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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Chatting with Cynthia Rose on OmTimes Radio: Vernal Equinox Edition

Cynthia Rose and I spent the penultimate hour of the astrological year talking about why the first day of a season is so significant. Listen and learn all about the March 2019 Full Moon in Libra on the Aries Point, the Vernal Equinox, Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus.  Thank you, Cynthia for having me on your show again :)



The Horoscope Lives Forever: Interview on Om Times Radio

Dear Avid Readers:

I was delighted to be a guest on a recent edition of “Standing in the Sunlight,” hosted by Cynthia Rose MacCaw on OmTimes Radio.  I hope you enjoy listening to our chat as much as we enjoyed having it.  Here is the link.  Thank you, Cynthia!


Monday 7/2/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week — and the Month of July, Too

Good Morning!

The Aquarius Moon has been void of course since 6:56 PM ET on Sunday (last night). It won’t enter Pisces until 1:31 PM ET. Moon voids suggest a higher probability of twists and flakes in efforts to move forward in a straight line. Is that why my day began earlier than anticipated, thanks to the rare and unexpected sound of Pepper the Cat hurling a hairball? Or why the soymilk in my oatmeal is curdled?  Who knew soymilk could even do that?

And how is your day going? During the void, chill and take care of routine concerns. Once the Moon engages in Pisces, see if you notice a shift in focus —  to matters of compassion (or lack thereof) and ideals.

Notable planetary patterns this week include:

  • An all-day Pisces Moon void on WEDNESDAY, July 4th. All-day means 5:46 AM ET until 12:50 AM ET in THURSDAY.
  • In effect this week — and building to a crest on THURSDAY: a harmony (trine) between the Cancer Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio, exact at 7:04 AM ET.  45 minutes later, Mercury in regal Leo opposes retrograde Mars in rebel Aquarius.  A clash of will and sparks that fly, bigly and stubbornly, perhaps. By then the Moon will be in impulsive me-me-me Aries. You are personally affected by the Mercury-Mars face-off  if you have a planet or angle around 7 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus.
  • Jupiter, btw, is slowly down to a virtual stop next week, when it will turn direct. In Scorpio, Jupiter has reflected the expansion of scandalous revelations in matters of sex and money. We can expect a special focus in these affairs over the next couple of weeks, as Jupiter slows to a stop, turns around and eventually picks up speed.  Watch the headlines.  If you have a planet or angle around 13 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius, you are more personally affected.  Lucky you — for the most part — as Jupiter transits are more often experienced as expansion with an upside.
  • On FRIDAY at 3:51 AM ET we’ll have the Third Quarter Moon. This suggests a challenge between the needs of a me-me-me Aries Moon and the essence of an emotional security-centered Cancer Sun.
  • Over the weekend we are likely to be under Neptune’s rose-colored spell, as it makes a trine (harmony) with the Sun on SUNDAY at 10:42 AM ET. Big statements about a more perfect world of material comfort and security, brought to you by the weekend’s Taurus Moon and MONDAY’s 5:14 AM ET square between Mercury (how we need to think and communication) and expansive Jupiter.

Notable planetary patterns this MONTH include:

  • July 9th — Venus leaves Leo for Virgo, desperately seeking perfection until August 7th;
  • July 10th — Jupiter turns direct
  • July 11th — Venus trines Uranus, favoring unconventional attractions
  • July 12th — New Moon and solar eclipse at 20 Cancer…on a day featuring Sun opposing Pluto. Major power plays behind the scenes, likely featuring heads of state.
  • July 14th — Venus trines Saturn, suggesting grounded/sobering/serious news about women, money, arts and social expression
  • July 15th – July 21st — a week of no exact aspects among the planets, except the Moon, conjuring up an image of a ginormous ice shelf collapsing into the sea, just like that — with no one seeing it coming
  • July 19th — 1st Quarter Moon
  • July 22nd — Sun enters Leo; Venus harmonizes (sextiles) with Jupiter. This is the first of three contacts to Venus this week; look for Venusian concerns to pull focus
  • July 24th — Venus opposes Neptune — is it a dream or is it real?
  • July 25th — Sun squares Uranus…followed two days later by an opposition with Mars…
  • July 26th — …with Mercury turning retrograde until August 18th…
  • July 27th — …with a Full Moon/lunar eclipse engaged with the Sun-Mars opposition AND a harmony between Venus and Pluto….suggesting an especially volatile week involving themes of freedom/rebellion and leadership…headlines are likely to include tech breakthroughs, too…setting us up for…
  • August 1st — the second Mars-Uranus square, recalling stories that were hot around the first one on May 16th

We live in interesting times.

What’s going on in your horoscope? With all the action happening this month  and into summer, now is the time to find out what it all means to you. Here is the 411 on personal consultations. If you have children, I highly recommend you consider using astrology to understand them, too. Your relationship can’t help but improve.

I leave you with a link to the chat I had last week with the lovely Cynthia Rose of OmTimes Radio.  Her show is called “Standing in the Sunlight,” and that’s what we did for an hour. What fun! Please enjoy…and please share it with the rest of the Free World.

Many Avid Readers are already enjoying Beth Owls Daughter’s Really Useful Tarot Card of the Week. She writes (beautifully!) every Monday, and the cards are always in sync with planetary patterns. Here is last week’s card: the Page of Pentacles. Its focus on material concerns is well-taken, especially with the streamlining patterns we are just beginning to feel in the horoscope of the US. Yea verily, there is more streamlining in store — to be further addressed soon.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Wednesday 6/27/2018: Full Moon in Capricorn; Patriarchal Rules; Stark Upsets & Justice Kennedy, Right on Schedule

…and let’s get down to business.

