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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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The Horoscope Lives Forever: Interview on Om Times Radio

Dear Avid Readers:

I was delighted to be a guest on a recent edition of “Standing in the Sunlight,” hosted by Cynthia Rose MacCaw on OmTimes Radio.  I hope you enjoy listening to our chat as much as we enjoyed having it.  Here is the link.  Thank you, Cynthia!


Stop Talking About the Planets! (the article)

This article was published in the August/September 2017 issue of The Mountain Astrologer. It starts like this:

Thanks to the November 2016 election and a well-timed ISAR conference, astrology generated a lot of press last fall in mainstream publications. Even The Wall Street Journal wrote about Hillary Clinton’s unconfirmed birth time and the challenge it posed for astrologers striving to predict the election outcome. The Wall Street Journal — wow! That’s great exposure for astrology, right?

I’m not convinced….

Read the full article here:

Stop Talking About the Planets

The Horoscope Lives Forever

When someone makes news, the horoscope is hot — whether that someone is alive or not. What’s happening when dearly departed souls return to haunt the headlines? This article — my first for The Mountain Astrologer — was published in the December/January 2017 issue.  Astrodienst selected it as a feature article shortly thereafter — read it here:


An Astrologer and a Psychic Weigh in on Designer Musical Chairs in Paris

“There’s nothing wrong with a little guesswork, but when it comes to real, bona fide intel on what’s going on in the always-turbulent world of chic, we turned to the experts, Astrologer Elisabeth Grace and psychic Peri Lyons to give us the dish on the futures of the most-watched designers in Paris. Grace studied the charts and Lyons channeled her sixth sense to provide some insight into how they’re faring in their roles both brand new and relatively recent. Did their different techniques produce similar results?”

Click here to read more at fashionweekdaily

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/8/2016: New Moon in Aquarius; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

The New Moon in Aquarius began at 9:39AM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around February 15th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 22nd, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on March 1st, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 8th (which will also be an eclipse, FYI).

Aquarius is a airy (mental), fixed (organizing) energy. Where Leo, its opposing sign, is concerned with personal creative expression and recognition, Aquarius needs to focus on the expression needs of a particular group or group consciousness. For some reason John Stuart Mill and his idea of doing “the greatest good for the greatest number” pops into my head, even though Mr. Mill had no planets in Aquarius. He was a practical yet visionary Taurus, with Mercury and Mars in easy alignment with Jupiter in earthy Capricorn. We’d expect him to walk his talk, and he had plenty of provocative things to say, still relevant nearly 200 years year later.  We humans are slow learners, in spite of our whiz-bang technology.

Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it.

The chart for this New Moon has Uranus, ruler of Aquarius in a cooperative connection with the Sun and Moon, suggesting  innovative, status quo-disrupting ideas affecting the masses  are likely to be key throughout this lunar cycle. With Saturn (old guard) in alignment with Uranus (avant garde), we can expect these ideas to attempt to re-invent the wheel. That applies in your own personal world, too — especially if your horoscope has a planet or angle around 20 degrees of Aquarius — and to some extent Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Don’t know where your planets are? Then why not order an Astro-Basics Report — or schedule a personal consultation with your local astrologer, who will be happy to explain it all for you.

What might be inspiring our efforts to reinvent the wheel? Whatever flashes of insight and/or shock to the system we may have received last week — and especially the weekend — regarding relationship — with the public, a significant other or ourselves. What cuts need(ed) to be made? What truth(s) needed to come to light? How will that impact your relationships?

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon — at 20  degrees of Aquarius — is “a big white dove, a message bearer”. As usual we turn to Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee for additional insight, who notes this image is “one of communication borne by a creature of the sky; a peaceful message from a heavenly source.” Interestingly, he also notes that that “white” is seen when light is reflected “without sensible impression of the visible rays of the color spectrum”. Color blind?  Hmmm. Politically, Bovee notes that white is a “conservative” color — as opposed to the “fiery” hue of “radical inclinations”. Spiritually, Bovee associates white with “purity”. And then, just to confuse everyone, he notes that “white” can in fact be burning — as in “white-hot”…or cool, refreshing and pure as the driven snow.

How are we to apply this Symbol? What might we see reflected in the headlines? On the upside, Bovee suggests “genius that finds the sacred everywhere…listening for unique language; messages of relief precipitated by intense, burning reverence”. Also to the upside: “a strong sense of community”. On the down side: intense extremes…and “affinities for a host of world-religion motifs”. However it manifests, I hope we’ve seen the end of the long list of beloved music greats who took their leave last month, beginning with David Bowie. That seemed to be an eerie but apt reflection of last month’s New Moon Sabian Symbol, “a hidden choir singing”.

