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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
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…and we’re back.
After Labor Day Monday’s long Moon void, the Moon left airy-fairy Libra at 7:35 PM ET and plunged into the emotional depths of Scorpio, where it is today. A Scorpio Moon needs knowledge for the sake of power and control, and with a high-functioning Mercury (how we need to think) activated all week by contacts with other planets, that Scorpio need for substance is not likely to be disappointed. This may be a week for forming powerful alliances and channeling ginormous ideals that may be divine…or delusional. We may be privy to an excess of nitty-gritty detail. It’s hard to find words to describe the potential — perhaps because there are no planets in Air Signs this week. No Air Signs in a horoscope can suggest an aversion to frivolus chitchat, and the use of words carefully employed for the sake of utility and strategy. When I look at the patterns of planets on paper for the week, I see wave after wave after wave. Apply these patterns to your quest for personal world domination, even if the bigger world around you seems to be falling apart.
Moon’s weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 6:17 AM ET starts TUESDAY off with a shock or other disruption to the status quo. Laser-beam precision in thought and action is suggested in the morning, as high-functioning Mercury in Virgo meets up with action hero Mars at 11:40 AM ET. If you’ve got a planet or angle around 10 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces, you’re feeling the urge to make a pitch or a move more than most. Use that action-oriented Mars drive for a worthy crusade. From then until early evening, the Scorpio Moon chats up four planets in the solar system: Mars, Mercury, Sun and Saturn. Action, words, willpower and authority/structure — in that order — and perhaps much of it accomplished under the radar, as Scorpio can often do. The day ends with a perfecting ideal, as Mercury meets up with the Virgo Sun at 9:40 PM ET.
- WEDNESDAY: Night owls can continue to channel inspiration, as the Moon flows from Venus to Neptune to Pluto overnight. Moon goes void at 6:58 AM ET — not to leave Scorpio for Sagittarius until 11:08 PM ET. Pay close attention to your dreams this morning, as Venus (money, women, art and social expression) opposes Neptune at 7:27 AM ET. It may take a few hours to recover from a potentially rose-colored start, but do not fret over a flake or a twist, as crises which crop up during Moon voids are usually much ado about nothing. If you are a writer or some other creative type, you can use the void for drafting — but not finalizing and shipping — a project you wish to be of consequence. Envisioning a structure for your great idea is further supported by a harmony between Mercury and Saturn on…
- THURSDAY: …at 8:37 AM ET. By then the Moon will be in high-flying Sagittarius, looking to push boundaries with its righteous opinion, magnified by supercharged contact between Mercury and Jupiter, exact early Friday morning. “Order in the court!” is what pops into my head as I type — and those orders and opinions may be making waves a day early. At 8:49 PM ET, the Sag Moon clashes with the assertive energy of Mars, followed by the First Quarter Moon at 11:10 PM ET. The First Quarter Moon challenges the seeds planted on last week’s New Moon, demanding an adjustment or an advance.
- FRIDAY: Mercury (communication, movement) and Jupiter (expansion, travel, publishing, philosophy, etc) square off at 3:11 AM ET — and both activate the Sag Moon ten minutes later. Note your dreams upon waking, as Moon squares Neptune at 6:53 AM ET. Vision or delusion — what will it be today, as Mercury is also in contact with Neptune, though their face-off won’t be exact until 3:39 AM ET on Saturday. Meanwhile, there’s a strikingly easy flow among four planets this evening: the Virgo Sun trines authoritarian Saturn at 5:56 PM ET, and Venus trines Pluto at 11:44 PM ET. Consolidation of structure and executive authority, coupled with another flow involving matters of aesthetics, money, women — with respect to power and resources. The Sag Moon goes void at 12:03 PM ET — not to enter Capricorn until…
- SATURDAY…at 6:37 AM ET. The Capricorn Moon’s need to make things happen is colored by no less than four significant patterns that will exact over the next few days. First and second: the Virgo Sun squares expansive Jupiter at 11:27 AM on….
- SUNDAY…That’s big — and here are headlines from past Sun-Jupiter aspects. Sun will oppose wiggy Neptune early TUESDAY morning. That can be surreal, druggy, visionary, pacifist — or involve floods, victims, toxins, viruses, refugees, water, oceans, oil, film, photography, etc. Anything intangible refers to Neptune, which denies and dissolves the material world. Jupiter and Neptune together amplify FAITH — so we should be seeing that in significant headlines. Jupiter refers to horses, FYI — and also to the liver and pancreas. Capping off a day of no less than six contacts between the pro-active Capricorn Moon and other planets is a harmony between Mercury and Pluto, exact at 11:07 PM ET. That’s a fine pattern for investigative reporters. Watch the headlines for revelations of big scandals, executed with the militant discipline of a harmony between Mars (guns, war, action, desire, assertion) and Saturn (discipline, ambition authority).
Whew! What a week — and Congress is back in session. Gonna be busy.
A few words about last week’s New Moon. The seeds that were planted in that chart may develop in synch with the rush of planetary action described above. This is the chart for the New Moon set in Washington, DC — and you’ll notice a cluster of planets right on the Virgo Ascendant — especially Sun and Mars. This is a lunar cycle of action and/or aggression involving leaders and/or willpower — right in the face of the United States.

Meanwhile, the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “a harem,” which is — as Blaine Bovee points out — an Arabic term meaning “anything forbidden.” We think of a harem as “forbidden quarters” set up for women, who may be protected from the public — but also confined to a life of “service” that may otherwise be seen as imprisonment. Hmm. Benjamin Franklin’s quote about someone who is willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserving neither springs to mind, even if it appears that we are currently out of touch with the original intent of Franklin’s statement. Regardless, experience has shown that the Sabian Symbol for a New Moon is curiously reflected in news throughout the lunar cycle.
And now, the news.
I am fascinated by Hurricane Dorian’s progress — and how it reflects planetary patterns. It was originally expected to reach landfall in Florida on Monday morning. This was the planetary forecast:
- MONDAY — Moon squares Pluto at 4:33 AM ET and goes void until 7:35 PM ET. Meanwhile, the Virgo Sun meets up with Mars at 6:43 AM ET, and Venus squares Jupiter at 12:26 PM ET. This is not a typical Moon-void day. Action that is exuberant and indulgent — or wretchedly excessive — would not be surprising.
Dorian had slowed to a stall over the Bahamas — and lingered there all day — inflicting wretchedly excessive aggression — and all night! Not until 8 AM this morning did it finally move and shift — only after the Scorpio Moon clashed with disruptive Uranus at 6:17 AM ET! And, true to what we would expect during a long Moon void, Dorian has lost steam, with wind speeds now half of what they were as a former Cat 5, which left the Freeport airport — and much of the islands — completely under water, as you can see from this tweeted image. Meanwhile, in the United States it appears that Dorian may hug the coasts in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia — instead of crossing land. We’ll see. Looking at the Moon and other patterns, I would imagine Dorian losing steam or stalling again during the all-day void on Wednesday, with a potential rough patch on Thursday evening as the Sag Moon pushes boundaries and squares the Sun and Mars.
Silver lining: reflecting the upside excess of yesterday’s Venus-Jupiter square: “Chef Jose Andres is in the Bahamas, Ready to Help After Dorian.”
One reflection of the aggressive and wretchedly excessive potential of Monday’s patterns was yet another focus on the horror of America’s cultural romance with guns. In Odessa, Texas seven people were killed and many more were wounded when a man who happened to have an assault rifle in his car was pulled over by police on a traffic stop. Greg Abbott is the current governor of Texas, who famously tweeted on October 28, 2015 that he was “EMBARRASSED that Texas was the #2 state in the nation in new gun purchases, behind California. Let’s pick up the pace Texans” Well that’s a bit dramatic, aggressive and arguably idealistic/delusional, isn’t it? What do you think we’d find in a horoscope cast for his birth date: November 13, 1957 in Wichita Fall, TX? Ohhh…just a Scorpio Sun driven by a regal drama king Moon in Leo, possibly squaring an exact meet-up between a possibly fanatical Mars in Scorpio and Neptune. Astrology is amazing. The U.S., as you will recall, has a square between Mars (guns) and Neptune (romance/delusion). It’s part of our national culture, as Marianne Williamson argues in this op-ed.
