innovative revelation, aided and abetted by a substance-seeking Scorpio Moon and a potent connection between Mercury (mindset) and Pluto (perspective, transformation), exact at 8:05PM ET. Get it off your desk by 4:42PM ET, when the Moon goes void until 1:04AM ET on Wednesday.

Avid readers know that Moon voids suggest a higher flake factor or other lack of focus, as well as twists and delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Go with the flow and avoid turning molehills of crisis into mountains. Chill!

And now, the news.

More from underground, as the NYT posts an in-depth story on California’s growing groundwater crisis. Elsewhere, John Oliver scored quite a scoop on Sunday when he traveled to Russia for an in-depth interview with ex-pat Edward Snowden. I’ve had Mr. Snowden on my mind since last month’s solar eclipse at 29 Pisces, because it impacted planets in his horoscope. I figured he’d have to be brought to prominence somehow, and especially with transiting Jupiter (ruler of his 7th house — the public) now sitting on his Venus in Leo (king complex and drama in social expression) and squaring his depth-seeking Scorpio Moon.

Mr. Oliver’s interview deserves attention. Yes, there’s lots of fun — but there are hardball questions, too — the sort you might wish would be asked by more mainstream journalists when speaking with politicians and their ilk. You might even feel for Mr. Snowden when he watches a video Mr. Oliver made with random tourists in Times Square who either have no idea who Mr. Snowden is, or confuse him with Julian Assange. That’s got to be a disappointment for his love, love-me-do Leo Venus, Scorpio Moon and all the other planets in his chart which need to be known (they’re all at the Aries Point).  Perhaps he can appreciate the efforts of a “renegade sculptor” who erected a statue of Mr. Snowden today in Brooklyn…even though park officials quickly covered it. It’s the thought that counts.

Kudos, however to Mr. Oliver — for finally finding a way to frame the issues at hand (the upcoming possible renewal of the Patriot Act, especially Section 215), in a way that the average Times Square pedestrian can understand. It’s a startling revelation, in tune with current planetary patterns among Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Brilliant.

We’d expect John Oliver to be on an assertive and provocative roll now, with his Mars in late Pisces also eclipsed last month. Over the weekend, he had both transiting Mars and solar arc Mars conjunct his 3 degrees Taurus Sun. The former is a short-term transit; the latter is in effect for several months. We do not have a birth time for Mr. Oliver, but if he were born around noon, he’d have Moon in Gemini (needing to be seen as witty, clever, intense, informative) near the end of the sign — also recently eclipsed.

In other news, here’s an interesting item regarding information (Mercury): a statistician is suing  a Kansas election official in order to obtain paper tapes from electronic voting machines. Why? To explain startling anomalies in election results favoring Republican “mainstream” candidates over the non-mainstream, such as those from the Tea Party. These puzzling anomalies are clearly presented in this research study. Just look at all those colored graphs.

Meanwhile, I’m seeing a number of headlines where discrimination against unconventional types is being called out and corrected, as we might expect with so much rebel Uranus-Pluto action disrupting the status quo. In New York City, a federal commission has found that women and minority managers consistently received less pay than their white male counterparts — and the city has been ordered to rectify the inequity. Elsewhere, the Justice Department has issued a directive declaring that states must treat prison inmates with “gender dysphoria” as they would “any other health condition,” thanks to a suit filed by a transgendered woman in Georgia named Ashley Diamond. Here is her unique, fight-for-the-right-to-be-herself story.

In the category of just plain Uranian freakazoid, there is social justice — finally — for Hollywood icon Lucille Ball. Possibly the most unflattering statue ever erected of anyone is being taken down — with apologies from the artist who created it several years ago. Is it coincidence or conspiracy that transiting Jupiter is exactly conjunct Miss Ball’s 13 degrees Leo Sun, suggesting an opportunity to show her some love and let her shine brighter still? Not coincidence at all. Horoscopes live forever, as we saw in yesterday’s discussion of Woodrow Wilson’s horoscope.

