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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/29/2015 & the Weekend: Color It Rose

Take note of your dreams this morning….

After a potential jolt to the peace-loving Libra Moon at 8:17AM ET, the day is mostly free and clear. Ship it before 4:20PM ET, when the Moon goes void on an indulgent contact between the Libra Moon and Venus (money, women, social expression, values). TGIF and head for the nearest happy hour.

Moon enters emotionally intense Scorpio at 5:34AM ET, looking for depth, power and control. Idealism runs high through the weekend, many may be walking and talking with blinders on — or in a rose-colored fog. Don’t worry, it will lift a bit next week…

There’s no Moon void to detour your shopping adventures this weekend, but with Mercury retrograde, I would not invest in a major purchase. Feed your soul instead — with senseless beauty and random acts of kindness. You can probably get away with a late start to the work week, as the Moon will be void on Monday between 7AM and 2:39PM ET…

And now, the news.

Here’s a random post from almost four years ago, noting a few events that hit the wires in a prior Neptune-Sun-Mercury extravaganza. This was before someone taught me how to use hyperlinks…

Talk about shrouded in fog. Big news today is that former House Speaker Denny Hastert has been indicted on charges of lying to FBI agents about millions of dollars paid to an “Individual A”. This unknown person received these funds as compensation for an equally unknown transgression on the part of Mr. Hastert…leaving much to the imagination. It should surprise no one who reads this forecast that planetary patterns on Mr. Hastert’s January 2, 1942 birthday have been mightily supercharged by Uranus and Pluto over the past few years. His 11 Capricorn Sun and 18 Capricorn Mercury have been under pressure, along with his sensitive (degree unknown) Cancer Moon.

More Neptune on the home pages:  “In Europe, Fake Jobs Can Have Real Benefits”; Delusionary Thinking in Washington”; “Detailed Plans vs. ‘A Whole Lot of Crazy‘”. That last story refers to James E. Holmes, whom you may remember as the man who dressed up as The Joker and killed people at the midnight premiere of a Batman movie. The “detailed plans” refer to his Moon in Virgo; the “crazy” refers to Neptune running wild. His horoscope was covered in this forecast here , before an exact birth time was known.

Heavy Neptune, combined with other patterns, sometimes calls up an image of pouring oil on troubled waters. My teacher once said that Neptune “puts ambition to sleep”. In the Middle East, the entity known as ISIS has conquered Palmyra, but oddly enough, it has not destroyed the city’s “magnificent Greco-Roman ruins”…at least not yet.

Neptune is one of the planets associated with memory. How interesting to see this story: “Amnesia Researchers Use Light to Restore Lost Memory in Mice”. Meanwhile,  this story of healing borders on the surreal:  “Woman Comes Face-to-face with her Dead Brother’s Transplanted Face”.

Want to buy your own magical Neptunian retreat? Neverland, Michael Jackson’s former home, is for sale.  Or just escape into your mind with Google’ new virtual reality device. Last but not least, “Water: the Strangest Chemical in the Universe”.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Feeling a bit bewildered? You may be going through a heavy Neptune transit. A personal astrological consultation can bring you clarity and solid strategies for making the most out of what is often a confusing time. Here’s the 411 on consultations. We will have a excellent discussion together.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/26/2015: Weird, Wild Neptune — All Week Long

Good Morning!

Still a lot of pixie dust in the air this week. Could be magical and mystical. Could be a total scam. More likely a little bit of both…with an added touch of the surreal. Why?

Mercury is still in retrograde, encouraging us to slow down, review, reconnect, relax. Mercury is in Gemini, along with the Sun and action hero Mars, so we can expect a need for a bit of buzz.

Mercury meets up with Mars on Wednesday, suggesting tongues may wag ever so sharply. Mercury meets up Neptune on Friday, suggesting a need for vision or a rose-colored fog. Mercury meets up with the Sun on Saturday, reinforcing those idealistic rose-colored glasses. On Sunday the Sun is squared by Neptune.

Dream away — but be advised that your visionary reverie may require a reality check once Mercury turns direct on June 11th. Still, it can be a sublime time to be an artist, musician, healer or some other spiritual type. You’ll understand when I tell you about some of the headlines we saw under the spell of last night’s wiggy Neptune-Mars square.

