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Monday 9/23/2019: Autumnal Equinox; Sun Enters Libra; Sneak Peek at the Week

Happy Autumnal Equinox…a perfect balance between day and night. At 3:51 AM ET, the Sun left Virgo and entered Libra, sign of the scales.

Libra is an airy, mental sign, generally concerned with relationships, social graces and with promoting fairness, justice and balance. Its ruling planet is Venus, which can be oh-so-sweet and socially gracious. Libra’s mantra is : I BALANCE. This does not mean Librans are balanced; it means they generally are seeking balance and are quite capable of swinging back and forth wildly as they search for it.

Did you know that Fox News (motto: “fair and balanced”) launched under a Libra Sun? If you’re now thinking “wow, there must be a lot more to a horoscope than just a Sun Sign,” I commend you. And that’s another  compelling reason why you should get to know your horoscope. Or have a professional explain it to you.

As sweet as Libra can be, they are not marshmallows. The term “iron fist in a velvet glove” often applies. Jimmy Carter is a Libra. So was Margaret Thatcher.  Tim Robbins, John Lithgow, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julie Andrews and Maria von Trapp (inspired casting?) — all Libras.

The Sun’s ingress into Libra means that it’s the first day of fall. Did you know that the Sun is considered to be in its fall when it’s in Libra? In the language of astrology, when a planet is in fall, it means it is traveling through a sign that is not compatible with the planet’s essential nature. The Sun is all about ego recognition, around which everything (and everyone) revolves. It needs to be this way. But Libra needs to be focused on WE, not ME. Maybe that’s why one of Libra’s traits is indecisiveness. The Sun also refers to heads of state and CEOs. [UPDATE 9/26: Adam Neumann — the CEO of WeWork is stepping down. Born on April 25, 1979 in Tel Aviv (time unknown), he has four planets in me-me-me Aries, including go-go-go Mars. Unfortunately the pioneering initiative symbolized by his Aries Mars is being challenged by the authoritative control/brick wall known as transiting Saturn. Meanwhile, his empire-building Taurus Sun is also being challenged  — by a meet-up with Uranus, disruptor of the status quo. A sudden change should not come as a surprise, with the upside potential being liberation. Apparently Neumann voted for his own ouster. Free at last — once the Saturn squeeze is behind him.]

In other news, here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season  — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively (there are thirty degrees in each sign of the zodiac). Got that? Good.

These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the “Aries Point”, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers. In other words, the first day of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the Aries Point. The first day of Taurus (and the rest of the signs) is NOT at the Aries Point).

Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, astro twins Meryl Streep & Elizabeth Warren were born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think? Ted Cruz also born with the Sun at the Aries Point, and some have observed that he can stick out like a sore thumb — which is another form of prominence.


The day is driven by the Moon in Cancer, seeking to establish emotional and homeland security. Around 1:21 PM ET, the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting a power play or a emotional catharsis. I knew this was happening without even consulting my calendar, because I’m writing this from the deck of a deli on Fire Island. I was enjoying the beauty of the ocean and quiet, until the deli owner thought I really needed to listen to the Worst Radio Station of All Time. And even though I’m his only customer, he won’t turn the radio off. Power play! How are you experiencing this Moon-Pluto opposition? If it’s connecting with planets in your own personal horoscope, you are likely to feel it more than most.  The Moon goes void at 6:05 PM ET, on an easy aspect with action-hero Mars. Chill during the 11-hour void. Roll with whatever twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The rest of the week goes like this — note that the patterns among Mercury, Venus and Jupiter that are exact on Wednesday and Thursday will be reflected a few days before:

  • TUESDAYMoon enters rip roarin’ Leo at 5:19 AM ET, looking for a way to shine, shine, shine. Note the potential for an upset or clarifying revelation around 3:12 PM ET, as Moon makes its weekly clash with rebel Uranus. Information involving courts, publishing, foreign affairs, travel, education and other Jupiter concerns flows easily, as Mercury harmonizes with the planet of expansion at 5:01 PM ET. Alert the media, it’s likely to be big.
  • WEDNESDAYMoon goes void at 12:14 PM ET for the entire business day. Stick to routine tasks and don’t freak out over perceived crises. So often those that arise during Moon voids evaporate once the Moon is back in gear. Meanwhile, Venus squares Saturn at 3:12 PM ET PM. Venus refers to women, money, aesthetics and social expression. Saturn refers to authority, patriarchy, cuts, ambition and controls. The square suggests we’ll see “women of steel” making news, along with cuts to budgets and cold shoulders.
  • THURSDAY –Moon enters Virgo at 6:37 AM ET, ready to clean up the mess made by the Leo’s all-night Moon-void party. It sails without much interference through the day, aided by a ruthlessly perspicacious contact between Mercury and Pluto, exact at 7:49 PM ET. Mercury refers to how we need to think; information; Pluto refers to power, breakdown, decay and news from underground. It’s a reliable alert that a diligent investigative reporter is about to deliver the goods.
  • FRIDAY — Note your dreams in the AM, as the Moon opposes Neptune at 9:22 AM ET. The Virgo’s need for perfection in every detail drives the day. Moon goes void at 11:58 PM ET, on a meet-up with Mars.
  • SATURDAYMoon enters Libra at 6:03 AM ET, but it’s not quite ready to start anything new. That won’t happen until 2:26 PM ET, when the Libra Moon meets up with the Sun. A harmony between Venus and Jupiter graces the day, exact at 7:40 PM ET. Not a bad day to buy a few lottery tickets, especially if you have planets around 18 degress of just about any sign.
  • SUNDAY — Moon in Libra continues its quest for balance and harmony in relationship, with a potential speedbump around 2:40 PM ET, when Moon once again clashes with Pluto. Won’t you turn that radio off NOW, pretty please? Moon goes void at 10:06 PM ET — chill for the rest of the night.

To find out what all of this means in your own personal world, why not book a personal consultation? Here’s how to contact me.

And now, the news…

…brought to you by the third square between Jupiter (BIG) and Neptune (music, woo-woo, scandals, healing, vision, water, refugees, victims, dreams, wipeouts).

Planetary patterns are reflected in the obituary column, too.

UPDATE: on Al Gore. Avid Readers may recall I looked at his horoscope last month, and anticipated that we should be hearing from him fairly soon — and here he is:  “The Climate Crisis is the Battle of Our Time, and We Can Win.” Thank you, NYT, for publishing Gore’s op-ed on the front page of the Sunday Review, on the exact Jupiter-Neptune square! Here’s another interesting thing about the timing of this op-ed. Saturn is just one degree away from 15 Capricorn, which is where Pluto was on the seventh Uranus-Pluto square on March 17, 2015. Why is this interesting? Because on that day, the NYT published an op-ed on climate change from…Al Gore. Here is the forecast from that day.   The fact that Saturn is currently activating that seventh square suggests an opportunity to get real, take responsibility and make a game plan. In 2020, Jupiter will hit 15 Capricorn — so let’s see what kind of expansion occurs on the ambitious advance presented in Gore’s most recent op-ed.

Closing with a must-watch video: climate change activist Greta Thunberg makes big impassioned speech to the United Nations General Assembly, demanding action. I’ve written about her horoscope for the next issue of Mountain Astrologer, so stay tuned. One person really can change the world! Here’s what Greta inspired over the weekend: “Millions March in Youth-Led Global Climate Strike.”   — and this morning, in Washington DC: “‘Climate rebels’ shut down intersections across the District.” 