Elsewhere in the world, citizens of Hong Kong continue to protest China’s expanded efforts of authoritarian control. It’s as if the people of Hong Kong realize something precious is at stake, and they are willing to step out of their comfort zone and fight for it. Unlike their governmental adversary, the protestors do not have a central leadership, which makes it more challenging for the government to control. It’s a sneak peek of how things may shift once Saturn and Pluto complete their stay in corporate Capricorn and take their mojo into Aquarius, sign of “We the People.” Fun Fact: as hard-nosed and cray-cray as certain patterns in the U.S. horoscope can be, it is driven by the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius.
In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared he would suspend Parliament, barreling ahead on his desire to take the UK out of the EU on October 31, deal or no-deal. Thousands of citizens took to the streets in protest, as if they realized something precious was at stake and were willing to step out of their comfort zone and fight for it. It has since been revealed that Johnson’s plan to suspend Parliament was cooked up two weeks before he made his formal request to the Queen. Members of Parliament who wish to thwart Johnson’s aims have only this week to pull it all together before Parliament is suspended — think about their objectives in light of the waves of planetary patterns happening this week. It’s going to be quite a ride — and Johnson’s machine is off to a bumpy start, as he has just lost his Parliamentary majority. You can find musings and a link to the UK’s horoscope in this forecast posted in March 2019.
In the United States a protest march is on the calendar. “We the People” is happening Saturday, September 21st — in a city near you.
In other news, I’m excited to revisit my forecast for last week, when Uranus was pulling so much focus. Here’s what I wrote on Thursday:
Finally, the third planet in the Virgo Trio — the Sun — trines Uranus at 11:13 PM ET. Aviation, astrology, uranium, artificial intelligence, mavericks — I expect to see a flurry of these in the headlines.*** Moon enters Virgo at 7:57 PM ET to put Leo’s big party back in order.
I recall carefully considering my inclusion of “astrology” in the mix — but sensed that it was absolutely spot-on. Guess what happened?? NYT has since published not one, but TWO articles about astrology!! On Thursday, August 29th: “Now Therapists Have to Figure Out Astrology, Tarot and Psychedelics” (like this is a bad thing?) — with the comments section disabled (what are they afraid of?). On Sunday, September 1st, as Mercury — now in Virgo — trined Uranus: “Like A Virgo: How the Times Covers Astrology.”. Comments are enabled for this articles, and as of Monday 9/2, there was only one — slamming astrology. So if you’d like to add your two cents and tell NYT that its headlines continue to provide proof of astrology’s validity, whether it’s scientific or not, I won’t complain.
And yes, the NYT apparently is a Virgo, first published on September 18, 1851. Driven by an info junkie Gemini Moon, we can now appreciate the aptness of its advertising slogan: “All the news (GEMINI MOON) that’s fit to print (discerning VIRGO SUN — and perhaps a Virgo Ascendant, too — ruled by Mercury retrograde prominently placed in people-pleasing Libra at the Aries Point). While the Times may sniff dismissively at astrology’s merit (because it does not see astrology as “scientific”), this in no way proves that astrology is not accurate. And if an NYT editor happens to stumble across this paragraph, let me just say that when I decided to see if knowledge of planetary patterns could be used to anticipate daily headlines — and specifically the NYT as “the paper of record,” I did not know if it would work. Ten years later, I continue to be astonished that it does. Here’s to another ten years, with apologies in advance for typos, dear Virgo NYT. Perhaps you can connect me with an excellent editor.
I have a truckload of other stories I could share, but time does not permit.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Yes, I would be delighted to talk to you about your own unique horoscope.

Happy Monday!
The Moon in enterprising Capricorn continues to drive the day, as it has been doing since 7:01 AM ET on Saturday. How much business did you take care of — even around the house — over the weekend, hmm? Practical communication that is also innovative and/or disruptive is suggested in the afternoon, as Moon sextiles (harmonizes) with Mercury at 3:38 PM ET, followed by its weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 4:27 PM ET. Chill during the ensuing two-hour Moon void and remember that crises which crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing.
At 6:39 PM ET, Moon enters humanitarian Aquarius, looking for its new best buddy. It drives the bus until THURSDAY at 7:40 AM ET. Then Moon enters Pisces for the rest of the work week, seeking to work with ideals, impressions and empathy.
As noted in the last forecast, there are no exact aspects among the planets this week, except from the Moon. Uranus and Pluto are especially isolated from the other kids in the cosmos. What does that suggest? It suggests that issues symbolized by Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are running wild, including, but not limited to: self-driving cars, rebellion, news from underground, the PTB, corruption exposed, etc. I’m ready for anything. We’re working with New Moon energy, with every planet except Uranus moving full speed ahead, with no trippy Moon voids to space people out. Onward!
On WEDNESDAY at 6:43 PM ET, Mercury leaves Scorpio and re-enters Sagittarius. See if you notice the shift in the headlines, as thought and communication once again push the envelope with optimism, righteousness and sloppiness.
On SATURDAY at 6:49 AM ET we’ll have the First Quarter Moon between the high-flying Sag Sun and the empathetic Pisces Moon. This suggests a necessary adjustment to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Go with the Pisces Moon flow and roll with the twists and flakes, as the Moon will be void until 7:44 PM ET. Save the impulse shopping for SUNDAY, as purchases made during Moon voids often do not measure up to expectations.
Just in time for the holidaze! The 2019 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks! Everybody loves these super-handy bookmarks, which clearly tell you when Mercury will be retrograde in 2019 (three times next year!) A list of helpful coping strategies is also provided. Makes a great stocking-stuffer for friends and family — 3 for $11.88! Toss that silver into my Cosmic Tip Jar— there’s a link to it on the left hand column on this page. Then send me your name and snail mail address. Ooh — and here’s another fab gift idea: clarity, direction and confidence. Otherwise known as gift certificates for reports and consultations.
And now, the news — most all of which reflects the Alice in Wonderland potential of last week’s Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces; Sun square Neptune.
- Dallas Cowboy “Ezekiel Elliott Runs Afoul of NFL with Salvation Army Celebration”. Faith, charity, wigginess and sports.
- “Chinese tech executive (Huawei’s CFO) lied to avoid sanctions on Iran, U.S. charges” Follow-up: China Summons U.S. Ambassador (over this arrest).
- “A Yacht, A Monet, A See-Through Piano; the U.S. Collects on a Fugitive’s Buying Spree” (as new charges are filed against Malaysian financier Jho Low in “one of the largest international kleptocracy cases ever pursued”)
- “Satanic Temple statue among holiday displays at Illinois Capitol”. Meanwhile, displays of actual pure evil are evident in Wisconsin and Michigan, where “lame-duck” state legislatures are busy destroying their respective democracies. And this is how the authoritarian potential of the dreaded Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (exact on January 12, 2020) could take hold. Because Wisconsin and Michigan are not France, where protesters continue to march in the streets. Follow-up: a NYT op-ed names these corporations as the driving force behind the Wisconsin power grab. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn suggests corporate power to the max — and we’ve got more than another year of it, as I told you this time last year.
- This item reflects Mars (men) with Neptune (sensitivity). From the NYT Style Section: “The New Iron Johns.…amid a societal reckoning over male behavior, chastened menfolk are getting touch with their emotions in meetings and communal retreats.”
- Do you think the TV critic at The Guardian knew about last week’s heavy Neptune patterns? “SNL: Aquaman sinks; Robert DeNiro fishes for laughs; cast flounders.” Coincidence or conspiracy?
UPDATE: on John F. Kelly, the now soon-to-be-departing White House Chief of Staff. We discussed his horoscope a couple of times, here and here. Last year, Kelly’s Saturn was under the bewildering spell of transiting Neptune. The fog has now lifted. Not only that, but transiting Mars just opposed his Saturn, suggesting an encounter with a brick wall. Thus it has been announced that he will leave the White House by the end of the year. On December 20th, transiting Mars will oppose his natal Mars, suggesting action on his part or an attack. Perhaps he’ll skip out early.