The Moon is in Virgo, continuing the quest for perfection it started on Monday. We had a First Quarter Moon yesterday, too — suggesting a challenge to the New Moon projects you began last week. Moon goes void at 10:21PM ET…not to enter the next sign, Libra, until 5:42PM ET on WEDNESDAY.  Yet another reason to chill and not verbally shoot from the hip in the foggy potential outlined in the preceding paragraph.

The only other void this week happens between 4:20PM ET on Friday and 5:34 AM ET on Saturday. So what, big deal.

And now, the news.

I love the headlines that crop up when rebel Uranus squares off with Venus (social expression, values), which it did last night. In the few days leading up to this “can’t we all get along?” pattern we saw Ireland — yes — Ireland — become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. And then the president of the Boy Scouts announced that gay scout leaders were A-OK, and perhaps it might be time to stop banning them.  And the Girl Scouts formally welcomed transgendered girls into the club. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Now add the bewildering scam potential of a charged Mars-Neptune contact to the mix, and what is on the NYT home page as I type: “Maligned Study on Gay Marriage is Shaking Trust”.  Fascinating.

My favorite Mars-Neptune pixie dust story is this one: “Five hundred new fairy tales discovered in Germany”.  Spellbinding! Mars-Neptune also refers to Hollywood glamour and movie magic…and along with the “unconventional women” potential of Uranus with Venus, this item about last of the silent movie stars is aptly timed. Find out where she is now! Also aptly timed: a story about the “fairy godmother” who helps out Broadway divas Kelli O’Hara and Kristin Chenoweth — and she’s quite an eccentric character, too.

Seriously, why are these stories making headlines now?

And then there’s this one — just posted on the NYT home page — which begins:

The High Line.

Shake Shack.

The ballet.

Fleet Week is not what it used to be.

Fleet Week is the weekend that New York welcomes hundreds of sailors to town.  Neptune refers to the sea…and things are especially bewildering this year, as the sailors have apparently traded alcohol for other transporting experiences.  Neptune also refers to drugs…and apparently druglords can be tourists in New York, too. And we’re hearing about it now.

Neptune refers to water in general…and charity. Here’s an apt story: “NYC-based investment firm helps Detroit residents pay water bills, avoid shutoff”. Meanwhile….toxins? Poisons? Music? Neptune!Stronger Regulations of Toxic Chemicals” is the headline of Monday’s NYT editorial. Elsewhere, B.B. King’s daughters have alleged that their father, who passed away last week, was poisoned.

Wait — there’s more. Neptune-Mars suggests a potential for scandal. Case in point: Josh Duggar, the eldest son of the Duggar tribe resigned his post at the Family Research Council after he was “forced to acknowledge” that he had been investigated for molesting underage girls when he was a teenager.

Before I glanced at planetary patterns on March 3, 1988 (Duggar’s birthdate), I had a strong hunch we’d find a challenging relationship between Mars and Neptune. Sure enough, they are together. along with Saturn and Uranus. Challenging indeed. Astrology is amazing.

Alrighty, then. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little focus on (mostly) Neptune. We’re likely to see plenty of similarly-themed stories this week — and now you know about the planetary patterns they will reflect. Those born in the first ten days of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo are more likely to be affected than most.

As always, if you’d like to find out how planetary patterns are influencing whatever bewildering state you might be in…and how to successfully chart a course through all that fog…then by all means schedule a personal consultation. Here’s the 411.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/12/2015: Mercury Direct; Jon Stewart; Pluto & More

Allll-riighty, then!

Big news  is Mercury turning direct yesterday at 9:57AM ET. Patience and focus as you move about and attempt to communicate or work with gizmos that allegedly facilitate communication. On Tuesday I was certain I’d posted the forecast early in the morning, only to discover after 12PM that I had failed to complete the posting process. I started writing this forecast yesterday morning, but kept needing to step away from it until now. You do not want to hear what’s going on with my printer. Patience. Focus. Breathe!