As an eternal optimist, this month I will glom on to the part about messages of relief and a strong sense of community, so true to the spirit of a New Moon in Aquarius.  The “messages” theme is echoed by Mercury (mind, communication), which will be back at 0 degrees of Aquarius on February 13th, which is where it turned retrograde on January 5th. So by the end of the week, we should be back up to speed, having integrated whatever deep review we went through in January, with special attention paid to the revelations that came to light during the last week of the month. Got that? FYI, Sarah Palin’s Mercury is 0 degrees Aquarius. Perhaps she’ll have a message for us later this week, too.

More on today and the rest of the week. The Aquarius New Moon went immediately void (9:39AM ET), offering us an opportunity to chill and ready our intentions for launch once the Moon is fully engaged in Pisces. That happens at 3:31AM ET on TUESDAY, when the only exact aspect we’ll have is a meet-up with visionary Neptune at 6:03PM ET. A day to go with a sensitive, focused flow?

If you think of the Moon as a pinball bouncing off bumpers (which symbolize the other planets) in an-old-fashioned pinball machine, Wednesday’s pinball Moon bounces six times through the day, before falling back to the bottom of the machine for a reload. Translation: higher potential for a faster pace and more action. The time it take for the pinball to reach the bottom of the machine corresponds to the duration of the Moon void. Can you appreciate how the energy of the falling pinball is different that when it bounces with direction and force off of the bumpers? Wednesday’s void begins at 11:25PM ET; it ends at 4:55AM ET, when the Moon races into Aries, driven by a need to lead and inspire.

Also on Wednesday — at 2:54AM ET — Venus (love, women, money, values, social expression, aesthetics), after being supercharged over the weekend, gets a little boost from expansive Jupiter. Many astrologers might say that a harmonious aspect between the two planets traditionally associated with good fortune is peachy keen-o. If you have a planet around 22 degrees of Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus, let us know how the day flows.

My plan is to recap the news in a post later tonight or tomorrow. Lots of fun stories to share. Oh — all right — here’s one to savor until I can pull the rest of them together. I confess I did not watch the debates among either party’s  candidates over the weekend. But I did note the write-ups and I especially noticed this video showing the awkward, flaky, spaced-out start of the Republican debate on Saturday. Watch it, and — quick —  what planetary patterns immediately come to mind? If you answer “Moon void! Strong Neptune!” then I am very proud of you. That’s what I thought before I even looked at the chart for Saturday, February 6th at 8PM in Manchester, NH.  And indeed, the Moon was void — and Neptune was in  an obsessive-compulsive relationship with an important angle of the chart.  Isn’t that fun?

Other patterns add to the potential for an implosive debut.  Apparently the debate was quite combative, aptly reflecting the witchy-bitchy  potential suggested by planetary patterns. I did not take the time to see how the patterns were impacting the horoscopes of the debate contenders.

Astrology is amazing. Thank you for reading this forecast. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of the Free World.



Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 9/11-12/2015: Thoughts on Dead Moons; New Cycles & 9/11

I don’t know how this day has flown by so quickly, but I’ve had a lot on my mind and plate — too much to post a forecast. The Moon is now in Virgo, driven by a need for correctness, preferably delivered in the spirit of humble service, as opposed to neurotic nit-picking. It is the end of the lunar cycle, suggesting we may be feeling restless or listless, as we intuitively sense that a new cycle is about to begin, but we don’t know what it is. Plus, the New Moon is an eclipse. Plus, Mercury is slowing down — about to turn retrograde on the 17th. Plus, Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (spirit, vision, blood, healing, fantasy, illusion, delusion, empathy, etc.), are almost exactly opposed — and this amplifies the potential for dreamy spacey wigginess, IMHO. See? Humble.

Today and Saturday are good for wrapping up old projects and contemplating what you want to REVIEW during the next lunar cycle. The review is brought to you by Mercury retrograde. So clear your desk, organize your files, clean up your diet and your house.

Meanwhile, it being September 11th, there are posts all over the web and images flooding the airwaves. Some posts are questioning the wisdom of approaching this day with a mindset of “Never Forget”. So I decided to re-post my forecast from September 12, 2012:

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/12/2012: Let It Shine

So yesterday was September 11th, and it was the 11th anniversary of an act of violence that stunned the world and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge this in yesterday’s forecast because, frankly, I was living in New York on That Day. Then I noted someone on Facebook opining that on every September 11th since, all of America gets very patriotic, while New Yorkers just get somber and quiet. So I thought, “OK, I’ll post something.”  After all, the Moon was in Cancer (needing to focus on homeland/emotional security; America is a Cancer nation, etc.), and it was slowly approaching a square to serious Saturn, suggesting a need for gravitas.