OK — time to hit the beach, while the beach and the birds are still here.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I’ll be back in the office tomorrow.

Tuesday 3/19/2019: Full Moon in Libra; Vernal Equinox: Sneak Peek at the Rest of the Week

Hellooooo and happy Tuesday!

I hope you are making the most of the discerning energy driving this day, brought to you by the Moon in Virgo. Apply it — along with REorganizing potential of Mercury retrograde —  and REview your projects, files and closets. Separate what no longer serves (“serve” is Virgo’s middle name) and chuck it!

Moon entered Virgo yesterday (Monday) at 9:41 PM ET. Before then, Moon was void in drama king/queen Leo. A Moon void means that the energy of the day has a higher probability of wandering off-course. Hopefully you rolled with any twists or flakes that interfered with your efforts to move forward in a straight line. A crisis that came up was likely to have been much ado about nothing,  dramatic as it may have seemed. Yes?

Emotions are on the rise, as the Moon waxes to fullness on WEDNESDAY at 9:43 PM ET. Tomorrow is also marks the start of the astrological new year, as the Sun leaves Pisces and charges into Aries at 5:59 PM ET.  As much as all the Aries in the room would love to just get to the me-me-me Aries part of the discussion, we need to break down what will happen before the Sun enters Aries, because those patterns reflect what’s been happening over the past few days. Ready?

TUESDAY — Moon travels without interference from the other planets for most of the day. Keep on sorting, reviewing, revising, reorganizing — in an effort to get it right. Know that since Mercury is retrograde, your efforts may be up for review again after March 28th, when Mercury turns direct. Still, double check the details thrice this evening, as Moon opposes foggy/dreamy Neptune just after midnight — ET. It will help you get from Point A to Point B without ending up in Point C.

WEDNESDAY —  A valiant effort to separate facts from fiction marks the morning. I hope the facts prevail, because at 7:37 AM ET, Mars (planet of action and aggression) harmonizes with Pluto (planet of power, resources and breakdown). Over the past several days we’ve had an easy flow of physical/assertive energy at our collective disposal. If this pattern personally affects your unique horoscope (consult your astrologer for details), it has facilitated the execution of your marathon effort — the one you’ve been planning for months and months — for better or for worse. At 10:28 AM ET, Mercury (how we need to think) harmonizes with Saturn (necessary controls; patriarchy, structure). Upside potential: authentic intuition facilitates structure. Downside potential: delusional beliefs facilitate authority.Watch the headlines.

Whatever communication is expressed, it’s likely to be grand or grandiose, suggested by the Moon’s challenging contact with Jupiter (expansion!)  at 11:22 AM ET. After that release, Moon goes void, once again traveling without focus. If it feels like the end of the world, do not despair. You’re just tuning in to the Sun at the verrrrrry last gasp of Pisces, which definitely IS the end, if you happen to be a caterpillar. But at 5:59 PM ET, the Sun (and all caterpillars) is born anew when it ends the inevitable beginning in Aries. Happy Vernal Equinox — happy first day of Spring!

Aries is the baby of the zodiac, ruled by warrior Mars. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the Ram (as in battering). There is no greater crusading champion for the underdog when Aries is at its best. Downside potential: insufferable self-absorption, impatience and a tendency to jump off cliffs or fall down stairs because it’s faster than walking. You think I’m kidding? Here is one of my fave Exhibits: Justin Trudeau, who has Moon in Aries in touch with wacky Uranus, showing us on tape how he falls down stairs. What fun he must be at parties. The mantra for Aries is I AM.

Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.

Moving right along…to 9:28 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, when the Moon leaves Virgo and enters Libra. A Libra Moon needs to be appreciated for being fair, diplomatic and people-pleasing. If you have one in your horoscope, this is the key to your happiness.  At 9:43 PM ET, the Libra Moon will exactly oppose the Aries Sun, pitting the expression of me-me-me Aries against the we-we-we need of the Libra Moon. Who will win? Illumination and release in matters of diplomacy, partnership and relationship are the likely fallout. Whatever comes out is sure to capture our attention, as this Full Moon is happening at the aforementioned Aries Point. It’s likely to involve leaders — in government and commerce. Watch the news!

For further clues to the nature of what is revealed, we can examine the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon at 0 Libra and the Sun at 0 Aries. If you do not know about these wonderful Sabian Symbols, here is the story.  For the Sun: “A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her;” for the Moon: “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.” Thankfully we have Sabian Sage Blain Bovee to help us make sense of these cryptic images. He advises that we be mindful of “emergent moments that initiate a new life-cycle; tender moments of raw emotion that leave a lasting impression. Watch for photographic moments; the desire to capture something in the perfect light.” You’ll find even more insight here and here.

Here is the Full Moon chart set in Washington, D.C.


We can use it to see how these next few weeks are likely to be experienced by the United States. I see a picture suggesting a matter coming to an inevitable conclusion, as well as the end of any image of diplomacy. I see a disruptive revelation or action that leads to a clash between a stubborn and destructively macho need to preserve the status quo vs. a gender-inclusive, equally intractable need to express a more progressive and humanitarian value system. The clash I’m referring to is suggested by…

THURSDAY ..a square (challenge) between Venus (women, money, art, social expression) in Aquarius and Mars (men, assertion, aggression) in Taurus, exact at 4:07 AM ET. If you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of  Taurus, Aquarius, Leo or Scorpio, you are personally affected. My money says you’ve been feeling a build-up of tension demanding a heroic, physical or combative release. This means you, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell and Trump. Be prepared for a provocative initiative or attack, especially for Trump, as transiting Mars triggers his Taurus Midheaven and moves on to his Mars and Leo Ascendant over the several days — told you about it weeks ago — search the archives.

Also on THURSDAY — a cooperative connection between Venus and Jupiter, exact at 10:16 AM ET gives those on Team Venus an optimistic boost in the wake of whatever release is provoked earlier in the day.

FRIDAY — a potentially heavy start is suggested by the Moon’s square (challenge) with patriarchal Saturn and powerbroker Pluto, exact at 4:39 AM ET and 10:29 AM ET.  That’s followed by a lift at 11:59 AM ET and a sigh at 2:10 PM ET, as the Libra Moon goes void and encourages you to start the weekend early.  Once the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:16 PM ET, planetary patterns suggest a need for a potent emotional escape. Whatever dreams or delusions that were hot around February 19th may be back for a second look by…

SUNDAY...when Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune (our need for vision) meet up at 1:26 PM ET. Don’t jump to conclusions; this part of the dance doesn’t end until mid-April. It’s interesting that this pattern will trigger Robert Mueller‘s horoscope now — and again on April 2nd. It will oppose his natal Mars in Virgo, activating his need to act with exacting perfection. We’ll just have to wait and see. There are no exact aspects among the planets on SATURDAY, just the Moon in Scorpio plumbing the depths for the sake of acquiring knowledge and control.