The Scorpio Moon goes void at 12:32AM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until 11:46AM ET. Regular readers know that Moon voids suggest natural breaks in the action, offering opportunities to chill or focus on routine concerns. The flake factor is higher, as efforts to move forward in a straight line are more likely to be subject to unexpected twists and delays. Crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing.

Spirits tend to lift when the Moon leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius — huzzah, huzzah!  It’s an apt time to expand your horizons, go for a gamble or a gambol, take in a foreign film or other entertainment outside your comfort zone.

And now, the news.

Funny how the news continues to be The News, as we’d expect with Saturn in Sagittarius suggesting a major reality check in mass communication and belief systems. First, Jon Stewart made headlines Tuesday night when he announced he would leave The Daily Show at the end of the year. Then, NBC announced that Brian Williams would be suspended without pay for six months for saying things that were not true about his experience in Iraq. It didn’t take long for one newspaper to suggest they just switch jobs.

In the linked article, Mr. Stewart notes that he’s been feeling restless, and frankly, we’d expect him to be questioning his purpose in life over the past two years, given that nebulous Neptune has been making contact with so many planets in his horoscope (birth time unknown). His maverick sensibility is clearly evident, as is no small amount of idealism and a need for social expression that reflects substance and artistry. But it’s likely been quite a fog in his quest for new vision. I’m glad he hasn’t set an exact departure date, as the fog is not likely to lift until after March. Whatever projects he pursues next, however, the progress of Saturn through his horoscope in 2015 suggests a pressing need for serious ambition and gravitas is likely to blossom. End of the year seems like an apt time for a separation.

Elsewhere, transiting Pluto is now exactly squaring the U.S. Saturn, suggesting a particularly difficult, anguished exercise. Pluto challenges us to change our perspective. It insists we face the truth. On Tuesday, for example, the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama, published a report on the history of lynching in America. The report lists close to 4000 names of African Americans who were killed in the South between 1877-1950. Bryan Stevenson, the director of the organization, has proposed that the sites of these brutalities be marked with a plaque. Perhaps raising awareness will foster a greater understanding and healing of racial prejudice and inequality as it exists today.

Meanwhile, reflecting upheaval in matters of power and resources suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square, Apple announced this week that it is going solar — the wave of the future! Elsewhere, more Pluto in Capricorn corruption was exposed at  a financial institution. This time it’s Swiss bank HSBC, which “helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions.” And on Sunday, the NYT published the first of a four-part series, “Towers of Secrecy,” investigating the buyers of multimillion dollar condos, many of whom are foreign and use shell corporations to conceal their identities. What might the NYT have been seeking to discover?

Federal banking guidelines are clear: “Banks should take all reasonable steps to ensure that they do not knowingly or unwittingly assist in hiding or moving the proceeds of corruption.” This means screening customers to determine whether they are “politically exposed people” — foreign officials and their relatives and associates — and filing a “suspicious activity report” if the customers transfer unusually large amounts of money.

But such checks are not required on money flowing into the country through shell companies to purchase high-end real estate….

Finally, some feedback I received from a 13-year-old Scorpio reader, who thought I could have done a better job with Friday’s forecast. Let’s call him Rex, because it means “king” and this boy is nothing if not noble. This isn’t the first time his feelings have been hurt by something I wrote. He’s objected to my use of the word “ruthless” to describe the typical Scorpio, and given certain sensitive and empathic measurements in his horoscope, I can appreciate that.

Truth be told, I use that word partially in jest, as Scorpios are often teased for scaring the bejeebus out of people based on the fact that they exist. But a closer look at my online dictionary defines “ruthless” as “merciless” and “cruel”. That does seem too harsh for all Scorpios in general. Thus I put it out to Scorpios reading this: if there was one word you’d like people to use in describing your awesome Scorpio-ness, what would that word be? Do drop me a line, and I will share the results.

Rex thought “ruthless” would be a more accurate word for ISIL, which he’s discussed in his 7th grade current events class. He objected to my effort to segue between two news items reflecting the fiery illumination suggested by last week’s Full Moon in Leo, opposed by Jupiter. Connecting a story about the inner workings of the Sun with the most recent ISIL atrocity using clever wordplay was “crude,” he thought. Calling the perpetrators “unfeeling” did not go far enough:

“I think America can be unfeeling at times and then not so much sometimes, ’cause we just are who we are – sort of see things in our “American” way, but we always try to “get” what other people feel.  But those people are BARBARIC in the literal meaning. No, worse. They need a new word: Isilisticism…’cause their “way” is to not EVER  see ANYBODY else as equals or human.”

