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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/12/2015: Mercury Direct; Jon Stewart; Pluto & More

Allll-riighty, then!

Big news  is Mercury turning direct yesterday at 9:57AM ET. Patience and focus as you move about and attempt to communicate or work with gizmos that allegedly facilitate communication. On Tuesday I was certain I’d posted the forecast early in the morning, only to discover after 12PM that I had failed to complete the posting process. I started writing this forecast yesterday morning, but kept needing to step away from it until now. You do not want to hear what’s going on with my printer. Patience. Focus. Breathe!

The Scorpio Moon goes void at 12:32AM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until 11:46AM ET. Regular readers know that Moon voids suggest natural breaks in the action, offering opportunities to chill or focus on routine concerns. The flake factor is higher, as efforts to move forward in a straight line are more likely to be subject to unexpected twists and delays. Crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing.

Spirits tend to lift when the Moon leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius — huzzah, huzzah!  It’s an apt time to expand your horizons, go for a gamble or a gambol, take in a foreign film or other entertainment outside your comfort zone.

And now, the news.

Funny how the news continues to be The News, as we’d expect with Saturn in Sagittarius suggesting a major reality check in mass communication and belief systems. First, Jon Stewart made headlines Tuesday night when he announced he would leave The Daily Show at the end of the year. Then, NBC announced that Brian Williams would be suspended without pay for six months for saying things that were not true about his experience in Iraq. It didn’t take long for one newspaper to suggest they just switch jobs.

In the linked article, Mr. Stewart notes that he’s been feeling restless, and frankly, we’d expect him to be questioning his purpose in life over the past two years, given that nebulous Neptune has been making contact with so many planets in his horoscope (birth time unknown). His maverick sensibility is clearly evident, as is no small amount of idealism and a need for social expression that reflects substance and artistry. But it’s likely been quite a fog in his quest for new vision. I’m glad he hasn’t set an exact departure date, as the fog is not likely to lift until after March. Whatever projects he pursues next, however, the progress of Saturn through his horoscope in 2015 suggests a pressing need for serious ambition and gravitas is likely to blossom. End of the year seems like an apt time for a separation.

Elsewhere, transiting Pluto is now exactly squaring the U.S. Saturn, suggesting a particularly difficult, anguished exercise. Pluto challenges us to change our perspective. It insists we face the truth. On Tuesday, for example, the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama, published a report on the history of lynching in America. The report lists close to 4000 names of African Americans who were killed in the South between 1877-1950. Bryan Stevenson, the director of the organization, has proposed that the sites of these brutalities be marked with a plaque. Perhaps raising awareness will foster a greater understanding and healing of racial prejudice and inequality as it exists today.

Meanwhile, reflecting upheaval in matters of power and resources suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square, Apple announced this week that it is going solar — the wave of the future! Elsewhere, more Pluto in Capricorn corruption was exposed at  a financial institution. This time it’s Swiss bank HSBC, which “helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions.” And on Sunday, the NYT published the first of a four-part series, “Towers of Secrecy,” investigating the buyers of multimillion dollar condos, many of whom are foreign and use shell corporations to conceal their identities. What might the NYT have been seeking to discover?

Federal banking guidelines are clear: “Banks should take all reasonable steps to ensure that they do not knowingly or unwittingly assist in hiding or moving the proceeds of corruption.” This means screening customers to determine whether they are “politically exposed people” — foreign officials and their relatives and associates — and filing a “suspicious activity report” if the customers transfer unusually large amounts of money.

But such checks are not required on money flowing into the country through shell companies to purchase high-end real estate….

Finally, some feedback I received from a 13-year-old Scorpio reader, who thought I could have done a better job with Friday’s forecast. Let’s call him Rex, because it means “king” and this boy is nothing if not noble. This isn’t the first time his feelings have been hurt by something I wrote. He’s objected to my use of the word “ruthless” to describe the typical Scorpio, and given certain sensitive and empathic measurements in his horoscope, I can appreciate that.

Truth be told, I use that word partially in jest, as Scorpios are often teased for scaring the bejeebus out of people based on the fact that they exist. But a closer look at my online dictionary defines “ruthless” as “merciless” and “cruel”. That does seem too harsh for all Scorpios in general. Thus I put it out to Scorpios reading this: if there was one word you’d like people to use in describing your awesome Scorpio-ness, what would that word be? Do drop me a line, and I will share the results.

Rex thought “ruthless” would be a more accurate word for ISIL, which he’s discussed in his 7th grade current events class. He objected to my effort to segue between two news items reflecting the fiery illumination suggested by last week’s Full Moon in Leo, opposed by Jupiter. Connecting a story about the inner workings of the Sun with the most recent ISIL atrocity using clever wordplay was “crude,” he thought. Calling the perpetrators “unfeeling” did not go far enough:

“I think America can be unfeeling at times and then not so much sometimes, ’cause we just are who we are – sort of see things in our “American” way, but we always try to “get” what other people feel.  But those people are BARBARIC in the literal meaning. No, worse. They need a new word: Isilisticism…’cause their “way” is to not EVER  see ANYBODY else as equals or human.”

Not being able to see oneself in the eyes of another; i.e., “as equals or human,” is exactly what I was trying to express with the word “unfeeling”. Plenty of thinkers have opined that people who do horrible things lack empathy. They do not see the Divine in others; they do not understand that what they do to other people, they also do to themselves. I agree with those that believe we all come from the same Source; we are all connected. That being said — dear Rex — please know it is never my intention to offend. I thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.

Do you remember what I said about Friday’s Sun-Jupiter opposition offering the potential for recognition or an expanded reach for anyone with a planet or angle around 17 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus? Rex has Mars at 17 Aquarius and Venus at 16 Scorpio. We’d expect his need for deep social expression, supported by a need for humanitarian action to be expressed — and it was!  Neat, huh?

“But how would I know if I have a planet at one of those degrees?” wrote Mark, another avid reader. Answer: order the Astro-Basics Report for $18, and you will receive a copy of your horoscope, a computer-generated report listing your planets, what signs and houses they are in, and how they relate to other planets. I will include a personal note about the reigning need of your horoscope. When you understand your reigning need, then you can take conscious steps to fulfill it in ways that are productive and satisfying. You’d be amazed at the number of people who do not fully appreciate what they need in order to be happy. Thanks for asking,  Mark!

And thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 2/10/2015

Good Morning!

Yesterday’s all-day Moon void in Libra suggested a wandering drift, surprise twists or “much ado about nothing” crises in the area of relationship. Toss in Mercury retrograde, suggesting communication snafus, and you’ve got an apt backdrop for the muddled mess that erupted in Alabama over gay marriage. A federal judge issued an order legalizing it; on Sunday, Alabama’s Chief Justice ordered judges not to issue marriage licenses; on Monday, the Supreme Court said it would not block the federal judge’s ruling; hence, the muddled mess, as some counties heeded the federal judge and others heeded the Chief Justice, Roy Moore.

I love how the NYT reporter in the first linked article observes that this “legal showdown…echoed the battles over desegregation here in the 1960s.” Avid readers of this forecast are aware that the upheaval of the 60s happened in sync with the three Uranus-Pluto conjunctions that occurred in 1965 and 1966. The upheaval we’re experiencing now is in sync with the next stage of that cycle; i.e., seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares, the last of which will occur on March 15th.  Coincidence or conspiracy?

Now, about today. The Moon plunged into Scorpio at 2:05AM ET, driving the day with a need for depth, substance, power and control. Contact with Neptune at 3:15PM ET adds a visionary flavor to the mix. Elsewhere, mental Mercury is slowing down once again, about to turn direct tomorrow at 9:57AM ET. Please be especially focused in your efforts to communicate and even more patient as you travel about. We’ll likely need the rest of the week to adjust to Mercury’s forward motion, as we realize that some of the Really Great Ideas we came up with in the past few weeks need a bit of refinement. Lucky us, there are no other heavy and exact planetary patterns this week, except for those to the Moon.