So what do all these planetary patterns mean for you? That’s a topic worth discussing in a personal consultation, especially if you’re either a) feeling stuck and wondering when things are going to change; or b) facing change and wondering what it all means and when it will settle down. These shifts will be clear in the horoscope, prepared in advance of our discussion. If you have children, their horoscopes will accurately outline what they need (vs. what YOU need) in order to fulfill their potential. Lately I’ve consulted with a number of divorced parents who gained insight on how to better manage expectations regarding their ex. Here’s the 411 on these and other ways to use the powerful language of astrology to live life better.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Coming up next: a ton of news — Brexit, Venezuela, bomb cyclones and what we can expect from all the Usual Suspects. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…


Tuesday 9/18/2018: Late Sneek Peek at the Week; Mars Square Uranus; Men Behaving Badly

Good morning from 35,000 feet!

My seat belt is fastened — literally and figuratively speaking. These next couple of weeks should be interesting, as the Chinese might say. As in “interesting times,” and all that.

The work week (Monday) began with the Moon in enterprising Capricorn, facilitating efforts to take care of business — and no whinging, if you please. The earthy, practical drive continues through today (Tuesday), going void on WEDNESDAY at 1:10 PM ET. Moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday at 7:52 PM ET, driving the rest of the week with a need for social significance and networking. You can start the weekend early on FRIDAY, when the Moon goes void….not to enter Pisces until 8:27 AM ET on SATURDAY. Focus on routine concerns during these long voids. Roll with whatever twists and flakes disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, as crises which crop up during voids have a weird way of dissipating once the Moon changes gears into the next sign. Chill!

Notable planetary patterns this week:

  • TUESDAY (today): Mars (action, courage, machismo, aggression) squares Uranus (aviation, rebels, technology, innovation, seismic activity) for the third time since May 15th; the second time was August 6th. This third square happens at 7 PM ET. Upside: technological breakthroughs and gender-benders seen in a positive light, e.g. news about Cuba contemplating a new Constitution which would prohibit discrimination based on gender and/or sexual identity. Downside: accidents and other forms of spontaneous combustion; rash/reckless actions; men behaving badly. The potential for “badly” is amplified by Mars about to meet up with the South Node, a point of destruction and toxic release. That happens on Saturday. Meanwhile, note the potential for a power play or emotional catharsis around 9:03 PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto.
  • WEDNESDAY: harmony among the Capricorn Moon and the Sun and Mercury in Virgo at 10:20 AM ET and 1:10 PM ET facilitates willful communications of executive authority, possibly blinded by their own idealistic light. Moon clashes with Uranus at 11:35 PM ET — note the potential for shocks and other upsets.
  • THURSDAY: A feisty assertion of independence is suggested by a Moon-Mars meet-up at 12:23 AM ET, followed by a stubbornly self-indulgent expression of values around 9:46 AM ET, as the Moon squares Venus in scorekeeper Scorpio. At 9:52 PM ET, idealism crests with prominence, as the Sun and Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) meet up in the last degrees of Virgo, close enough to trigger the Aries Point.
  • FRIDAY: Note the potential for an exuberant or excessive surge around 1:13 PM ET, as the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter. In the ensuing Moon void, Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra at 11:40 PM ET. The quest for perfection and exacting detail in thought and communication is replaced with a quest for fairness and balance — at least in theory.
  • SATURDAY: Happy Autumnal Equinox! With the start of a new season, the Sun enters the cardinal sign of Libra at 9:55 PM ET. Avid Readers will recall that cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are turning points (that’s what “cardinal” means). And this is why any planet around 0 degrees (the beginning) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn is reflected with prominence. Just to confuse everyone, these four points are collectively known as the Aries Point. We pay attention to the start of a season, as things are about to change, right? Is that why the Wheel of Fortune is Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the week? Well, her cards are always in sync with planetary patterns, doncha’ know. In the news, watch for especially prominent news involving leaders; e.g., CEOs and heads of state.
  • SATURDAY: Some of what we read about our dear leaders may be toxic, as Mars meets up with the South Node. And there will be more to come next week, as Mars returns to 4 degrees of Aquarius on September 27th, triggering the total lunar eclipse we had on July 27th. I expect headlines involving a bottleneck of energy released. If you have planets or angles around 4 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you are more affected than most.
  • SUNDAY: Emotions are on the rise as the Moon waxes to fullness in Aries on MONDAY at 10:52 PM ET. Meanwhile, gravitas and streamlining in communication and leadership are likely hot topics in the headlines. Why? Because on Sunday at 12:46 PM ET, Mercury will square Saturn (authority, control, patriarchy); next Tuesday the Sun will square the cosmic karma cop. If you have planets or angles around 2-3 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you’re likely to be feeling the squeeze more than most.

Bottom line: at least two weeks of disruptive breakthroughs and revelations, for better or for worse, involving action, aggression and way-too-macho men.

And now, the news.

Hurricane Florence did make landfall 10 miles east of Wilmington, NC — as intuited — and during last Friday’s Moon void. It hit the coastline as a Cat 2, with much less force than feared, though record-breaking rain is doing plenty of damage. Wilmington became an island, completely cut off from access by land. Wow. Meanwhile, another monster storm — Typhoon Mangkhut landed in the Philippines before heading towards Hong Kong.

Storms, storms and more storms:

  • Dianne Feinstein continues to reflect her Moon-in-Gemini’s need to be the smartest kid in the room. For the third time in four years, we’re writing about her making headlines for making sure people know about Certain Information. Here’s a post from 2014 (with a link to her horoscope); here’s one from January of this year. Her Cancer Sun is at the Aries Point, suggesting she is born to prominence. This year she’s been feeling the squeeze of transiting Saturn opposing her Sun, along with the pressure to “change or die,” suggested by a measurement between Pluto (transformation) and her pioneering Aries Ascendant. In February, the Democratic Party declined to support her bid to stay on as the senior senator from California (ouch!), but California voters handed her a victory in the primary anyway. I expect we will see plenty of courage and initiative from DiFi through the year, sparked by a measurement between her Mars and Sun.
  • Right now, DiFi is moving heaven and earth to stop Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the new kid on the SCOTUS block. Ever the information junkie, of course she would have a letter from a woman — Christine Blasey Ford — alleging that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her back when they were teens. And now they will both be testifying about it before the Senate — on Monday, during an almost-full Moon in Pisces…void. Hmm. And now there are report that Ms. Ford’s appearance is not confirmed. Well, there is sure to be some empathy, in between the hard-nosed heaviness of aforementioned patterns among Mercury, Sun and Saturn. In Kavanaugh’s horoscope (birth time unknown), we note that transiting Jupiter has moved on to his natal Neptune (as I type!), suggesting an expansion of ideals, faith, spirits of all kinds and scandal.
  • Monday’s testimony is just one chapter of the encyclopedia we’re reading for the next few weeks on Men Behaving Badly. Some say boys will be boys and we should forgive them their youthful transgressions. On the other hand, it’s difficult to forgive what has not been acknowledged and owned. Let this compelling essay — “I Believe Her” — spark your next water cooler conversation.
  • UPDATE: Paul Manafort continues to feel Saturn’s squeeze all over his horoscope, as anticipated.  Last week he copped a plea rather than face a second trial. Not only that, but he’s agreed to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller. Even better: the millions of dollars in assets he will forfeit more than covers the cost of Mueller’s investigation. Now that’s what I call draining the swamp.
  • UPDATE: As you know from a recent post, P45’s horoscope suggests that now is the time for close and formerly close associates to tell us what he’s really like — in gory detail. As if Omarosa, Anonymous White House Op-Ed Guy/Gal and Bob Woodward haven’t given us enough disruptive revelations about P45 and his (lack of) administration, here comes Stormy Daniels with the naked truth about his lackluster performance and penchant for cheating. Her book, “Full Disclosure,” will be published next month, further realizing the potential noted in her horoscope earlier this year for hard-nosed thinking, publishing and a potential windfall. Note that her Moon is at 4 degrees of Scorpio and will be affected by transits from Mars and the South Node. Last time this happened (over the summer), she was served with divorce papers.
  • In other news, McDonalds’ employees in ten cities are on strike today, protesting the company’s culture of “sexual harassment.”
  • Meanwhile, a small town in Missouri will soon have a new newspaper — The Uranus Examiner. The town thinks it’s pretty funny — and it is, in a provocative Mars-square-Uranus way. Though if they spelled Uranus correctly, i.e. “Ouranos” — pronounced Oo–RAH-nos” — perhaps it wouldn’t be the butt of so many jokes. Thanks to Avid Reader Katya for making sure I didn’t miss that one!
  • This just in…“Russia Blames Israel After Reconnaissance Plane Downed by Syrian Air Defense.”   Also Mars (aggression) square Uranus (aviation, accidents).
  • Keep an eye on this reckless act of aggression involving prominent communication: “P45 Orders Russia Investigation Documents Declassified.”
  • UPDATE: Hillary Clinton’s Scorpio Sun is being squared by Uranus, suggested a need for greater independence and a potential for disruptive actions and experiences. Last week The Atlantic published her gripping essay, “American Democracy is in Crisis.”  Meanwhile, the Texas Board of Education voted to drop Mrs. Clinton from school curriculums, along with Helen Keller. Moses, however, was voted in.
  • UPDATE: California continues to live up to this year’s revolutionary potential, noted in prior forecasts. Supercharged by transiting Uranus, it has recently announced plans to launch its own satellite to monitor climate change; ban for-profit charter schools; eliminate cash bail for suspects awaiting trial; and defy the FCC’s anti-net neutrality ruling. We’ll see more more more of that pioneering spirit in the months ahead.