UPDATE: on the Uranus-Neptune semi-square, which has been active since August 2017. Its purpose is to give us the chance to take a hard second look at the “we are all connected” potential of 1993’s Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Is Facebook really that great? Are we happier together with our faces perpetually glued to tiny screens that may well make us go blind? On the lighter side, fashionistas will recall that 1993 brought us goth and grunge. How totally cool to find this fashion supplement in today’s NYT: “Redux Grunge Collection 1993/2018 by Marc Jacobs” And by “cool,” I’m referring to the apt timing. I’m not convinced the collection itself qualifies. What do you think?
UPDATE: on the maple trees in my courtyard, because many Avid Readers have asked. You are so awesome to ask about trees! I’m pleased to report that most were saved — but not without drama. After rallying a few dozen neighbors to petition our less-than-transparent co-op board, a landscaping committee was formed to steer the courtyard renovation project. It took almost two months to get a written report from the arborist — the darn thing was supposed to be delivered to us by Labor Day. The report recommended taking out only a select few trees that had been declared dead or “compromised.” Three saplings would be transplanted to more spacious accommodations in the courtyard.
It’s a good thing we formed a committee of Concerned Treehuggers. Why? Because as you may recall from my original post in August, a dozen trees in the courtyard were marked for destruction with red paint. The paint can’t be removed, because it might hurt the trees. Meanwhile, the landscaping crew was working without supervision. Apparently they did not understand the Actual Plan, which was to only cut down three trees.
A member of the landscaping committee just happens to live in an apartment overlooking the courtyard, and was working at home that day. She watched the crew cut down a perfectly healthy tree. Fortunately she was able to reach the super and a board member, who ran outside just as the crew was preparing to chop down another tree — I kid you not. The landscaper will replace the tree that was cut down in error. Ya think?
The good news is that the way our building is managed is changing for the better. Residents are more involved, because we have insisted on being a part of managing our shared investment. Our group of Concerned Neighbors continues to meet once a month for pow-wows. We are building a more caring community. One day, perhaps we will take over the world.
Now don’t forget: Mercury retrograde bookmarks! Gift certificates for everyone on your shopping list! Appointments for yourself — to plan your strategy for 2019! Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. For maximum effectiveness, schedule regular check-ups every six months to a year.
Thank you for reading this forecast.

Dear Avid Readers:
I was delighted to be a guest on a recent edition of “Standing in the Sunlight,” hosted by Cynthia Rose MacCaw on OmTimes Radio. I hope you enjoy listening to our chat as much as we enjoyed having it. Here is the link. Thank you, Cynthia!

…and happy Monday, too!
The work week begins with the Moon in me-me-me Aries, challenging you to arise, go forth and conquer. If you were born halfway through Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn — or if you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees of Aries, how are you being inspired by the fierce idealism suggested by a meet-up between Venus and Mercury at 16 Aries, exact two minutes past midnight tonight? Meanwhile, power plays and upsets are anticipated today, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus, at 5:05 AM ET and 3:29 PM ET, respectively. Moon then goes void until 9:07 PM ET. That would be a time to roll with the twists and flakes, stick to routine concerns and refrain from impulse purchases and making mountains out of molehills. Chill!
Once the Moon enters Taurus, see if you notice the shift from me-me-me impulse to “hey, let’s consolidate, organize and keep things as they ARE — especially with respect to material comfort and security.” The Taurus Moon goes void on WEDNESDAY at 1:21 PM ET for 12 hours. It buzzes into info junkie Gemini at 1:30 AM ET on THURSDAY, driving Friday afternoon’s news dump with a dose of likely emotional overkill, courtesy of an exact square between Venus in Amazon woman/virago Aries and potent Pluto. “If I be waspish, best beware my sting.” Ruthless much? Perhaps, and also exceptionally assertive (for better or for worse), given a square between two high-functioning planets: Aries Sun and Capricorn Mars. Bottom line: a busy, busy week. Do something good with all of this potential, won’t you?
Mars finally exited loud-mouthed, boundary-pushing Sagittarius for a two-month stay in Capricorn. That happened over the weekend — on Saturday at 12:41 PM ET. Until May 15th, action and assertion seek practical, enterprising, status-improving expression. The goal is achievement — as in taking care of business, period. Got that? The end of March and early April have potential for an exacting discipline — militant, perhaps — as Mars meets up with Saturn. A rush of action to seize power may be seen around the third week in April, as Mars meets up with Pluto. Twists, shocks and tech advances are likely to disrupt headlines around May 15th, when Mars will square Uranus at the verrry end of Aries and beginning of Taurus. You’re affected by these Mars patterns if you have points or planets around 8 degrees, 21 degrees and 29 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, respectively. When was the last time you consulted with your astrologer? What’s your strategy for managing all of this can-do potential?
Other shifts this week: on TUESDAY at 12:16 PM ET, the Sun leaves Pisces for Aries, marking the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere; winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also the first day of the astrological New Year. Looking at a chart set for Washington, D.C., we immediately see Neptune right on the Midheaven, yet otherwise unaspected. Potential: all themes Neptune — fog, lies, oil, drugs, spirits of all kinds, wipe-out, scandal, etc. — running wild with respect to leaders, government and corporations. Ya think? We also see Mars and Saturn on the cusp of the 7th House, opposing a 5 degree Cancer Ascendant. Control, cuts and conflict — affecting the need of this Cancer Ascendant to establish emotional/family/home/homeland security. What drives this chart? A high-functioning Taurus Moon, seeking to preserve the status quo, material comfort and security; otherwise resisting change. Hmm. Moon is in an obsessive quindecile pattern with Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, suggesting a compulsive fixation of those juicy Jupiter in Scorpio scandalous themes of wretched excess in sex, death and money. #MeToo isn’t going anywhere, suggested by the Moon’s meet-up with the Fixed Stars Hamal and Schedir. Looking at the upside potential, Hamal suggests issues involving following one’s path; Schedir refers to power…of a Queen. Should we be surprised that ancient astrological texts gave short shrift to the constellation containing a star referring to power expressed through the feminine? Time’s up, already! And while we’re speaking of Fixed Stars, let the record show that the Sun at 0 Aries is conjunct the Fixed Star Scheat, affectionately pronounced by some astrologers as “sh*t.” Just remember, there is always an upside potential!
On THURSDAY, Mercury turns retrograde at 8:19 PM ET. It backs up through Aries until April 15th, when it will turn direct. You may notice this pattern more personally if you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees or 4 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra. Wherever Aries falls in your horoscope is where you may apply yourself to a REview of those affairs. NO WHINGING about Mercury retrograde — here’s your survival guide, if you’ve forgotten the essentials. And yes, I still have a number of my world-famous Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks, so you’ll always know when Mercury is retrograde and how to react to the tech and communication snafus that are sure to be dominating the headlines. Email me for details on how to get bookmarks for you and your friends.
But wait — there’s more! We have to talk about the New Moon in Pisces, exact at 9:12 AM ET on Saturday (last weekend). Set in Washington D.C. (the better to see what’s likely coming down the pike for the U.S.), we immediately note six planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Chiron — buried behind the scenes, in the 12th House. This is a focus on self-undoing, hidden enemies and social institutions where we might house the otherwise invisible (e.g., refugees, inmates, hospital patients, etc). Upsets to the status quo (again!) are suggested by Uranus squaring the Midheaven. As with the chart for the Vernal Equinox, Neptune is unaspected — running amok in a fog of dreams and/or lies, aided and abetted by the idealism suggested by the meet-up between Mercury and Venus. Mars is at the verrrrry end of Sagittarius, suggesting boundaries pushed…and the potential for conflict and righteous action is suggested by its square to Sun and Moon.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Pisces is a curious reinforcement of the Sabian Symbol for February’s New Moon in Aquarius. For February: “a tree felled and sawed.” For this month: “a harvest moon.” Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee notes this as a time of reaping and gathering…cutting down crops and paying a portion in tribute to the Designated Authority Figures. In financial matters, Bovee advises us to pay attention to hidden costs and misappropriated funds. Hmm…like that helicopter Jared and Ivanka took from DC-NY today — instead of flying coach? Or Ben Carson’s $31K dining set for his office at HUD? Or EPA chief Scott Pruitt’s $25K sound-proof booth that actually cost $43K? Probably…and much more. Bovee’s bottom line with respect to this Sabian Symbol is this:
The question is: “How is the pie divided up?”