Not being able to see oneself in the eyes of another; i.e., “as equals or human,” is exactly what I was trying to express with the word “unfeeling”. Plenty of thinkers have opined that people who do horrible things lack empathy. They do not see the Divine in others; they do not understand that what they do to other people, they also do to themselves. I agree with those that believe we all come from the same Source; we are all connected. That being said — dear Rex — please know it is never my intention to offend. I thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.

Do you remember what I said about Friday’s Sun-Jupiter opposition offering the potential for recognition or an expanded reach for anyone with a planet or angle around 17 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus? Rex has Mars at 17 Aquarius and Venus at 16 Scorpio. We’d expect his need for deep social expression, supported by a need for humanitarian action to be expressed — and it was!  Neat, huh?

“But how would I know if I have a planet at one of those degrees?” wrote Mark, another avid reader. Answer: order the Astro-Basics Report for $18, and you will receive a copy of your horoscope, a computer-generated report listing your planets, what signs and houses they are in, and how they relate to other planets. I will include a personal note about the reigning need of your horoscope. When you understand your reigning need, then you can take conscious steps to fulfill it in ways that are productive and satisfying. You’d be amazed at the number of people who do not fully appreciate what they need in order to be happy. Thanks for asking,  Mark!

And thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/19/2012: A Sneak Peek at the Whole Week

Planetary patterns are light on this first day of a short work week (for most of us in America). A friendly, detached Moon in Aquarius is uplifted by an easy connection from jolly Jupiter in the early morning, then coasts along unimpeded for the whole day. Only at 10:22PM ET does it make a challenging connection to mental Mercury in stubborn Scorpio, which we may see reflected by intense communication or snarled traffic.

Activity picks up on Tuesday, including a First Quarter Moon, which brings a challenge to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Sun (life force) and Venus(social expression) change signs on Wednesday, suggesting a day of adjustment and the need for still more patience on the busiest travel day of the year (as if Mercury retrograde wasn’t enough to challenge your patience).

The sublime and the surreal continue to pull our focus and on our emotions, as nebulous Neptune is approaching connections with two planets, exact early Thursday morning (Thanksgiving Day). No reason why you can’t put on your rose-colored glasses, raise a crystal goblet (or two or three), and bliss out through the afternoon.

Thursday night is when the mood turns feisty,as Moon enters me-me-me Aries and spends early Friday colliding with aggressive Mars and unpredictable Uranus. Mars and Uranus are not marshmallows, and they’ll be squaring off against each other early Friday morning, too.  On the plus side, we can expect technological breakthroughs in the news and daring acts of independence that may or may not be heroic. On the down side, this transit often accompanies accidents and explosive, impulsive actions. You will feel this challenge more than most if you were born around the 25th of March, June, September and December…or if you have a planet or point around 4 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

It is this Mars-Uranus challenge, combined with an impatient Aries Moon that leads me to suggest skipping the mall on Friday, as the mood is bound to be pushy. Should make for some exciting football games, though. Mars is also fast approaching a hook-up with ruthless and potent Pluto, exact on the 27th (next Tuesday). The last time we saw Mars making challenging connections to Uranus and Pluto was July 17th and 18th, just before the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, at the premiere of The Dark Knight Returns. I found it very interesting that an equally violent plot was in the works for last weekend’s premiere of Twilight. Thankfully, the plot was foiled.  And thankfully, this month’s challenges among Mars, Uranus and Pluto are not happening within a 24-hour span, suggesting less intensity than what we experienced in July. We’ll talk about positive applications of this dynamic planetary configuration later in the week. No need to be fearful; just be mindful.

Wow! I just outlined most of the week. Here are your Moon voids: Tuesday 9:31AM – 11:55AM ET; Thursday 1:32AM – 8:12PM ET; Friday 8:34PM – 7:18AM on SUNDAY (OK, skip the mall on Saturday, too). And here’s where you can find out more information on Moon voids, if you are new to this forecast (welcome)!