Couldn’t watch the Emmys last night — too busy packing. Did notice that neither Elisabeth Moss nor The Handmaid’s Tale won this year. Ms. Moss’s Leo Sun was eclipsed last month. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all of these planetary patterns mean for you, consider booking a personal consultation. But don’t just take it from me. Take it from Avid Reader Meg, who writes:

“Take a leap and get a reading with Elisabeth.  She’s bright, articulate, funny, and sensitive. She knows her stuff. I’ve worked with a good number of astrologers over the past 40 years. I like variety and new perspectives. This was a fresh start for me and right on time. Thank you!” —  Meg R.

I am delighted to be of service.

Thursday 11/23/2017 & the Holiday Weekend: Gratitude, A Black Friday Special & More

Count your blessings among whatever twists and flakes arise during today’s Capricorn Moon void. Yes, the need is to take care of business, orchestrating the preparation of your Thanksgiving feast like a military operation. But are you sure you bought enough Brussels sprouts? Chill and go with the flow! So far, no reports of any twists or flakes at the 91st Annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade, but the NYT has a summary of past parade snafus.

Counting your blessings is good for your health, as this op-ed in WaPo reminds us: “It’s 1967 and the world is going to Hell.”   In fact, it is 1967 all over again, as Avid Readers know, as we are in the aftermath of a revolutionary aspect between disruptive Uranus and destructive Pluto. Back then, it was the conjunction (meet-up) of these two behemoths; now it is the series of seven squares.

At 3:14 PM ET, Moon enters Aquarius, a perfect sign for friendship, community and appreciation of each other because of our quirks and foilbles. Happy Thanksgiving to all! On FRIDAY — a.k.a. Black Friday — the only exact aspect is an expansive one between the Moon and indulgent Jupiter at 10:56 AM ET. That — along with a harmony between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Uranus (technology, astrology) exact early Saturday — bodes well for retailers hoping shoppers will indulge in the latest gizmo or gadget. In the spirit of those planetary patterns, I’m pleased to offer my own Black Friday special if you are shopping for a Special Someone: 20% off personal consultations and reports — until the Moon leaves Aquarius at 3:04 AM ET on Sunday,  November 26th.  The closet artist in me loves to make my gift certificates by hand — each one is uniquely decorated with care. Did you know that milennials prefer experiences over the accumulation of material stuff?  Something to think about if you have a milennial on your holiday shopping list.

Moon goes void in Aquarius at 9:37 PM ET on Saturday and enters Pisces at 3:04 AM ET on Sunday. At 12:03 PM ET we’ll have the First Quarter Moon, offering a challenge to the New Moon agenda set on November 18th. If you have a planet or point around 4 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini, you may feel a push — one way or the other — which requires an adjustment. A Pisces Moon seeks to identify and work with impressions and ideals. Note your dreams and…

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

It’s baaaaaack! The fate of net neutrality once again hangs in the balance as Saturn — planet of government and control — makes its way through the last degrees of Sagittarius and into early Capricorn. Man oh man are we going to see some bold initiatives as government moves to seize control of Sagittarian concerns, e.g., publishing, foreign service, judicial philosophy, higher education, freedom of speech.  Why will they be especially bold? Because the last degrees of Sagittarius are within range of the Aries Point degrees. The Aries Point degrees are 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Planets around the Aries Point are turning points — they correspond to the change of seasons at the equinoxes and solstices. They can’t help but attract attention. Example: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife, Louise Linton. Both were born on a December 21st with their respective Suns at the Aries Point —  29 Sag for her; 29 Sag or 0 Cap for him — we don’t have a birth time.  I’d be quite surprised if you’d never heard of them or hadn’t seen their latest photo to go viral.

See how that Aries Point Couple totally pre-empted my discussion of net neutrality? You just can’t take your eyes off  them, can you? That’s the Aries Point in action. Meanwhile…. net neutrality is the idea that since taxpayer dollars paid for the invention of the internet, it ought to be treated as a public utility — with its content readily accessible to the people who paid for it — not under any control or restriction by a private corporation. But alas, no — the FCC — under the leadership of one Ajit Pai — may very well destroy the internet as you’ve known and loved it. The Big Vote happens at the FCC on December 14th. Here is Jessica Rosenworcel — an FCC commissioner who opposes the destruction of net neutrality — begging you to save it in an op-ed in the LA Times. Unfortunately she’s a minority voice on the FCC. What is there to do? Here is John Oliver’s must-see segment explaining what net neutrality is — and what he’s done to make it easier for you, member of the public, to cut through red tape and express your opinion. Don’t have time to watch the segment? Go to   — and express away. Express. Express!!!

And I hope you find time to watch John Oliver’s segment. In it, he makes fun of Ajit Pai’s Big Giant Orange Coffee Mug — but he can’t explain why Mr. Pai would ever have such a thing. If only John Oliver had asked an astrologer to look at Pai’s horoscope. She would have said that the Big Giant Orange Coffee Mug is a screamingly obvious expression of an exact conjunction between Pai’s Capricorn Sun and expansive Jupiter…this horoscope can’t help but the embodiment of  BIG.*- Be advised that this conjunction in Pai’s horoscope is going to be supercharged next year by transiting Pluto. This suggests an expansion of an already expansive ego expression — especially in the area of power and resources. Pai was born on Jan 10, 1973 in Buffalo NY — no birth time available  — for astrology buffs. Here’s the mug in question:

Meanwhile the mysterious oblong object that “hurtled past the sun” last month has been determined to be from another solar system. This is a first. Elsewhere, regarding the mystery surrounding the disappearance of an Argentinian submarine earlier this month, it is being reported that a loud underwater explosion was detected soon after the last known contact. The chart for the explosion, picked up on Nov 15th at 13:51 GMT, has shocking and disruptive Uranus right at the bottom of the chart. Not a hopeful sign.