The operational rule could be this: anything that chips away at what you actually have… such as your own financial reserves… is bogus. Anything that nickel and dimes you is vestige of an old system that will drain your life-blood and wallet as sure as harvest time.
What you need to understand through Pisces 27, is ‘where are you in this process?’ If you do not pay attention, you are going to go broke… and be charged interest on that as well.
Well, OK! Let’s watch and see how this Symbol plays out in the headlines. You are more personally affected by the activating potential of this New Moon if you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius.
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together.
And now, the news.
Any planet at the end of Pisces — at the very end of the zodiac — is subject to a bit of despair, thinking it’s the end of the world. The Sunday NYT obliged, with feature and front page stories about the end of Easter Island and whether we should allow some species facing extinction to just die out. NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof hit it out of the park again with “A Parable of Self-Destruction.”
In the days leading up to the New Moon last week, we had the dark of the Moon adding a sense of listlessness and restlessness to the mix. We may see some prominent exits between now and the Sun’s ingress into Aries. One that qualified bigly was Friday’s late-evening news dump that former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe was fired — just 26 hours before his 50th birthday, the day he would have been eligible to retire with full benefits. That means that his pension — for 21 years of public service — is in jeopardy. And isn’t is just fascinating that the firing would come as transiting Mars in Sagittarius squared his 28 Pisces Sun. And that his Pisces Sun is conjunct Fixed Star Scheat — suggesting shipwrecks? With transiting Pluto supercharging his high-functioning Mars in Aries this year and into 2020, I anticipate persuasive action from Mr. McCabe during this time. For starters.
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” Spring is coming!
Meanwhile, this NYT headline sums up two of the major patterns now active in P45’s horoscope: Newly Emboldened, Trump Says What He Really Feels. The patterns are (as noted in prior forecasts): 1) a solar arc between the Moon and the Ascendant, suggesting that — hello — his emotional needs and expressions are right on the surface for all to see; and 2) a solar arc between Uranus and Mars, suggesting a need for risk and daring in action. Right. Emboldened. The Moon-ASC arc will be exact on April 23; the Uranus-Mars arc will be exact June 14th. On August 19th we’ll be seeing the expression of another high-tension arc between Mercury (how he needs to think and communicate) and tech-savvy rebel Uranus. Alert the media. Meanwhile, major transits in P45’s horoscope include transiting Saturn (control, authority, heaviness) squaring his natal Mercury-Neptune square. This is the part of his horoscope suggesting an intuitive, fanciful, idealistic or bald-faced lying need in the areas of thinking and communicating. It’s in heavy focus for the rest of the year, with significant developments around Feb 11, Mar 30, May 6, Jun 27, Nov 11 and Dec 10. I’d argue this activation is being reflected by his recent demand that drug dealers (Neptune) be dealt with harshly (Saturn), calling for them to be executed.
Last week, with Mars at the end of Sagittarius, pulling focus as it approaches the Aries Point (o degrees of the cardinal sign Capricorn), we anticipated an increase in headlines of violence, aggression, assertion and accidents, as well as anyone with planets triggered by the Mars making headlines. For example:
- Vanessa P45 Jr., the wife of P45 Jr., filed for divorce and hired a criminal attorney. In P45 Jr.’s horoscope, last updated here, we noted that 2017 was a year of heavy thinking. Now that Saturn has moved on to conjoin his Venus and will soon be sitting on his 9 degree Capricorn Sun. We see potential cuts in love, money and social expression; it’s quite a potential squeeze. The news of the filing came as transiting Mars squared his natal Mercury at 28 Virgo. In her case, her 27 Sag Sun was triggered, soon to be followed by her Mercury at 3 Capricorn. We do not have a birth time; but if her Moon is in the early degrees of me-me-me Aries, the sobering and separating influence of Saturn squaring that Moon would apply.
- Austin, Texas has a horoscope — as does everything under the sun. Birth time for Austin is unknown, so we do not know if it is late Capricorn or early Aquarius. Feels like Aquarius, given Austin’s reputation for quirkiness, humanitarianism and tolerance. Its Capricorn Sun was hit by a third square from disruptive Uranus, and last week its 28 Virgo Mars was triggered by transiting Mars. Since then, the fourth in a series of package bombs has exploded, killing two and seriously wounding others.
- Last June it was reported that the Russians had developed a cyberweapon that could disrupt power grids of other countries. Last week, with transiting Mars almost exactly opposite where it was last June, comes an update. Not only do they have these weapons, they have actually infiltrated said power grids, etc. How many times will this story need to be reported before people start paying attention?
- Do you think Mark Zuckerberg’s horoscope was affected by transiting Mars last week? Yes, and so was the horoscope for the launch of Facebook . In Zuckerberg’s case it was his Neptune at 0 Capricorn. Mars-Neptune patterns suggest infection, scandal, irritability. In the horoscope of Facebook (launched on Feb 4 2004 in Cambridge — if anyone knows the exact time, let me know), we see Venus squared by transiting Mars…and transiting Saturn opposing its natal Saturn, with transiting Uranus squaring Mercury. We see the potential of an attack on social expression, money and values; a critical point in Facebook’s development with challenges/illumination on the success of its original mission statement; a disruption to the status quo in matters related to communication. The big headline over the weekend was that it banned data mining/research company Cambridge Analytica for using the personal info of 50 million Facebook users in its effort to win support for P45 on social media platforms. With transiting Uranus about to meet up with Facebook’s natal Mars this summer, I wonder what disruptive/daring initiative we might see…
- Fascinating read: “I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool.” This is by the data-mining whistleblower re: the above.
- Stormy Daniels, whose 26 degree Pisces Sun was activated by transiting Mars and Saturday’s New Moon. She was hit with a $20 million lawsuit by P45 for allegedly breaching an agreement to not talk about an affair P45 says never happened. Meanwhile, her attorney hit back with a no-holds-barred “YES” when asked if Ms. Daniels was ever threatened with physical harm (he did not say by whom). Her attorney is Michael Avenatti. His natal Pluto at 29 Virgo was spiked by transiting Mars. Translation “no holds barred.” Meanwhile, CBS says it will air Ms. Daniels tell-all interview on 60 Minutes…on March 25th. That’s when she’ll have a measurement between Pluto and Moon, suggesting an emotional catharsis.
- Also triggered — Martin Shkreli — once the most hated man in America. He’s was sentenced to prison ten days ago, when transiting Mercury and Venus squared his natal Neptune at 29 Sag. Bewildering for him, to be sure. Over the weekend he had transiting Mars squaring his 26 Pisces Sun and conjoining Neptune. Provocative
Other headlines reflecting a prominent, boundary-pushing Mars:
I am struggling mightily to find a feel-good piece reflecting planetary patterns. So let’s end on a random quirky one. Those weird purple lights in the sky over Alberta, Canada finally have a name. Meet Steve.
If you’re near a computer around 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PM TONIGHT, tune in to HeyZ Radio. The most excellent host of Cosmic Tuesdays — Anthony S. Picco — has invited me back for another fun 90 minutes of dishing about the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and headline news. Otherwise known as Astrology For News Junkies. Here is the link to tune in. Join the chat room and you can ask questions!
Thank you for reading this forecast. THANK YOU for the recent contributions to my Cosmic Tip Jar. You are AWESOME.

Happy Pi Day!