As of 11:52 AM ET, the Moon is no longer void in Sagittarius, waxing rhapsodic with righteous opinion. Now it is waxing to fullness in Capricorn.  The Moon will be full at 12:53 AM ET THURSDAY, suggesting that between now and then, emotions are on the rise.  Coming on the heels of the 9:28 AM ET opposition between the Sun and Saturn, this Full Moon may feel heavier than usual, especially if you have a planet or angle around 6 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.   If you were born around the 28th of June, September, December or March, you qualify.

A Capricorn Moon needs to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. It derives satisfaction from what it achieves — in practical, earthy terms. Capricorn refers to the Establishment and the big structures of society: governments, banks and other institutions. A Cancer Sun is concerned with establishing emotional, family and homeland security. You can see how it would be at odds with the Capricorn Moon, which tends to focus on how to best USE people, places and things…without regard to how their strategy makes people feel.  Weighty ambition and patriarchal controls are also suggested by a meet-up between the Moon and Saturn at 11:34 PM ET. See any stories like that in the news?

Here’s a story with themes of patriarchal control: Joe Jackson, Strict Manager and Father to Pop Royalty, Dead at 89

Get it off your desk today and tomorrow. The Moon will be void all day in Capricorn on FRIDAY, suggesting upsets, twists and flakes are more likely to disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight line.

And now, the news.

Speaking of upsets….

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez scored a major upset during last night’s Moon void, unseating Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the primary election.  Rep. Crowley has served 10 terms in Congress and is the 4th-ranking Democrat in the House.  In fact, he’s the chair of the House Democratic Caucus. But even without birth times for their respective horoscopes, it’s clear why Ms. Ocasio-Cortez — a 28 year old who campaigned for Bernie Sanders — could win the day. She: October 13, 1989 in New York. Sun at 20 Libra, currently being supercharged by transiting Pluto. Strong potential for empowerment! Possible Grand Cross among an Aries Moon (or Pisces, we need a birth time), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Mercury. This is a woman who is destined to be a driving force. And what she has to say is destined to be noticed, with her Mercury in Libra at the Aries Point, square to rebel Uranus. Plus she is having her first Saturn return — often a time to implement a material ambition.  Fun fact: Wikipedia editors didn’t think she merited a page on Monday. If only they had looked at her horoscope…

In contrast, Rep. Crowley is working his way through a streamlining square of Saturn to his Venus, as well as Mars and the South Node sitting on his Saturn. We can appreciate why he’s not feeling the love at this time, and finding his ambition of helping others frustrated. He: March 16, 1962 in NY, NY.  Astrology is amazing, doncha know…


South Korea trounced Germany in the World Cup — a “shocking upset”

In other news, many Supreme Court decisions reinforced corporations, authoritarianism and patriarchy — as we would expect with Saturn’s continued passage through Capricorn. The potential for the consolidation of authoritarian control is likely to intensify as Saturn approaches its scheduled meet-up with PTB Pluto in 2020. Given that this meet-up will oppose a certain pattern in P45’s horoscope, it is possible that he may be feeling the squeeze more than he is able to exert it upon others. The operative word here is “possible.”

OMG. This just in…the potential for a dramatic change of status in Anthony Kennedy’s horoscope  — noted here last year — has happened. The Supreme Court Justice is retiring., says the Chicago Tribune. I do not believe we are talking about potential in the above paragraph. Happy stark Saturn in Capricorn opposing Sun in Cancer.  Here’s what I wrote about Saturn and Pluto in that earlier post:

There are 82 items on Amy Siskind’s list posted on June 24th, Week 32.
Where might this be going? In 2018, Saturn moves into Capricorn, the sign it rules. Saturn refers to patriarchy, structure, authority, ambition, corporations, governments. It will square the U.S. Venus and Jupiter in 2018, suggesting a streamlining squeeze. Then it will square the U.S. Sun and Saturn in 2019. The U.S. last experienced this pattern in 2010 and 2011, so a look at government initiatives back then would be helpful — fodder for another post. In 2020, Saturn will meet up with Pluto, which it has not done since 1982. Here’s a helpful article on the Saturn-Pluto cycle.   In 2021 and 2022, the U.S. will have its first Pluto return, along with transiting Neptune squaring our natal Mars and our natal Neptune. Breaking down and rebuilding (Pluto) on a new vision (Neptune-Mars)?
Finally, Justice Anthony Kennedy. I looked at his horoscope a year ago — I thought I’d written about it, but apparently not. Over the weekend headlines were buzzing about a possible retirement. Transiting Mars and Uranus (action! change!) now putting pressure on the area of his horoscope referring to his relationship with the public, no doubt.  Next year,  transiting Uranus and Pluto will be activating the angles of his horoscope. A big change of status would be apt at that time.

My coping strategy  tonight will be the newest episode of The Handmaid’s Tale .


Whenever a planet turns retrograde – as Mars did yesterday —  we see associations with that planet pulling focus. Look at the headlines and you will notice a plethora of Mars stories, for better or for worse. We’re talking anger, courage, aggression, guns, explosions, cars etc. etc. And then there is this: “Big dick energy: what is it, who has it and should we care?”

If we do not exercise our sense of humor in these interesting times, surely we will lose it.

If you’re free today at 4 PM ET/1 PM PT and near a computer, I will be talking astrology with OmTimes Radio host Cynthia Rose. Her show is called “Standing in the Sunlight” — which is ultimately where we all want to be.  Here’s the link to the show — join me, won’t you?

Here’s a little more about Cynthia: