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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Astrological Forecast for Thursday 4/4/2013: Passion in the Works?

Hooray, hooray, hooray! The Moon gets into gear in the freedom-loving, humanitarian sign of Aquarius at 4:41AM ET, aiding all efforts to be socially significant, unique or just plain weird. Planetary patterns are quiet during business hours, suggesting no jolts or power plays to throw you off track. At 8:02PM ET there’s a communicative hook-up between Moon and rebel Uranus, which fosters innovative exchanges and maybe a tech story or two. At 9:48PM ET we’ve got a potential wet blanket or reach for ambition suggested by stern Saturn in Scorpio squaring the independent Moon. That’s it. Still pretty quiet, compared to the rambunctious activity of the past few weeks.

In fact, the only exact aspect between any two planets (not including the Moon) between now and April 16th happens just after midnight ET on Sunday, April 7th. And gosh, I hope you have a date between now and Sunday…or can spend some time in a place where passion might ignite. The aspect in question is a hook-up between receptive Venus and proactive Mars in the sign of impulsive, fearless, inspiring and passionate Aries. Those born around the 10th of April, July, October and January will likely feel this burst of energy more than most, as will those with a planet or angle at 20 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Could be sizzling; could be more sparks that you can handle (so don’t fly off one) — let me know how it goes.

And now, the news. I can’t believe I missed this absolute gem when it hit the wires on March 29th, three days after ruthless Pluto squared Mars and two days before it squared the Sun. Pluto  suggests “news from underground,” as in “Gate to Hell Found in Turkey”. Here’s another, posted just minutes ago: an anonymous leak exposes the identities of thousands who are hiding wealth offshore. Here’s a more thorough piece on the latter story. Maybe the Gate to Hell is really in the British Virgin Islands.

Capturing the breaking-down-barriers energy of so many planets in pioneering Aries, combined with the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square is this stunner, from Macon, Georgia: “High School Students Organize First Integrated Prom”. Yeah, I’m speechless, too. Macon seems light-years away from New York…

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/3/2013: Mind the Void

The industrious Capricorn Moon, which drove ambition and achievement yesterday, loses steam at 6:35AM ET, after a feisty challenge from aggressive Mars in me-me-me Aries. How interesting to wake up to a study on the New York Times home page about pedestrians and cyclists injured by self-absorbed, aggressive drivers (a startling number of accidents occurred when the pedestrian was in a crosswalk, with the traffic signal suggesting it was OK to cross).

This dynamic Mars-Moon connection sets the tone for the rest of the day, during which the Moon will be void-of-course. In other words, it won’t make a connection with any other planet until it enters the next sign, Aquarius, on Thursday at 4:41AM ET. Use this day to chill, take care of routine things and be patient with whatever twists crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. During the all-day void on Monday, a reader reported spending two hours carefully transcribing a batch of TV promos that were allegedly just going to be updated, only to have the designated authority figure proclaim that they should really create a whole new campaign. OK, no problem — and completely understandable, given the void.

In other news, the former governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, who made the Appalachian Trail famous when he told staffers he was hiking it (when in fact he was in Buenos Aires with his mistress, to whom he is now engaged) won a primary race in his current bid for Congress. Well of course he did, given that Jupiter the cosmic sugar daddy, turned direct on Sanford’s Gemini Sun earlier this year. Not only that, but Sanford’s Mars in feisty Aries is being supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square, and if he was born in the early morning, his Cancer Moon is, too. That’s a lot of impetus for taking action, feeling empowered and/or dramatic changes of status, for better or for worse.

If you are a Gemini born around the last couple of days in May, you may be feeling rather lucky and expansive, too.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 4/2/2013: Up & At ‘Em — and Baseball, Too

Take advantage of the enterprising nature of the Moon in Capricorn and check off things on your to-do list — the earlier, the better. Note the potential for a surprise jolt, revelation or other disruption of the status quo as the Moon is challenged by electric Uranus at 4:25PM ET. A power play or emotional catharsis may develop by 9:10PM ET, when potent Pluto meets up with the Moon. It’s all building to the final challenge to your New Moon agenda set on March 11th, as the Third Quarter Moon is squared by the Aries Sun at 12:36PM on Wednesday morning.

Tomorrow the Moon will be void-of-course for 22 hours, starting at 6:35AM ET…not to enter Aquarius until 4:41 AM ET on Thursday. Get it off your desk today or suffer the consequences of unexpected twists in your efforts to move forward and/or your efforts being all for naught, unless you happen to be the underdog in a sports competition. And here I would be thinking of baseball’s opening day yesterday, in which the Mets, the Cubs and the Red Sox were all winners. I am pleased to say I bet a dollar on the Red Sox, knowing that the Moon was void in Sagittarius (especially sporting sign) and being assured by a colleague, a diehard Yankees fans, that the Sox were absolutely, positively not favored to win. The Sox beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium, 8-2. Isn’t that interesting? Let’s see how the underdog teams do on Wednesday…

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/1/2013: Your April Fool’s Punchline Here

As reported last week, the work week begins with a optimistic bust: the high-flying, mind-expanding Moon in Sagittarius is void-of-course as of 1AM ET…not to enter enterprising Capricorn until 1:35AM ET on Tuesday. Are you extending the long weekend (for many) by one more day? Great — you’re not missing anything at the office. So no need to stress out if you are working and happen to be running late.

I say “optimistic” bust because despite the lack of lunar connections which otherwise help move actions forward in a straight line, the feisty Aries Sun makes a supportive connection with jolly Jupiter at 8:24AM ET. Perhaps the worst that could be said about this aspect is the potential for righteous opinions that may be flying around, though it is possible that they may be in response in whatever power play happened on Sunday, given ruthless Pluto squaring the Sun at 11:03PM ET. Sending F-22 fighter jets to North Korea, anyone?

Pluto squaring the impulsive Aries Sun, combined with the still-relevant Mars (aggression) hook-up with erratic/shocking Uranus, both also in impulsive Aries, suggests still more acts of disturbing and seemingly random violence. There were plenty of reports of shootings all weekend; check your local front page for details. News from underground is also a Pluto theme, as is energy/resources, so it is no surprise to see this icky news footage of an oil spill in Arkansas — running like a river down a suburban street. And how about this report of excavations in the Sudan?

In other news, nebulous Neptune has been running wild in the heavens for several days now, suggesting that the following themes have been pulling focus since then, including, but not limited to, the following:  drugs, oil, ocean, delusion, spirit and sacrifice. Regarding the last item, I was intrigued to see this article grace the front page of the New York Times Sunday Magazine — “Is Giving the Secret to Getting Ahead?” As opposed to ruthless exploitation? Wow. What a concept….

Back to you in the studio….