In my next post, I’ll share some feedback I received from an avid reader — a 13-year-old Scorpio who asked his mother to write me with his thoughts on the forecast posted on Friday…stay tuned…





Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/6/2015 & the Weekend: Full Moon Fallout


The Moon in analyzing, organizing Virgo (as of 12:46am ET yesterday) has had its work cut out for it in the aftermath of Tuesday’s blowout  of a Full Moon in rip roarin’ Leo. To celebrate, a study was released today that attempted to catalog all the germs found on the New York subways….with startling results.

How big a deal you make of efforts to be righteously correct depends on how personally your horoscope is affected by the expansive, expensive face-off between Sun and Jupiter (also in Leo) at 1:20PM ET. Got a planet or an angle around 17 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio? That big deal might be a bright, shiny reward — an opportunity to shine or expand your reach. I have a planet on one of those degrees, and this week I uploaded my 1000th post to Yay, me!

Wrap up the details of the week, and stick to routine matters as of 5:09PM ET, when the Moon goes void  on a potentially snippy aspect to action hero Mars. Watch where you are going, will you? It can be challenging to stay focused and present during a Moon void AND Mercury retrograde when you’re out and about. Moon doesn’t engage in the next sign — Libra — until 1:44PM ET on Saturday. Huzzah and hooray for a morning perfectly suited to sleeping in.

Later, the relationship-focused Libra Moon gets a boost of added emotional depth, courtesy of a communicative alignment between Venus in compassionate Pisces and transformational Pluto at 12:51AM Sunday. You got something to talk about? Perhaps you and your partner can reach a new level of understanding. Patterns are quiet most of the day on Sunday, until the late afternoon when the Moon makes its weekly contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square. Sudden jolts, power plays and other revelations may be expected.

The Moon will be void on Monday from 6:58AM ET until 2:08AM ET on Tuesday — pretty much a bust, but good for taking care of routine matters, or a day off.

And now, the news.

How cool, in sync with  Tuesday’s Full Moon in Leo and today’s Sun-Jupiter opposition, to see an in-depth article in the NYT about the Sun. The Sun is ruled by Leo, doncha’ know. Elsewhere, the U.S. can celebrate a “blowout” jobs report — the biggest increase since 2008. This makes perfect sense when you consider that the U.S. Sun at 13 Cancer is being supercharged by the third hit of the potentially empowering Uranus-Pluto square. As noted in a prior forecast, in the wake of a similar transit, Canada enjoyed a spate of excellent economic news, in which its middle class surpassed that of the United States. It’s this year’s third hit of Uranus-Pluto to the U.S. Saturn at 14 Libra that is likely to be more challenging, especially since we will experience another eclipse on that degree on April 4th.

Not at all cool — even with planetary patterns suggesting an emphasis on fire —  was the senseless death of the captured Jordanian pilot at the hands of unfeeling militants. If there is any silver lining, it may be that this act has sparked an angry backlash “throughout  the Arab world,” as today’s NYT editorial reports.

Here in New York, headlines have been focused on a fiery train crash which killed six people when it collided with an SUV. From eyewitness accounts, it appears that the driver of the SUV was not thinking clearly when she drove onto the tracks. Please stay focused when you are in transit, especially with this Mercury retrograde.