Here’s what I wrote:

What I remember about That Day was how quiet the city became in the aftermath. We gathered at night in public places, needing the support of community. We gave up our defensive edges. We slowed down. Drivers did not honk their horns. With whomever we met in the course of the day, we would take the time to look into each others’ eyes and ask, with heartfelt sincerity, “how are you”?

We approached each other with such loving kindness — back then — perhaps because we were all so conscious of our collective shock and grief. Everyone seemed to know someone who knew someone who had died…or was at Ground Zero and escaped, covered in ash…or was supposed to be there, but Fate intervened, and they missed their train or their appointment in the city was canceled or whatever. Point is, we all had a story to tell…and a connection to this experience that connected us to each other. We were able to see ourselves in each other.

Time passes…it heals wounds…and we forget. And often, we forget the connection. Separation — which is an illusion — creeps back in. It’s us against them. We racing to get here, there, everywhere. We get impatient with each other and start honking our horns again…or worse. And yes, I do have a thing against people who honk their horns and I have a byline to prove it — in the New York Times, no less  — how cool is that? Point is, we are still sharing the same human experience — in a Big Picture, yet profoundly simple way. Even though we may forget.

These thoughts led me to decide as my tribute to 9/11,  I would pretend to be an exalted human being — and try to act accordingly — during the course of my errands in the city. That meant taking the time to consciously assess whomever I  engaged and imagining myself in their position before promoting my own agenda.

The employee behind the counter at Pret A Manger, for example, was a 20-something man with a wonderfully grounded, friendly intelligence. I thought about where he was at in his life — working behind a counter for probably not much more than minimum wage — and I wondered what his dreams might be at this nascent stage of his career. And as we were discussing the comparative merits of the caffeinated beverages offered at this fine establishment, I found myself telling him what a great job he was doing, and that I was certain his attitude and attentive presence would take him very far in life. I put my two dollars on the counter to pay for my coffee (decided not to spring for the cappuccino), and darned if he didn’t say, “It’s on the house”.

What a delightful surprise. What a lovely connection.

And what, pray tell, does this have to do with anything astro-logical?  How about this: with today’s Moon in playful, regal, sunny Leo, you are encouraged to let your light shine! Practice senseless acts of beauty and acts of random kindness. Remember, that was the challenge presented at the beginning of this lunar cycle — the New Moon was in Leo on Aug 17th, right? Show the world the results of your intention. Shine! You’ll be aided by lovely connections to the Moon from loving Venus and electric Uranus,  ’round about lunchtime on the East Coast. You’ll be helped even more by another lovely connection between Venus and Uranus, suggesting you expand your networks and allow yourself to be open to encounters that are delightfully unconventional and unusual…based on the simple premise that we are all on the same ride in the big scheme of things. That stranger on the bus could be your new best friend, even if it’s just for the few minutes you share until you arrive at your stop.

And look…here’s a song to inspire you…so many versions to choose from. Take your pick of Odetta, the Boss or the Templet Family Band. A tough choice, for sure.OMG, here’s Brenda Lee, too.  The Odetta version opens with a passage written by Marianne Williamson that may give you chills….and…oh wow. Apparently Odetta sang this song(with the Harlem Boys Choir) on the first Letterman show after 9/11. I did not know that…until now.

And for now I’ve made a note to act as if I am an exalted human being: kind, considerate, humble and service-oriented in my efforts to make things right — at least through these next couple of days driven by a Virgo Moon.

Thank you for reading this forecast.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/25/2014: Heavy, Man

A fleeting upset or power play….or a flash of insight may rattle your morning, as the enterprising Capricorn Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus at 7:54AM and 9:25AM ET, respectively.  Go about your business for the rest of the day, noting the potential for a weighty focus as the evening progresses, courtesy of the annual meet-up of mental Mercury with controlling Saturn in equally controlling Scorpio. If you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Scorpio, that’s where you’re feeling the ambitious reach, sobering reality check or gravitas. Consult your local astrologer for details.

As noted yesterday, mind and communication are front and center this week, in ways that may be expansive, heavy and bewildering — possibly all at the same time. Thus it was fun to read Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week yesterday and marvel once again at the synchronicity of two symbolic languages: astrology and Tarot.

And speaking of communication, after my effort yesterday to make it absolutely clear how you can receive your very own Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmark (2015 edition), I felt like the Lord of Swamp Castle. If you’d like a bookmark, type your MAILING ADDRESS in the  Message Box, you’ll find by going here. I do not need your birth data in order to send you a bookmark, and that’s the last you’ll hear about bookmarks  for at the next several days.

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with your friends.