To find out why you are the way you are — how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better — and what might be going on in your life long after you’ve left Planet Earth, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. You may not believe in astrology, but rest assured that astrology believes in you.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/6/2015: Leonardo DiCaprio’s Perfect Timing; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

The Moon is still in Scorpio, seeking to be someone or something of depth and significance. We’re still processing the fallout from Saturday’s Full Moon/Eclipse, as well as Sunday’s challenge between the Aries Sun and Pluto. Monday may coincide with a sudden jolt or other disruption of the status quo as the Sun and rebel Uranus meet-up at 10:08AM ET, adding to other jolts noted over the weekend.  As noted on Saturday, this electric buzz suggests a higher potential for news from underground (including seismic activity), rebellions, breakthroughs in technology or the cosmos, nuclear news and other power plays.

Mercury gets the most action of all the planets this week, starting with an easy flow from expansive Jupiter, exact at 9:26AM ET. Got a big idea to broadcast? On Tuesday, Mercury is squared by persuasive, perspicacious Pluto at 8:05PM ET.  On Wednesday, Mercury meets up with brilliant technogeek Uranus at 8:20AM ET. Just after midnight on Friday, Mercury meets up with the Sun in inspiring, pioneering Aries. Something new on the horizon for sure…and if you have a planet or angle around 15 Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may sell have something to sell.

All of this sounds like a great time for the good folks working at the Large Hadron Collider to get back up to speed — and beyond — after the LHC went offline for a two-year retooling. Those good folks aim to “break physics” (so they said last month), and here’s the latest on what they hope to discover after they’re running at full throttle in May. Startling communications suggested by planetary patterns may not be such a great time for the editors at Rolling Stone, who published a retraction of its controversial story about a campus rape at UVA after a report written by the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism pronounced the story an epic fail.

Also in the limelight this week: Jupiter. The planet of expansion turns direct on Wednesday. If you know what area of your horoscope is ruled by Jupiter, it may feel like you’ve been in a holding pattern in that area since Jupiter turned retrograde at the end of last year.  A horoscope with Jupiter ruling the second house of finances and self worth, for example, may have experienced a delay in anticipated revenues.  With Jupiter turning direct, forward motion is now a potential. If you have a planet or angle around 12 degrees of just about any sign — but especially Leo — you are more personally affected by this expansive shift.  If you don’t know what degree and sign your Jupiter is in, consider spending $18 for an Astro-Basics Report — scroll down on this link here for more details.

Moon voids this week — natural cosmic rest periods best suited for chilling or taking care of routine matters — are as follows: Tuesday 4:42PM ET until 1:08AM ET on Wednesday; Thursday 1:42PM ET until 8:47AM ET on Friday.

And now, one more bit of news. At the end of December 2013 I wrote about the intriguing synastry between Woodrow Wilson and Leonardo Di Caprio, who had announced his intention to star in a biopic about Wilson. That all made perfect sense, though there have been no further announcements about that biopic since September 2013. Presumably a script is still in development.

However, given that Leonardo Di Caprio’s Moon is 15 degrees of Libra — and thus affected by the emancipating/empowering potential of Uranus, Pluto and the last two lunar eclipses at 14-15 Aries-Libra, it was expected that he would be doing something prominent at this time. Ready for it?

From the front page of Sunday’s NYT real-estate section:

In what may be his highest-impact leading role yet, the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, the Oscar-nominated “Wolf of Wall Street,” is planning to heal an island…

Actually, he’s planning to build an eco-resort on said island, which is off the coast of Belize. In Mr. DiCaprio’s horoscope his harmony and partnership-seeking Libra Moon rules the 10th house of career/reputation. It is in his 1st house, a highly entrepreneurial position, and it is squared by ambitious Saturn at 18 degrees Cancer. Not surprised to read about a supercharged real estate reach now, given how Uranus and Pluto have been stimulating this Moon-Saturn square. Cancer is concerned with home and nurturing; Saturn is a structuring energy and it rules Mr. DiCaprio’s 4th house which also refers to home and nurturing. This challenging project is reflected in his horoscope as a two-year period (through 2017) of extraordinary effort with much at stake.

Transiting Neptune is also strong in Mr. DiCaprio’s horoscope. Right now it is exactly conjunct his Jupiter at 8 Pisces, and square his natal Neptune at 8 Sagittarius. Neptune- Jupiter transits suggest amplified idealism. They also suggest a strong caveat in legal matters, as the glasses one wears when signing them may be a tad too rose. Mr. DiCaprio will be experiencing this transit through 2016.