Speaking of which, Mercury retrograde suggests that stories or people from the past may come up for review. NBC News anchor Brian Williams can certainly relate to that, as a story he told about being under fire in a helicopter while in Iraq has now, upon second look, been shown to not be true. We don’t have an exact birth time for Mr. Williams, but even so, we can see how a certain need for obsessive “feel-good” idealism in thinking in communication might play out. We can also see how his mindset and communication are likely to pushed further into the public eye than they normally are, as his Mercury will be supercharged by Uranus and Pluto, suggesting a need for a change in perspective. Currently his Mars at 14 Cancer is being hit by the square, suggesting the potential for startling risks and extremes in efforts made at this time. It is also possible that his me-me-me Aries Moon is also being hit by that disruptive challenge. What does it mean to be Number One?

Other “second look” stories of note: a former Al-Qaeda operative says that some Saudi royals supported Al-Qaeda in the early 90s, prompting calls to declassify a Congressional report that was released some years ago. Meanwhile, Harper Lee, author of the undisputed classic, “To Kill  A Mockingbird,” announced that a sequel — written decades ago — will be published this year. I don’t have time to talk about the patterns in her horoscope that reflect this series of events, much as I would like to. Nor do I have time today to talk about the astro-logic of Bruce Jenner’s ongoing transition from male to female that made headlines this week, except to say that it feels like such old news, given that Mr. Jenner’s evolution was noted and commented on in the Fall of 2013 by astrologer Noel Tyl in his astrology forum…and that wouldn’t cable news shows be much more interesting if they invited professional astrologers to provide commentary, instead of The Usual Suspects. Why not send an email to your local cable news director today…and while I’m on the subject…

…what’s going on in your horoscope?

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life with your astrologer.  Here’s the 411 on scheduling a personal consultation.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday & Wednesday 2/3-4/2015: Full Moon in Leo

The Full Moon in Leo, exact at 6:09PM ET, suggests ego needs brought to the surface, seeking recognition and perhaps conflicting with the needs of the  group. It also suggests illumination on whatever projects you started on the New Moon two weeks ago. Leo suggests drama, play and royal entitlement, but the regal swagger is tempered today by a tolerant and innovative alignment from Uranus. Nice.

Even the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are festive. For the Moon in Leo we have “a pageant”; for the Sun in Aquarius we have “two lovebirds singing on a fence”. I’m inclined to stop right there. Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes. Perhaps you’ll be test-flying an idea you had around January 5th, when mental Mercury made a Really Useful connection with practical Saturn. You’ll have a chance to consider that idea again around February 19th, when that level-headed connection reoccurs and wraps up the cycle.

Clear your desk before the Moon goes void with an exuberant sigh at 12:31AM ET, on expansive meet-up with Jupiter. The Moon will be void all day on Wednesday, so take care of routine tasks, chill out, take a Mercury retrograde snow day and roll with any twists that thwart your efforts to move forward in a straight line. You can clean up the confetti when the Moon enters Virgo at 12:32AM ET on Thursday.

And now, the news.

I was looking for a story reflecting yesterday’s tech-friendly, “we the people” alignment between the Sun and Uranus, and I found a couple. First, the FCC is expected to make a case this week that the internet should be regulated as a public utility. Second, President Obama presented his $4 trillion budget proposal to Congress, declaring that he wanted “to work with Congress to replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America.” You’ll have to read the article for all the details.

Meanwhile, we’re seeing outbreaks of measles and plenty of outrage on both sides of the aisles on whether parents should vaccinate children against this type of disease. This story began to get serious traction on the New Moon on January 20th, when Mars (the Red Planet) met up with Neptune (rules viruses) in Pisces; its been developing since mid-December, with reports tying the outbreak to Disneyland.   Doctors are offering conflicting opinions. Even politicians are weighing in. Will tonight’s Full Moon offer further illumination? Here’s a start. If you don’t know much about measles, check out the Wikipedia link.