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/22/2012: Magical Mystery Tour

First, a bit of housekeeping — and gratitude to the reader who called my attention to the non-functioning links in recent forecasts. They are now all functioning, and by special request, here is an encore presentation of the link to the Joan Armatrading song, “I’m Lucky” from yesterday’s forecast. There are worse ways to start the day, especially in the beginning days of new lunar cycle.

Moon is still running strong in chatterbox Gemini, focusing the day on information and communication — especially really big ideas and worldly viewpoints. Anyone up for a philosophical discussion? Depth and substance in social interactions of a most congenial kind are favored around 5-7PM ET.

Magic, spirit, healing, film, music, art and other intangibles; confusion, delusion, dissolution — these themes may run strong in your world for the rest of the week, as nebulous Neptune challenges both the Sun (on Wednesday at 4:57PM ET) and mental Mercury (on Friday at 5:38PM ET). In the language of astrology, Neptune refers to things that may not be as they seem…or a force which dissolves whatever it touches. It suggests spiritual highs and the rosiest of dreams. It seeps through boundaries. It can cast a veil of illusion over a person, thing or idea — not a bad to have if you’re an actor on a stage…a wizard…a mystic…or a snake oil salesman. With Venus retrograde, you can enjoy the pixie dust and mirrors…without worrying about making a commitment to the show at this time.

Oh — one more thing — the Moon goes void at 6:51PM ET, giving you 12 1/2 hours to cast a few spells without consequence until Moon enters Cancer at 7:31AM ET on Wednesday and demands a focus on emotional security.

More anon…



Astro-logical Forecast for 2/12/2012: Whitney Houston, RIP

From Saturday through Wednesday we build to a potential outpouring of emotion and inspired thinking that can be delusional, practical and/or transcendental. The emotions are suggested by Wednesday’s challenge between ruthless and oh-so-deep Pluto and Venus (love, women and money); the thinking is suggested by Tuesday’s exact hook-up between mental Mercury and nebulous/inspired Neptune and Monday’s easy connection between Mercury and disciplined, sober Saturn. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that these patterns seem perfectly aligned with the outpouring of emotion expressed by the public after Whitney Houston’s sudden passing at age 48 on Saturday afternoon. I’d say 85% of the posts on Facebook right now are tributes to Whitney Houston. The other headline I’m seeing right now is that Catholic bishops are rejecting Obama’s compromise on contraception, which could be seen as another possible manifestation of a Pluto (ruthless, resources) challenge to Venus (women, money) and Neptune (fantasy, illusion, intangible) connected to Mercury (mind, communication)

In your own personal world, Sunday may well begin on a balanced note, with an ease of communication courtesy of a trine between Moon in cerebral Libra and mental Mercury in equally cerebral Aquarius. As the day progresses, sober Saturn weighs in, either dampening spirits or providing needed structure to your plans for world domination. This Saturn-Moon hook-up is exact at 4:09PM ET, followed by an hour long void; Moon enters moody bastard Scorpio at 5:01PM ET, promptly co-mingles with nebulous, glamorous Neptune and sets the tone for the nebulous, glamorous celebration of music (an intangible), known as the Grammys.

Whitney Houston was born August 9, 1963 at 8:55PM in Newark, NJ. Sun in regal Leo, with Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Aries. The prime directive of this horoscope is a huge need to be seen as inspiring, pioneering and Number One (if you have Moon in Aries, or if you are in a relationship with someone with Moon in Aries, now you know what they need). With Moon and Jupiter in the first house, we’d expect her to be an entrepreneur — someone who needs to do her own thing in her vocation. All together, these planets are in a pattern that suggests tremendous projection of an aura of self-sufficiency and a defensive posture that interferes with relationship.

Contrasting that need for self-expression and affirmation is a heavy emphasis on planets in the Western hemisphere, suggesting Houston gave herself away to others at the expense of developing her own strengths. An emotionally sensitive, downright watery Pisces ascendant would add to that vulnerability…and Mars, running wild in the area of the horoscope related to partnership, suggests tremendous energy applied to relationships and/or the general public for the sake of self-worth (or lack thereof).