The Moon is in Aquarius, driving the day with a need to be appreciated for being unique and of social significance. Arise, go forth and network. I hope your life was relatively unscathed by any downside potential of the advances and cuts reflected by yesterday’s 8:39 AM ET square between Venus (aesthetics) and Saturn (control). For me, my day started with a ugly notice from the co-op board, instructing all residents to remove any decorative item they might have posted on their door, such as a wreath — or in my case, a sparkly plaque that says “Welcome.” Sure it’s a rule that been on the books for years, but it’s never been enforced — until now. Why now? Venus in ungracious Aries square Saturn. It helps to have an astrological perspective on the timing of life events, even the unpleasant ones. Fortunately, the day got better, reflecting the potential of abundance suggested by a harmony between the Sun and expansive Jupiter. Communication was also favored, courtesy of an easy flow among the Moon, Mercury and Venus. How did that go for you?
Today the Moon cruises without interference until 4:53 PM ET, when it connects with Jupiter. Maybe too much of a good thing for some — or an expression of bombast; otherwise Jupiter hits tend to feel good. Think outside the box around 11:34 PM ET, when the Moon will be in harmony with innovative Uranus. After a brief void between 3:32 AM ET and 6:12 AM ET on THURSDAY, Moon enters Pisces, seeking to connect with ideals and impressions. Go with the flow and wrap up your projects for the lunar cycle. We re-set on SATURDAY when the Moon will be new at 9:12 AM ET
Meanwhile, the results of Monday’s poll are in. Thanks to the Avid Readers who unanimously voted to keep covering the never-ending saga of P45. Requests were made for more frequent posts. The tribe has spoken. To support the work, your contributions to my Cosmic Tip Jar are much appreciated — and dare I say inspiring.
And now, the news.
Let’s start with the chart for the P45 Inauguration — first discussed here — and updated many times since. Its unaspected Aquarius Sun suggests an isolated leader — one making a lot of noise but not at all sure how to fit in. Right. I think that’s turning out as expected. As is the continuing manifestation of the unkind cuts and controls against those who are most vulnerable. Yep — that’s Saturn square Venus we are talking about. It’s in the Inaug Chart, too. All driven by a Moon in Scorpio need for control and secrecy, clouded by a Neptune fog.
Transits to this chart suggested dramatic shake-ups last week — and especially around March 7th and March 12th. Why? Because on the 7th, transiting Pluto squared the chart’s Uranus — always a disruptive pattern. And more important, the chart had its third and final square from shockjock Uranus to the chart’s 26 Capricorn Midheaven. Transits to the angles of a chart are usually the most intense and immediate. So it was no surprise at all that the big surprise yesterday was the firing — by a tweet, no less — of Rex Tillerson, now former Secretary of State. Let the record show that one of the last things he said as Secretary of State was that Russia was clearly responsible for the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy and his daughter. BTW, Mr. Tillerson’s Aries Sun is at 3 degrees, meaning he’s been personally impacted by Mercury and Venus at the Aries Point (last week) and will be hit by transiting Mars when it get to 3 Capricorn next week. So add him to Monday’s list of people we’d expect see in the news. Maybe Mr. Tillerson will strike back next week.
P45 has named CIA Director and former Kansas Tea Party Congressman Mike Pompeo to replace Mr. Tillerson. The nomination does need to be approved by Congress — though no one in the press is thinking for one second that it won’t be approved. We have a horoscope with a birth time to review –huzzah. Instantly we can see why he gets along so well with P45. They are cut from similar cloth. Both are Full Moon babies — born after an eclipse. Pompeo’s enterprising Capricorn Sun is driven by a Cancer Moon, seeking emotional and home(land) security. It’s interesting to note Neptune exactly opposing his Taurus Ascendant. He needs to be seen as rock solid and secure. That Neptune placement suggests issues involving clarity in relationships, with a caveat against giving himself away to any significant other. Hmm. Currently, transiting Pluto has been sitting right on his Mercury and Mars, suggesting a need for persuasive communication and forceful action. That started last year and continues through 2018. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn is making the first of three conjunctions to his 8 Capricorn Sun (see how a Saturn transit can manifest as an advance?).
Meanwhile, P45 has nominated Gina Haspel to fill Pompeo’s shoes as the new CIA Director. Ms. Haspel is perhaps best known for overseeing a torture operation in a secret CIA prison in Thailand and then allegedly destroying evidence. Where do we see that potential in her horoscope? Wikipedia gives a birth date of October 1, 1956 — no place or time. If true, that gives her an 8 Libra Sun — exactly squared by transiting Saturn right now — similar to her former boss. (See? Another advance. Stop fearing Saturn!). She also has Mercury at the Aries Point — activated by transiting Mercury, Venus and Mars. See how this works? It should not surprise you to see Venus in regal Leo squared by Saturn in ruthless Scorpio. Venus is also tied to Pluto — and possibly the Moon (Leo or Virgo). This is a suggestion of potential emotional overkill. The most compelling pattern reflecting a life associated with torture/anguish is an exact square between Saturn at the very last degree of Scorpio and Pluto at the very end of Leo. Saturn-Pluto patterns suggest hard, hard work — against a threat of loss.
In other news, thanks to Avid Reader Ellen for bringing my attention to a tweet claiming to have received Stormy Daniels’ birth time — 1:10 AM. What does this add to the initial write-up posted here last month? A 26 Sagittarius Ascendant — with transiting Mars right on it over the weekend (and squaring her 26 Pisces Sun), reflected by her boundary-pushing actions against the NDA she signed in October of 2016. She’s taped an interview with “60 Minutes” which is likely to air. Add her horoscope to other newsmakers affected by transiting Saturn. It’s squaring her Mercury at 8 Aries. In her horoscope, Mercury rules the 7th and 9th houses, which refer to the public, significant others and lawsuits…and broadcasting/publishing, respectively. A serious squeeze and an advance in matters related to how she needs to think and communicate, expressed through these houses.
With respect to P45’s horoscope, we can see the attraction: her Neptune at 20 Sagittarius, entrancing his Gemini Sun and Sag Moon by opposition and conjunction. Plus her Neptune connects with his Nodes. She’s a fantasy to him. Her Uranus is close to the MC/IC axis, shaking up his professional and family status. Ya think? Her Mercury is exactly square his Mercury at 8 Cancer. Yes, I’d say that they are currently at odds in the way they need to think and communicate. And yes, that means his Mercury is also being squeezed by Saturn, only in his horoscope Mercury refers to matters of self-worth, money and love received from others. And that’s going on for him all year. I wish I could say there are bigger challenges in his horoscope, but I’m not quite convinced. Other big hits suggest continued personal recognition — he is who is is, and we’re all going to see it (in April) He is in a phase where I would anticipate risky action in foreign affairs, possibly overindulgent — yet satisfying — perhaps reaching a peak around June 14th, his birthday.
Thank you for reading — and sharing this forecast. Thank you for supporting this work by contributing to the Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out how patterns involving Mars and Saturn are likely to push you to make an advance or cut, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
(written on Sunday; posted just before midnight on Monday)
Happy long weekend — for many of us in the U.S. Buy a mattress on sale, won’t you?
Happy Sun in Pisces (as of today at 12:18 PM ET) — and happy Mercury in Pisces (as of 11:28 PM ET yesterday), too. Therefore, happy birthday to your favorite fishies!
Pisces is a sensitive, intuitive energy that at its best expresses compassion and loving kindness for everyone and everything, in its understanding that we are all One. Being such a sensitive soul is not always easy. Pisces has been known to wallow in suffering. It can go to extremes of surrender in order to escape life’s hard knocks, drowning its sorrows in the nearest rose-colored glass. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a dreamy energy that can be challenging to integrate, but oh what sublime creative visions it can bring to life, when effectively channeled. Pisces appreciates that the individual and the collective are one and the same; that the illusion that we are separated from one another is just that: an illusion.
This Pisces truth is expressed in a book I stumbled across years ago. It’s called Happier Than God by Neale Donald Walsch. At the end of Chapter 15, Walsch talks about his quest to find the answer to these questions: 1) What does it take to make life work? and 2) Why does my life have to be such a continuing struggle? Walsch credits a conversation with God with this answer:
“Your life does not have to be such a continuing struggle. The problem is simple. You think your life is about you. Your life is not about you.”
“It isn’t?” I asked.
“No,” God answered.
“Well, then, who in the world is it about?”
“Everyone in the world.”