In other news, gratitude to Avid Reader Melissa for making sure I did not miss a particular news item after posting this in the last forecast:

“Venus in Scorpio forms a cooperative alignment with Pluto in Capricorn, exact at 6:26 AM ET on Tuesday. Women, social expression and money — demanding substance and control — somehow in alignment with the Powers That Be?”
Melissa writes:
And guess what popped up in my email today from Variety?  Published at 6:06 am Pacific. “Female-Led Investor Groups Target Weinstein Co. Acquisition.”
That story certainly fits a Venus-Pluto pattern. Astrology is amazing.
Finally, obituaries are — as always — reflecting the potential  suggested by planetary patterns. This week, it’s Neptune pulling focus as it turned direct. Remember, Neptune refers to music, romance, spirits and other intangibles. RIP Della Reese, singer and star of Touched by an Angel; jazz great Jon Hendricks; teen idol singer/songwriter David Cassidy (who struggled with alcoholism and dementia — also Neptune concerns).  Cue “I Think I Love You” now, please. Of course it would start with a reference of a dream (another realm belonging to Neptune)…

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Monday 3/20/2017: Vernal Equinox; Sun in Aries; Happy Astrological New Year

Happy Vernal Equinox — the first day of spring! At 6:29 AM ET, the Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of a new astrological year. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb.  In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology), it is a time of renewal and rebirth — a chance to let go of old patterns and make a fresh start.

More on the equinox, but first let’s talk about the rest of this day, which is partly driven by the Moon in Sagittarius. Its need for righteous opinion is squeezed, muzzled and otherwise controlled by a meet-up with Saturn at 6:37 AM ET. And guess what? This is the closest pattern in the chart for the equinox — and thus an important clue to what we are likely to be dealing with for the next 365 days.

Moon goes void immediately after that heavy Saturn meet-up and won’t be fully engaged until 11:31 AM ET, when it enters proactive, status-seeking Capricorn. Half an hour later, the second closest pattern in the equinox chart kicks in — the Third Quarter Moon, a.k.a. tension between the needs of the Capricorn Moon to toe the Establishment line vs. the me-me-me energy of the Aries Sun. With both the Sun and the Moon at zero degrees of their respective signs, this tension will command attention big time. Take care of routine concerns during the morning void. Remember that crises which crop up are often much ado about nothing. Get ready to advance your agenda after 12 PM ET.

OK, the vernal equinox. Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.

Other notable patterns this week won’t be exact until late Thursday and through the weekend. First, Mercury — which refers to ideas, thinking, communication, travel and commerce — makes a persuasive, penetrating and corruption-exposing challenge to Pluto at 8:42 PM ET on THURSDAY. Expansive thinking is suggested when Mercury opposes Jupiter on FRIDAY at 8:46 AM ET. On SATURDAY, the Sun and Venus meet up in Aries –showering anyone with a planet around 6 degrees of Aries with a little bit of love. On SUNDAY, upsets and revelations involving aviation, technology and gender equality issues are likely, as Mercury meets up with rebel Uranus at 11:05 AM ET.

What’s significant about the patterns noted in the above paragraph is that they also apply to the chart for the Vernal Equinox. A year of revelation upon revelation upon revelation….?

The only Moon void of note — other than Monday’s — is on WEDNESDAY from 9:20 AM ET until 10:28 PM ET.

And now, the news.

Remember how last week’s  planetary patterns among Saturn, Mercury and the Sun suggested heaviness and despair? I had to laugh when I saw this op-ed in the New York Daily News: “Stop the News, I Want to Get Off: This Week Was One of the Most Depressing in Memory.”  Indeed . I was on the Daily News site because its legendary journalist Jimmy Breslin passed away over the weekend. So did Chuck Berry.

FBI Director James Comey will be testifying before Congress in hearings starting at 10 AM today, during the Moon void. This story is not going away anytime soon.

Confirmation hearings for SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch are also scheduled to begin today. We don’t have a birth time for Mr. Gorsuch (Aug 29 1967 in Denver), but my first thought looking at a chart cast at noon was that his mother must have been a piece of work: intense, erratic, fiercely independent. And guess what? She was.

“A teenage Gorsuch learned from his mother’s stormy tenure at the EPA,” writes the Seattle Times.  Perhaps you are old enough to remember Ronald Reagan appointing Anne Gorsuch to run the EPA:

She cut the EPA budget by 22 percent, slashed EPA enforcement actions against polluters and slowed down payments for Superfund cleanups.

She resigned after less than two years on the job after being cited for contempt of Congress. With four planets in stubborn Taurus in her horoscope, we can appreciate why she refused to turn over certain subpoenaed documents, fueled by the potentially visionary or delusional idealism suggested by two separate patterns (born April 21 1942). Her son Neil has similar patterns, which is typical seen when comparing the horoscopes of parents and their children. Isn’t that interesting? Planetary patterns run in families, just like genetics.

Doesn’t that make you wonder what planetary patterns you share with your children and/or parents? If you want to improve a relationship, get to know the other party’s horoscope. Here’s the 411 on consultations.

In the case of Anne Gorsuch, her horoscope has a Mars-Neptune square; his has a Mars-Neptune conjunction. Hers has a Sun-Mercury conjunction; his has Sun-Mercury and Venus conjunct. His Venus happens to be retrograde in Virgo, suggesting unique challenges in relationship. A need for discernment may have a double agenda. Hmmm.

Mr. Gorsuch is a Virgo, driven by the Moon in Gemini. He needs to be the smartest kid in the room, with the autocratic and controlling flair suggested by an unaspected Saturn in me-me-me Aries. His Saturn/Pluto midpoint is at the Aries Point, suggesting that he is likely to be known for matters involving anguished effort and/or suffering. His mother has the same midpoint picture! His Mars-Neptune meet-up is in Scorpio, and it is in a tense connection with Jupiter (expansion) in regal Leo. This pattern can be quite tenacious in matters of faith (and life and death).

With that in mind, it’s fascinating to note that Mr. Gorsuch wrote a book called The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.  He’s against both, arguing “that states should sometimes place ‘paternalistic constraints on the choices of its citizens.'” (i.e., the citizens’ autonomy). That sounds like an unaspected Saturn in Aries talking. Random thought: has anyone ever written about the need for “maternalistic constraints” on the choices of its citizens? What would that look like? Mandatory hot lunches for schoolchildren?

We do not have a birth time for Mr. Gorsuch and are limited as to what we can project for him in the near future. What can be seen suggests a tough fight over the next 6-8 weeks. It is fascinating to note that in his mother’s horoscope, her Mars-Neptune square is at 27 Gemini-27 Virgo, now exactly hit by transiting Saturn at 27-28 Sagittarius. This definitely suggests potential for a frustrating battle and reality check. As I wrote in a recent article for Mountain Astrologer, “The Horoscope Lives Forever,” doncha’ know…

Meanwhile, the Great Barrier Reef is still dying…a casualty of climate change.