Houston’s Sun (life force) and Venus (social expression, aesthetic sense) together in Leo suggest a sunny idealism; both are squared by Neptune, which likely reinforced an idealized or bewildered sense of self. Artistic talent and charismatic appeal would be another potential…and a need for a rose-colored outlook on life. How far does someone go to keep those rose-colored glasses on? Drugs? Well, drugs are one possible avenue for a horoscope with a strong Neptune under high tension.

Meanwhile, an intense hook-up between mental Mercury and ruthless Pluto in Virgo (the eternal perfectionist/critic) is a sure sign of sharp verbal communication (vocal perfection?) — and in Houston’s case, likely experienced in one-on-one relationships (the two planets are in Houston’s 7th house).  Rebel Uranus adds nerves, excitement, genius and risk — again likely played out in partnership — and in the body. Other aspects suggest a huge influence on the part of the mother; a remote or overly strict relationship with the father (the latter relationship likely created anxiety over her ability to be loved). Another connection involving Jupiter, Pluto and the Aries Point is nearly always a sign of fame — or at least association with — the rich and famous. Which is likely why everyone in the Free World is posting tributes on facebook…and I’m writing this forecast instead of the one I planned to write about Clint Eastwood, the perfect timing of his”Halftime in America” Super Bowl commercial (given that Mars is retrograde), and what the heck is going on in Greece.

As one would expect, there are patterns of dynamic stress active in Houston’s horoscope at this time.*  Ruthless Pluto, for example, is exactly square that runaway Mars, suggesting tremendous force and a potential for accidents. Stressful patterns or not, 48 seems way too young to exit, stage right. Rest in peace, Ms. Houston. Right now, you are Number One in our thoughts and prayers.

*the horoscope never dies; it is not unusual for posthumous tributes and/or a resurgence in popularity to coincide with planetary patterns…amazing, isn’t it?


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/21/11: Revolution Earth

No exact aspects today except for a potentially potent & cathartic challenge between Moon in fair-minded, peace-loving Libra and ruthless Pluto at 6:04AM ET. A cranky encounter with a moody woman? A spat over resources and other possessions? Perhaps nothing at all, because you’re not even awake at 6:04AM ET for gawdsake?  Aspects from Moon move fast — blink and you might miss ’em.

Yesterday’s exact square between nebulous Neptune and Sun was reflected in many headlines. Neptune refers to oil, water and toxins. Here’s a must-read piece about all three in the New York Times Magazine Neptune also refers to spaciness and fantasy, delightfully illustrated in this bit from The Onion,10881/ Of course pepper spray is also a toxin, and if you haven’t been keeping up on the story of the alleged police officer nonchalantly blasting students at UC/Davis and sending at least one to a nearby hospital, have a look The toxic incident has since been turned into fine art, also represented by Neptune  In other news, the word “fantasy” was featured in this piece on the Super Committee Coincidence or conspiracy?

Meanwhile, social unrest in Egypt is again in the news. Regular readers of this forecast will recall that revolution in Egypt was making news some months ago, about the time that rebel Uranus, disruptor of the status quo, was approaching zero degrees of Aries. Zero Aries is the degree of the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring (think it’s a coincidence they’re calling the unrest in Arab countries the “Arab Spring”)?   A planet near zero degrees of Aries tends to call attention to itself — big time. And right now Uranus is approaching that zero degree again, as it moves backward through the sign of Aries. Uranus turns direct on December 10th, so we may well see more big news of  social unrest/rebellion around that date — in Egypt and elsewhere, too. Here’s an example of unrest in Wisconsin, in which over 25,000 people gathered over the weekend to support a petition to recall Governor Scott Walker, suggesting difficulties that were anticipated for Gov. Walker around the early part of 2012 may well come to pass Revolution Earth? It’s right here, courtesy of the B-52s

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/15/2011: Home Sweet Home

Add “preserving homeland security” to the emotional security needs of Moon in Cancer, which I’d argue include possession of certain territories. Preserving homeland security — “safety” — is the argument I’m listening to right now as Mayor Michael Bloomberg explains why the NYPD moved in under cover of darkness last night and evicted Occupy Wall Street, arresting at least 70 protestors Frankly, I think it has less to do with “fire and safety hazards” and more to do with a certain press release that hit the newsrooms yesterday, announcing OWS’s intention to “shut down” the stock markets on November 17th.  Such a huge burst of energy and/or grand schemes is not inconsistent with the easy connection suggested by a very physical Mars and expansive, philosophical, “big picture” Jupiter, exact Wednesday at 5:08PM ET. And that burst of energy will find a release, one way or another.