The book then expounds on a simple, yet profound concept that “All Things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and All Things are part of the One Thing That Is.” Walsch makes the case that when you can apply this concept in day-to-day living, you will have mastered the key to success. Sounds pretty Piscean to me.
Pisces folk born 11-16 days into the sign should chat with Fish born a few days earlier about how spacey life seemed in the past two years. Lots of potential for creativity and soulful questing, though. I’d say the same is true for Geminis, Sagittarians and Virgos born in that range. May be time to check in with your local astrologer…
Famous Pisces include Kurt Cobain, Drew Barrymore, George Harrison, Dr. Seuss and Albert Einstein. All sensitive, soulful and sublime, in their own magical way.
Mercury will be in Pisces until March 5th. It suggests a need for thinking that is intuitive, rather than rational. On the upside, we might need a more compassionate take. On the downside, thinking that is based on empathy and compassion may not be the most practical in terms of execution.
Regardless of the Sun or Mercury in Pisces, the energy of today (Sunday) is driven by the Moon in me-me-me Aries. It seeks a way to fulfill its crusading agenda while getting ego recognition for its collective consciousness. An ambitious reach or buckets of rain on someone’s parade may weigh in around 7:15 PM ET, when the Moon is squared by stern Saturn. If the latter, Aries Moon doesn’t care. The best way to motivate an Aries is to tell them it can’t be done. Tomorrow is another day…and the Moon will still be in Aries, so there!
Note the potential for a power play on MONDAY, when the Aries Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto around 8:47 PM ET. A meet-up with disruptive Uranus at 6:11 AM ET on TUESDAY gets the post-holiday work week off to an exciting start…even though it immediately goes void until 2:12 PM ET. There’s your excuse for sleeping in, flaking on a scheduled meeting or any other disruptive twist to your morning. Go with the flow; stick to routine and don’t turn a molehill into a mountain. Chill!
Tuesday and WEDNESDAY are driven by a Taurus Moon, seeking stability and comfort in the material world. A vision-inspired initiative for a more perfect and beautiful world may emerge, courtesy of the only two exact planetary patterns this week (other than to the Moon). First at 1:42 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, Venus (women, beauty, money, social expression) and Neptune meet up in Pisces. Idealism, empathy, peace and love — all in harmony with high-functioning energy to take that vision and make it real. At 3:23 PM ET. Mercury will harmonize with Saturn. Make your pitch and alert the media.
On THURSDAY, the Moon will be void between 6:46 AM ET and 7:07 PM ET. The work week ends with a buzz, courtesy of a pixie-chatterbox Gemini Moon. Oh what tangled webs we weave (we may wonder), as the Friday afternoon news dump approaches.
And now, the news…
…in which we’ll list stories reflecting the potential of Saturday’s square (tension) between Mars in boundary-pushing Sagittarius and dreamy Neptune. Mars = guns, machismo, anger, action. Neptune = scandal, fog, illusion, forgiveness, oil, drugs and more.
First up — and about darn time — 13 Russians were indicted on charges of tampering with the 2016 election. How? A troll farm planted fake news on social media, drumming up support for P45, Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders, i.e., whatever it would take to pull votes away from Hillary Clinton. Mars-Neptune suggests conspiracy. “A former Russian troll speaks: ‘It was like being in Orwell’s world,’” reports WaPo. “Defiant and error-laden,” was P45’s typical noxious response.
One more story — and then enough about P45. Sharing this because it’s right on schedule, as Avid Readers will recall from last Monday’s forecast:
As he is the current occupant of White House, it is useful to look at P45’s horoscope for additional insight on how this eclipse may affect the nation. We see that it falls right on his Descendant, opposite his Mars. Immediately we think: relationship, aggression/assertion — brought to a close or otherwise interrupted, to make way for something new. Mars rules P45’s 9th House — which refers to messages to the masses, international and legal affairs. Stormy weather during this cycle, perhaps?
In October 2016 it was reported that the National Enquirer paid Playboy model Karen McDougal $150K for the rights to her story about her 2006 affair with P45. It was never published (don’t you wonder why?), but someone else spilled the beans to reporter Ronan Farrow. On Friday the New Yorker published excerpts of Ms. McDougal’s handwritten account.
Way to go, Ronan Farrow! And what a hot horoscope Mr. Farrow has. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus all in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. Uranus together with the Sun and Mercury suggests they broke the mold when they made him. Did you know he graduated college at 15 and then went to law school at Yale? Genius! With Scorpio Mars and Pluto together in the 8th House, we can appreciate a talent for ruthless dirt digging. It is fascinating to see that his 12 Sag Moon and Midheaven have been under the influence of transiting Neptune’s fog for the past couple of years. And yet — all last year transiting Saturn hit the rest of his planets in Sag. What has he produced in that time? Ruthless “get real” exposes on a Neptune keyword: scandal. First, Harvey Weinstein — and now P45. Did I mention that Mr. Farrow’s Ascendant is 28 Aquarius — thus impacted by the Aug 21st and last week’s eclipses? It is fascinating to also note that transiting Uranus is about to square his natal Venus at 26 Capricorn for the third and final time in just over a year. This suggests social expression that may shock or otherwise disrupt. Regardless, I foresee continued empowerment for him through 2018, as transiting Pluto squares his natal Jupiter.
I wish we had a birth date for Emma Gonzalez. This inspiring young woman survived last week’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Did you catch her impassioned, charismatic call to action on Saturday? It too, reflected the potential of a Mars-Neptune square, combined with the fierce humanitarian idealism of another pattern exact that day: the Sun conjunct Mercury at the very end of Aquarius. The voice of the future — yet we’ve been here before. When was that, you might ask. In the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1966. Students rebelled against the draft and the Vietnam war. It should not be surprising that now — in the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto square — we are seeing students rallying against another cause. A walk-out is being planned for March 14th, with more to come I’m sure.
It’s worth taking a few minutes to read the Wikipedia entry on Marjory Stoneman Douglas. A pioneering Aries with Moon in depth-seeking Scorpio, Ms. Douglas was also a journalist and fierce environmentalist who recognized that a call to “drain the swamp” of the Florida Everglades was total b.s. — and this was back in the mid-40s. We can see her potential revolutionary spirit in an opposition between rebel Uranus and her Aries Venus and Sun. Her Mars is at 11 Sagittarius, needing to push boundaries with righteous action. It is interesting to note that on February 14th, the day of the shooting, transiting Mars was exactly on her natal Mars. Translation: a new two-year cycle of action begins. I bet she’d be proud of Emma Gonzalez and her fellow students who are now speaking out. Heck, I bet she’d be marching with them. Birth data: April 7, 1890 in Minneapolis, MN. Died on May 14, 1998 in Coconut Grove, FL. RIP.
In other news…
- Before I had my first cup of coffee this morning, I confess I was puzzled over this item that WaPo included in its daily First Reads email: “How the Full-Beat Face Took Over the Internet.” Turns out it’s about the latest craze in make-up. In other words, glamour, illusion, women — happy Mars and Venus with Neptune. Duh!
- “Black Panther” lived up to the hype and has smashed box-office records.
- The New York Times is well-aware that most of the news these days is bewildering and depressing. Thus it’s put together a fairly new weekly feature, “The Week in Good News.” This week you can feel better reading about Chloe Kim, Mr. Rogers and a bison frise named Flynn.
I’m doing my part to bring you some positive, feel-good stories of real people making the best of these challenging times, too. Back in December a college chum starting blogging about her brand new life. She is a college professor, like her mother. Recently her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and about this time last year, a decision was made for my chum to take a sabbatical, help her mother sell the family home — and move to Rome. I encouraged her to write about her experiences. Her blog was launched on the Winter Solstice — with the Sagittarius Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn at the Aries Point. A serious work about aging (Saturn) that is destined for prominence? I hope you will enjoy the warmth and wisdom of Alexandra Miletta’s writing. Here is the blog — it’s called Roads to Rome — you can sign up to receive new posts by email.
Grazie mille for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
 Pisces – the fishes, detail from the Horoscope from ‘The book of birth of Iskandar”
…and off the races we go!