In other news, Saturn (structure) in Sagittarius (big picture beliefs; travel; education) will be pulling focus over the next several weeks, as it is quite close to the end of that sign. Schools in Boston are reflecting this reality check by replacing the “distorted” maps that have been in use for the past 500 years. Here is what the world really looks like:


Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/20/2016: Full Moon; Summer Solstice; Mercury in Focus

Good Morning!

After waxing to its fullness at the very end of Sagittarius at 7:02AM ET, Moon went void for barely an hour and then launched into earthy Capricorn at 7:55AM ET. Whatever that big idea of yours was, Capricorn needs to push it forward, which it aims to do for at least the next two days.

Did you note your dreams this morning?  Mine were out of this world. Chalk it up to Mercury, a big player in the cosmos today, as it opposes Saturn at 10:56AM ET and then squares Neptune at 1:11PM ET. Here’s a story illustrating that potential for bewilderment over necessary controls: British astronaut Tim Peake is “nursing the world’s worst hangover” after being in space for six months. Here, he is bewildered by gravity — literally. Don’t you just love that?  On Wednesday, big ideas get even bigger, as Mercury (mindset, communication, commerce, travel) squares Jupiter at 6:59PM ET.

At 6:34PM ET, the Sun enters Cancer. Happy summer solstice!

Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season  — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively (there are thirty degrees in each sign of the zodiac). Got that? Good.

These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the “Aries Point”, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers. In other words, the first day of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the Aries Point. The first day of Taurus (and the rest of the signs) is NOT at the Aries Point).

Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep & Elizabeth Warren (both Cancers — happy birthday!) and William Shatner (an Aries) were born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think?

In the headlines today,  look for leadership to be prominent. Who’s in? Who’s out?

There are no other exact aspects among the planets (other than the Moon) to report this week. Your Moon voids — natural rest periods where focusing on routine matters is an apt strategy — are as follows: Wednesday 4:57AM ET until 4:08PM ET; Friday 11:48AM ET until 10:30PM ET — ooh, another Friday to cut out early.

Two quick headlines reflecting the uplifting potential of Mercury’s contact with Saturn and Neptune (to balance the NYT’s stark and despairing homepage headline about food riots in Venezuela). First, visionary artist Christo’s latest installation in Italy will allow you to walk on (Saturn) water (Neptune). The surreal brushstrokes he adds to the real world always make me smile. Second, a barricade (Saturn) of angelic beings (Neptune) prevented delusional (Neptune) members of the Westboro Baptist Church from getting too close to the funerals of those who were killed last weekend in Orlando. Would that those Westboro folks could find a more productive hobby…

And now, I must cut out early — ending this forecast to tend to many other tasks today. I would love for one of those tasks to be a consultation with you about your horoscope. How do all these potent planetary patterns apply to YOU? Here’s the 411.

Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with your friends.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/23/2015: Happy Autumnal Equinox

Writing this under a still void-of-course Moon in Capricorn. If your need to make things happen wanders slightly off-course this morning, it is likely reflecting the “go with the flow” energy of the void. That, combined with Mercury retrograde, suggests a prime opportunity to focus your enterprising structuring and efforts inward.

Once the Moon engages in Aquarius at 1:51PM ET, seize the rest of the day. Patterns happening around 2:34PM ET are especially helpful for cooperation in business and planning, as the Sun and Moon form a communicative sextile to Saturn. And regardless of the red line the auto-correct function in WordPress insists on drawing under “sextile” and “trine,” those are real words. “Sextile” means two planets are 60 degrees apart. “Trine” means 120 degrees apart. Both the trine and the sextile suggest an easy relationship between two bodies, facilitating harmonious effort and communication between them.

Squares and oppositions are more charged, with a greater potential for conflict. The square is 90 degrees; the opposition is 180. A conjunction — which suggests an intensified, blended focus of two separate energies — is 0 degrees.

See how I wandered off-course, but with Really Useful (Moon –void!– in Capricorn) information? But seriously, WordPress: get up to speed, already! Funny how it draws a red line under “WordPress,” too. Like it doesn’t really know who or what it is. Definitely would benefit from a consultation with an astrologer.

Back to the Moon in Aquarius. That is a friendly sign, ready to help your humanitarian cause or hook you up with a fresh group of contacts, the more unconventional the better. Aquarius can also be quite the stubborn rebel, clinging to an antiquated past or a pushing for a far-out future. Either way, it’s on the fringe.

The Aquarius Moon continues with drive until 12:02AM on Friday, when it goes void with a sigh until 3:44PM ET. Then Moon changes gear and shifts into Pisces. If you must ship, do it this afternoon or tomorrow.

Meanwhile, while you were sleeping the Sun left Virgo for Libra at 4:21AM ET. Happy Autumnal Equinox…a perfect balance between day and night.

Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season  — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively (there are thirty degrees in each sign of the zodiac). Got that? Good.

These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the “Aries Point”, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers. In other words, the first day of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the Aries Point. The first day of Taurus (and the rest of the signs) is NOT at the Aries Point).

Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep & Elizabeth Warren (both Cancers — happy birthday!) and William Shatner (an Aries) were born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think?

Libra is a airy, mental sign, generally concerned with relationships, social graces and with promoting fairness, justice and balance. Its ruling planet is Venus, which can be oh-so-sweet and socially gracious. Libra’s mantra is : I BALANCE. This does not mean Librans are balanced; it means they generally are seeking balance and are quite capable of swinging back and forth wildly as they search for it.

Did you know that Fox News (motto: “fair and balanced”) launched under a Libra Sun? If you’re now thinking “wow, there must be a lot more to a horoscope than just a Sun Sign,” I commend you. And that’s another  compelling reason why you should get to know your horoscope. Or have a professional explain it to you.

As sweet as Libra can be, they are not marshmallows. The term “iron fist in a velvet glove” often applies. Jimmy Carter is a Libra. So was Margaret Thatcher, who is not coming to a $10 bill near you any time soon. Tim Robbins, John Lithgow, Lee Harvey Oswald, Julie Andrews and Maria von Trapp (inspired casting?) — all Libras. Oh wow — Lenny Bruce is Margaret Thatcher’s astro-twin; they were both born on October 13, 1925. Fascinating.

And now, the news…briefly.

With Venus trine Uranus yesterday, I was expecting a story involving someone with an unconventional social expression to make the news. Throw in a Mercury retrograde travel nightmare, and perhaps you heard about the transgender woman, Shadi Petosky, who was “detained and humiliated” by the TSA because it apparently was confused by her anatomy.  I wonder if the TSA will be in existence in another ten, twenty, fifty years. What do you think?

Yogi Berra had an unconventional social expression in a delightfully quirky way that was also profound. I am so sad to report that he has passed away. I looked at his horoscope — especially the patterns involving Mercury and the 3rd House, both of which refer to how we need to think and communicate. I expected to find contacts with Uranus and Neptune, and sure enough, there they were. In a  horoscope, Uranus configured with Moon, Mercury and Venus suggests wit; Neptune suggests an inspired vision that can also be bewildering. I wish I had more time to write about Mr. Berra, but I don’t. His Capricorn Moon has been under stress in the past two years, courtesy of the Uranus-Pluto square. RIP

“You should always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t come to yours.”