In other news, guess what happened to singer Missy Elliott after her halftime performance in Sunday’s Super Bowl? According to the Washington Post, who lauded her for her innovation and that you “can’t sit still listening to her music”:

As of Monday afternoon, Missy Elliott’s songs had cracked the top 15 on iTunes charts, with “Work It” at number four, “Get Ur Freak On” at number six and “Lose Control” at number 12. Her songs also spiked on Spotify. According to the service, Missy Elliott experienced a 676 percent increase in streams from before the Super Bowl halftime Show…

We’d expect Missy Elliott to generate buzz, given the electric Sun-Uranus square in her horoscope. She hasn’t released an album since 2005, but reportedly plans to release one soon — presumably just in time for Uranus to supercharge her Mercury (and along with Pluto, probably her Libra Moon, too), facilitating a successful comeback.

Closing now with a headline I hope you will find amusing and reflective of the potential confusion one can experience when Mercury is retrograde. Ready?  “German neo-Nazi party cancels protest after boarding wrong train.” 

Don’t let this happen to you! Please double check your travel plans, schedules and communication with fellow humans until Mercury turns direct after February 12th.

P.S. — If you sent me an email through my website in December or January, I probably did not receive it, which is why I did not write you back. My contact form has now been REpaired, so please write again or call me to schedule a personal consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together!

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/2/2015: Super Bowl Recap

Slow start or twist to your morning routine? Meetings postponed or flaked upon? The Cancer Moon has been void of course since 8:37AM ET Sunday, and it does not enter Leo until 12:41PM ET. If you slept in this morning, everything likely turned out just fine. Take care of routine matters this morning and go with the flow of whatever interferes with your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Once the Moon enters Leo, the energy of the day is primed for applause. How can you shine, and help others shine, too? Leo Moon also paves the way for drama kings and queens, and we can expect some to take center stage, as the Moon waxes to its fullness at 6:09PM ET Tuesday.

Planetary patterns are relatively light this week. Mercury is still retrograde (how many people from your past have turned up and how many meetings have you rescheduled)? Uranus and Pluto are inching closer to their seventh and final exact square on March 15th. The latter is the one that suggests sweeping upsets and changes of status, sure to be experienced personally by anyone born halfway through Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer. A good birthday gift for them would be a consultation with an astrologer. It will put all of those changes into perspective. Same goes for anyone with a planet or angle at around 15 degrees of those signs.

Your Moon voids for the week, in addition to today’s: Wednesday 12:31AM ET until Thursday 12:46AM ET and Friday 5:09PM ET until Saturday 1:44PM ET. Impulse shopping sprees are to be avoided. Same goes for finalizing deals and plans, as they are more liable to change.

And now, the news.

I was quite pleased to see that nearly all of the commercials  in yesterday’s Super Bowl fell into the sweet, sensitive and sentimental category. “What is this, Lifetime Movie Network,” tweeted my sassy friend Toni. Exactly. Thank you, nurturing Cancer Moon, with Venus and Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Make love, not war. And the winner was in fact the most sentimental and soulful ad of all, as predicted. Congratulations to the lost puppy reuniting with his Clydesdale pals.

Planetary patterns suggested a close game with surprise twists favoring the underdog and spectacular communication snafus. What did you think? I was fascinated to see that in the very last minutes of the game, which included a sublime touchdown (by the Patriots), followed by “the worst call in Super Bowl history” (as the Pats intercepted a pass thrown by Seattle a few feet from the end zone), nebulous Neptune was front and center, driving the action of the horoscope for the game.Bewildered? Bedazzled? But of course! And I suppose the underdogs did win after all, as Seattle was the defending champion…and that (also as predicted), those deflated balls were of no consequence at all.

In other news, the no-nonsense fiscal potential of last Friday’s Venus (money) – Saturn (get real) square was reflected in this item on why you should tell your children how much money you make. Venus also refers to women and aesthetics, which is why it made sense that this bit about the harshness (Saturn) of renowned author Colleen McCullough’s obituary (this one published in the Australian) made headlines everywhere. Life can seem like a bitch with heavy Venus-Saturn patterns. Apparently, death can, too.

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life with your astrologer.  Here’s the 411 on scheduling a personal consultation.