On the other hand, Mr. DiCaprio’s horoscope is tremendously resourceful, suggested by three planets in Scorpio in the 2nd house: Sun-Venus and Mars. Scorpio can be a master strategist, and Mars in Scorpio can be highly effective. We also see Pluto in the 1st House, in contact with the Ascendant and the Midheaven, suggesting a relentless drive for prominence and accomplishment. There’s more, but you get the idea.

Also of note: Mr. DiCaprio’s  horoscope has no planets in Earth Signs, suggesting a potential lack of practicality — but the ability to think big. Some people with no Earth Signs compensate by delving into earthly concerns, including agriculture, cooking, nutrition and the environment — the latter of which is certainly true for Mr. DiCaprio.

To find out why you are the way you are — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. You may not believe in astrology, but rest assured that astrology believes in you.

Thank you for reading this forecast.



Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 4/4-5/2015: Full Moon in Libra & Lunar Eclipse

Wake up early and you’ll be able to catch the third of the four consecutive total lunar eclipses happening between last April and this September. Did you know that this series is called a “tetrad”? You learn something everyday. Here’s a nifty video I found on website of The Washington Post which explains it all for you.

Yea verily, I am digging WaPo lately because of its stories outside the usual box. For a couple of years now, it has been hosting live chats with a well-known astrologer — yes, an astrologer — in a serious newspaper like The Washington Post. How cool is that? Totally, though if you ever see me participate in such a forum and I tell a querent that her “love stars will be twinkling perfectly by December,” take the glass of Scotch out of my hand.

Astrology is a complex language, to be expressed with eloquence and gravitas. Sheesh. And don’t ask me for tips on how to seduce a Gemini (as if all Geminis are exactly alike), or what Sun Sign you should date if you’re an Aries. I’d much rather use my years of serious study to help you have a better relationship with yourself. Then we can talk about attracting a significant other. Geez.

Saturday’s eclipse is exact at 8:05AM ET, as the Libra Moon is opposed by the Aries Sun. Aries-Libra suggests a push-pull between me vs. we in relationship, with the Libra Moon pulling for the latter and the Aries Sun pushing back. Uranus and Pluto are in close contact with the Sun and Moon, suggesting exceptional intensity, revelations, upsets and transformations accompanying whatever is illuminated and released.

If you were born halfway through Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, or if you have a planet or angle at around 15 degrees of those signs, this eclipse may recall whatever you experienced in the aftermath of the one that happened on October 8th. That eclipse happened at 15 degrees of Aries-Libra; this one happens at 14 degrees. FYI: the horoscope of the United has Saturn at 14 Libra; its Sun is at 13 Cancer.

The Sabian Symbols for this eclipse are — for the Sun: “an Indian weaving a blanket,” and for the Moon: “circular paths.” Right. Let’s see how Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee can help us make sense of these images.

OK. I just read three paragraphs of Bovee’s marvelous prose, and the bottom line is this: we are all connected and we have all been here before. Life is cyclical. Every action taken impacts everyone else. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Bovee suggests we apply these symbols with a eye for “the genius of connecting a single thread to the whole of life….an appreciation of weaving the differing dimension of existence into a whole; a deep understanding that human failure is ultimately an illusion.” That last one was deep. Cue Joni Mitchell with The Circle Game now, please.

That being said, the immediate fallout from this eclipse — as in upsets and power plays — may be apparent before noon, as the Moon makes contact with Uranus and Pluto and then immediately goes void until 3:04PM ET on SUNDAY. This suggests a long period of time to chill, absorb and go with the circular flow. Avoid the malls and do not make a mountain of a molehill of crisis…for surely it will turn out to be much ado about nothing.

Sunday’s highlight is a challenge between the Aries Sun and Pluto at 11:05AM ET; on Monday we’ll have a meet-up between the Sun and rebel Uranus at 10:08AM ET. This electric buzz suggests a higher potential for news from underground (including seismic activity), rebellions, breakthroughs in technology or the cosmos, nuclear news and other power plays. Here’s the news from last year’s meet-up; here‘s a 45-second video that captures the eccentric-yet-potent genius of inventive Uranus combined with the very independent Aries Sun, amplified further by covert Pluto.

