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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/18/2015: New Moon in Aquarius (again!); Elizabeth Warren, Rand Paul, DSK & More

No exact planetary aspects happening on this truly Dead Moon morning, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be stuff happening. Venus and Mars are within orb of the Aries Point, suggesting Venus-ruled matters (social expression, women, money, values, aesthetics) and Mars-ruled matters (assertion and action) are likely to pull more focus than usual. Right now they’re on the Pisces side of the Aries Point, so add themes of compassion, universal suffering, ideals, impressions and soulful mingling to the mix. When they do meet on the Aries side on Sunday, watch for themes of me-me-me, pioneers, inspiration and conquest.

At 6:47PM ET, the Sun and Moon both meet up at 29 Aquarius. Blink and you’ll miss it. Moon immediately goes void — but only for one minute. It enters Pisces at 6:48PM ET, followed by the Sun in Pisces at 6:50PM ET.  It’s rare to have two New Moons in a row in the same sign. January’s New Moon was at 0 Aquarius — the very beginning. This month’s New Moon is at the very end. So we get a second chance to focus on Aquarian concerns, including (but not limited to): innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarianism, freedom, technogeeks and the needs of the collective as opposed to the needs of the individual. Watch for new beginnings and endings in these areas.

A New Moon offers the opportunity to re-set your intentions for the next 30 days.  Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 25th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing?  Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon on March 5th,  they may flower. We will receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on March 13th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 20th.

In the chart for this New Moon, the Sun and Moon are approaching contact with Saturn in Sagittarius. At the last New Moon, there was an easy communication of humanitarian ideals and how they are to be achieved. This cycle requires an ambitious advance on those ideals — at the risk of rejection. Practical  — albeit emotionally detached — planning and communication is suggested by an easy connection between mental Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. We’ve already noted the potential of Venus and Mars coming together with prominence at the very end of Pisces — plenty of emotional resources suggested here.

With Jupiter about to make the second of three exact trines to Uranus, we see the potential for ground-breaking initiatives. Look back to events happening around September 25, 2014 — that was the first trine of the cycle. The second will be on March 3rd. The third one happens on June 22nd. Last, but hardly least, the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square is inching closer to its grand finale scheduled for March 16th. And by grand finale, I mean the final release of tension between two planets symbolizing revolution and transformation on a collective scale. What does that suggest? Consider and compare events that happened before and after the three Uranus-Pluto conjunctions in 1965 and 1966.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “the field of Ardath in bloom,” or, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee describes it,

“…an open expanse flourishing with growth from an ancient era. ‘The field of Ardath’ is a reference to ancient Babylon and a mystic meadow symbolizing the blossoming of a mystical brotherhood….associated with ‘the cradle of civilization’…a meadow without specific identity or characteristics: a symbol for all peoples in all times”.

I find it intriguing that of 360 possible Sabian Symbols, the one that shows up at this time, when events in that part of the world formerly known as Babylon are approaching critical mass, just happens to be the Symbol that specifically references — at least on one level — that location. On another level, the Symbol refers to all of us, as we collectively approach the critical mass of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square. It is a hopeful Symbol, as Bovee notes that “a whole field in bloom suggest richness and bounty beyond imagination.”  A hopeful symbol (with a garden theme) is also presented in Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week. So, let’s hope.

In your own personal world, if you were born around the 18th of February, May, August and November…or if you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and especially Aquarius, you will be more personally affected by this New Moon. Wherever it falls in your horoscope is where you can expect seeds planted for a blossoming of potential. Don’t know where your planets are? Order the Astro-Basics Report for $18 — look here for more details.

And now, the news.

First, while we’re still in the dark side of the Moon, here is a story about women now living in the Dark Ages — in certain areas of Iraq controlled by extremists.

Meanwhile, reflecting the groundbreaking potential in matters of power and resources suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square and the second Jupiter-Uranus trine, Elon Musk announced a new status quo: living off the grid, thanks to a battery that will allow homeowners to store energy. Elon Musk continues to be innovative in a most supercharged manner, as noted in this forecast back in August of 2013.

Elsewhere, Rand Paul is apparently set to formally announce he’s running for president in April. It makes sense he’d be looking for greater freedom and empowerment, given that his Sun at 16 Capricorn will be supercharged in 2015 and 2016 by Uranus and Pluto. Plus, a solar arc to his Sun by Mars suggests a need to take action, despite recent revelations that he  lied about having a college degree.  Not having a college degree has never been an issue for Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, which perhaps explains why his latest mission is to slash funding for Wisconsin’s public university system in exchange for giving it greater autonomy. Serious focus on the practical value of higher education, along with streamlining and restructuring of the system (student loans, anyone?), would be expected with Saturn  in Sagittarius for the next couple of years.

I’ve been meaning to write about Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope  for months. People are begging her to run for president. She’s gaining greater prominence in the Senate. Hillary Clinton met with her in private recently — this is how important the senator has become. Regular readers of this forecast should have a hunch at what’s going on. We don’t have a confirmed birth time for Ms. Warren, but an astrologer has proposed one, and the related chart does seem to work rather well. Still, take my observations about that proposed Ascendant and Midheaven (“the angles”) with a grain of salt. A chart with a proposed birth time is called a ‘rectification’ or ‘rectified horoscope.’