— Yogi Berra








Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/18/2015: New Moon in Aquarius (again!); Elizabeth Warren, Rand Paul, DSK & More

No exact planetary aspects happening on this truly Dead Moon morning, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be stuff happening. Venus and Mars are within orb of the Aries Point, suggesting Venus-ruled matters (social expression, women, money, values, aesthetics) and Mars-ruled matters (assertion and action) are likely to pull more focus than usual. Right now they’re on the Pisces side of the Aries Point, so add themes of compassion, universal suffering, ideals, impressions and soulful mingling to the mix. When they do meet on the Aries side on Sunday, watch for themes of me-me-me, pioneers, inspiration and conquest.

At 6:47PM ET, the Sun and Moon both meet up at 29 Aquarius. Blink and you’ll miss it. Moon immediately goes void — but only for one minute. It enters Pisces at 6:48PM ET, followed by the Sun in Pisces at 6:50PM ET.  It’s rare to have two New Moons in a row in the same sign. January’s New Moon was at 0 Aquarius — the very beginning. This month’s New Moon is at the very end. So we get a second chance to focus on Aquarian concerns, including (but not limited to): innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarianism, freedom, technogeeks and the needs of the collective as opposed to the needs of the individual. Watch for new beginnings and endings in these areas.

A New Moon offers the opportunity to re-set your intentions for the next 30 days.  Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 25th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing?  Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon on March 5th,  they may flower. We will receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on March 13th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 20th.

In the chart for this New Moon, the Sun and Moon are approaching contact with Saturn in Sagittarius. At the last New Moon, there was an easy communication of humanitarian ideals and how they are to be achieved. This cycle requires an ambitious advance on those ideals — at the risk of rejection. Practical  — albeit emotionally detached — planning and communication is suggested by an easy connection between mental Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. We’ve already noted the potential of Venus and Mars coming together with prominence at the very end of Pisces — plenty of emotional resources suggested here.

With Jupiter about to make the second of three exact trines to Uranus, we see the potential for ground-breaking initiatives. Look back to events happening around September 25, 2014 — that was the first trine of the cycle. The second will be on March 3rd. The third one happens on June 22nd. Last, but hardly least, the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square is inching closer to its grand finale scheduled for March 16th. And by grand finale, I mean the final release of tension between two planets symbolizing revolution and transformation on a collective scale. What does that suggest? Consider and compare events that happened before and after the three Uranus-Pluto conjunctions in 1965 and 1966.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “the field of Ardath in bloom,” or, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee describes it,

“…an open expanse flourishing with growth from an ancient era. ‘The field of Ardath’ is a reference to ancient Babylon and a mystic meadow symbolizing the blossoming of a mystical brotherhood….associated with ‘the cradle of civilization’…a meadow without specific identity or characteristics: a symbol for all peoples in all times”.

I find it intriguing that of 360 possible Sabian Symbols, the one that shows up at this time, when events in that part of the world formerly known as Babylon are approaching critical mass, just happens to be the Symbol that specifically references — at least on one level — that location. On another level, the Symbol refers to all of us, as we collectively approach the critical mass of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square. It is a hopeful Symbol, as Bovee notes that “a whole field in bloom suggest richness and bounty beyond imagination.”  A hopeful symbol (with a garden theme) is also presented in Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week. So, let’s hope.

In your own personal world, if you were born around the 18th of February, May, August and November…or if you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and especially Aquarius, you will be more personally affected by this New Moon. Wherever it falls in your horoscope is where you can expect seeds planted for a blossoming of potential. Don’t know where your planets are? Order the Astro-Basics Report for $18 — look here for more details.

And now, the news.

First, while we’re still in the dark side of the Moon, here is a story about women now living in the Dark Ages — in certain areas of Iraq controlled by extremists.

Meanwhile, reflecting the groundbreaking potential in matters of power and resources suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square and the second Jupiter-Uranus trine, Elon Musk announced a new status quo: living off the grid, thanks to a battery that will allow homeowners to store energy. Elon Musk continues to be innovative in a most supercharged manner, as noted in this forecast back in August of 2013.

Elsewhere, Rand Paul is apparently set to formally announce he’s running for president in April. It makes sense he’d be looking for greater freedom and empowerment, given that his Sun at 16 Capricorn will be supercharged in 2015 and 2016 by Uranus and Pluto. Plus, a solar arc to his Sun by Mars suggests a need to take action, despite recent revelations that he  lied about having a college degree.  Not having a college degree has never been an issue for Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, which perhaps explains why his latest mission is to slash funding for Wisconsin’s public university system in exchange for giving it greater autonomy. Serious focus on the practical value of higher education, along with streamlining and restructuring of the system (student loans, anyone?), would be expected with Saturn  in Sagittarius for the next couple of years.

I’ve been meaning to write about Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope  for months. People are begging her to run for president. She’s gaining greater prominence in the Senate. Hillary Clinton met with her in private recently — this is how important the senator has become. Regular readers of this forecast should have a hunch at what’s going on. We don’t have a confirmed birth time for Ms. Warren, but an astrologer has proposed one, and the related chart does seem to work rather well. Still, take my observations about that proposed Ascendant and Midheaven (“the angles”) with a grain of salt. A chart with a proposed birth time is called a ‘rectification’ or ‘rectified horoscope.’

First, she can’t help but attract attention for her quirky independence and rebellious spirit. Like her astro-twin Meryl Streep, Warren’s Cancer Sun is conjunct Uranus at the Aries Point. Second, I am fascinated that both Ms. Streep and Senator Warren have Midheavens (point in the horoscope referring to career status) at 18 and 19 degrees of a Cardinal Sign, i.e., 18 Aries for Ms. Streep; 19 Cancer for Senator Warren. Therefore. we expect the careers of both women to reflect the empowerment and emancipation/change of direction potential of Uranus and Pluto for the next two years (another Oscar, Ms. Streep?)

In Elizabeth Warren’s  rectified horoscope, that potential is even stronger. She would experience Uranus and Pluto from all angles, given that proposed 17 degreeLibra Ascendant. In fact, we can argue that 2014’s exact solar arc to her Ascendant from Pluto has already mandated a change of perspective about how she is seen. She’s emerged as a serious power player, and we can expect that trend to continue — whether she runs or not. Also of significance: her Venus at 18 Cancer (conjunct her rectified Midheaven — you just have to like her), rules that Libra Ascendant. It will also be supercharged by Uranus and Pluto, suggesting her social expression and values will also become more prominent and persuasive.

Last but not least: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in the news. We’ve been tracking his horoscope ever since his assault of a hotel chambermaid cost him his post as head of the IMF.  Now he’s on trial– charged with pimping. I looked at his horoscope a couple of weeks ago and noted a measurement of the Sun to his Midheaven. This is usually a measurement of success and fulfillment in matters of career and reputation. I thought to myself, “hmm…I’m not convinced these charges will stick.” And in fact, this week some charges were dropped, and yesterday a prosecutor asked the court to acquit Mr. Strauss-Kahn.   Julian Assange had the same measurement in his horoscope when Ecuador allowed him to stay in their London embassy, thus avoiding arrest and deportation to Sweden. Astrology is amazing.

Finally, a lighter piece reflecting the reality check Saturn in Sagittarius can have on travel destinations. The candor of tourism officials in the current frozen wasteland of Ithaca, New York deserves applause and a note to put that city on your bucket list….