The Moon in Cancer drives the day with a need for emotional security, ideally focused on home/homeland and family concerns. A home-cooked meal with truly nourishing, easy-to-digest ingredients would be an apt start.
Note your dreams this AM, as the Moon is in harmony with Neptune at 10:20 AM ET. By the end of the business day, we’ll be approaching the Moon’s weekly clash with disruptive Pluto and Uranus, exact at 9:34 PM ET and 5:46 AM ET on TUESDAY. If you must pitch today, pitch earlier rather than later.
Moon goes void TUESDAY on a face-off with Mercury at 11:40 AM ET. Possible theme: tension between those who prioritize sensitivity and security vs. those who say “it’s just business!” East Coasters can take a long Moon-void lunch; West Coasters may sleep in or flake on that morning meeting. At 1:53 PM ET Moon enters regal drama king Leo, an apt backdrop for a State of the Union speech starring P45.
But wait, there’s more. Emotions are building to a crest — released at 8:27 AM ET on WEDNESDAY on the Full Moon. This is the second Full Moon we’ve had this month, which makes it a Blue Moon. It’s also a Supermoon, so the Moon will be looming large in the sky. Not only that, it’s a total lunar eclipse, so color it red. Most of the U.S. will be able to see it. Here’s a map that tells you what time and where.
Eclipses interrupt the regular flow of light and whatever other energy flows from the Sun or the Moon, like a river meeting a dam. This creates a bottleneck of energy that must eventually find a release, usually over the course of a few months’ time.
Eclipses often highlight an area of life where something needs to be brought to a close. Wherever the eclipse falls in your horoscope is where you may experience a bottleneck, followed by a release. That includes secrets. On the upside, this is an opportunity for positive change. Resistance is futile, especially if the karma cops are behind what is being shut down.
Look for 11 Leo (Moon)/11 Aquarius (Sun) in your chart and take note of the house which contains it, and planets or angles that are near it. FYI: in P45’s horoscope, Pluto will be eclipsed. According to astrologer Celeste Teal, an eclipsed Pluto “brings potential for many changes with the domestic sphere.” Pluto sits in P45’s 12th House, affectionately known as the house of “self-undoing.” It rules the 4th House, which refers to home, family and real estate. Jot down October 13th as a potential trigger date for this eclipse.
Let the record show that the Big Fat Solar Eclipse of Aug 21st at 28 Leo was triggered last week when Mars was at 28 Scorpio. If you have a planet or point at 28 Leo, Taurus, Aquarius or Scorpio, there was likely some action in that area of your horoscope. FYI, we will have another solar eclipse on February 15. It will hit at 27 Aquarius — and will thus also trigger the eclipse on Aug 21st. 27 Aquarius is within one degree of P45’s 28 Aquarius Descendant, a significant relationship point.
To be continued.
As for patterns for the back half of this week, Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on WEDNESDAY at 8:40 AM ET. It harmonizes with Mars on SATURDAY at 10:58 AM ET. An easy flow between the planets of action and communication suggests an apt time to walk your talk. An exuberant or indulgent potential is added in the days leading up to SUNDAY, when Venus (money, women, art, social expression) and Jupiter (excess) will square. More sexual secrets coming out would be my take, given what happened last fall when Venus conjoined Jupiter.
Moon voids for the rest of the week: THURSDAY 5:58 AM ET until 2:13 PM ET. SATURDAY 2:07 AM ET until 4:47 PM ET. You know the Moon void drill: no impulse shopping; stick to routine; no making mountains out of molehills. Chill!
And now, the news.
I promised you stories of shocks to the system in aviation, hi-tech and gender-benders, suggested by today’s tension between Mercury and Uranus:
Let the record show that Aziz Ansari’s horoscope (unknown birth time) suggests he’s bound to shake things up, with his Pisces Sun in a square to rebel Uranus and expansive Jupiter. His Moon is in Cancer — at some point this year or next, it will be opposed by streamlining Saturn. Could be happening any minute now.
What’s interesting in Mr. Ansari’s horoscope is his Mars at 29 Pisces conjunct his Venus at 0 Aries. This is the Aries Point, and Avid Readers know this suggests strong potential to become known for a yin-yang issue, likely prominently romantic or otherwise surreal. Why surreal? Because the Mars-Venus meet-up is square to nebulous Neptune — also at the Aries Point!! There is strong idealism suggested here, and a likelihood that what is presented is not as it seems…nor clearly understood.
Guess what the patterns were on September 25, 2017 — the night of the alleged date from hell? The Moon was in boundary-pushing Sagittarius, square to a Venus-Mars conjunction in hypercritical/perfection-seeking Virgo…which was in turn opposed by Neptune! How fascinating to see the patterns in Mr. Ansari’s horoscope echoed on this fateful date!
Below is a chart for the evening of the date — I’m using 7:30 PM ET — if anyone has an exact start time, I’ll adjust the chart. Remember, the Moon drives the bus in the horoscope. Where was the Moon headed on this date — and the morning after? A square to Neptune (confusion, fantasy, delusion)…followed by a square to Mars (anger, action)…followed by a meet-up with wet-blanket Saturn in the evening of the 26th (depression, rejection, reality check).

Not only that, but assuming the date started around 7:30 PM ET, the disruptive potential of this event is screamingly obvious by the presence of Uranus on the Ascendant and Pluto on the Midheaven. Venus and Mars — the two parties in this meet-up — are in an area of the horoscope better suited for slavery than romance. If the date started around 8:30 PM ET, we lose the slavery angle, but the disruption potential remains. And even though the parties involved are moving together, neither is in great shape, so one questions why the two should even bother to try. File under: be careful what you wish for.
Fun fact: on January 15th, the day after this account of the date was published, transiting Saturn squared the Sun in the “Bad Date” chart. Major wet blanket/reality check/ambitious advance indeed.
Moral of the story: if you have a hot date, ask your astrologer to check out his/her horoscope for clues on what to expect. Are the two of you remotely compatible? If you’re planning to set a date for an important occasion, ask your local astrologer to help you choose a time when luck is more likely to be on your side.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Dear Avid Readers,
I’m delighted to share this link to a recent conversation with astrologer/artist Chris Flisher. Chris has been interviewing fellow astrologers for over a decade on his weekly internet show, “Turning of the Wheel.”
Gratitude to Chris for the kind invitation — it was fun!

Allll righty then!
The Moon is promenading through regal Leo, where it has been since 2:22 AM ET. A Leo Moon needs constant love love love — as anyone who has ever been involved with someone with a Leo Moon knows. From now until the end of the day on THURSDAY, find ways to help others shine, even if it’s a simple compliment. Note the potential for pageantry and royal edicts. Indulge in a creative project — something fun and festive.
There are no exact aspects to the Moon today, but tomorrow morning starts off on an expansive and assertive streak, for better or for worse. Note the headlines in the hours just before and after 4:34 AM ET and 6:34 AM ET, when the Leo Moon will clash with aggressive Mars and bigly Jupiter, respectively. Thursday afternoon has an easier flow, faciliting innovation in thought and communication. Chill after 6:10 PM ET, when the Moon goes void…not to enter Virgo until 3:12 AM ET on FRIDAY.
Two patterns that may make things feel larger than life this week are 1) the aftermath of Monday’s Big Ginormous Supermoon in Cancer; and 2) the meet-up of Mars (action) in big big Jupiter on SATURDAY 7:39 PM ET. Next week has still more potency, suggested by banner patterns on the 8th, all suggesting a rare spirit of cooperation and communication. The next day brings the Sun’s annual meet-up with “power and resources” Pluto, joined this year by Venus (money, women, art, social expression). Take note of initiatives launched over the next several days, including the bigly “Bomb Cyclone,” heading for the East Coast as I type.
And now, the news.
Uranus turned direct yesterday. We could expect headlines involving jolts, shocks, aviation and astrology. Exhibit A: P45’s stunning Tweet in which he takes credit for yet another year of zero deaths on commercial airlines. Exhibit B: immigration computers at U.S. airports crashed. Exhibit C: for the third time in recent weeks, the NYT publishes a story about astrology: “How Astrology Took Over the Internet” . Congratulations, NYT for once again being in synch with planetary patterns, even if your reporter comes across as a bit of a skeptic.