If you are a writer or thinking type, take advantage of the easy flow between mental Mercury and publishing house Jupiter, exact on Monday at 9:26AM ET. It will be in effect all weekend. In fact, innovation and persuasion are favored through the week. No sleeping in on Monday, by the way. The Moon will be in Scorpio as of 3:04PM ET SUNDAY, seeking power and control; depth and substance — and all day Monday and Tuesday.

And now, the news.

Did someone say “news from underground?” This item reports how “big oil” is pressuring scientists to not link fracking to all the seismic activity in Oklahoma, which now has more earthquakes than any other state in the U.S. Meanwhile, one innovative item about power and resources was the White House announcing its intention to train 75,000 workers in the fast-growing solar energy sector by 2020. 75,000 workers compared to the 35 permanent jobs that would have been created if the Keystone XL pipeline had been greenlit? That doesn’t sound so bad.

For “nuclear news and power plays,” consider “An Iran Nuclear Deal Built on Coffee, All-Nighters and Compromise”. As for elements of “compromise,” look for that Libra concept to be a subject of discussion through the weekend.

With Uranus prominent in planetary patterns, we’d expect more than a few headlines of liberation. In Alabama, a man who spent 30 years on death row has been set free. Interesting that the former inmate, Anthony Ray Hinton, is 58 years old — and thus going through his second Saturn return. A Saturn return often coincides with an opportunity for a new lease on life. Everyone goes through a Saturn return around ages 29, 58 and 84. Consult your local astrologer for details.

There will be many family gatherings on this holiday weekend — all different kinds of families. In closing, here is a thoughtful and lovely video the good folks at Honey Maid released one year ago today, after it received a ton of backlash from other folks who found some of the families depicted in Honey Maid ads offensive.

And here is Honey Maid’s latest two cents — in response to Indiana’s “religious freedom” bill that dominated headlines this week. We are all connected. We have all been here before.

To find out what state your horoscope is in, when and why things happen when they do — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, rest assured that astrology believes in you.

To be continued….

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/2/2015: Indiana, Honestly

More of the same from yesterday, with the exception of the Virgo Moon now being void of course. What does that mean, you may wonder. It means that the Moon made contact with a planet (Venus) at 5:01AM ET, and it won’t make contact with another planet until it enters the next sign (Libra) at 3:07AM ET on Friday.

Think of the Moon as a pinball in a pinball machine. When the Moon “makes contact” with a planet, it receives a certain amount of direction and force, like a pinball bouncing off a bumper. But what happens to the energy of the pinball after it makes its last contact with a bumper? It loses steam; it falls back down to the bottom of the machine; sometimes it gets stuck on the side of the machine, etc., etc., etc.,

This is my metaphor for the energy of the Moon during a void. There may be a lack of focus — or things may suddenly become focused in a totally unexpected direction. Upsets in elections and sports matches are favored. Crises which crop up are often much ado about nothing. Best to avoid impulse shopping during voids, as what you buy may not be nearly as useful as you thought.

How interesting that I was motivated to give you all this extra detail about Moon voids with the Moon in detail-obsessed Virgo, especially given that most of you reading this have already learned about voids from this forecast. Ah, well.

Forge ahead with the inspired thoughts you’ve been structuring all week, and take time to appreciate the optimism of today’s easy connection between expansive Jupiter (in Leo) and the Aries Sun. Tomorrow is a holiday for many — start enjoying the respite today.

And now, the news.

An easy flow between Mercury (mindset) and Saturn suggest a serious focus. Were there really no good April Fool’s Day pranks played this year? Here’s the only fun one I saw: a report proving the existence of The Force, courtesy of

In real headlines,  Governor Jerry Brown is getting serious about California’s ongoing drought, restricting water usage across the state, as it is reported that there is absolutely no — as in zero – melting snow to replenish reservoirs. Where’s renowned climate scientist James Inhofe when you need him? Do we need to move the nation’s capitol to Sacramento?