Also in effect this week is an approaching challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, exact on Sunday. On the plus side, Neptune is terrific for artists, musicians, healers and other visionaries. On the down side, Neptune can add an element of confusion, bewilderment, fantasy, deception and outright lies. Keep this in mind if you’re looking for a dose of reality or just the facts. What is said and/or presented may not be as it seems (see paragraph above for one possible example).

In your own personal world, be aware of physical energies bottling up — and find a healthy release in exercise or productive creativity. Your latest project can benefit from the boost, if channeled consciously.  Moon continues in Cancer all day long. If you’re feeling crabby or super-sensitive, go ahead and blame it on the Moon ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/20/2011

Proactive, status-seeking, enterprising, perspicacious. A reasonably smooth flow to all that marks this day with Moon in make it happen Capricorn joining forces with emotionally intense Pluto. Get down to business, even though it’s Friday.

A counterpoint to the serious business vibe is nebulous Neptune’s approaching square to the Sun, suggesting fantasy, delusion, illusion, transcendence and other intangible pursuits.  Hmm. Serious business vibe combined with fantastic ideas about the value of an intangible product? Sounds like a scenario for a “soaring” debut for Linked In  Real or unreal?

More on the rest of the weekend later, assuming the world is still here on Saturday, though I must say the planetary patterns do not suggest an immediate demise ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/16/2011

A quick follow-up on the horoscope of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Back in March, I noted a heavy transit to controlling Saturn from ruthless Pluto, exact in mid-February 2011, suggesting “the threat of loss in any area of life; hard, hard work; the threat of self-destruction”, with the observation that this heavy connection would repeat in June and December. Also still in effect is an equally tough connection with ruthless Pluto and aggressive Mars, suggesting, “extreme force, persuasion, brutality, control, excessive effort”. As of last week, nine state senators — six Republicans & three Democrats will be on the ballot in a recall election on July 12th; Governor Walker and his legislative majority are apparently working overtime to pass its agenda before then,-Wisconsin-GOP-attempts-to-ram-through-conservative-wish-list

Another follow-up: Donald Trump. When we looked at his horoscope a few weeks ago, we noted nebulous Neptune currently opposing his royal Leo ascendant. This suggests he may be having trouble seeing himself clearly, and he may be having issues related to deception and betrayal of trust in relationship. Was it a coincidence, then, to see this headline last week: “Trump Sued by Deceived Buyers” (with gratitude to Mr. Trump for recently providing astrologers with his birth certificate, so we could confirm an accurate birth time).

Meanwhile, the Space Shuttle — after several Mercury retrograde schedule changes thanks to technical issues (not surprising) — is scheduled to lift-off at the attention-grabbing time of 8:56AM EST. The general rules in astrology favor launching a mission while the Moon is waxing, which it is. So far, so good.  It’s also currently running wild in the intense, controlling sign of Scorpio. It could be quite a show; the day is ripe for high hopes and inspiration, either grounded — or sharply contrasted with conservative, stubborn thinking.  Hmm. That sounds like a scenario for the continued debates in Congress on raising the debt ceiling and what will be extracted as a “compromise,” I believe are also going on today.

Getting back to things “spacey.” This week features a challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, suggesting bewilderment, refinement, confusion, transcendence, fantasy and other means of escape. This challenge is exact in the early AM hours on Sunday, shortly after the world is allegedly coming to an end on May 21st the Scorpio Full Moon on Tuesday, followed by a connection between Venus-Mars and Pluto on the 20th does suggest the potential for “news from the underground” (including seismic activity), my sense is that it is far more likely that those who firmly believe the world is ending on the 21st will wake up feeling very confused on the 22nd when they wake up and the world is still here. Should be an interesting week of revelations and very creative spin.