UPDATE: Orrin Hatch (R-UT), whose horoscope hit a high point for honor and status in August, as discussed here. It seems it’s been all downhill from there. A potential streamlining and/or gravitas occurred in December, courtesy of transiting Saturn on his Sun and Moon — on the prominent Aries Point. Of course he’s going to be making headlines now. Next up: the third hit of his Uranus return and transiting Uranus square his 26 Cancer Ascendant, suggesting potential liberation — and likely a change of status, as suggested in that not-so flattering editorial in his local newspaper (and reported here last week). Mr. Hatch announced he will not seek re-election to the Senate this year. But don’t worry, with transiting Pluto squaring his Jupiter all year, he’ll still have access to plenty of power and resources.
UPDATE: Mitt Romney, whose horoscope has been a frequent topic over the years. Is 2018 the year for him to run for Hatch’s seat? Well, gosh golly gee, his horoscope looks like he’s due for a windfall opportunity, significant recognition and an intense manifestation of his Moon in Scorpio need for power and control; depth and substance. And the measurements suggesting that potential are above and beyond transiting Jupiter meeting up with his natal Moon and Jupiter on October 28th. It’s interesting to note that the last time he tossed his hat into the ring, visionary/foggy Neptune was in a challenging pattern to his Gemini Ascendant, and it made itself known in the news. If he goes for it this year, Neptune will be on Mercury, his Ascendant ruler. This suggests a need for vision in communication and thoughts, for better or for worse. Hmmm.
Neptune is hot this week, in harmony with the Sun and Venus. Paint it rosy, peaceful and artsy. That would be the upside, as in “77-Year-Old Ballerina Inspires Others to Pursue Their Dreams” — it’s a BBC video. Love it! Add in the shock of Uranus turning direct, and keep your fingers crossed at this peaceful initiative: “North Korea Calls South Korea Hotline in Diplomatic Breakthrough.” Here’s another one: “The Pianist of the Resistance Captures a Surprise Award” . Or this: “China’s Saxophone Capital Transfixed by Kenny G.” Kenny G? Sure, why not?
Also reflecting Neptune, but in a broader sense — and specifically, Neptune in Pisces: pot is now legal in California. As anticipated back in 2012, when Neptune first entered Pisces, drugs are becoming more accepted and also more problematic (opioid crisis; pharma prices through the roof). Here’s a post from 2012 about what went down the last time Neptune was in Pisces, starting in 1847.
UPDATE: Steve Bannon. Boy did he make headlines today. In a new book by Michael Wolff called Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, Bannon reportedly called P45 Jr.’s infamous meeting with the Russians “treasonous.” Clearly there is something provocative going on in Mr. Bannon’s horoscope, right? Of course there is. If it’s not in the horoscope, it’s not in the headlines. Exact today, transiting Mars (action! aggression!) is sitting right on top of his Mercury in Scorpio. Yeah, that’s potentially provocative. He could also be attacked. Astrology is amazing.
The White House issued a response to Mr. Bannon’s quoted remarks, directly “from the President of the United States,” which began:
When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind…
…which, as always, immediately made me think of a textbook definition of psychological projection:
1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial…
But Wolff’s book is so provocative, WaPo wonders if we should believe it:
A provocateur and media polemicist, Wolff has a penchant for stirring up an argument and pushing the facts as far as they’ll go, and sometimes further than they can tolerate, according to his critics. He has been accused of not just re-creating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.
Do we see that potential in Wolff’s horoscope (born Aug 27, 1953 — time unknown — somewhere in New Jersey)?

Just look at the dark blue triangle linking planets at the top of this chart (not a fully-calculated horoscope, mind you — just the lay out of the planets on that day). The apex of the dark blue triangle is Mercury and Pluto exactly conjunct — suggesting a persuasive and incisive mindset. They are in Leo — we anticipate drama! The two are in an easy flow with expansive Jupiter in blahblahblah Gemini (on the right), and in another easy flow with Saturn (real) and Neptune (unreal) on the left. Hmm.
If Mercury (how one needs to think) were in a hard pattern with Neptune (vision, deception, fog), it would suggest a mindset that would be more likely to have issues separating fact from fiction (P45 has a hard aspect between Mercury and Neptune — and it is the only aspect to Mercury in the horoscope). For Mr. Wolff, the provocative, blunt, take-no-prisoners conjunction between Mercury and Pluto is softened by its contact with Neptune, suggesting sensitivity, idealism and potentially a bit of poetic license — but what a page-turner.
What does your horoscope suggest about how you need to think and communicate? How is it different from the way your partner needs to think…or your children? Do any of you have the potential to write the Great American Novel? If so, when? These and other compelling concerns can all be addressed in a personal astrological consultation. Here’s how to contact me.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Alll-righty then!
Writing this during Tuesday’s 13-hour Moon void in Scorpio, looking forward to the lift I expect we’ll all feel once the Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:56AM ET on Wednesday. If you are new to this forecast (welcome!) and are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here’s a lengthy explanation of what it is and why it is helpful to know about them.
A Sagittarius Moon needs to express its righteous opinion. It can be blunt, coarse and brutally honest. It needs to push boundaries and expand horizons with great enthusiasm, and it’s always up for a gamble or a gambol. Fun Moon-in-Sagittarius activities include catching a foreign film, getting out in nature, engaging in a spirited philosophical debate. At 4:40pm ET, when the Moon is squared by fuzzy Neptune, you may find yourself contemplating a dreamy escape. A harmonious aspect between the Moon and Venus at 7:54PM ET bodes well for social enjoyment, rustic as it may be.
A push for empowerment and emancipation may be on your plate, courtesy of late Tuesday night’s meet-up between the Sun and Pluto at 10:26PM ET. The emancipation or other disruption of the status quo may be experienced as an upset or revelation between now and 7:22AM ET on Thursday, as the Sun squares Uranus. Certainly we’ll see it in the headlines….and oh, look — it’s 9:48PM — and this breaking news just hit the home page of The Guardian: “North Korean Nuclear Test Suspected as ‘Artificial Earthquake’ Detected”. Amazing how that works. If the Moon weren’t void, I might freak out about it. I think I’ll chill instead.
President Obama was right on schedule Tuesday morning, announcing his efforts to do something — anything — to curb gun deaths. What got noticed? The fact that President Obama spoke through tears, which we would expect. Why? His Venus in emotionally sensitive Cancer — running wild and at the Aries Point. His caring nature needs to be prominent, and with a measurement to Venus from soulful Neptune, we would not be surprised to witness still more prominent displays of compassion and empathy from him this year. Others may be numbed out by the violence, but he can’t be, given what’s going on in his horoscope. We can expect more sweeping initiatives this year, suggested by other patterns noted in Monday’s forecast.
The good folks at the Guardian have put together a useful chart where you can find out the number of gun deaths in your electoral district in the past year, and how your elected representatives are rated by the NRA. Mine all got an F, with $0 in campaign contributions from the NRA. Yours?
Closing with a quirky fashion piece that reflects the empowered potential of the Sun’s meet-up with Pluto, combined with the aesthetic ideal of Neptune square Venus. What does one wear to a power lunch? The NYT has the story — live from New York’s famous — and soon to close — power lunch spot, The Four Seasons.
And if you do check out the Four Seasons piece, you might see — out of the corner of your eye — this one, from a few months ago: “Armani and Missoni: In the Shadow of the Supermoon”. And if you happen to read the first few lines of that story, you will snorf.
MILAN — Milan Fashion Week came to a close just after a total lunar eclipse, the sort that indicates heavenly bodies in perfect alignment. As portents go, it doesn’t get much better than that.
The clothes, however, did not quite live up to the — well, astronomical implications. All that new energy everyone kept talking about during the week? It got a boost from a gently calibrated, Balthus-inspired Arthur Arbesser show, full of youthful (but not naïve) florals and tone-on-tone ghostly cat prints, but mostly felt gone with the blood moon.
Instead, Milan ended in retrograde.
Did you snorf?
I can’t even….
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.