What’s going on your horoscope?  Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.



Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/24/2013: Capricorn Super Moon & Fallout

On Sunday at 4:08AM ET, Moon entered the enterprising sign of Capricorn, where it needs — as I learned from  astrologer Noel Tyl — to Make Things Happen. Three and a half hours later, that Moon waxed full at 3 degrees of Capricorn, very close to the prominent Aries Point. Avid readers of this forecast will recall that the Aries Point corresponds to the solstice and equinox points: 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Perhaps that’s why everyone and their dog was talking about this Full Moon being a Super Moon, as if it was a completely new and rare phenomenon, which it is not. They happen every year and more than once. Astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term”SuperMoon” in 1979 — here’s his explanation of what can be expected when the Moon is closerthanthis to Earth. Still, it is pretty darn awesome that an awareness of Something Planetary is being reflected so strongly by the general public. It bodes well for astrologers…. : )

You can charge ahead with a few caveats today, using the proactive energy of the Capricorn Moon to fuel your ambition. Be aware, however, that communications are subject to more than the usual snafus, given that Mercury is about to turn retrograde on Wednesday. Back to today: as evening approaches, the potential for a clash between an idealistic wish for emotional comfort and security may be smacked down by impersonal authority — or someone insisting on following the company policy or party line, as mental Mercury opposes the Moon at 4:20PM ET. We’ll get a break in the action as the Moon goes void at 10:24PM ET, not to enter the next sign, Aquarius, until 3:26AM ET. Take the evening off!

Now, about that Super Moon. The Full Moon was exact at Sunday 7:32AM ET at 3 degrees of Capricorn. We would have expected an easy flow of communication for transcendent/spiritual/healing purposes, especially with persons and/or institutions of authority. We would have expected a stunning upset and/or power play referring to an enterprising ambition, as the Moon was challenged by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus in the evening hours, ET time.  I’d argue that one reflection of these patterns was daredevil Nik Wallenda’s successful tightrope walk across the (sort of) Grand Canyon, notable for Wallenda’s constant state of audible prayer. Talk about an easy flow of communication with a higher authority!

We would have expected illumination and/or release on your New Moon agenda (can you remember what that was on June 8th), which was reflected in the Sabian Symbol for 19 degrees of Gemini: “a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom”. In other words, volumes and volumes of data collected and stored, reflecting the consciousness and value systems of the people collecting it.  And that is one big question with a Book of Secrets or Akashic Records or any such text: who is deemed wise and/or responsible enough to be privy to the knowledge contained therein. Everyone? High priests and priestesses? Governments and corporations? Knowledge is a powerful thing, with compelling and sometimes terrible and perhaps even unjust consequences, as anyone who has read the Book of Genesis can tell you.

Given the above Sabian Symbol, one poster child for this lunar cycle has to be Edward Snowden, the former Booz Allen systems analyst who journeyed to Hong Kong, where he met with reporters from the UK paper The Guardian and informed the entire Free World what sort of data private contractors like Booz Allen have been collecting, paid for by US taxpayer dollars.   It is fascinating that the Full Moon coincided with another bold move in this saga,  and so are its Sabian Symbols. For the Sun at 3 degrees of Cancer: “a man bundled up in fur, leading a shaggy deer”. For the Moon at 3 degrees of Capricorn:  (for the Sun at 3 Cancer) and “the human soul receptive to growth and understanding” (3 Capricorn).

I wish I could quote all four paragraphs Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has penned about these  intriguing symbols; as always, I recommend you get his book.  But briefly, for the man bundled up in fur (3 Cancer), Bovee suggests “an image of rugged individuality in a cold environment”;  the “human soul” image of 3 Capricorn is self-explanatory.  One of these symbols is closed/defensive; the other is open and receptive, and therein lies the polarity/opposition suggested by any Full Moon.  In your own personal world, Bovee suggests these symbols may manifest as an awareness of  “creative potentials that cook within” or as a sense of personal identity that is at once between the perils of experience (life’s harsh realities) and the soul (who you are in spite of said external realities). Bottom line: in light of these challenging — perhaps even perilous — times, we are being presented with an opportunity for a greater understanding and appreciation of what really and truly ties us all together.


Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday 5/5/2013: Serious Focus & Flow

I hope you’re enjoying the dreamy sensitivity of the weekend’s Moon in Pisces, colored by the rosy glow of mental Mercury in touch with nebulous Neptune (ruler of Pisces). Music, spiritual pursuits, healing and other idealistic escapes are favored, experienced with the depth and power of an easy connection (a trine) between Mars (action) in earthy Taurus and regenerating Pluto in earthy Capricorn. The Mars-Pluto trine follows on the heels of Wednesday’s Sun-Pluto trine, another measurement suggesting an abundance or easy flow of resources in the material plane.

Take the magical thinking potential of Mercury-Neptune,  mix it with all that Sun-Mars-Pluto empowered action/resource; add in expansive, optimistic Jupiter running wild in the middle of airy Gemini, and it appears we have a recipe for more all-time highs in the markets last week. Even more fascinating: the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint — a highly reliable suggestion of wealth — has been at the Aries Point for weeks. Avid readers of this forecast know that any astrological measurement configured with the Aries Point (0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) needs to demand prominence/fame. So it’s no surprise to see so many stories of outrageous fortune dominating headlines recently, like this one about trillions of dollars stashed offshore — or this one presenting yet another study about the relationship between political clout and wealth.

Energy resources have also been making headlines. Credit the Uranus (aeronautics) – Pluto (power) square reflecting the test flight of a solar-powered airplane –way to reinvent the wheel — and it’s going rather well. U.S. oil production is at levels not seen in 30 years — and hey, soon those fossil fuels will be flowing under a new pipeline slated to run right through the heart of New York City’s West Village, installed by a company which reportedly has a rather dicey safety record — huzzah! But wait, there’s more. Helium was a hot (air) topic this week, as the always-witty Gail Collins informs us — did you know we’re facing a shortage & that this is important?

Also in the headlines: a mind-bending physics bulletin I won’t pretend to fully understand, but it does reflect the disruptive power of the Uranus-Pluto square to change our perspective of the world as we know it: “Time Crystals Could Upend Physicists’ Theory of Time”.

Well, I promised you a lot of news, and I haven’t even talked about the forecast for today, Sunday, which began with a sobering opposition to mental Mercury (transportation) from stern Saturn at 7:13AM ET. This is the serious focus referred to in the forecast headline. What’s at the top of the newsfeed as I type? A story about a limousine catching fire in Northern California, killing five passengers. Sobering, indeed — and naturally I looked at the chart for the time of the fire (10pm in San Mateo, California), fully expecting to see a challenging aspect on the angles. Why? Because planets on the angles seem to have a greater need for expression, and in the case of this freak accident we immediately see the Uranus-Pluto square on the angles of the chart, suggesting a sudden, freakish, potent and potentially explosive quality to the event.

If you’re out and about running important tasks today, get them done before the Moon goes void at 12PM ET. Moon will coast through the rest of Pisces until 9:03PM ET, when it enters fiery Aries, immediately shifting the “go with the flow” energy to one of action! now! andale (and a happy Cinco de Mayo to you, too). Use the energy of the void to chill and recharge. Monday will be another day to hit the ground running.