But this is serious stuff — against a backdrop of planetary patterns in mostly hot, dry fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Said drought has been made worse by climate change, say scientists. I’m not sure Senator Inhofe reads the New York Times. That might be a good thing, though, because if he read this article about President Obama’s latest initiative to reduce greenhouse gases, he might get really mad.  Thank the Uranus-Pluto square for disrupting the status quo concerning power and resources, including the news that The Guardian is divesting its investments in fossil fuels. This is the wave of the future; yesterday Syracuse University followed suit.

Meanwhile, NYT columnist Gail Collins cheerfully brings us up to date on Indiana’s “religious freedom” law — you know, the one that has led to numerous outraged boycotts against the state. She makes no mention of the state’s other notable accomplishment this week: an unprecedented judgment, in which a 33-year-old woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison for alleged feticide. What is going on in the state of Indiana? And by this I mean its horoscope.

Indiana was admitted into the Union on December 11, 1816. We don’t have a time, so the default is to use noon.  Instantly we see a pile-up of planets in the 9th House, suggesting a need to focus and express itself through collective beliefs: law, philosophy, religion — with some sports thrown in, too. It has four planets in Sagittarius, which naturally rules the 9th and reinforces those themes through Neptune, Sun, Mercury and Uranus.

Neptune (vision, surreal, delusion, spirituality) and the Sun are right on the Midheaven — one of the angles of the horoscope — you can’t miss ’em. The two are squared by Pluto, which adds an empowered otherworldly element to the state’s persona. Mercury together with Uranus suggests a rocket scientist mentality, or at the very least eccentric, electric and intense. Also in the 9th House: a potent and ruthlessly expansive Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, suggesting action and reward, driven by missionary zeal.

The pile-up in Sagittarius is square to a discerning/discriminating Virgo Moon. This is a state that needs to be right and pure, challenged by its Sagittarian righteous bluntness. It’s no surprise that Indiana’s new tourist slogan (as you’ll read in Gail Collins’ piece) is “Honest to Goodness Indiana” — and that one of the runner-ups was “Seasoned Just Right“. Like its idealized Sun-Neptune sense of ego identity, its need to be right is very much in everyone’s face. How so? Because the Moon is exactly on the cusp of the 7th House (one of the four angles), suggesting a need to connect on an intimate level. Really, it just can’t help itself.

So why are we hearing so much about Indiana now?

Transiting Saturn in early Sagittarius has just begun a long journey through Indiana’s 9th House, where it will hit all of those six planets. That’s a lot of focus on laws and belief systems. This summer Saturn will roll back over Mars at 28 Scorpio, which can be quite rigid and militant. But what really suggests prominence are five — count ’em — five planets and/or angles progressed by solar arc to the Aries Point: Moon, Mercury, Chiron, Ascendant and Uranus. Translation, for the non-pro audience: whatever this state entity needs in order to feel secure, how it thinks, how it is perceived by others, how it needs to be intensely free, along with a deep wound to the psyche that needs to be healed — all of that is at a stage in its development where can’t help but be noticed over the next year or two.

There’s more — but you get the idea. The horoscope of the state is hot — and upcoming planetary patterns suggest its social expression and values are likely to become even more intense next summer, for better or for worse.

We can thank Indiana for the Jackson 5 — they’re from the town of Gary-– and who doesn’t love this fun song from Meredith Wilson’s musical, The Music Man (the original Robert Preston version, if you please).

To find out what state your horoscope is in, when and why things happen when they do — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, rest assured that astrology believes in you.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/1/2015

Hammer out the details of your “big picture” project. Write and rewrite. Talk it out. Listen to your elders. Maintain focus. The Moon continues its sojourn through perfectionist Virgo, where it has been since Tuesday at 2:12PM ET. Get it off your desk or finalize your plans today, as opposed to tomorrow, when the Moon will be void of course starting around 5AM ET, through the entire day.

If you need a cheerleader to help move your project forward, l leave you with a few words from author J.K. Rowling.

Meanwhile, there’s a big storm brewing — Super Typhoon Maysak — here are the pix from space. The storm is scheduled to hit the Philippines on Saturday, just in time for the Full Moon.