First, she can’t help but attract attention for her quirky independence and rebellious spirit. Like her astro-twin Meryl Streep, Warren’s Cancer Sun is conjunct Uranus at the Aries Point. Second, I am fascinated that both Ms. Streep and Senator Warren have Midheavens (point in the horoscope referring to career status) at 18 and 19 degrees of a Cardinal Sign, i.e., 18 Aries for Ms. Streep; 19 Cancer for Senator Warren. Therefore. we expect the careers of both women to reflect the empowerment and emancipation/change of direction potential of Uranus and Pluto for the next two years (another Oscar, Ms. Streep?)

In Elizabeth Warren’s  rectified horoscope, that potential is even stronger. She would experience Uranus and Pluto from all angles, given that proposed 17 degreeLibra Ascendant. In fact, we can argue that 2014’s exact solar arc to her Ascendant from Pluto has already mandated a change of perspective about how she is seen. She’s emerged as a serious power player, and we can expect that trend to continue — whether she runs or not. Also of significance: her Venus at 18 Cancer (conjunct her rectified Midheaven — you just have to like her), rules that Libra Ascendant. It will also be supercharged by Uranus and Pluto, suggesting her social expression and values will also become more prominent and persuasive.

Last but not least: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in the news. We’ve been tracking his horoscope ever since his assault of a hotel chambermaid cost him his post as head of the IMF.  Now he’s on trial– charged with pimping. I looked at his horoscope a couple of weeks ago and noted a measurement of the Sun to his Midheaven. This is usually a measurement of success and fulfillment in matters of career and reputation. I thought to myself, “hmm…I’m not convinced these charges will stick.” And in fact, this week some charges were dropped, and yesterday a prosecutor asked the court to acquit Mr. Strauss-Kahn.   Julian Assange had the same measurement in his horoscope when Ecuador allowed him to stay in their London embassy, thus avoiding arrest and deportation to Sweden. Astrology is amazing.

Finally, a lighter piece reflecting the reality check Saturn in Sagittarius can have on travel destinations. The candor of tourism officials in the current frozen wasteland of Ithaca, New York deserves applause and a note to put that city on your bucket list….

What’s going on your horoscope?  Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.



Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 8/14/2013: Jupiter in the News

I hope your day yesterday was productive, even if a bit intense, given the Moon’s passage through the watery depths of Scorpio. And it’s not over yet. This day begins with a tense First Quarter Moon at 6:56AM ET, and for some this may present a stubborn clash of will related to the New Moon agenda you set last week. You don’t remember what that was? See the previous link for a recap. If a tough dose of reality is dampening your royal spirits today, therein lies your challenge for the next week, until the Full Moon on the 20th. This more likely applies to you if you have a planet or point around 5 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

If, on the other hand, you have planets or an angle anywhere between 8 and 12 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you may be bouncing off walls today and for the next several days,  courtesy of expansive Jupiter in that area of the zodiac, supercharged now by dynamic connections to ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus. What do you mean, you don’t know if this applies to you? Well isn’t it time you consulted with an astrologer about your horoscope, so you can be fully informed?

The rest of the day is light on planetary patterns. The highlight — as noted on Monday, is the inventive potential of a harmonious connection between mental Mercury and unconventional Uranus. Really, try thinking outside the box for a solution to your problems. Be on the lookout for revelations and breakthroughs in communication and mindset, with a futuristic and/or humanitarian angle. Speaking of which, Bradley Manning may finally break his silence and express a few words in court today, as his sentencing hearing continues…

Take a break from the intense focus of moving things forward and chill if you can around 5:30pm ET, when the Moon goes void. At 9:04pm ET, the mood should lighten up considerably when the Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius, seeking to broaden horizons and spout opinions everywhere.  Walk in the woods; catch a foreign film; initiate a philosophical debate.

In the news, it should surprise no one that rocket scientist entrepreneur Elon Musk has natal Uranus square the Sun and Mercury, and that the span of that pattern is 6 to 14 degrees of Cancer and Libra. He’s been supercharged by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square for a couple of years, and the influence will continue into 2015. Earlier this week he unveiled plans for yet another mode of transportation, a hypothetical high-speed train called a Hyperloop, designed to take passengers from  Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour.

Expansive Jupiter’s continued contact with the revolutionary potential of Uranus and Pluto was reflected in other strking headlines. Jupiter also refers to the law; Uranus to aerospace, so it was interesting to note that the Justice Department is seeking to block a proposed merger between U.S. Air and American Airlines. Another intriguing legal  bulletin with far-reaching consequences — keeping in mind that Jupiter is now in Cancer and focused on homeland security concerns: in New York, a controversial “stop and frisk” program was declared unconstitutional.  Here’s another: a class-action suit alleging violations of privacy by Facebook was settled a few years ago, but the plaintiffs are not happy and now are pushing for the case to be heard by the Supreme  Court. Why? Because the settlement apparently earned the lawyers millions, but nothing of value appears to have been gained by the plaintiffs.

In the category of “news from underground” we can expect to hear when Uranus and Pluto are triggered, another sinkhole opened up in Florida this week, swallowing part of a resort. And last but not least, Jupiter itself is in the news, as NASA’s Juno spacecraft officially reached the halfway mark on its journey to the biggest planet in our solar system. Fascinating to note its scheduled arrival on July 4, 2016 at 7:29PM (chart cast for Mission Control in Pasadena, CA) shows Uranus exactly opposing the Midheaven, and Jupiter will be trining Pluto. Seriously, do they consult with astrologers on the timing of these landings? Check out this analysis of the horoscope of the Mars Curiosity landing last August — there’s Uranus, right on angle. Coincidence or conspiracy?